‘‘I think you really have a crush on Nayeon-ssi.’’

(Goddesses & Lost Boys) You and Me Dancing Till the Break of Dawn

U-Kiss's Soohyun has a crush on Aurora's Nayeon?

Celebrity News | Posted on 2011-10-16 7:18

It is already known that Aurora's Nayeon is a big fan of U-KISS. Yesterday, during Quiz That Changes the World, she met U-KISS's Dongho and Soohyun and revealed why she loves them so much.

She said: ‘‘U-KISS has experienced some rough times, but they never stop smiling and doing their best no matter what. I would like to have this strength they have. When I listen to their music, it seems like they give me some courage. It’s been about half a month since I bought their album and I’ve listened to it every day. I honestly don’t know how I could spend one day without hearing their voices. They help me relax after a long day promoting and practicing. They give me energy when I’m tired. They bright my mood up when I would like to give up everything and just go home.’’

Dongho and Soohyun were very touched by her comment and thanked her greatly and many times. They said they hadn't had the opportunity to thank her even though the news came out a few weeks ago already. It seems like they don't meet a lot either.

Furthermore, since U-KISS and Aurora plan to debut in Japan in December and January respectively, Soohyun and Nayeon battled it out in Japanese. During their conversation, Soohyun surprised everyone when he asked Nayeon to eat a meal with him.

Then, MC Kim Gura went as far as asking him to clarify his feelings for Nayeon. He confidently replied: ‘’I think she’s really pretty and smart. Every guy would be jealous of the lucky one she will choose.’’ MC Kim Gura came to the conclusion that Soohyun has a crush on Nayeon.

During the rest of the show, Nayeon and Soohyun charmed the viewers with their shyness towards each other. Their interaction became a hot topic among the netizens as well.


Today's Hot Topics: Music Bank, ‘2011 Asia Song Festival’, U-KISS’s Soohyun, Japan


Related articles:

☞ U-KISS’s Soohyun impresses by singing 3 songs live in spite of vocal cord nodule

☞ U-KISS halts “Neverland” promotions due to Soohyun’s vocal cord nodule diagnosis

☞ U-KISS to start follow-up promotions with “Someday”!

☞ Aurora’s Nayeon is a fan of U-Kiss








The members of Aurora were returning to their waiting room with a serious expression on their face. They had just performed Goddess on Inkigayo. Unfortunately, Jenny had slipped on stage and couldn't remember her lyrics afterwards which had forced Nayeon to take over from her. It was their second incident on Inkigayo for the second consecutive week. Jenny tried to cheer them up saying that Nayeon had done a great job. Her fellow members knew they couldn't really be angry because Jenny was naturally clumsy.

In their waiting room, they drank water and were still trying to breathe normally. Since they weren't talking, Sunha didn't want to wait with them until the end of the show. Therefore, she asked her manager if she could go see Dongho in his waiting room. Since they wouldn't see each others for a week and because her phone had been confiscated, she wanted to see him. Although they had met only one week before, he was already one of her most important friends.

Her manager went with her to U-KISS's waiting room. U-KISS manager's agreed to let her go in since the boys had already performed and were also waiting for the end of the show. As soon as she came in, Dongho yelled her name. Then, he told Eli, who was sitting next to him on the cough, to go somewhere else.

''Princess Sunha came to see her prince!'' Eli said, joking.

''I'm not a princess.''

''Hyung, don't call her like that! Sunha-ya, don't listen to him. Come.''

''Sunha-ssi, you came alone today?'' Kevin asked as Sunha sat next to Dongho.

''Yes, it's not very joyful in the waiting room right now. Jihye slipped and forgot her lyrics.''

''Ah, I see.'' he simply said.

He decided to text Jenny to make sure she was okay. He thought that she might feel sad and apologetic. He took his phone and went through his contact list.








A few minutes later, Jenny and Haeri entered U-KISS’s waiting room. Everyone greeted them, but only Kiseop, Kevin, and Hoon went towards them. Kevin asked Jenny if she was okay. She surprised him because she didn’t seem to feel bad at all. She was still the same joyful Jenny.

‘’Nayeon covered up my mistake. It’s okay.’’

‘’It’s not a secret; Jihye is clumsy. She’s even known as one of the falling idols like KARA’s Seungyeon and SHINee’s Onew. There’s nothing we can do with it.’’

‘’That’s right! I remember now. You’re the one who fell off the stage at the Dream Concert, aren’t you?’’ Kiseop said.

‘’Ah, yes. That was me.’’ Jenny said with an awkward smile.

‘’It’s okay. Every group has an embarrassing member. U-KISS has two: Miss Kevin and 4-D Kiseop.’’ Hoon sad.

‘’Ya!’’ Kiseop said.

‘’Don’t ever call me ‘’Miss Kevin’’ again.’’ Kevin said while playfully grabbing Hoon’s collar.

