‘‘You gave me honey and I gave you this cap.’’

(Goddesses & Lost Boys) You and Me Dancing Till the Break of Dawn



Aurora was heading to Mnet broadcasting station for M!Countdownrecording. The girls were half asleep in the car because they had just come back from a fansigning event. They hadn't had the chance to practice that day and were nervous. Another mistake would be one too many. However, Jenny's mistake on Inkigayo had almost gone unnoticed because of the issue surrounding Nayeon's tweet. Regarding that issue, Nayeon's apologies had defused the situation and everyone, especially NL Entertainment, was relieved.

''Time to wake up, kids.'' their manager said.

''Oppa, I'm not a kid.'' Rika said.

''You're as stubborn as a mule. It's enough for me to call you 'kid'.''

Rika rolled her eyes and got out of the car. Haeri followed her, but the other members moved slowly. Haeri looked at the ground and slightly kicked some rocks. She hadn't said much for a few days, but everyone had given up on trying to find out why. They had simply tried not to make her grumpier.


She lifted her head to see who had called her name. It was Kiseop. She saw the other members of U-KISS heading to the entrance. Kevin, who was walking with Kiseop, greeted her, but the others hadn't noticed her. They went closer to her and she tried to smile.

''How are you?''

''I'm fine.'' she lied.

''Nayeon and Soohyun's date was a huge success, wasn't it?'' Kevin asked.

''How do you know that? You've never dated before.'' Kiseop said.

''If you think the issue with the haters was a success...'' Haeri said with a shrug.

''Okay, we're going!'' Aurora's manager said. ''Kids, what are you doing here? Where is your manager?''

Kiseop and Kevin turned and looked at him. They were a little bit surprised by the way he had called them.

''Don't worry.'' Rika said. ''Our manager calls everyone 'kids'. He doesn't want to be disrespectful.''

''Ah,annyeonghaseyo, Rika-ssi.'' Kevin and Kiseop said.

They all walked towards the entrance together. Kevin immediately went near Jenny and they talked on their way to the waiting rooms. She had lost a little bit of her energy because of the tiredness, but she was still happy to talk to him. She explained why she was so tired. No one else other than a fellow idol can understand how tired an idol can get from practices, performances, and travelling. Aurora was only halfway through their promotion, while U-KISS's promotion for Someday was almost over.

''Oh, really? I guess we won't be able to meet anymore.'' Jenny said.

''In Japan maybe.''

''I'm not sure about that. Rika says that TV promotions in Japan are really different. They are shorter and there are not a lot of shows where singers can get together.''

''Ah, yes. Your debut is scheduled for January, is that right?''


''It's not like we're going on hiatus. We are still going to perform at some events in Korea.''

''You're right. And your promotion for Someday is not over yet.''

''We will miss you a lot. I know that all of the members became used to see you guys.''

Kevin stopped when he found U-KISS' waiting room.

''See you later.'' he said to Jenny.

Kiseop stopped him before he had the chance to enter the waiting room. He wanted to ask him if he had noticed something different in Haeri's attitude. Kevin said that he hadn't, but Kiseop had noticed that she had been standing apart from the others the whole time. She had also kept silent although she was usually very talkative. He thought it wasn't normal. Kevin for caring so much about her.

When they finally entered the waiting room, their manager scowled them because they had vanished. He wasn't surprised when they told him they were with Aurora.

''You spend so much time with these girls that I should have their manager's phone number.'' he said without joking.

''You were with Aurora!'' Dongho yelled. ''How are they?''

''The right question is: How is Sunha?'' Eli mockingly said.

''They are all tired. They had a fansiging event this morning.'' Kevin said.

''We shouldn't disturb them, then. You will stay in your own waiting room today.'' their manager said.

''Hyung! Jaebal! I want to see Sunha. We haven't talked in a while.''

''You talked to heronMonday!'' AJ pointed out.

''We were on a radio show. It's not the same thing.''

''Okay, okay. I'll ask their manager if you can meet now.'' their manager finally said. ''But, I still think you meet too often.''

''We don't have anything else to do except waiting for our turn to come anyway.'' Soohyun said.

''Hyung, we all know that you're dying to see Nayeon as much as Dongho is dying to see Sunha.''

Their manager went to Aurora's waiting room. The girls werewarming up their voiceto prevent it from cracking because they hadn’t had the chance to practice at all. Rika was leading this practice, but she stopped when she saw the familiar face of U-KISS’ manager. He explained that the members of U-KISS wanted to meet them. Surprisingly, they all agreed. Haeri didn't really want to talk to them, but she thought that she didn't have to. Before leaving, U-KISS’ manager introduced himself to Aurora’s manager.

''By the way, my name is Shin Moon Sung.'' U-KISS' manager said.

''I'm Park Jung Shin.'' Aurora's manager said.

They laughed at the situation they were in. Because the members of Aurora and U-KISS were so close to each other, they had no choice, but to get close as well. They exchanged their phone number and Moon Sung went to get the boys.

When they arrived, the girls were still practicing. They were in shock seeing them in a circle and doing vocalization in harmony. They seemed very concentrated.

‘’Oh! You’re busy! Is it too early?’’ Soohyun asked.

‘’It’s alright. We can practice later.’’ Rika said.

‘’Do you want to practice the dance? Dongho and I learned it.’’ Kevin said, smiling.

The girls were pleasantly surprised. Everyone knew that Kevin and Dongho loved to learn girl groups’ dances. Rika sang the chorus of ‘‘Goddess’’ and watched them moving to the rhythm. Nayeon and Rika were smiling while Jenny and Sunha suppressed a laugh. They had seen them dancing on TV before, but it was their first time seeing them personally. In this chaos, Haeri moved away. The only ones paying attention to her was Kiseop.

‘’Ya! Dongho-ya, why haven’t you told me you learned our dance?’’ Sunah asked when they were done.

‘’I couldn’t! We can’t talk anymore!’’

‘’And it drives him crazy.’’ Eli added with a big smile on his face.

‘’Ignore them. Everything seems so simple to them.’’ Rika said, rolling her eyes.

‘’Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?’’ Eli asked.

‘’What? No.’’

‘’Yes. You must feel lonely or something.’’

‘’Ya! Stop reading me like a book!’’

‘’What does that mean?’’

‘’Aish! You really need to work on your Korean.’’

‘’Tell me what it means, then.’’


While they were arguing, Jenny was on the couch, surrounded by Kevin, Hoon, and AJ. As always, she was attracting the most attention. They were talking about random things. Her cuteness and simplicity made them smile and laugh. Their managers interrupted them when they proposed to get a meal for everyone.

‘’We’re going, then.’’ Jung Shin said since everyone had agreed. ‘’Don’t do anything fishywhile we’re gone. The coordis are here to keep an eye on you anyway.’’

‘’Oppa! Don’t forget my ice tea!’’ Sunha yelled before they left the room.

‘’You like ice tea?’’ Hoon asked.

‘’I can’t live without it.’’ she said, showing her eye smile.

They cheerfully talked on without paying much attention to the others. Sunha and Dongho were talking about school, and Rika and Eli were arguing like an old married couple.For once, nobody had forced Nayeon and Soohyun to talk to each other. It wasn’t necessary anymore. What they had experienced had changed a lot of things.

‘’Why haven’t you call me? You must help me practicing Japanese. Remember?’’

‘’You haven’t call me either.’’ she shyly replied.

‘’Look, I’ll call you tonight.’’

She wasn’t so happy about that. The reason she hadn’t call him was because she was afraid that her feelings for him would grow.

‘’Oh, I almost forgot!’’ sheexclaimed.

She turned and went to her bag. She took Soohyun’s cap and brought it to him. She wanted to get rid of it because it reminded her of their date. However, he refused to take it back.

‘’Keep it. You gave me honey and I gave you this cap.’’

‘’Speaking of the honey, are you recovering well?’’

‘’It’s getting better. You were right about the boricha. It--’’

All of a sudden, a laugh filled the room. Everyone stopped talking and looked towards where it came from. The members of Aurora were really surprised to see that Haeri was the one laughing. It seemed like Kiseop had managed to cheer her up with his 4Dness.

‘’Kiseop, don’t traumatize Haeri-ssi!’’ Soohyun said.

‘’But… I haven’t done anything!’’

‘’There’s always something weird about you.’’ AJ said.

‘’Hae, what’s so funny?’’ Jenny asked.

‘’He confessed that he was afraid of me the first time. Apparently, I looked at him with freaky eyes as if I was in trance. I haven’t told you guys, but I bumped into him once and he ran away from me. Like, literally!’’

Everyone laughed except Kiseop.

‘’Stop it! It’s not funny!’’

‘’At least, you made me laugh.’’ she seriously said.

The others returned to their conversations. She slightly pushed him. This unexpected skinship took him aback. Kiseop and Haeri silently looked away from each other.

