
Missing You

Chanyeol’s POV

As soon as I dropped the bomb, I saw all their jaws drop. I bite my lip hard to suppress the welling laughter in the pit of my stomach.

I looked at everyone in the most serious look I could muster and my eyes stopped at the girl at the corner of the room.

For a moment, our eyes met before she broke the contact and bowed at me politely from afar.

I smiled at her, bowing back. I was about to open my mouth to greet her, but I was stopped by a hard object hitting the back of my head.

“Yah! You punk, who told you to take my coat and wear it?!” An annoyed voice grumbled from behind me. I looked back at the slightly taller male sheepishly and grinned at him.

“Hahaha. I was just kidding hyung, I---” Before I could finish my sentence, I was stopped yet again by a loud smack.

“Aish. It’s Wu-songsaengnim when we’re in class, arasso?” He snarled as he turned to face the class.

“WAIT---Kris-hyung?! You’re our teacher?” Baekhyun exclaimed from the back portion of the classroom.

Kris-hyung AKA Wu-songsaengnim rubbed his temples, as if he were already tired.

“Yes, Mr. Byun, as a matter of fact, I am.Hello, I am Kris Wu and I will be your music teacher for the meantime.” Kris-hyung introduced himself as he gave the class a slight bow. “Let’s all work hard together, arasso?”

“Nae, songsaengnim.” The class says in chorus.

“Well, first things first... Ground rules.”  Kris-hyung paused to acknowledge each and every student in the room before proceeding. “Number one: Tardiness is only excusable for a time allotment of 15 minutes. Any excess of this will not be tolerated, unless you are on official school business. Two: I am to be addressed in class as Wu-songsaengnim or songsaengnim only. I may be young and some of you may know me personally but in this classroom, I am but your teacher.” Saying this, he eyed me and Baekhyun pointedly before proceeding. “Third rule: Each and every one of you is expected to participate in all class activities. Meaning, when I say ‘perform’, you will perform. No buts.  Are we clear?”

“Nae, songsaengnim.” I say in sync with the class.

“By the way, I will not be alone in guiding this class. As you all know, I am new to this school and I know little about how things are done here, so for the meantime, Mr. Park will be assisting me from time to time.” He told the class as he eyed me with what could be called a glare to some.

 I was about to take my seat next to him beside the teacher’s table when Kris-hyung added. “… However, Mr. Park is still a part of this class, so he will participate in all activities as all of you would. And he will be treated equally as all of you. Now Mr. Park, take a seat amongst the class so that we can begin.” He told me with his arms crossed.

I unconsciously pout as I took off and gave him his trench coat and walked towards the back portion of the room, where my classmates were seated.

I scanned over for an empty seat next to Baekhyun and the others, but sadly there were none available. The only other seats that were available were: the one next to my video-game buddy, Kim Seokjin and the one next to Ji Yoorin, who was a mere acquaintance.

It was an obvious choice. Sitting next to a guy I was friends with was way easier than sitting next to a girl who didn’t even see me as a friend. But oddly enough, as I walked across the rows of chairs, I found myself taking the seat next to Yoorin.

I could make sitting closer to my bandmates an excuse to taking that particular seat, but I didn’t, because that would not be entirely true.

I had a mission set in mind: become friends with Ji Yoorin.

It would not be easy, based on what I have gathered from Lu han-hyung’s experience, but I badly want to be friends with her… to make her happy.

I know this sounds strange coming from someone who doesn’t really know her on a personal level, but I sense that Ji Yoorin is somewhat constricted behind her own walls. I want to make her see what’s out there… to make her be able to make more friends.

Because really, even if Lu Han hyung says otherwise, who doesn’t want friends, right?

It would be nice, to make an impact… a difference. It would be nice to see her smiling more often, because she has the nicest smile when she’s genuinely happy and I know that when people see her smile, they’d want to smile for themselves as well.

I like being able to make people happy… it’s one thing I am intent on doing, for all my life’s worth. I believe in making good memories with people while you still can, because after that there will only be either regret, or content.

I sigh. There it is again, that heavy feeling in my chest.

I pout, as I have become depressed in a split second.

“Psst, Park Chanyeol!” Baekhyun hissed whilst ducking under his chair, making me snap back into reality.

I looked at him questioningly in return.

“Why is Kris-hyung here? I thought he went back to L.A.?” Baekhyun asked as he ducked out of his seat altogether to sit on the floor.

I rolled my eyes, before I whispered back. “The principal asked him personally to teach, so he did. After all, he is the principal’s son.”

“Oh jinjja?! I thought he was—” Baekhyun was stopped midsentence by an airborne sharpie that successfully hit him right on the forehead.

Rule number four: No talking until I say it’s okay to talk.” Kris-hyung told the class, but really, he was just looking at me and Baekhyun.

I grinned awkwardly at him as I sat straight. Baekhyun went back to his seat and did the same.

I then glanced at Yoorin from my peripherals and just as I had inwardly suspected, she was subtly gazing out the window.

“Psst. Yoorin-ah!” I say in a hushed voice.

She turned to look at me with questioning eyes.

“Hehe. Annyeong~” I greeted as I waved my hand enthusiastically.

