Underestimated Talent

The Lucky 7

After finishing your 5th and 6th class you finally meet your last. As you enter through the door you observe the room and find a seat. You feel glad for coming to class early as you got the chance to pick a good seat. Happily looking around the room your gaze is suddenly fixed to the door as all seven boys from earlier walk through. You curse under your breath. “Crap…”

Of course the first person to notice you is Jackson. “YAH. Guys it’s (y/n)!”

You wave hi to them and smile.

He excitedly comes and sits next to you without asking. He cheeses at you, expressing his excitement for having another class with you.

Bambam then seats himself next to you. “Is it okay if I sit here with you, noona?”

You blush and tell him sure. I mean…you can’t say no to his baby face.

The rest of the boys find a seat either in front or behind you. Yugyeom and Youngjae are sitting in front next to each other while JB, Jr, and Mark are sitting together behind you.

More students start to fill up the seats and then class finally starts. The teacher introduces himself and decides that he wants to showcase everyone’s musical talent as a self-introduction whether it be singing, rapping, dancing to music or playing a musical instrument.

After the other students have gone, Jackson, Bambam and Mark volunteer themselves as next. They perform a freestyle rap song where Jackson is showcasing his beatboxing while Mark and Bambam do the rapping.

You become intrigued by their talent as your jaw drops. Jackson’s beatboxing is extraordinary and sensational as he makes beats with his mouth, lips, and tongue. You find it to be extremely impressive. Bambam raps effortlessly fast while Mark keeps a steady beat with Jackson’s beat. You clap as soon as they finish.

As they make their way to their seats you compliment them. “Guys, that was really impressive! The beat was sick, Jackson. Bambam and Mark, you guys can rap! I really liked that it was freestyle.” You give them a thumb up and smile politely. They nod and thank you.

Next person who volunteers himself is Youngjae who decides to showcase his talent by playing the piano and singing. He beautifully sings and plays Bruno Mar’s When I Was Your Man while expressing his emotions. His voice is phenomenal and breath-taking. In fact, you can’t help but fall in love with it. His singing moves you and pulls you in as he makes eye contact with you. When he finishes you furiously clap for him.

Jackson leans up to Youngjae and speaks in a nagging jealous tone. “Aye. Youngjae-ah. Why did you stare at her!?”

He laughs it off and ignores him.

You do the same and compliment Youngjae anyway. “Wow, Youngjae! That was unbelievable! I didn’t know you could sing like that! I’m really impressed.”

He smiles with his eyes and bows his head to you. “Thank you, Thank you~”

Next up is JB who decides to show off his talent by b-boying to a song you’re unfamiliar with. You become amazed by his flexibility and rhythm to the song. His movements are fast and quick. When he finishes you smile and quickly compliment him as you still feel slightly awkward from the incidence earlier. “Nice job, JB. That was really good.” He slightly smirks and nods.

Next to go up is Jr who is going to sing John Legend’s All of Me. His singing definitely has a different feel than that of Youngjae’s. You’re moved by his milky, smooth voice as it hits the long chords and high notes. He sinks himself into the song and expresses the emotions. When he’s close to finishing the final lyrics of the song he looks up to meet his eyes with yours. They’re almost glass-like as it reflects and twinkles against the light. He smiles at you when he finally finishes and then takes his seat.

Jackson turns his back and whispers in a jealous tone. “Yah! Did you not hear me when I got onto Youngjae for staring at her!”

You giggle. You can’t believe this guy is already getting jealous.

Next up is Yugyeom who decides to show off his dancing skills.

Jackson leans into you and whispers. “This guy is a killer dancing machine.”

He chooses a house-trance song to dance to. As soon he gets the beat through his body he starts popping and stepping all over the place. He’s moving so fast you can’t keep up with his feet. You’re stunned with this powerful dancing and fast steps. You can tell he’s in his own little world as the beat moves through his body. When he finishes you clap for him.

“Yugyeom!~ That was daebak! I really liked that. You really know how to move!” He smiles shyly and thanks you.

Finally, last one up is you. You stand up and make your way through the seats to get to the front. When you’re finally up front where everyone can see you, you take a deep breath to calm your nerves. You take a seat in front of the piano and sing your female version of Taeyang’s Eyes, Nose, Lips. You immediately become immersed in the song as you start playing the intro. You start singing and unknowingly surprise the boys with your voice. You move and sway to the music, showing your emotional expressions at the same time. When you finally come to the last lyric lines, you look up to face your audience who is stuck in awe. You stand and bow as soon as you finish and then return to your seat.

The boys all give you their attention as they each compliment you.

Yugyeom excited and cutely speaks first. “Noooona! That was amaaaazing!~”

“Yah, are we going to have a duet? Your singing is probably better than mine!” Youngjae laughed.

“You’re so talented, noona!~” said Bambam as he gently poked you on the arm.

“You should definitely join our group and debut with us!” said Jackson as he giggled and winked at you.

“Yeah, that was really good.” Mark smiles at you right after.

“You should definitely sing with me instead of Youngjae!” Jr chuckles and then smiles at you.

“That was really nice. You have amazing skills and musical talent. You’re an all in one.” JB said as he smiled at you. You smile back at him and nod. You notice that the air between you two isn’t as tense as it was before.

The bell then rings and everyone is out the door except for you and the boys who are the last ones out.

You quickly stand up from your seat. “Welp. I guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” You look down to avoid eye contact with the boys. Before you’re even out of the seating area the boys are up and follow up behind you.

“Yah, you can’t just leave like that!” said Jackson who runs to you and throws his arm over your shoulder.

You’re taken aback. “Ehhh!? What am I supposed to do?!”

Jr runs up next to Jackson and backhands him on the arm.

“Jackson hyung!! You can’t just put your arm over a girl you just met! Show some manners.” said Jr with a nagging tone.

You blush as both your eyes meet. He smiles sweetly at you as if he knew he was doing you a favor.

Jackson releases his arm off of you. “Ugggh. Yes, mom!~~”

Bambam then comes up next to you and offers you his arm for you to hold on to. “Look, this is how you do it Jackson,” as he said with confidence and pride. You giggle and shyly wrap your arm around his as he escorts you to your locker.

“AWW NO FAIR! How come Bambam gets to do that?!” said Jackson as he spoke to Jr in a jealous tone.

Youngjae, Yugyeom, and Mark are laughing in the background as Jr, Bambam, and Jackson bicker at each other over you.

“Yah, kids…stop playing. We have to go and practice today,” said JB as he sighed and rolled his eyes.

The boys quickly say bye to you before they leave.

“It was nice to meet you today, noona,” said Bambam as he grabbed for your hand and kissed it.

“Byebye, noona~” said Yugyeom as he shyly smiled and waved.

Youngjae waves at you and tells you good bye. “Bye bye, (y/n)!”

“Bye, (y/n),” said Mark as he prepares to ride off his skateboard.

“Yeah, see you tomorrow!!~” said Jackson as he puts throws his arm over Bambam’s shoulders.

With arms crossed, Jr smirks at you. “See you later~”

“Bye, (y/n). Be careful and watch we’re you’re going, okay?” said JB as he points at you.

“Okay~ Bye guys~” you wave bye as they leave out the door.

You open up your locker and put your books up. You sigh as you look into the nothingness of your locker you take in all that you’ve experienced today. These boys are just something else...they’ve caught your attention and you can’t help but be interested in them.

You close your locker and bang your head against the locker to get them off your mind.


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Nicolescm #1
Chapter 11: Please update soon!^^
Really love this fanfic!^^
Its a great fanfic!^^
*Hwaiting* *Saranghae* ♤♡♤♡
TisIInfiringAra #2
This is a really great story! I do hope you continue it and be successful c: