th call

Hear out the call within my heart





It was around 6 in the evening when Sehun and Jongin got to Hun’s house. Since 7 was the said time to be at Kyung’s place, the two quickly got to their shared bedroom to change clothes. As Jongin began to rummage in his drawer to look for a new shirt and a cardigan for the cool breeze that evening; Sehun opted to fix his school bag first and place out the subjects that he still has homework with.



“Aren’t you changing?” Kai asked as he continued to look for his clothes. “I’ll be changing in a minute, I still have to pull out the notes I need for later once we get home” he pulled out his geometry notes and history book for later use. “I’m really excited to eat at Kyung’s place again. It’s not every day that we always get to taste western dishes” he spoke as he pulled off his current shirt and threw it at the hamper.



“Yeah, can’t argue with that…” he bit his lip as he raised his head to witness Jongin’s muscular back. He had seen Jongin half-, heck, he had even seen him all the way but he never had gotten used to the adrenaline of seeing the tanned skin being laid bare for his eyes to feast on. Kai turned around as he was about to put on the shirt that he picked but stopped his actions as he saw Sehun ogle at him.



A smirked appeared at the sight of the younger. Instead of putting on the shirt, he placed it aside for the moment as he decided to leave himself a tad bit exposed. He approached the younger that was still in a daze at his body. He stood right in front of Sehun; placing both hands on his shoulders and massaging it with his thumbs “You know… I’m not in tonight’s menu” he joked.



It was then that Sehun snapped from his intense gaze at the body he had drifted off to. “Oh… yeah, sorry… I… ugh” he stammered till he was lost with words “Sehun… you’re becoming more erse than even before” he teased but it didn’t quite got through Sehun’s still fried mind. “Come on, let’s hurry up before you drool all over for me” he cockily said.



It took a few seconds before Sehun was able to get himself back together “Yeah… I better change” he tried to stand but he was stopped by Kai’s hands that were still holding onto him. “Can I do the honors?” Kai asked in a tempting tone. Before Sehun could even appeal to that, Jongin had already ventured his hands down to the hem of Sehun’s dress shirt and carefully his fingers crawled upward to the first button that it came contact with.




The room felt warmer in Sehun’s book. His breathing was starting to get heavier as Kai had already reached half of the buttons of his shirt. Their gaze weren’t fazed with what was going on. He saw Jongin’s Adam’s apple bob as he made his way to the final button; Sehun tensed as the elder carefully pushed back the cloth and revealing his tank top underneath the dress shirt.



It was his turn to gulp as his breathing became eccentric as he felt Jongin’s fingers travel yet again to the hem of the last article of clothing for his upper body. His heart was about to burst from his chest while his whole body began to radiate heat sporadically.



He felt Jongin tug at the thin layer of cloth up and he raised his arms up as a whim from his body’s own accord. He was half- as Jongin is now but to him it felt like he was already stripped down into nothing. Jongin leaned forward and he shuts his eyes automatically at the action, knowing precisely what comes next.



He felt a soft damp of his lips at his forehead at first but ever so quickly placing another and ghostly making its way down. Sehun felt his whole body tremble at the contact; as Sehun continued to indulge at the feathery kisses, Kai placed both his hands on Sehun’s neck, holding him firmly as he leaned one last time to seal his sensual actions on those luscious lips that he had started to grow thirsty for.



The kiss felt a bit repressed but it surely sent Sehun into the heavens.



Sehun felt a rush of bliss, although it wasn’t the first time he had kissed Kai. He always felt that it was the first each time their lips would collide. Jongin daintily move to Sehun’s ear to whisper, “You’re lucky that we’re having dinner at Kyung’s place or else I would’ve pinned you down the bed in a heartbeat” his voice was dark and suggestive.



His body shudder at the warm breath that had hit him and it was actually becoming a frequent thing that Kai would randomly do or better yet, that was what Kai intended to do each time he gets caught staring or thinking about him. He had known Kai as a semi-innocent kind of guy; he had full information if he was watching something PG-17 and he was certain that Kai is still a , heck he is too but that wasn’t much of the concern.



A few days ago or to be accurate, 4 days ago Kai had started these types of advances. Whenever they were alone he would be this new character that really altered the Kim Jongin he had known for several years and it was both something to be excited about and be worried about. Excited, because Jongin’s sensual side was more than just what he would ever wish for and worried because maybe this is an alter ego or something. He wasn’t sure yet, but as of now it only showed a dark yet sensible side of Jongin.



Being taken away yet again by his thoughts, Sehun didn’t notice Jongin had already got dressed with a goofy smile in his face “Aren’t you getting something to wear? I don’t want to present my boyfriend as a semi-nudist now do I?” he joked and tossed Sehun a suitable shirt to wear. This was the Kim Jongin that he had been with and loved for the whole time. The one that is childish yet loving.



“I don’t get you sometimes… one minute you’re a sleek and ually induced predator then you turn back into a cute and silly Kai” they both chuckled “Well, I only have the hots for you so I guess I get these desires once in a while” he raised his hands up, “I have urges, what can I say?” he smiled knowingly at Sehun who caught up with the smug look that was darted at him “YAH! I HAVE HORMONES TOO YA KNOW!” he yelled and threw a pillow right in his face.



They chuckled and quickly prepared themselves and it wasn’t long before they heard a car stopped in the front of the house. “That’s them… let’s get going” Sehun invited and Jongin then followed suit.



When they got down, they quickly greeted the couple “Took ya long enough grandpa!” Jongin joked and Chanyeol immediately lunged himself towards the younger and locked his head on his arms for a noogie. “YAH! STOP IT! I SURRENDER!” he pleaded in desperation to be released from his clutches “Know your place kiddo, you’re no match for me” Yeol smirked in triumph while the two just shook their heads and rolled their eyes over their childish partners.




“Let’s get going before these two lightweights mess themselves up even before the nights over” Baek inquired; with a nod, Sehun helped him push the two towards the car. “So how are things between you two?” Sehun quickly dropped the question as the car hummed to life “Well, dates galore if you ask me” Chanyeol sneered from the front seat.



Baekhyun just drove silently while Chanyeol tells them of their frequent dating lately “Two days ago he asked to go to Lotte world and I brought him there, then the very next day he asked to have a quick picnic at Jeju even though I was still so exhausted with the whole trip to Lotte world but I still caved in and tomorrow he asked to have a quick trip at Busan to meet a few relatives of his” he exaggeratingly implored.



“Hey, you gave your word along with this ring that you’d stick with me till the end” Baek sharply answered with a quick glance before going back to the road “Yeah, I said that but I wasn’t implying that I need to bring you over different places with just a few hours of interval you know. I get tired of walking around and chasing after you whenever you go giddy with stuff” he shot back.



“Do ya think I’m having a picnic whenever it’s your turn to be all happy as a ball of sunshine when you choose where we go?” he asked back in his previous demeanor when they were still acting like they hated each other. Well this time it seemed to have gone back to the way it was, only this time it seems real enough.



“I think they were only acting when they actually became sweet with each other. I mean, look at them, it feels a lot natural to watch them bicker like an already married 90 year old couple” Jongin whispered to Sehun and not wanting the two to hear him as they continued to have a petty fight with each other.



“I think that that’s love for them” Sehun whispers back “So how’s love for us then?” Jongin whips back his statement as a question. Sehun was a mildly taken aback with the sudden question but he cleared his throat a bit and gave a chaste kiss on the corner of Kai’s lips as an answer. “You know, my lips are located at the center part and just adjacent to my philtrum right?” he detailed out.



Sehun blushed at the misunderstanding. He intently just wanted to kiss the corner of his lips and not the whole thing, especially right where the two older couple was around. “Well… well… well… I think the two behind us just wanted to distract us from their own sole time together” he teasingly gestures with Chanyeol with a knowing look.



Yeol got the gist and turned to look at the two “Oh Sehun, I’m already fine with you dating Kai-ah, so don’t push it with that mushy mushy stuff behind my back… literally too” the two younger just giggled at the silly hyung they have.



“Setting our own relationship aside, how’s yours doing? I know things weren’t as easy as it was at first” Baek shifted the topic, “That’s actually both true and not, I’m starting to adapt to it. Of course I’m still not that comfy with the words “I love you” yet… you guys are already aware of that but, I’m doing my best here to be as normal as I could get” he tried his best to not sound as shy as he already was.



If only you guys knew a brewing side of him…” Sehun spoke inside his head, “Yeah, he’s doing whatever he could to be a better partner that wouldn’t strangle you to death whenever you excuse yourself or leave for class and stuff” Sehun blandly spoke.



“Well things are still progressing right? So there’s no need to worry and all” Baek was happy that his friends were now taking things in a better pace than how it had started. “But still… I’m keeping my eyes on you Oh Sehun. I won’t let you do inexplicable things to my Jongin’s innocent body!” Yeol warned and Sehun rolled his eyes, “I think that’s the other way around though” he mumbled to himself and luckily none of them heard.




Once they got to Kyungsoo’s front porch, they got themselves out of the car and Baek checked his wrist watch “Hey, we’re 8 minutes early” he announced to them “Maybe we’ll get extra servings with dessert!” Jongin cheered excitedly at the thought of having his cravings towards the treats. Sehun scoffed off a laugh with the way Jongin was acting.




Once they got at the front door, Chanyeol buzzed at the door bell and a few seconds the door flung open; they were greeted with a lovely heart smile from their host. “Didn’t expect early birds now… come inside the den while I finish preparing for dinner” he stepped aside and gestured them the path to the living room although they had already known where to go though.



“HMMM!!! Can’t wait for that meal to be served!” It was Chanyeol’s turn to compliment the soon to be feast. “Hold your horses now stretch. You heard the guy, he’s still finishing off the preparation” Baek barked at his partner but the taller just smiled back, still giddy about the dinner.



“Thanks for having us again Soo” Kai smiled at him before venturing to the couch at the den. “It seems that they’re all hyped up. How ‘bout you? You don’t seem as diligent as the rest” Kyung playfully pouted at Sehun and for a second Sehun found it silly but chuckled at the face he was giving “I just know how to control myself from being uncivilized but if this were to be on a daily basis I’d end up running over like a hungry hippo” he kid.



They both snickered and Kyung closed the door behind; trailing over Sehun’s footsteps, “Oh yeah… I forgot to inform you guys about something” Soo suddenly implied, Sehun turned to face him but they heard Kai shriek from the living room. He snapped his head towards the room they were in and saw Jongin frantic at the edge of the couch with hand on his chest as he breathed hard.



“What’s going on?” Kyung asked right away as he saw the guys “You didn’t tell me they’d be here early Soo” a guy wearing a white face mask snarled with hands on his sides. “Oh… well, I didn’t figure they’d be here beforehand. Well, since you’re already down here. I’d better introduce you to everyone”



They all faced Kyungsoo “Guys, this is my uncle’s step-son. His name’s Luhan and he’ll be staying for 3 days with me before uncle comes back and takes him to his place at Suwon. Apparently there’s nothing I can do but to accept the offer since he was told to come here with them but he forcibly asked them to crash here before going to their place” he gave out the details.



“I’m sorry for startling you like that. I usually just wear this a few hours before dinner” Luhan said as he peeled off the white mask. “I’d like to personally introduce myself to everyone. I’m Lu Han, 25 years old from Haidian District of Beijing, China. It’s a pleasure to meet my step-cousin’s acquaintances” he bowed to all of them.



“You didn’t have to label them as acquaintances you know. They’re my friends… like real friends!” Kyung ranted before making his way back to his kitchen, leaving the rest with Luhan. “Well, I’ll start off. I’m Park Chanyeol” he gave out his signature toothy grin before offering a formal handshake. “Likewise” Luhan flashed a grin as he shook hands with him.



“Byun Baekhyun” he cutely waved since Baekhyun felt this friendly vibe Luhan was radiating. “Gosh… that eyeliner’s a limited edition!” he quickly noticed the moment he stepped closer “Definitely worth the money! You have got to check out what I have in my collection!” both were like teenage girls giggling and clasping hands while jumping in unison. “I guess he found a best friend he can relate too” Yeol muttered under his breath.



When their scene died down, Luhan then turned to Jongin whowas still a bit bewildered “Oh, you have quite the jawline… hmm… I love the skin tone too” he openly checked him out and making Kai cheek blush furiously at the blunt compliments. “Damn… if only you didn’t had a boyfriend I’d grab you off the shelf!” Luhan blustered before offering a harmless handshake.



Jongin, at first reluctantly wanted to take in the handshake but he didn’t want to impose a bad impression so he shrugged off the uneasy feeling he had and took in the hand “K-Kim Jongin” he stammered and forced a bleak smile and was returned with a wide grin. After the seemingly awkward introduction with Kai; Luhan turned to Sehun who welcomed his gaze with a courteous smile “I’m Oh Sehun, it’s a pleasure to meet a relative of Soo’s”



Without hesitation Sehun drew out his hand for a handshake as well; despite the fact that Luhan displayed a warm character, Sehun felt a short shift in him and for a moment he swears he saw a smirk before it faded into a toothy grin. “Never knew you’d look this eye catching up front” his voice was soft and the rest didn’t heard it but it was clear enough for Sehun to take that in.



It was his turn to feel a bit stirred with Luhan’s spontaneously direct compliments. He rustically pulled back but noticed a lingering stare before their gazes finally broke apart. Luhan graciously turned to face the rest of the gang and started to converse with them, more intentionally with Baekhyun since the new found bond was too much to ignore but on the other hand, as Luhan talked to Baekhyun across the couch that he had just sat in; he couldn’t help but to catch certain glimpse of Luhan’s eyes darting him whenever there was a chance.



He was taken off by the thought and he didn’t want to make any other sense of it but it really bugged him in a certain way that he hardly noticed Jongin nudging him with his head. Breaking the trance of his drifting thoughts, he turned to the ball of fur that sat cozily with head on his shoulder. “You seem to be thinking deeply. Anything wrong?” Kai asked tenderly.



He couldn’t help but to smile at the sight presented to him before he answered the question “No, everything’s fine. I was just drawn into a daydream” he reasoned and Jongin scrunched up his nose at the awful answer “It’s night Sehun, you don’t say daydream in the evening. You just say dream” he spoke in a matter-of-factly. Sehun tittered at the silly words but still it was a great ice breaker for his wandering mind.



After a few minutes “Dinner’s ready!” Kyung hollered from the kitchen and they all got up to get to the dining table. “Finally!” Kai and Chanyeol screeched and dashed towards the dining table; Chanyeol was eager to get in his seat there that he even dragged Baekhyun who was still immersed with his conversation with Luhan.



“How rude Park Chanyeol~!” he smacked the taller man’s nape as punishment.



At a brief moment, Luhan and Sehun was left in the now quiet living room as the rest had vanished towards the kitchen. Sehun looked at Luhan with a half-smile “We should probably get going” he quickly stated before padding off towards the rest of them. Luhan eyed Sehun as he walked away; he smirked yet again at the view he had and his lips. “Hmm… a good bargain Kyungsoo… it's really good bargain” he spoke to himself and he started to take his steps to follow up at the dining room.





I was able to finish this off as fast as I could and I hold I did well with this... >.< I haven't done any proofread with this so if there are mistakes and such please to inform or so. Also, I'd like to hear from you guys about it :) comments are highly appreciated as well as constructive critisism :D! Anyways, happy reading :3


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Chapter 10: omg kyungsoo you fu..... hope that kai sees his real face and protects sehun authornım please dont let luhan sehun or somethıng lıke that and please ı beg you dont let kai missunderstand i wouldnt be able to take it ps really love the dark kai with unstoppable hormons hope he tops :D ahh thank you for updating <3
crapola #2
Chapter 10: Ashdjfkl y And kinda scary Luhan~ and two faced Kyungsoo o.o

Be careful SeKai!! >.<
Chapter 9: omg sehun kai b ecarefull kyungsoo turned evil :0 authornım thank you for updatıng really love thsı story and cant wait for more hope that kai takes more ınıatıves lıke hugging sehun or kıssıng omg M BLUSHING :D
Chapter 8: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sekai yayyyyyyyyyyy authornim thank you for updating really love this story :d
Chapter 7: sekai sekai sekai sekai sekai sekaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pleaseeeeee sekaiiiiiii
99.9% wants SEKAI
so do i ^^
leftright #7
Chapter 7: I'm here for Sekai......I hope it become Sekai at last. Kaisoo never be my thing. Never. Don't be offended.
Chapter 7: Can you not plaese close the poll this instant?
Chapter 7: I'm crying because I can see that kaisoo is winning. Sehun..
Chapter 7: i'll be concluding the final pairing when I upload the next chapter and whom pair were to win I congratulate you guys for voting and for the on that didn't beat the poll, I'll announce the surprise gift I will be revealing next update to make yp for your longing to have your pair be happily ever after ;)