Instead of waving back, she furrowed her eyebrows and pouted. She looked at me with somber eyes before diverting them to her hands.  After a minute of playing with her fingers, she took a deep breath, “Sunbaenim, I—”

I stopped her before she could even continue what I knew was an apology. I put my forefinger on my lips and winked at her. “Shhh… We aren’t supposed to talk, remember? Besides, there’s nothing to be sorry about.”

With a smile, I turned to write on my notebook.

From the corner of my eye, I see her sigh and turn her attention to what Kris-hyung was saying.


Yoorin’s POV

I looked at Chanyeol-sunbaenim with what could be deemed as a baffled expression.

How could he still act so nice towards me? How could he act like nothing happened?

Usually, when people get the impression that I don’t want to be friends with them, they start to act cold around me. I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to be friends with them; I just believe it’s not that easy to become genuine friends so quickly. But Chanyeol-sunbaenim… he’s still the same as before.

I don’t get him.

With a sigh, I divert my attention to Wu-songsaengnim to hear him talk about different string instruments.

Just as I was getting immersed in the discussion I felt something light brush my arm. As I turned to look, it was a note scribbled in an unruly manner.

 Yoorin-ah, Kris-hyung told us we can’t talk… but he said nothing about writing, right? Hahaha. Anyway, there’s seriously nothing to be sorry for, okay? And please, just call me Chanyeol. Pleeaaasseee? :D

I was about to write something back when another note grazed my arm.

By now, I have to have been promoted from just a mere acquaintance, riiiight?

This time I looked up at him in confusion. Promoted?

Smiling at me, he started scribbling furiously at his notepad again before handing it to me.

Well, we’re classmates now. So I’m not just a mere acquaintance! Besides, since we’re classmates, we’re free to call each other by just our names without honorifics, riiight? ;)

I contemplated on this for a second.  Well, he does have a point. We’re classmates now, so I guess it’s okay. But then again, he’s still my sunbae… 

After a few more minutes of brooding, I made up my mind. I wrote a reply back, but before I could give it to him, another note was passed my way.

Oh wait! I just realize I’ve been promoted from classmate as well! Hehe… I’m your seatmate now, right, Yoorin-ah? Riiiight? Now please tell me you’ll drop the honorifics!

With a thoughtful smile, I handed him the note I was supposed to have given him before he gave me his last note.

Nae, Chanyeol-ah…


Hiiii chinggus! Did you miss meee? Hahahaha.

So I'm just about done plotting this fic, I haven't gotten around to actually writing the chaps...

But I know more or less how long this fic will actually be. :)))

I'm hoping I can actually finish before school starts, but that's just wishful thinking, I suppose.

Huhu. I'll do my best! I promise. (KYAAAHHH EXO'S REPACKAGED ALBUM!! HAHA)

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and please, if you can, do comment! :))))

I absolutely love reading them! Hihi. But it's okay if you don't. 

Please don't hesitate to add me up as a friend as well! :D

Chapter dedication to: AloeNeko :)))) thank you soooo muchfor the lovely comment and the friend request! 



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Updated Chapter 5! hehe. :) Happy reading chinggus! Saranghaeee.


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Exo880408 #1
Chapter 13: Awwh yoorin :'( that lil' hug though! i want one too because my feeling is everywhere hahaha
vanadium_elmm #2
Chapter 13: Omona, can't actually describe what I am feeling right now but this is awwww. I knew it. I kneww it Lee Hongshik. Hahahaha. Can't help but start to like Chanyeol more. Someone like Chanyeol in my life please? Thank you so much for this :) Lovelots! Please continue this awesome piece. :)))
Exo880408 #3
Chapter 12: Eep! This is so sweet. Chanyeol stalking though hahaha but i love that he wasn't doing it because he already fall for her (or probably already have lol). Like he's still in the stage of getting to know her. Love how their feelings are slowly building up instead of them being rushed.
Chapter 12: Aweeeeee....... This is really great so far!!! I cant believe Yoorin noticed that Chanyeol was watching her!! And she smiled and waved!!! ^~^ I'm excited for the next chapter!!
AloeNeko #5
Chapter 12: Waaah I love how you switch between their POV so often! It's different and much more interesting as you get to know what they're both thinking~ can't wait till the next chapter ヽ(●´∀`●)ノ
vanadium_elmm #6
Chapter 11: Laaaahhh, ang cute nung kanta. Swear awww. :3 as usual, ganda update! :D Sana may POV ni chanyeol dun sa convenience store habang nakikita niya si Yoorin na nakikipagchikahan kay taejoon hihi cute nun. Lol. Thank you so much sa update! Update soon chuseyoooo~ lovelots! <3
vanadium_elmm #7
Chapter 10: Omona hahaha kilig tumbong niyan ni Chanyeol. Hahaha kaloka. Sarap, teacher si kris. Mukhang mas magiging masaya to! Woooh~ gusto ko na silang magactivity yung tipong partner mo ung seatmate. Hahaha kaloka im sooooo keleeeeg naaaa~ thanks for the update and yeeep, misss yoouuu~ lol update soon chuseyooooo~
AloeNeko #8
Chapter 10: Chanyeol is so determined ahaha xD another great update! Thank you for dedicating this chapter to me *.+゜Entertaining and fun to read as always :3
Chapter 10: otl si kris nga
Chapter 9: Akala ko si Kris ._. /binatukan ka ng bongga
Heh. pero mas ayos to lol. okay- next chap naman ako