‘’Are you embarrassed because I’m calling you ‘’Miss Kevin’’ or because I’m calling you like this in front of them?’’

Haeri and Jenny laughed a lot and loudly. The funny atmosphere showed them that the members of U-KISS were the same as what they had seen on variety shows. They simply needed to break the ice to get more comfortable with each others.

Someone turned the volume up on the TV. They all turned and saw the five members of Aurora standing on stage. The room was already filled with the melody of Goddess. Although the show was said to air live, there was always about ten minutes of difference between the performance and the broadcast.

Nayeon was the first one to sing. She moved without even one little mistake and exuded the confidence she was known for on stage. Then, it was Sunha’s turn. She seemed more mature and y. When she saw herself, she fidgeted on the cough and told Dongho to close his eyes. He didn’t and smiled because he enjoyed seeing her so embarrassed. Jenny sang well, but the members U-KISS were wondering when she would fall. They consciously looked at her every move. Everyone listened to Rika in awe. Her vocal skills were really impressive. However, Kiseop was paying more attention to Haeri. She was never in the center except for the rapping break which didn’t last long. She reminded him of himself.

Towards the middle of the song, Jenny emitted a little squeal, squatted down, and hid her face in her hands. On the screen, she could be seen moving at the front to sing her next part. She suddenly fell on the ground. It happened so quickly that the members of U-KISS didn’t understand how if had happened. Sunha and Haeri, who perfectly knew the dance, noticed Jenny’s mistake.

Haeri started laughing, but the others didn’t. They were still very focus on the screen because they wanted to see how things would turn out. Jenny got up very quickly and was clearly smiling. She opened , but no sound came out. She looked a little lost and blinked her eyes in confusion. Her fellow members looked at her, but were still dancing. Then, Nayeon started singing from the second line of the verse. She sang Jenny’s part which was quite long as well as her own part. It showed that she was good enough to be the lead vocalist of Aurora. She was still good enough. After that, the performance came to an end and the girls stayed focus until then. No frustration, shyness or embarrassment could be seen in their eyes.

‘’Omo! Jihye! Don’t tell me! You caught your foot… in your other foot!’’ Haeri said laughing.

Everyone else laughed as well. Jenny was still on squatting down. She was embarrassed, but kept smiling.

‘’Wah! Nayeon-ssi’s voice is really daebak!’’ Soohyun said, still looking at the screen.

He turned his head when he realized that everyone was looking at him.

‘’What?’’ he said.

‘’What about Rika-ssi’s voice?’’ Eli asked. ‘‘Even though you denied it, I think you really have a crush on Nayeon-ssi.’’

‘’No, I don’t.’’ he said with a chuckle.

‘’Hyung, I think you’re lying to yourself.’’

‘’Ya! Dongho-ya! If you don’t want me to ask questions about your relationship with Sunha-ssi, you better take it back.’’

‘’Ask all the questions you want. I’m not afraid. Sunha and I are just friends. Right?’’

‘’Yes.’’ she answered confidently.

Haeri and Jenny had carefully listened to their conversation and smiled at each other. Jenny whispered something to Haeri who nodded. They then looked at Kevin, Kiseop, and Hoon and told them come closer and whisper.

‘’Jenny just had a brilliant idea. Would you agree to… force Soohyun to have a date with Nayeon?’’

‘’You mean like organizing a date when they have free time at the same moment?’’


‘’Tomorrow, we don’t have any schedule. We will be practicing… probably from 1 pm to 1 am. Do you guys have something planned in the morning?’’

‘’No, but we have a radio show to attend in the early afternoon.’’

‘’But there’s another problem.’’ Kiseop pointed out. ‘’Do you live in a dorm? Where ever it is, it might be far away from Soohyun-hyung’s house.’’

‘’Hyung has a car. He can drive and pick her up.’’ Kevin said.

‘’Ok, but how are we going to convince him?’’ Kiseop continued.

‘’One of us could pretend to be in trouble and ask him to come at this unknown address which will be Aurora’s dorm.’’

‘’No, that’s a bad idea. Soohyun-ssi must know it’s a date or else he won’t dress well.’’

‘’Haeri-ssi is right. If Soohyun-hyung doesn’t dress well, it could ruin the romantic mood.’’ Kiseop said and Hoon agreed.

‘’We should take him by surprise. Wake him up tomorrow morning and say he has a date with Nayeon. I don’t think he will stand her up. It’s not his style.’’ Kevin said.

After the plan had been finalized, they joined the others who were talking with Sunha. She was thankful of the attention she was getting from them. Usually, maknaes receive either a lot of love or a lot of orders from their unnies/hyungs, however because Jenny and Haeri, and Nayeon and Rika, were so close to each other Sunha was often left alone. She thought that the following weeks would be very hard. Without her phone, she would feel completely alone.

A young woman entered the room to tell U-KISS to go to the filming area for the winner announcement. She was shocked when she saw the two groups together. With all the recent articles, everybody knew that U-KISS and Aurora were somewhat connected. However, the fact that they also met backstage was suspicious. Were they closer than they seemed to be?

