
Missing You

Chanyeol’s POV

I spent the night waiting for a text that never came. It was only in the morning that I realized that Ji Yoorin surely wouldn’t be able to text me… because she probably doesn’t have my number.

I did receive a group text from Sunmi, though… saying:

Yoorin say thanks, guys. She had fun. ^^

I smiled. Well, at least we made her happy.

Truthfully speaking, I was a little unsure about bringing Yoorin to the music room, since she clearly wasn’t that much of a people person… but I guess she really didn’t have anything better to do since she still came with me, despite her reluctance in doing so.

Seeing her in the convenience store, though purely coincidental, was not much of a surprise since I’ve met her there once before… what shocked me was seeing the way she acted around the store-owner’s son.

You see, I was hanging out with my bandmates and Sunmi at one of the music rooms when Lu Han-hyung and Baekhyun whined that they wanted snacks, and since I had grasshopper legs (Baekhyun's words, not mine), I should be the one to run and buy some... So I did. I opted to go to the convenience store in our neighborhood because it was the nearest.

I grabbed anything and everything I thought the guys would like... and just when I was about done, a kid walked up to me, looking at me from head to toe with a creased  eyebrows.

Though his facial expression was a bit odd, he still looked amiably cute, so I crouched down to greet him but even as I did this, I was still relevantly taller.

I smiled at him. “Annyeong~ What’s your name?”

“I’m Taejoon… You’re tall.” He told me while he puffed his cheeks.

I chuckled as I ruffled his hair. “Really? Do you wanna grow up tall like hyung?”

He then crossed his arms at me and shook his head indignantly. “Ani. Tall is scary… my noonas say I’m cute just the way I am.”

I chuckled once more. “Aigoo. You think hyung is scary?”

“No, you’re just tall… but Tall-hyung is kind of handsome, too.” Taejoon said as he eyed me apprehensively.

“Haha. Jinjja?”

He nodded once more. “Nae, but Taejoonnie is more handsome. Tall-hyung, how did you grow so big?”

“Well, tall-hyung eats really well, so he grew up to be a strong and handsome hyung.” I told him with a grin.

Taejoon ogled me from head to toe. “You don’t look strong to me… you’re skinny.”

“I am not. I just have a lean body. I—” I was interrupted by the sound of the shop’s door opening.

I could swear I saw Taejoon’s eyes light up almost instantly as he ran away, exclaiming, “Waaahhh! Pretty noona must be heeerree!”

Pretty noona?

Curious, I went after Taejoon since I had to pay for my newly bought snacks at the counter anyway. While I was paying, I saw Taejoon talking to a girl wearing our school uniform.

He was happily talking to the girl. Though I couldn’t actually see the girl’s face, I knew that she was extremely fond of Taejoon just by looking at how she gently grazed the little boy’s cheek.

I was about to crane my neck to get a better look when the cashier interrupted me.

“Here’s your purchase, sir.”

“Nae, kamsahamnida.” I thanked her and bowed abruptly before walking over to where Taejoon and the mystery girl were.

As I neared, I heard the girl speak in an oddly familiar voice.

 “Oh… Is that so?  Well, will you please say ‘hi’ to your appa for me?” she requested as she kissed Taejoon on the cheek, making the kid giggle cutely.

As the girl pulled her face from Taejoon’s, I was quite shocked to see that it was actually Ji Yoorin whom little Taejoon was referring to as his pretty noona… Well, I wasn’t surprised that Taejoon would refer to her as pretty, because she is… I was just surprised that they knew each other.

Seeing her smiling so fondly at the little boy brought a smile to my lips as well. Then she went up and talked to the store-owner in a friendly manner, making me think that she actually wasn’t as shy as I thought.

But I was wrong… When I saw her hesitation at the mention of hanging out with other people, I just knew Ji Yoorin was still the reserved person I knew her to be. She was just… different with those she considered close to her heart, explaining why she was so relaxed around Taejoonie and his dad.

As I observed how she behaved during our jamming session, I could see that she was still a little bit tense… but, in a way, she was also happy.

