th call

Hear out the call within my heart






Jongin was dumbfounded with the sight of the necklace that he had given way back from his childhood. It was the necklace his parents gave him and it was something he cherished the most. He told himself when he was young that he’d give it to someone that’s of worth of his love and the child or better yet, the man that stood before him right now presenting the item to him yet again is the first person his heart trembled for.



But as of now it trembled in a different beat from how it was before.



“H-how… you can’t be him… he left me and didn’t come back…” for those days that brought him into complete despair at a young age, he couldn’t believe he wasn’t able to familiarize the person he had given his feelings for. “It’s me… I came back because I know I need to set everything right or at least mend the damage I’ve brought to you… I wanna make it up even at the very least” his words sounded desperate but it didn’t matter, he was more concerned about showing him how much hid guilt ate him.



“You’re making it up… you’re not that guy! You only had an idea about him because I told you! You… you’re lying to me…” things carefully sank into his mind. The time he first saw his face made him feel a certain familiarity; his feelings were at ease when he talked to him and got along with him without even the slightest difficulty and that night when he told him about the broken promise given to him. He know he had lied to himself when he pushed back the feeling that he was with his past when they were talking that very evening.



“Jongin… how can it not be me if I have this necklace you gave to me as a promise to one another?” he took off the item and showed it clearly to him; Jongin on the other hand still didn’t want to accept the fact that he had neglected his feelings that were telling him that Kyungsoo was someone familiar to him, that he was someone that was missing in his memories from before.



Although his face has surely changed from the way he had looked when they were both young, he was sure that the feelings he had before arose in an exponential rate. He looked back and forte at the item and the person holding the item. “You… you can’t be him… no, I don’t want to go through with it ever again!” he raised his tone and turned to make his way back inside the cabin.



He doesn’t want to forgo another painful recollection; he doesn’t want to be left alone and cower at the fact that he’s all alone. He doesn’t want to lose anyone anymore in his life and he’s certainly doesn’t want the person that had left him to do the same as well.



As Jongin’s back was turned against him; Kyungsoo’s heart sank while the tears continues on flooding down his cheeks. He didn’t want to cause pain towards Kai again, in fact he wants to do the exact opposite but as he saw how pained Jongin was… there wasn’t any more questions asked about how his confession towards his true identity ruined his chance to be there and take care of Kai once more.



“I only wanted to make amends and show you how much love I had kept inside of me just to show you this very moment. You were all that ran inside my head the moment I left but… I already told myself to not expect anything in return for showing up again” he grips the necklace tight inside his hands and poured out all the pain he himself had compressed for so long.






After Sehun had finished taking a bath, he made his way back towards their room. He walked back to the door with his robe tied down neatly; he paused as he heard a soft sobbing behind the door and he didn’t need to think twice on who exactly it was. “Jongin…” he gently called out as he came inside, he saw the said guy sitting at the vacant bed in the far end of the room. “Jongin what’s wrong?” he asked and made his way towards him.



As he got closer, the sobs became more audible. He sighed at the heartbreaking sight laid before him. There, Jongin was sitting with his head down and tears dripping on the floor as he tried his best to not cry out loud. His crutch was thrown on the ground and his hands at the edges of the sheets he sat on. “I’ll be alone again aren’t I?” he suddenly asked out of the blue.



He took a deep breath before kneeling down to level their gazes but Kai didn’t look back at him. “No you’re not… you know that I would never leave you. I told you this over and over again but never will I get tired of saying this to you. I’m here and will always be here”




“But eventually you’ll grow tired of me… of looking after me. Sehun… you said you love me… you’ll also end up leaving me…” slowly with a frown, Jongin raised his head a little to look at his friend, his brother and right now the person that had declared his love for him.



Sehun could see the visible pain inside those eyes that was crying, he gulped but didn’t show weakness spite of the view in front of him “Jongin how can I bear leaving you? You’ve been part of my life for years and there’s no reason for me to leave you. To be precise…” he placed a hand over one of the fisted on Kai had on the sheets and opened it for him to hold both hands with “Confessing to you was the biggest decision I had ever made in my entire life”



He smiled tenderly and caressed the hand he was holding on with his thumb “That decision led me here… it led me to the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, to the person that I lay myself onto. I swore to you before that I’ll never leave your side and now I’m promising you this…”



He pulled the hand for a light kiss. All the while, Jongin was just looking at Sehun with his tears gradually waning “My heart, my soul, my all… is only for you and only yours” he reached out a hand and wiped the last tear that fell in those swollen eyes. “I loved you underneath the brotherly care but now, I can love you without restraint”




Sehun stood up with one hand still holding onto Jongin. The elder looked up at him; still that smile was there in that loving face. He then pulled Jongin in for an embrace; Kai’s buried his face at the comfort Sehun had always sheltered him for years.