They all walked together in the corridor, talking and laughing. They met some of the members of Infinite near their waiting room and they all politely bowed. After that, Jenny grabbed Haeri’s arm and look at her see her reaction. Surprisingly, she was very calm. The more she got to know U-KISS, the less she was interested in Infinite.

Rika, Nayeon, and Aurora’s manager were just behind them as they arrived to the elevators. Soohyun, Dongho, Sunha, Hoon, Kiseop and U-KISS’s manager got in the first one. However, there were too many people to get in the second one.

‘’Go first, Haeri and I will take the next one.’’ AJ said.

Haeri’s eyes widened in surprise. She quickly looked at him, before turning her head again. Then, she looked at the floor and played with her fingers. Even though it was awkward to stand there without talking to each other, she hoped he wouldn’t say anything. They got in the first elevator which had come back. The doors closed and she felt her heart beat faster. They were completely alone.

‘‘Why are you playing matchmaker? Why is it so important for you?’’

‘’I don’t know. Don’t you think that two people who are made for each other should be together?’’

‘’Yes… maybe… but, what are you going to get out of it?’’

‘‘I… I don’t know.’’

‘‘You don’t know anything, do you?’’

Haeri suddenly felt really bad and lost all her self-confidence.

‘‘You should find somebody to love instead. Even a one-sided love has more to offer than playing matchmaker.’’

The door opened and AJ went out of the elevator. Haeri didn’t move since she was still in shock. The door was about to close, but a hand stopped it.

‘‘What are you waiting for?’’

Heari lifted her head and saw AJ who seemed confused. She blinked her eyes. They were the only parts of her body that dared moving.

‘‘You’re definitely one of a kind. Very active and talkative at times, but frozen and speechless at others.’’ he said smiling.

He extended his hand and it brought her back to reality. She got out of the elevator and walked away from him.




A/N: I hope you enjoyed because I had a lot of fun writing this chapter.

AJ is so dfdglnfkjgnfdgnbfkbgj! Seriously. X_X

Edit: I forgot to say that I changed Haeri and Sunha's blood type. Haeri is definitely not an AB. Sunha was an O, but I think she should be B because it fits her personality better. I'm obsessed with personality based on blood types because of U-KISS Vampire.

Photo credits : byther + [email protected]

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edenui_seojjok #1
I was so glad to see an update!! =D

I understand where you're coming from and respect that you care enough about the U-KISS boys to want to stay true to their real life characters, but I still hope you'll continue to write this story. It's honestly one of my favorites!! Your OCs are so well developed, and the plot itself is one of the most faithful to a realistic idol relationship that I've seen. (Well, I mean, what I assume relationships between idols would be like...). This last chapter was especially impressive in that sense. Poor Haeri! But it's nice to see Aurora and U-KISS growing even closer~

For what it's worth, I don't think U-KISS is horribly OOC or anything. And AJ seems to have messed up so many KISSme's bias lists, LOL. I really want to see this story go further, so I sincerely hope you'll indulge me!!

Nardack #2
NaHyun's such a cute couple name. xD I could already imagine Soohyun telling Nayeon to call him oppa. It's so cute. C: Can't wait for the next chapter!
Nardack #3
What's really funny about this fanfiction was that I always had thoughts of a girl coming along to love Soohyun and everything was very idol-like. And I'm really surprised English wasn't your first language. You hardly make any mistakes. Nayeon and Soohyun are just so adorable together. I'm excited to read about their date. Update soon! c:
edenui_seojjok #4
Ironically, I only just watched U-KISS Vampire for the first time yesterday. xD<br />
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I am anxiously awaiting the date!! You plot line and writing style are very realistic and natural. I like that you're taking your time developing everything properly rather than writing just for the sake of jumping right into romance ^^. Even though you have multiple OCs they're all distinctive and likeable in their own ways, not just there to fill space. And as I commented before, the media bits that you include are the icing on the cake for me for some reason, LOL. <br />
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Update as soon as possible, please~!
KPOPlover05 #5
Oh~ The chapter image is 'Man Man Hani' [Thanks, I can read a little of Hangul XDD] <br />
Soohyun!!!!! You're making me crazy!!!!!!! I dunno why? TROLOLOL<br />
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Btw, Can I ask, from what country are you? Your English is really great! <br />
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Soohyun+Nayeon = SooYeon/NaHyun? LOL
Yes, long update! <br />
Kkay, the awkwardness has got to stop, it's killing me! LOOL. Ohh- I could imagine U-kiss's faces while feeling awkward. xD <br />
Aw, so sweet of Nayeon to give Soohyun honey. :DDD so cute!<br />
<br />
update soon!
Nardack #7
I like how you actually write on what they do when they're active as idols instead of just making up a plot where they're like students or something. xD
Aww, Nayeon acting all emo D: