Convenience Store

Missing You

Yoorin’s POV

I was more than 30 minutes late for first period, so as a punishment, I was tasked to clean the classroom after dismissal. *sigh*

I opened my notebook to scribble down some notes as the teacher gave out some last-minute reminders.

As I was scribbling, the bell rang, signifying the start of lunch period. The other students went out of the classroom in a riot, all of them, in a rush to get good seats in the cafeteria.

I was debating whether I’d go out of the room or not, but the grumbling in my stomach told me to choose the former. I was about to get up from my seat when a loud yet gentle voice called out from the doorway.

“Ji Yoorin!”

I looked up to see my best friend, Lee Sunmi standing there waving at me with her boyfriend, Lu Han.

I smiled widely as I went in for a hug.

“Hi Sunmi-ah~” I mumbled into her hair. I then turned to give Lu Han a grin as well. “Hi, Lu.”

“Yah, it’s only been 2 months. You miss me already?” Sunmi asked teasingly as she pulled out of the hug.

I gave her a playful shrug. “Maybe, Maybe not.”

Sunmi chuckled at this. “Aish. Why don’t you just admit it?”

“Psh. Come on, I’m hungry.” I told her before dragging her towards the cafeteria while Lu Han followed.

“Eh? You’re actually having lunch at the cafeteria along with the hundreds of students going to this school?” Sunmi asked in disbelief.

I thought about the crowded cafeteria and shuddered. I halted in place, thinking about the other alternatives I had.

I looked at Sunmi with furrowed eyebrows, to which, she chuckled.

“Aigoo. I knew you'd react that way. It’s fine, Yoorin-ah… we have an extra packed lunch for you.” Sunmi told me, wiggling three sets of boxed lunches in front of me. I smile.

“Gomawo.” I told them as I pulled them both in for a hug. I smile as I breathe them in.

"Yah! Don't hug me. Only jagiya is allowed to do that." Lu Han resisted playfully as he ruffled my hair.

I may not do well in crowds of people, but I always make sure I do well appreciating to those who stick around anyway. 

To put it bluntly, I only have about two friends: My bestfriend and her boyfriend. You might think this arrangement is pathetic, but I like it. I'm lucky to have them...

 “Eh? Who told you this is for free? You’re going to treat both Lu Han and I to some fishcakes later.” She told me impishly as she ushered me to our favorite lunch spot---the rooftop...or not.

“Aigoo. Fine.” I responded unwillingly as I started to sit down. Psh. First day after summer break and they've already set their minds on making me go bankrupt. My frown, however, was erased from my face almost instantly when I saw what they had made for lunch. “Omo~ Bosam!”

Sunmi and Lu Han laughed at my reaction.

“Jagiya cooked that especially for you. I wanted kimbap, but she said you liked Bosam better.” Lu Han told me begrudgingly.

I stick my tongue out at him. “I guess that means she loves me more.”

“Aish. Tell her that’s not true.” Lu Han demanded, facing Sunmi, to which the latter pursed her lips.

“Well… If you’re asking me to choose, then I’d probably pick Yoorin over you.” Sunmi told him honestly.

Lu Han’s eyes seemed like they were about to pop out from their sockets. “EH?!?! Wae?!”

“7 years of friendship, bro. Can’t battle with that.” I told him as I bit into my piece of chicken.

‘’But… we’ve been together for more than…” Lu Han counted on his fingers. “…nine going on ten!”

Sunmi chuckled. “Lulu, that doesn’t count, since you’re only talking about months.

I roll my eyes. Ugh. They’re so annoyingly cute.

“Yah. What are you rolling your eyes at?” Lu Han asked in a rather diva-like manner.

I laugh at this. “Lu, I’m just kidding. Sunmi is obviously smitten enough with you for her to let you be her first.”

This makes Lu Han smile widely at me before turning to the now crimson face of Sunmi.

“Well… I just might need a kiss to prove that.” Lu Han stated, pointing at his cheek.

Sunmi shakes her head fervently. “Y-yah! Andwae.”

“Ppoppo. ” Lu Han insists as he nears his cheek towards my best friend.

Sunmi looked at Lu Han with a scowl before smothering his face with her hands, making Lu Han giggle.

“Yah! I SAID I DON’T WANT TO!” Sunmi grumbled as she continued to harass Lu Han.

After a mere few seconds, Lu Han raises his hands in defeat. “Okay, okay! I give up.”

Sunmi stops at this, giving Lu one last scowl.

Lu Han merely smiles at her, before giving her a quick, unexpected peck on the nose. “That doesn’t mean I can’t kiss you, though.”

“Aish. Stop PDAing as if I’m not here.” I scold them in mock disgust.

“Psh. You’re just jealous ‘cause you don’t have an awesome boyfriend like me.” Lu Han boasts, from which, he gets a smack in the head from Sunmi.

“Ouch, that hurt jagiya.” Lu Han whines as he rubs his head.

“Mian~” Sunmi tells him gently as she rubs his head with him, making Lu Han smile. She then adds, “It’s your fault, though.”

I watch them silently with a sad smile. These two just might last… but for how long?

“Hey, Yoorin-ah. I ran into Miseok-Imo earlier. She told me you were already at school at 6:00 am.” Sunmi looked at me pointedly, emphasizing the time.

I shrug. “Yeah, I woke up early.”

“But I saw you running late during first period!” Lu Han told me accusingly.

“I fell asleep by the big cherry blossom tree, and I didn’t wake up on time.” I explained. Suddenly, the boy from earlier flashed in my mind. Huh. I forgot to mention about him. Oh well.

Sunmi and Lu Han were already talking about another topic by the time I came back to my senses and before we knew it, lunch break was over.