‘’Thank you.’’ she said in a whisper that only him could hear. ‘’I wasn’t feeling very well and you noticed it. People usually don't notice me.’’

They comfortably talked about the fact that they were rarely at the front during their performances and that they were rarely invited on variety shows. Haeri told him that her favourite move from Neverland choreography was the one when he jumped in the air. Kiseop complimented her on her dancing although there hadn't any dance break in Goddess choreography.

They chatted on until their managers came back with their dinner. They all ate together in Aurora's waiting room. Most of them had to sit on the floor, but they didn't care. It seemed like they were doing a picnic at some school trip. After about thirty minutes, the two managers decided to separate them. They had to get ready for the dry rehearsal and change into their stage outfits.

Since U-KISS and Aurora's performances were back to back, they watched each other performing. Nayeon was sad when she heard Soohyun sing his parts as if he was perfectly fine, but she didn't tell anybody. Aurora managed to perform well despite their lack of practice because they knew that U-KISS was there to cheer them on.

When they left Mnet broadcasting station, none of them could actually remember anything from the evening apart from the moments they had spent with each others. Before leaving, they had all agreed to start speaking informally since Dongho and Sunha, and Soohyun and Nayeon were already using banmal with each other. Their managers realized that they had absolutely no control on the situation. The twelve members of U-KISS and Aurora were friends. It was a fact.


N/A: Hello~ It's been a while, I know. I'm updating because Razzledazzle asked me to. This is not really a new chapter since I wrote it before my hiatus. I'm not sure if I can continue to write this fanfic. When I started it, I was a new Kiss Me. I didn't know a lot about the members. Now, I realize that each member's personality is slightly diferent than I thought. I know now that Hoon's blood type is not A. It's B. Moreover, I like AJ more than Soohyun now. (I actually blame this fanfic for this change. lol) So, leave your comments. They will help me to continue this fanfic.

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edenui_seojjok #1
I was so glad to see an update!! =D

I understand where you're coming from and respect that you care enough about the U-KISS boys to want to stay true to their real life characters, but I still hope you'll continue to write this story. It's honestly one of my favorites!! Your OCs are so well developed, and the plot itself is one of the most faithful to a realistic idol relationship that I've seen. (Well, I mean, what I assume relationships between idols would be like...). This last chapter was especially impressive in that sense. Poor Haeri! But it's nice to see Aurora and U-KISS growing even closer~

For what it's worth, I don't think U-KISS is horribly OOC or anything. And AJ seems to have messed up so many KISSme's bias lists, LOL. I really want to see this story go further, so I sincerely hope you'll indulge me!!

Nardack #2
NaHyun's such a cute couple name. xD I could already imagine Soohyun telling Nayeon to call him oppa. It's so cute. C: Can't wait for the next chapter!
Nardack #3
What's really funny about this fanfiction was that I always had thoughts of a girl coming along to love Soohyun and everything was very idol-like. And I'm really surprised English wasn't your first language. You hardly make any mistakes. Nayeon and Soohyun are just so adorable together. I'm excited to read about their date. Update soon! c:
edenui_seojjok #4
Ironically, I only just watched U-KISS Vampire for the first time yesterday. xD<br />
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I am anxiously awaiting the date!! You plot line and writing style are very realistic and natural. I like that you're taking your time developing everything properly rather than writing just for the sake of jumping right into romance ^^. Even though you have multiple OCs they're all distinctive and likeable in their own ways, not just there to fill space. And as I commented before, the media bits that you include are the icing on the cake for me for some reason, LOL. <br />
<br />
Update as soon as possible, please~!
KPOPlover05 #5
Oh~ The chapter image is 'Man Man Hani' [Thanks, I can read a little of Hangul XDD] <br />
Soohyun!!!!! You're making me crazy!!!!!!! I dunno why? TROLOLOL<br />
<br />
Btw, Can I ask, from what country are you? Your English is really great! <br />
<br />
Soohyun+Nayeon = SooYeon/NaHyun? LOL
Yes, long update! <br />
Kkay, the awkwardness has got to stop, it's killing me! LOOL. Ohh- I could imagine U-kiss's faces while feeling awkward. xD <br />
Aw, so sweet of Nayeon to give Soohyun honey. :DDD so cute!<br />
<br />
update soon!
Nardack #7
I like how you actually write on what they do when they're active as idols instead of just making up a plot where they're like students or something. xD
Aww, Nayeon acting all emo D: