Meeting Jr

The Lucky 7

You get myself together and head for the principal’s office. You get your assigned locker which is upstairs, luckily next to your first class.

You arrive at your locker and put away the books you don't need. The bell rings and you head for your first class of the day which is Literature III.

As soon as you enter the room, the teacher follows in behind you and shuts the door behind him.

“Hello class, before we begin I want to announce that we have a new student here. Please introduce yourself.”

You bow to your classmates. “Hello everyone, my name is (first and last name). It’s nice to meet you all.”

The professor nods. “Thank you, you make take a seat.”

You find a seat in the back corner of the room. As you take your seat, you turn to your left to find a rather cute, good-looking guy who is reading. His black hair is messily-styled up and his head is relaxed against his arm lying on his desk with his other hand holding his book open. His eyes are relaxed, carefully scanning through his book. They meet yours as he notices you gazing at him. You gave him an awkward smirk. He smiles back. It's a gentle one. Feeling a little embarassed you quickly look away and start opening your book.

The teacher gives an introduction about what is expected for this year and then begins to lecture about the history of literature.

The lecture in class was boring so you started doodling away at your sketch book. You were sketching out your point of view of where you were sitting in class. Your sketch shows your fellow classmates sitting at their desks probably paying more attention to the teacher than yourself.

He then whispers to you, “Hey, could I have a look at what you’re drawing there?” He's smiling at you.

You smile at him and whisper back.


You delightfully hand him your sketch book.

Carefully observing your drawing he then says, “Wow…you’re really good! Are you an artist? You have the skills!”

I grin really big and nod at him.

He smiles back at me. You notice how genuine and adorable it is. He's carefully flipping through your sketch book, observing each page and detail on it. You start to some attention to the lecture while he goes through your sketch book.

After awhile of being in class, the bell rings and signals the end of class. You start to gather your things. You rise up from your seat and start walking towards the exit.

He stops you.

“(insert your name)! Wait!”

Surprised, you turn to him and wait. As he makes his way toward you, you notice just how even more handsome he is than sitting down.

“Here. These are my notes from today’s lecture. I noticed that you weren’t paying attention during the first half of class so maybe these could help you catch up a bit.”

He hands you the notes and smiles brightly.

“Oh wow! Uh…thank you uhhh… (I search for his name on the notes) Jinyoung! I appreciate it so much. I’ll definitely take care of these and give them right back to you when I’m done.”

He chuckles.

“You can call me by that name if you want, but everyone here just calls me Junior so they don’t mistake me for Park Jinyoung the CEO of JYP Entertainment. But just take your time with the notes! And if you need help with studying just let me know!”

He smiles at you and waves goodbye as he exits out the door.

You wave goodbye back and smile joyously. You can feel yourself blushing.

Well that was really nice of him…

As you start walking out the door, you unknowingly bump right into each other.

For that split second your eyes meet. 

"Ohh! I'm sorry Jinyoung! I'm such a clutz!" You quickly look away.

"Ahh, (insert your name). It's's my fault for not watching where I was going! But I was just coming back to give you back your sketch book! I forgot I still had it."

He hands you the sketch book and smiles once more.

"Thank you, Jinyoung." you smile back and slightly bow.

He nods at you and then leaves the room. 

Geez (insert your name)...clutzy accident number three! Get a hold of yourself!!


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Nicolescm #1
Chapter 11: Please update soon!^^
Really love this fanfic!^^
Its a great fanfic!^^
*Hwaiting* *Saranghae* ♤♡♤♡
TisIInfiringAra #2
This is a really great story! I do hope you continue it and be successful c: