Music Class

Missing You

Author’s POV

The next school week was uneventful for Yoorin. Aside from the fact that she had temporarily taken a break from hanging out with Sunmi and Lu Han after class, she had also taken a break from going to the music rooms to play.

Frankly speaking, she felt dull. It wasn’t the first time she felt this way, but it wasn’t normal either, seeing as she was so accustomed to her usual laidback lifestyle in school.

It was only when her adviser, Ms. Hwang, told her that the advanced classes were to start that same week that she had started to gain interest in school again, frankly speaking.

“Yoorin-ah, make sure you check the bulletin board for the schedules of your advanced classes this year before you go home, arasso?” Ms. Hwang reminded her, before leaving the classroom for lunch period.

Yoorin smiled and bowed at her adviser.

“Nae, songsaengnim.”

She waited excitedly at her seat for Sunmi and Lu Han, so that they could check out their schedules together, but after only a minute of waiting, she decided she’d come to them instead.

Halfway through the corridors, Yoorin met up with Sunmi.

Sunmi smiled and greeted Yoorin with a pinch in the cheek. “Yoorinnie~ I was just about to go see you.”

Yoorin grimaced. “Yah! That hurts.”

“Well, where are you going?” Sunmi probed, finally realizing that her friend had gone out of the classroom alone, for the first time in three weeks.

“I was about to go fetch you and Lu Han, so that we could see the schedules together.” Yoorin explained.

“Well, it’s too late for that now. That little brat had already gone to the bulletin boards to check them out way before I could even protest.” Sunmi told her with a glower, clearly talking about Lu Han.

“That’s okay, you and I could look at it together.”

Sunmi smiled and linked her arm with Yoorin’s. “Nae, let’s go?”

Yoorin nodded with a smile.

Going up to the bulletin boards, they saw that there were a lot of people and among them, was Lu Han. Yoorin didn’t recognize the two boys Lu Han was with, but Sunmi did. They were Lu Han’s other bandmates, Baekhyun and Yixing.

The crowds surrounding the bulletin board grew, but not, as Sunmi suspected, because of the schedules. It was because of the three flower boys standing there.

Sunmi was fully aware of how popular the band had become because, aside from the fact that they are, indeed, talented, they also had the good looks and charming personalities. In her opinion, it was the perfect trifecta for making girls swoon.

This, Sunmi admits, gets her scared sometimes, seeing as there were a lot of girls going after her boyfriend, but in the three years she had known Lu Han, the boy apparently only had eyes for her.

She had no doubts about Lu Han’s feelings for her, and the mere thought made her feel warm and giddy inside. Lu Han was, in her opinion, the perfect boyfriend.

He had even taken the time to fulfill her wish of wooing Yoorin into accepting him as her second friend, even if they were remotely alike.

That, for her, was the sweetest thing he had ever done… and she was eternally grateful.

With these thoughts in mind, Sunmi smiled. It was only when Yoorin spoke that she snapped back to reality.

“Uh, Sunmi-ah? I think we should come back later. I think Lu’s group is attracting more attention as we speak.”

In contrast with Sunmi, Yoorin had little to no clue why the girls were swooning over the three boys. Sure, they were what society would call ‘handsome’, and yes, in the years she had known Lu Han, she had found a couple of things that were admirable about him… but, these people don’t really know about those things. Their knowledge of Lu Han and his friends do not go beyond what lies in the surface, so why do they bother?

Yoorin looked at Sunmi to see what her reaction was, considering that it was her boyfriend whom all those girls were going after, but she didn’t see jealousy or annoyance in her best friend’s eyes… what she saw was a little mix of adoration and wonder.

She seems unaffected… and happy. A lot of questions filled Yoorin’s mind as she gazed at how Sunmi glanced at Lu Han. There were a lot of things she didn’t understand about relationships and other worldly things, and this, admittedly, was one of them. How can someone feel indifferent to having other people stare at her boyfriend so openly?

As they watched the crowds thicken from afar, Sunmi decided to dial Lu Han’s phone.

“Lu? Can you please look at the schedules for art and literature as well? We’re just nearby, but the bulletin’s a little too crowded.” Sunmi spoke into her phone as she glanced at the growing crowd.

She paused as she listened to Lu Han from the other end of the line, standing just a few meters away from where they were standing.

Once, he was done. Sunmi smiled and waved at Lu Han, who had just located where they are.

 “Nae, gomawo.” Sunmi spoke into her phone once more before she hung up.

“What did he say?” Yoorin asked.

“He’s---” Sunmi started, but was interrupted by Lu Han’s yelling.

“YAH! What took you guys so long?! I’m sorry I went on ahead, I had to go check it out as soon as we were dismissed for lunch or else, I never would’ve gotten through those crowds of people.”

Sunmi and Yoorin chuckled.

“It’s okay, Lu. I really don’t mind. You did me a favor by getting here early, to be honest.” Yoorin told with a cheeky grin.

Lu Han smiled, a slightly smug one. “I’m awesome, aren’t I?”

Yoorin bit her lip. “Well, I’m not too sure about that…”

Sunmi chuckled. “Aigoo. Yoorin’s right, stop being so cocky and just tell us when we’re scheduled to have our advanced classes.”

Lu Han pouted. “Aish. You two are always taking me for granted.”

This time, Yoorin was the one who frowned. With apologetic eyes, she murmured, “Mianhae, Lu.”

With a glance at Yoorin’s sorry face, Lu Han laughed almost instantly. “Yah! I was just kidding, Yoorinnie. No need for aegyo~”

“Y-yah. That wasn’t aegyo.” Yoorin told him indignantly. Turning her head to Sunmi, she asked to confirm. “It wasn’t, right?”

Lu Han looked at Sunmi. “That was aegyo, right?” To which, Sunmi shook her head.

“Aigoo. Stop teasing her, Lulu.”

“Aish. You’re no fun, jagiya. Haha. Well, anyway, art classes start today at 3pm… the same time as music class.” Lu Han said, looking back and forth from Sunmi to Yoorin.

“Oh… How about literature, Lu? When does it start?” Yoorin looked up at him inquiringly.

In an instant, Lu Han looked like a deer on ice. With an apologetic look sent Yoorin’s way, he scratched his head and chuckled. “Oh… hehe. Mian~ I forgot. Wait, I’m gonna go ask Baek to look at it.” Lu Han then shuffled over to the crowds once more and yelled. “YO BAEK! CAN YOU LOOK AT THE LIT CLASS SCHEDULES?”

“YAH HYUNG WHY ARE YOU YELLING I’M RIGHT HERE!” Baekhyun yelled right into Lu Han’s ear, making the latter jump.

“Aish! You scared me… Do you know the literature class schedules?”

“Ah, yes. I think it’s tomorrow, 3pm.” Baekhyun told him cheekily. “Why? Don’t tell me you’re doing that, too?! ”

Lu han smiled smugly as he patted his friend’s back. “I know I’m a genius, I’m handsome and I’m talented, but you know as well as I do that I don’t like writing fancy words. That is the one thing I’m not good at.”

Baekhyun snarled playfully at his hyung’s statement. “Wow, hyung. You really are a role model for humility.

Lu Han grinned, “Yeah, well… I aim to please.”

This made Baekhyun roll his eyes. For a moment, he just stood there and grinned like an idiot until he realized he was hungry.

“Hyung, I’m hungry. Let’s go grab lunch with Chanyeol and Yixing-hyung!” Baekhyun told him eagerly as he pulled at Lu Han’s wrist.

“Oh, nah. Can’t. I’m having lunch with Yoorin and Sunmi. Well… later, Baek!” Lu Han waved as he sprinted back to where the two girls were leaving a semi-annoyed Baekhyun standing by the bulletin boards.

Once the trio had reached the rooftop, they immediately started eating for looking at the schedules had already taken up 30 minutes of their lunch period. They were barely able to talk in between their meals before the bell had rung on them.

“Let’s meet before classes start, okay?” Sunmi told Yoorin as they turned to go their separate ways on the corridors.

“Nae~ Annyeong.” Yoorin smiled at gave a small wave before making her way to their classroom.

The next few hours went by quickly and before Yoorin could even gather her senses, the speaker system spoke, telling them it was time for advanced classes to start.

As her classmates dispersed for dismissal, she collected her things to meet with Sunmi at the west wing of the school.

While waiting for Sunmi in front of her designated room, she couldn’t help but notice that the room was starting to fill with unfamiliar faces. I haven’t seen any of these people before…

As soon as Yoorin realized that this was music class and they were bound to perform, she felt a bit perturbed.

“Yoorin-ah!” Sunmi called, carrying her sketchpad with one arm and waving at Yoorin with the other.

Trailing behind Sunmi, Yoorin saw Lu Han, along with two other boys she didn’t know but recognized from earlier.

Yoorin bowed as she greeted. “Hello, Sunmi, Lu… and…” She looked to Sunmi and Lu Han with questioning eyes.

Lu Han returned her look with a more confused one.

Fortunately for her, Sunmi was sharp enough to know what she meant. Sunmi nudged Lu Han and looked pointedly at the two boys he was with. This time, Lu Han understood. He then proceeded to clasp the shoulder of the taller boy with the brown haired boy with soft curls. “Oh, right… These are Yixing …” Clasping the shoulder of the shorter boy with the eyeliner, he continued. “… and Baekhyun.”

“Annyeong haseyo, sunbaenims. Ji Yoorin-imnida!” Yoorin greeted them as she bowed once more.

“Hello, Yoorin-ssi…” Yixing and Baekhyun simultaneously greeted, bowing in return.

“Are you having art class with Sunmi-ssi?” Yixing asked in a friendly tone.

Yoorin gave him a small smile before shaking her head ‘no’. “I’m having music class with Lu Han, sunbaenim.”

Yixing nodded, his lips forming an ‘o’ shape as he did so. “Oh… we’re having that, too. So I guess we’ll be classmates, then.”

Yoorin gave him a nod in response. “Nae, sunbaenim.”

“Let’s work hard, then. Fighting!” Yixing told her with a dimpled smile and a quick motion of his fist.

“Nae…” Yoorin told him meekly, reluctantly imitating his action.

As they shuffled into their respective rooms, Yoorin couldn’t help but glance back at Sunmi for reassurance. Sunmi, in turn gave her a thumbs up before going inside the art room.

Yoorin entered the room to a small-scale orchestra, complete with arm chairs ordained at the bleachers. Since she didn’t apply for music class last year, she had never seen a glimpse of the largest music room, which was used by the music students. Looking at it now, couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of various instruments placed accordingly at the front side of the room with a sleek white Bosendorfer grand piano as its center piece.

It’s just like the one at home… Yoorin observed wistfully as she took at the far left corner of the room, near the window.

Lu Han, who was watching her closely, decided to take the seat in front of her so as to give her a bit of space, with Baekhyun and Yixing taking the seats next to him.

“Do you think Shin-songsaengnim will be handling this class as well?” Yixing asked Lu Han and Baekhyun casually, referring to their balding music teacher from the previous year.

“Nah, I heard he’s retired.” Lu Han answered. He then turned to Baekhyun. “Who do you think it will be?”

“I have no clue. I hope she’s nice though…” Baekhyun remarked thoughtfully as he tapped his long fingers along the arm rest of his chair.

She? How do you know it’s a she?” Yixing asked incredulously, clearly amazed that Baekhyun has, yet again, scored major gossip.

With a chuckle Baekhyun said, “I don’t, actually. It’s just wishful thinking.”

“Yah, you punk! I almost believed you.” Lu Han snarled at this remark and attempted to pull at Baekhyun’s hair, when the class suddenly fell silent at the sound of a deep and low coughing sound.

They looked up front and saw a tall guy in a trench coat.

“He doesn’t look like anyone from the music department. He must be new.” Yoorin heard Baekhyun whisper to Yixing.

Yoorin looked at the teacher, who was scanning though the pages of what looked like a class record. Even though his face couldn’t be seen, she felt an odd sense of familiarity tug at her gut.

The teacher coughed again, catching her attention, but this time, there was a follow-up greeting, “Good afternoon everyone.”

He lowered the class record to reveal himself, making everyone, including Yoorin, gasp.

“I am Park Chanyeol and I will be your music teacher starting today.”


Waaaahhh. After a long time, finally!

HAHAHAHA! Omona. I'm quite surprised no one unsubbed this, so THANK YOU!


Sorry if I kept you waiting for long, I just got stuck but hopefully it'll flow on from here.

Huhuhu. Thank you guys for waiting. Saranghae! :))))))

Please do tell me what you think of this chapter, previous chapters and of the story as a whole!

I swear I love reading your comments. It makes my day and really, it inspires me to write more updates! :D

So please keep 'em coming if you can! I love you guys! :)))


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Updated Chapter 5! hehe. :) Happy reading chinggus! Saranghaeee.


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Exo880408 #1
Chapter 13: Awwh yoorin :'( that lil' hug though! i want one too because my feeling is everywhere hahaha
vanadium_elmm #2
Chapter 13: Omona, can't actually describe what I am feeling right now but this is awwww. I knew it. I kneww it Lee Hongshik. Hahahaha. Can't help but start to like Chanyeol more. Someone like Chanyeol in my life please? Thank you so much for this :) Lovelots! Please continue this awesome piece. :)))
Exo880408 #3
Chapter 12: Eep! This is so sweet. Chanyeol stalking though hahaha but i love that he wasn't doing it because he already fall for her (or probably already have lol). Like he's still in the stage of getting to know her. Love how their feelings are slowly building up instead of them being rushed.
Chapter 12: Aweeeeee....... This is really great so far!!! I cant believe Yoorin noticed that Chanyeol was watching her!! And she smiled and waved!!! ^~^ I'm excited for the next chapter!!
AloeNeko #5
Chapter 12: Waaah I love how you switch between their POV so often! It's different and much more interesting as you get to know what they're both thinking~ can't wait till the next chapter ヽ(●´∀`●)ノ
vanadium_elmm #6
Chapter 11: Laaaahhh, ang cute nung kanta. Swear awww. :3 as usual, ganda update! :D Sana may POV ni chanyeol dun sa convenience store habang nakikita niya si Yoorin na nakikipagchikahan kay taejoon hihi cute nun. Lol. Thank you so much sa update! Update soon chuseyoooo~ lovelots! <3
vanadium_elmm #7
Chapter 10: Omona hahaha kilig tumbong niyan ni Chanyeol. Hahaha kaloka. Sarap, teacher si kris. Mukhang mas magiging masaya to! Woooh~ gusto ko na silang magactivity yung tipong partner mo ung seatmate. Hahaha kaloka im sooooo keleeeeg naaaa~ thanks for the update and yeeep, misss yoouuu~ lol update soon chuseyooooo~
AloeNeko #8
Chapter 10: Chanyeol is so determined ahaha xD another great update! Thank you for dedicating this chapter to me *.+゜Entertaining and fun to read as always :3
Chapter 10: otl si kris nga
Chapter 9: Akala ko si Kris ._. /binatukan ka ng bongga
Heh. pero mas ayos to lol. okay- next chap naman ako