The ‘lovebirds’, as I’d like to call them, didn’t have any classes together since Lu Han’s a senior and Sunmi’s a junior like me. They did, however, have neighboring classrooms, so that compensates for the no-classes-together disadvantage. I, on the other hand, was 4 classrooms away from theirs. * I bid goodbye unenthusiastically as they each entered their respective classrooms.

I then trudged over to my own classroom in gloom as I waited for classes to end altogether.

I scribbled on my notebook devotedly for 4 hours until the bell rang, signaling dismissal time. I was about to exit the classroom when our homeroom teacher, Ms. Hwang, reminded me of my punishment. So I stayed and cleaned.

It was almost sunset when I finished, and I felt an all-too-familiar grumbling in my stomach once more. Sighing heavily I rubbed my upset belly as I made my way home.

I didn’t realize just how hungry I was until I just found myself in front of the nearby convenience store.

I walked inside, smelling the aroma of preserved food and sodas. I smile.

This is more like it.

I sauntered over to where the milk cartons were to buy one and saw that a towering male student from our school was there picking up a milk carton of his own. He backed up once he was done and was heading over to another aisle when he saw me. He halted in his place for moment to look at me with furrowed eyebrows before resuming his venture in the convenience store.

I didn’t think anything of this because he might have thought I was someone he knew, considering we were wearing the same uniform, so I just continued on getting my milk before walking over to the biscuits aisle.

I was surprised to see that the tall boy from the dairy section was there, too. He was scooting over, like he was looking for something. After a few antagonizing minutes of waiting, I decided to just scoot next to him to find my cookies and go home.

Finding my cookies, though, proved to be difficult as I rummaged through the endless packs of biscuits.

After a couple more minutes of looking, I saw a glimpse of the shiny blue packaging I was so familiar with. As I bent over to reach it, I bumped my head with something, no, someone.

I looked over at the same tall boy. As I reached for the pack of cookies again, I bumped my head once more.  This boy, as it seems, is reaching over for the same pack of cookies. He looked at me in confusion, as if asking me why I keep on bumping into him… literally.

I looked over at the pack of cookies. I grabbed them as swiftly as I could and handed them over to him.

“You can have them.” I told him as I stood up.

I was just about to walk over to the counter when I felt someone tapping my shoulder gently.

I turned to look at the person behind me and saw the same boy grinning awkwardly at me.

He then gave me the pack of cookies, muttering, “I didn’t really want those.” before walking over trudging over to the counter to pay for his milk and a different pack of cookies.

Hearing his voice made me halt in my place. His voice sounds familiar. Do I know him?

The same thoughts clouded my mind even after I had paid for my goods.

I was a mere three blocks away from home when I saw the tall boy once more.

He was sitting on a park bench, eating his cookies with a scowl on his face. This time, I approached him.

He looked up at me with his confused eyes.

With a deep breath, I ask, “Do I know you? Have we met?”

This made him smile, a real one.

“No, not really.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I was about to protest, but I found myself nodding instead.

“Okay, then.”

And I walked home.


Heyyy guyyys. Here's an update for you! 

Happy reading! I hope you'll like this chapter. ^^

I'll keep this A/N short since my mom's about to go frantic again since it's already 3am here.

Thank you so much to the new subbies!

Huhu. Love you guys!

PS: I uber looove comments! hihi :D

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Updated Chapter 5! hehe. :) Happy reading chinggus! Saranghaeee.


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Exo880408 #1
Chapter 13: Awwh yoorin :'( that lil' hug though! i want one too because my feeling is everywhere hahaha
vanadium_elmm #2
Chapter 13: Omona, can't actually describe what I am feeling right now but this is awwww. I knew it. I kneww it Lee Hongshik. Hahahaha. Can't help but start to like Chanyeol more. Someone like Chanyeol in my life please? Thank you so much for this :) Lovelots! Please continue this awesome piece. :)))
Exo880408 #3
Chapter 12: Eep! This is so sweet. Chanyeol stalking though hahaha but i love that he wasn't doing it because he already fall for her (or probably already have lol). Like he's still in the stage of getting to know her. Love how their feelings are slowly building up instead of them being rushed.
Chapter 12: Aweeeeee....... This is really great so far!!! I cant believe Yoorin noticed that Chanyeol was watching her!! And she smiled and waved!!! ^~^ I'm excited for the next chapter!!
AloeNeko #5
Chapter 12: Waaah I love how you switch between their POV so often! It's different and much more interesting as you get to know what they're both thinking~ can't wait till the next chapter ヽ(●´∀`●)ノ
vanadium_elmm #6
Chapter 11: Laaaahhh, ang cute nung kanta. Swear awww. :3 as usual, ganda update! :D Sana may POV ni chanyeol dun sa convenience store habang nakikita niya si Yoorin na nakikipagchikahan kay taejoon hihi cute nun. Lol. Thank you so much sa update! Update soon chuseyoooo~ lovelots! <3
vanadium_elmm #7
Chapter 10: Omona hahaha kilig tumbong niyan ni Chanyeol. Hahaha kaloka. Sarap, teacher si kris. Mukhang mas magiging masaya to! Woooh~ gusto ko na silang magactivity yung tipong partner mo ung seatmate. Hahaha kaloka im sooooo keleeeeg naaaa~ thanks for the update and yeeep, misss yoouuu~ lol update soon chuseyooooo~
AloeNeko #8
Chapter 10: Chanyeol is so determined ahaha xD another great update! Thank you for dedicating this chapter to me *.+゜Entertaining and fun to read as always :3
Chapter 10: otl si kris nga
Chapter 9: Akala ko si Kris ._. /binatukan ka ng bongga
Heh. pero mas ayos to lol. okay- next chap naman ako