Even after all these weeks of observing Yoorin, I still can’t figure her out… Although, I really can’t complain… watching her from afar proved to be quite enjoyable, addicting even. It wasn’t that I was taking an interest in Yoorin in a romantic way, no… that couldn’t be it.

I just felt so intrigued by her that observing her, may it be from the hallways or from the big cherry blossom tree I was so fond of, has become a residual habit of mine.

And from this habit, I have learned quite a few of Yoorin’s own ones. Like her habit of biting her lip when she’s upset… The way she writes incessantly in between the boring discussions... The way she tucks her hair behind ear every time some strands fall out of place…

I sound like a stalker, don’t I? But let’s face it, I wouldn’t be able to get to know her if I don’t observe how she is… what she’s like.

I think about this as I look at her through my favorite spot at the base of the cherry blossom tree. As usual, she’s sitting right next to the window whilst scribbling on her binder again.

I unconsciously smiled as I continued to look at her for few more moments before gathering my things and making my way to my first period class.



Yoorin’s POV

I was halfway done with my short story about Pororo and Keroro when I felt something familiar strike me… It was as if I was being pulled in by an unknown force.

I looked around to see if Sunmi and Lu Han were anywhere nearby, since they were the only familiar presence I could think of at the moment… But they weren’t anywhere near.

I unconsciously gaze out the window, towards the big cherry blossom tree, but no one was there. Huh. Weird.

I was set on ignoring that familiar feeling for the rest of the day until I felt it again right before the bell rang for lunch period. I gazed around and the now-empty classroom and at the doorway, I found… Lu Han and Sunmi. I grinned. Maybe it was them, after all. I thought, so I was able to shrug it off for the remainder of the week.

Classes were uneventful, although I could say things were looking up because they weren’t that boring anymore.

I was actually feeling carefree the whole school week… until I got called up for an impromptu performance upfront in music class. I know it was probably just random selection, but I couldn’t help feel nervous anyway. And it wasn’t stage fright, no. It was more of an, 'I hate surprises’ kind of thing. 

To be honest, it wasn’t because I was unprepared either, being selected for advanced classes alone should be a clear message enough that you should be prepared... I just didn’t want to be the one to perform first. I wanted a standard… someone who can set the bar high, so that I can do my best to follow in his/her stead, so that I would know what it is exactly that I have to to do. That was all I wanted… and looking at Wu-songsaengnim, I think he may have read my mind because the next thing I knew, he was calling up Baekhyun-sunbaenim.

“Yah! Baekhyun-ah, can you please give us a demonstration of your talent?”

Baekhyun looked at him and made a face. “What? Why?”

With this, Wu-songsaengnim rolled up the pieces of paper in his hand and smacked it against Baekhyun’s head. “Yah! What did I say about questioning me about performances?”

Baekhyun covered his head with his arms comically as he whimpered, making our classmates hoot with laughter. “Aish. Mian~ Mian, kris-hyung~ Aigoo. Okay… uh. Here goes…”

He started to open his mouth to sing, but Wu-songsaengnim stopped him.

“No, do it with accompaniment...” Wu-songsaengnim told him with his arms crossed.

Baekhyun scratched his head but obliged anyway. He went and sat in front of the piano.

After a few moments, he started hitting the notes to Stephen Speaks’ Out of My League.

I knew the song because I used to hear it on the radio as a kid. Though I had a struggle with learning and understanding the English lyrics, knowing what it meant made my heart flutter. It didn’t speak of nonsensical things about forever, but feelings brought about by being in love with someone. The simplicity of the song never fails to make me smile, and because of that, it has become one of my favorites.

And now, Baekhyun’s singing made it more heartfelt.

As Baekhyun finished the song, I became immersed in my thoughts that I spaced out. It wasn’t until Wu-songsaengnim called my attention that I snapped back to reality.

“Yoorin-ah… your turn.”

“Nae, songsaengnim.”

I went in front of the piano and sat. I stretched my fingers before me and started playing the keys to Haru Haru by Big Bang.

I opted not to sing, because it might ruin the melancholy of the song, but as I was just reaching the bridge, I heard one of my classmates say, “Yah! This is too sad. Play something else.”

I stopped playing altogether and looked at Wu-songsaengnim, who was just threw a piece of chalk at the person who spoke.

Rule number five: Never interrupt a classmate when he or she is performing.”  Songsaengnim then looked at me apologetically. “Well, Yoorin-ah… maybe you could play another song… One that’s more… lively? And…” He halted to check his records. “…maybe you could use another instrument? It says here you can play a few other instruments. I want to hear you sing, Ms. Ji.”

I looked at Songsaengnim to see if he was serious, and unfortunately for me, it seemed like he was… so I just nodded reluctantly. “Nae, songsaengnim.”

I picked up the guitar from the corner of the room and started plucking at the strings one by one.

Once I was sure that all of the chords were in tune, I started playing the keys to CNBlue’s Love Light, because it seemed like a happy song. I played the notes one fret higher so that it would suit my range.

As I sang, I made sure I kept my eyes glued to the fretboard, so that I would be free from any distractions... and before I knew it, I was done with the whole song.

I heard my classmates clap as I bowed. Wu-songsaengnim smiled at me, saying, “That was a good performance, Yoorin… thank you.”

“Nae, songsaengnim… kamsahamnida.” I uttered before I went back to my seat.

“Yoorinnie~ That was daebak!” Lu Han congratulated me as gave me a thumbs up.

I gave him a smile in return.

“Thanks, Lu.”

After a few moments, I gazed out the window and stared at the busybodies passing just outside the school gates. Just as I recognized one of the passersby as Johee-unnie, our helper, I felt someone’s gaze at me. I turned my head just in time to see Chanyeol passing me a note.

You did great! I liked your rapping!! (^_^)v

I gave him a thankful smile whilst writing back:

Thank you, Chanyeol-ah~ Baekhyun-sunbaenim was really good, though…

I handed him my reply and in no more than a minute, he was able to write back:

Yeah, but don’t let him hear you say that... He’ll get cocky. :P

After that, we exchanged notes about random things, with Chanyeol constantly jumping from one topic to another in order to keep the conversation going.

In all honesty, Chanyeol’s presence was something I had gradually gotten used to. Sure, we still weren’t what you would call ‘close’, but it was a start.


Chanyeol’s POV

I felt something stir inside me when I heard Yoorin sing. Her voice wasn’t powerful, but it melodic was enough to make you pay attention… and the song she chose fit the lightheartedness of her singing perfectly.

I especially liked it when she rapped, because she did it so well. It was rhythmic and soft… and perfect.

And I just need to let her know, so without wasting any time… I wrote her a note.

Just as I was about to hand her the note, I saw her gazing out the window…  and I was caught in a daze again.

Why does she always look at a distance?

After a few seconds, she turned her head towards me and I snapped back to reality, remembering the note I was about to give her.

I hand the note with a smile and as she was reading it, I see her smile as well. She quickly wrote back a response and gave it to me discreetly.

Thank you, Chanyeol-ah~ Baekhyun-sunbaenim was really good, though…

Her note said.

I chuckle and wrote in response:

Yeah, but don’t let him hear you say that... He’ll get cocky. :P

After that, we exchanged a few more notes about random things. I purposefully raise different topics at a time, because she always gives uncanny responses that never fail to entertain me.

Like one time, I asked her:

Do you like math?

And she replied:

It depends… when I’m in a good mood, I hate it because it’s the thing that can dampen my otherwise good day. When I’m in a bad mood, I like it because I have something to pour my negative feelings into…

I don’t know but somehow, this is a really weird way of looking at it, but it kind of makes sense.

As I get to know more of the trivial things about Ji Yoorin, I can’t help but admire her simplicity. It makes me want to observe her more and find out more about her.

I think about this as I gaze up at her from where I was sitting. It had been weeks since I started watching Yoorin from afar, and I admit that it has become a routine.

It’s a good thing she doesn’t catch me doing this, though… because that would be awkward.

I adjust myself on a larger tree root and continue to stare as Yoorin gazed out into a distance with a faint smile… until her eyes met mine.

I didn’t know whether to be horrified or not seeing her shocked reaction. But after a few seconds, a wave of relief passed me as she gave me a small smile and a slight wave.


Yoorin’s POV

I arrived a bit early at school today and so I took my usual window seat to gaze upon the beautiful cherry blossom trees lining up the school pathways.

As the minutes passed, more and more students walked into the school gates, talking amongst one another. And it’s entertaining to see all of them chatting so cheerfully early in the morning… it was infectious… because it brightened up my mood as well.

I was about to grab my binder to doodle when I felt something familiar tugging at me, beckoning me to look for it. It was the same feeling I have been experiencing during lunch period for a couple of days now, and… it was only until my eyes met with Chanyeol’s that the apprehensive feeling died down.

For a moment, I was surprised to see him sitting there at the base of the biggest cherry blossom tree in the school yard but after a few seconds, I was able to gather my senses and give him a small smile and a slight wave.

Looking at him, I have come to a realization connecting him and the eerie sensation I was feeling just a moment ago.

 Park Chanyeol has become someone familiar in my life.


Annyeong haseyooo! HAHAHA. Here's an update for you guys! 

I have roughly one week to get my senses together for school so wish me luck! OTL

Aigoo. I can't even begin to imagine how much of a messy excuse for an update this chapter is, but please forgive me.

It's 4:30 am here and I am sleepy as hell. HAHAHAHA. Anywayyy, omona thank you guys so much for not unsubbing. HAHAHA

I LOVE YOU GUYS. huhu. If there are any mistakes (which I'm sure there are) please do point them out juseyooo

I would also love to hear what you guys think about ths story so far.. :)))) so please do comment.

And please, add me up if you're interested in friends! Hahaha. <3 I don't bite... hard. OTL

I think that's about it? hahaha If there's anything I forgot, I'll probably post it on the story feed.

HAPPY READING!! :))) Lovelots! <3

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Updated Chapter 5! hehe. :) Happy reading chinggus! Saranghaeee.


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Exo880408 #1
Chapter 13: Awwh yoorin :'( that lil' hug though! i want one too because my feeling is everywhere hahaha
vanadium_elmm #2
Chapter 13: Omona, can't actually describe what I am feeling right now but this is awwww. I knew it. I kneww it Lee Hongshik. Hahahaha. Can't help but start to like Chanyeol more. Someone like Chanyeol in my life please? Thank you so much for this :) Lovelots! Please continue this awesome piece. :)))
Exo880408 #3
Chapter 12: Eep! This is so sweet. Chanyeol stalking though hahaha but i love that he wasn't doing it because he already fall for her (or probably already have lol). Like he's still in the stage of getting to know her. Love how their feelings are slowly building up instead of them being rushed.
Chapter 12: Aweeeeee....... This is really great so far!!! I cant believe Yoorin noticed that Chanyeol was watching her!! And she smiled and waved!!! ^~^ I'm excited for the next chapter!!
AloeNeko #5
Chapter 12: Waaah I love how you switch between their POV so often! It's different and much more interesting as you get to know what they're both thinking~ can't wait till the next chapter ヽ(●´∀`●)ノ
vanadium_elmm #6
Chapter 11: Laaaahhh, ang cute nung kanta. Swear awww. :3 as usual, ganda update! :D Sana may POV ni chanyeol dun sa convenience store habang nakikita niya si Yoorin na nakikipagchikahan kay taejoon hihi cute nun. Lol. Thank you so much sa update! Update soon chuseyoooo~ lovelots! <3
vanadium_elmm #7
Chapter 10: Omona hahaha kilig tumbong niyan ni Chanyeol. Hahaha kaloka. Sarap, teacher si kris. Mukhang mas magiging masaya to! Woooh~ gusto ko na silang magactivity yung tipong partner mo ung seatmate. Hahaha kaloka im sooooo keleeeeg naaaa~ thanks for the update and yeeep, misss yoouuu~ lol update soon chuseyooooo~
AloeNeko #8
Chapter 10: Chanyeol is so determined ahaha xD another great update! Thank you for dedicating this chapter to me *.+゜Entertaining and fun to read as always :3
Chapter 10: otl si kris nga
Chapter 9: Akala ko si Kris ._. /binatukan ka ng bongga
Heh. pero mas ayos to lol. okay- next chap naman ako