He thought that perhaps not all the people that says they love you really leaves you…



It was tough for Sehun to have a straight face but he needs to bear it. He can’t cry when he knows Jongin needs a pillar to stable himself and he knows he’s the only one that can truly protect him from the pain that lingered deep inside the elder’s heart.



 Jongin’s shaky hands then made their way towards Sehun’s shoulder; meekly holding onto the fabric as he felt his troubles slowly ease itself at the pillar that he’s comforted on every single time.




It wasn’t long till Jongin cried it all out of his system. It was evident that he has puffy eyes when Sehun chuckled at him and he knew precisely that Sehun was really trying hard not make a loud laugh at the very moment “Do I look that awful?” he asked in a weak tone and fixed himself. “Entirely a mess… go on and take a bath so~” he trailed off when Jongin narrowed his eyes on him “What?”



“I can hardly take a piss on my own, how do you expect me to take a bath in my current condition?” Sehun had to roll his eyes in a playful way at the manner of Jongin’s thoughts run. “Easy… dip yourself inside the bathtub, scrub those stinky pits of yours and voilà you got yourself cleaned!” he easily pointed but the elder wasn’t as satisfied as he wanted him to be “Come on, it’s not like your whole body was paralyzed by the injury you have”



No answers for a few seconds. Kai then shut his eyes for a short count and pulled the crutch that laid on the floor so he could make his way towards the small closet and rummage for something to wear. Sehun knew right away that he was disappointed with his answer so he follow the limping guy “Don’t you think that they’d think we’d do more than just get inside the bathroom even though I’ll just be accompanying you to take a bath?”



The elder didn’t look at him and still took out the clothes inside his bag “It’s not like you’re obligated… I was just trying to see if you’d help out…” he tried to sound firm but it just backfired on him “Fine… I’ll help you scrub that reeking body of yours” he joked but Jongin didn’t budge “I’m fine Sehun…”



Sehun frown at the words but didn’t want to cause more trouble. Just when Kai was about to leave the room, he turned back to him “Like I said, I wanted to know if you’d help out but it doesn’t mean I’m weighting a burden on you because I’m declining right now… don’t over think this one alright?” he smiled despite those reddish eyes that cried hard.



Sehun nodded and smiled back. He sighed in relief after knowing things weren’t as hairy as he thought it ended up to be. Once he was left alone he couldn’t help but to grimace back at the thought that Kai had cried hard once more and knowing the whole situation, he knows quite well that Kyungsoo had re-introduced himself to him. “Do you really plan on making him suffer so much? After all those years you’ve vanished; here you come back to cause another scene?” he scoffed at the thought.








“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun yelled for the nth time. “You humungous lump of goof! Get up it’s nearly 10 in the morning and I plan on having breakfast before we go the hot springs!” he took a pillow and smacked him hard as he could. It earned a grunt from the sleeping figure “Get up, I’ve been waking you up for what? Nearly 35 minutes? this Chanyeol~” he was cut off by long and strong arms pulling him down the bed with him, strangling him into a tight embrace.



“We’re not yet married and you nag me way~ too early in the morning now… this isn’t what I signed up for” he playfully and Baekhyun scrunched up his nose at the scent his breath had. He turned the other way to save himself from the smell “God… brush your teeth first before you decide to kill me with that lethal breath of yours… ew!” Yeol only smiled.



“That’s part of my package babe” he whispered then he started puffing his breath onto Baekhyun while holding the smaller down so he wouldn’t have the chance to block his nose. “Stop it! I can’t breathe damn it!” he yelped but half of him was surely having fun with Chanyeol’s playfulness in the early morning. “Stop resisting Baek… you know you love the scent of my morning breath!” he gave a huge puff in which Baek groaned at the whiff of the stench.




It continued on like that for a few more seconds. It did fill the rooms with yelps and small chuckles though. When Chanyeol ceased his actions, Baekhyun turned to face his partner to see what he was deciding to do. He gulped at those orbs that stared him like he was a delicious treat that’s ready to be devoured. “What’s with the face?” he dared to ask. “I haven’t been alone with you for quite a while… isn’t there something you miss when we’re alone?” he wagged his eyebrows and Baekhyun was just plain puzzled.



Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the lack of realization of his fiancé. “I don’t get what you mean Yeol… is it movie night together?” Yeol blew air through his nose “Baek! What I mean is…” instead of words, he nuzzles his nose at Baek’s neck and gave him a short yet tempting at the soft skin.



Baek gripped onto Chanyeol’s arms that were still latched onto his body “I see what you mean…” he shakily said as the actions dawned on him.



Chanyeol continued to marvel at his partner’s lovely skin and Baekhyun surely appreciated that with those soft luscious moans he was sounding out. They’d go all the way if it wasn’t for the door that flung open, leaving a shocked Sehun to gape at the sight of the couple in bed who were surely doesn’t seem to be playing around. “I think I should go…” he awkwardly turned to his heel to leave.



The two just stayed in place, frozen and bewildered at the sudden intrusion and departure. “I think this can wait…” Baek pulled out his hand from Yeol’s grasp and patted his shoulder. Chanyeol groaned in disbelief and loosens his grip over his partner so he could get up. “Get up because I won’t be coming back to wake you up in case you fall asleep again” he quickly padded his way out of the room.



With that he knows he ain’t getting any…



The moment Baekhyun got out of the room, he was quickly tugged to the kitchen by Sehun. Baffled at the sudden action the younger had done, he knows it was something serious. “Don’t beat around the bush alright? We don’t have all day” Baek quickly inquired as the taller stood there with a bit of hesitation in his eyes. “I… I don’t think Jongin should go to the hot springs… I think it’d be better if he stays here”



Baek raised a brow “Haven’t I told you that Jongin’s injuries and sprain can handle the heat and~” he stopped when Sehun shook his head violently “No… that’s not the reason” he looked at the younger’s face and it showed how much he was serious with this “Kyungsoo… he shouldn’t be around him because it’ll only hurt Jongin even more” Baek was lost with this; he doesn’t get the point on why Jongin was going to get hurt around Kyungsoo.



“Hyung, I know this isn’t making any sense as you may think but, please… trust me in this one. Jongin and Kyungsoo… they can’t be around each other for now. If possible, not ever…” as much as Baekhyun wanted the answer here and there. He knows it’ll come out eventually and if Sehun thinks it’s not yet time to explain the details, he can wait and just do as he was told. “All right then… but I don’t think Chanyeol would be liking the news” he tried to humor the latter; a small smile spreads on Sehun’s face “Thanks” he kindly told.



“I’ll tell you once we get back home” he assured him and not long after that, the front door opened by Kyungsoo who came inside with a blank stare and a gloomy feel around him. The two at the kitchen just gazed at him as they watch the boy disappear back into the bedroom he shared the two. “I think I’m getting some idea on what’s going on but I don’t wanna assume something just yet so… I’ll wait for your explanation” 





Hey guys! I'd like to congradulate those who voted SeKai! (Clap, clap, clap!) 
Now I can go focus solely at the main pairing but I'll still add some spice in the story so it'll be enjoyable for all :D

so as a consolation for those who wanted a KaiSoo ending. I plan on making a story after this one. I have a feeling this story will be at least 20 chapters so after that I'll start posting the gift fic that I promised :)

I hope you guys who love KaiSoo would anticipate this :D

P.S. Sorry if this chapter isn't as long as the others... I encountered a few fair share of migraine from the intense humidity here at my country... >.< but I'll survive... i think... also if any error or stuff, please do bear with it :D happy reading!



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Chapter 10: omg kyungsoo you fu..... hope that kai sees his real face and protects sehun authornım please dont let luhan sehun or somethıng lıke that and please ı beg you dont let kai missunderstand i wouldnt be able to take it ps really love the dark kai with unstoppable hormons hope he tops :D ahh thank you for updating <3
crapola #2
Chapter 10: Ashdjfkl y And kinda scary Luhan~ and two faced Kyungsoo o.o

Be careful SeKai!! >.<
Chapter 9: omg sehun kai b ecarefull kyungsoo turned evil :0 authornım thank you for updatıng really love thsı story and cant wait for more hope that kai takes more ınıatıves lıke hugging sehun or kıssıng omg M BLUSHING :D
Chapter 8: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sekai yayyyyyyyyyyy authornim thank you for updating really love this story :d
Chapter 7: sekai sekai sekai sekai sekai sekaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pleaseeeeee sekaiiiiiii
99.9% wants SEKAI
so do i ^^
leftright #7
Chapter 7: I'm here for Sekai......I hope it become Sekai at last. Kaisoo never be my thing. Never. Don't be offended.
Chapter 7: Can you not plaese close the poll this instant?
Chapter 7: I'm crying because I can see that kaisoo is winning. Sehun..
Chapter 7: i'll be concluding the final pairing when I upload the next chapter and whom pair were to win I congratulate you guys for voting and for the on that didn't beat the poll, I'll announce the surprise gift I will be revealing next update to make yp for your longing to have your pair be happily ever after ;)