th call

Hear out the call within my heart




As Kai went back to his shared room with Sehun; he cautiously opened the door to maintain the perfect silent entry back into Sehun’s sleeping body. He smirked as he felt that he had accomplished sneaking out and back into bed without disturbing Sehun’s slumber.


            “Where were you at?” Sehun whispered to him the moment Kai laid his head back at the pillow. “Dang it… I thought I gotten away smoothly” he whined and Sehun huffed out a laugh. “I just got up for some drink and wandered out at the porch. I stumbled on Kyungsoo; he was still awake and seeing the sky had plenty of stars around, I pulled out a drink for him and we just talked” he simply implied.


            Sehun hummed in understanding, “And why are you still not sleeping at this hour? Basically you wake up because of something” he pointed out, “Seriously? Can’t I just hop out of bed just because I wanted to have a drink?” he snarled. “Alright… I’ll let it pass… let’s get to sleep, we have a long day later on” he pulled Kai deeper into his arms. “Hunnie…” a moment of hesitation with his words and he heard a mumble from the latter “Goodnight…” it seemed forced out but Sehun didn’t bother to question it and bid his goodnight as well.


            When morning came, both Chanyeol and Baekhyun were busy preparing food for the three. “Ya could you hurry up with the stove? You’ve been there for 15 minutes and all you need to do is cook some bacon and eggs for Pete’s sake” Yeol muttered out and Hyun only glared at him for an answer.


            “Shut up and just place the toast and butter at the table. You should’ve just stayed put on the chair and mind your own business” he went back to his task and Yeol only huffed out a heavy breath before turning back to the dining table. “What’s with all the commotion about? It’s bright and early for you guys to have another warfare” Kyungsoo yawned as he stumbles on the two who were having an active morning routine.


            “Don’t mind him, he’s just like that every morning” Yeol stated and took a bite on the toast he made, “He has morning mood swings so you have to deal with it” Baekhyun fought back. Kyungsoo chuckled at how much they love to bicker. “Anyways, are you guys ready for the event today? I don’t think I’ll be able to do well” Kyung spoke meekly as he sat down and slump his face at the table.


            “Ya, no negative vibes in the morning and no face palming even though you’re using the table” Yeol patted his shoulder. Kyung turned his face towards him with a gloomy look “I’m not physically fit for these types of activities. Usually I refrain myself to even jog in the morning, what more could trekking up a mountain would be?” Baekhyun only snickered as he finished with his cooking and brought a plate full of bacon and eggs.


            “It’s only a small mountain it could practically be considered as a large hill; you wouldn’t die with a little race up there. Besides, you’ll be with Jong In. He’s physically fit and he’ll look after you” he positively encouraged him and Chanyeol nudged him with his elbow and whispered “You know that Kai isn’t that good at outdoor activities too… you should switch with him so he’ll have a better chance with Sehun” Hyun shook his head “They’ll be both fine; and what can we do? If you pair yourself up with Jong In and Sehun with me, you think that he’ll make it to the top alone? Don’t be preposterous”


            Kyung only looked at the two whispered to each other and didn’t mind what they were saying. “I’m hungryyyyyy!” Sehun appeared with a glee as he rushed for a seat and immediately took some toast and eggs “Someone slept nicely” Yeol marveled at the energy Sehun was radiating. He munched at the food and not minding to answer verbally but smiled to indicate that he’s in a good mood.


            Meanwhile as they bask on the lively Oh Sehun, Kim Jong In came along with an opposite aura. “What the hell happened to you?” Hyun asked the moment he saw Kai’s hair all tousled and his face that still seemed half asleep. Kyung sat straight and looked at how Kai appeared; he couldn’t hold off a small laugh followed by Sehun’s giggle.


            “I… I felt like I wrangled a pig last night. My back kinda hurts and my arm felt numb” he rubbed his left arm and sat at the dining chair with a thud as if his weight was overwhelming. “Want some coffee?” Hyun offered, “Yes please…” he definitely sounded beat. “If I didn’t know you well, I’d think that you had rough with someone last night” Chanyeol joked which everyone except Kai laughed about.


            Kyungsoo noticed a disappointment in his face, “Are you really thinking that… these two have had ?” he didn’t want to believe something that just ran inside his head because of what Chanyeol had joked about. “Enough Chan… come on have a seat and eat…” Hyun raised a brow on Kai “You did brush your teeth now?” he teasingly asked “Do you think I’m that non-hygienic?” Kai muttered and just sat and ate.



“Hey, you can’t expect everyone to not know what a slob you are at times” Sehun kid from behind before making his way towards a seat at the table “Hun, it’s not like you brush your teeth every morning” he shot back “Yes, I do admit to that. Then again, I don’t obligate people to tolerate my morning breath such as you” the exchanges of looks between the two were quite intense.




“Yeah well, I don’t like the way you stretch in the morning! You always hit my face and it’s bugging my sleep!” he retaliated and the both of them doesn’t seem to acknowledge the rest of the people around them “Well if you grow up and just sleep on your own, it wouldn’t be much of an issue now wouldn’t it?” Kai huffed a heavy breath “Then it would be better if I were to just stay away from you then! It’s not like I force you to accompany to sleep all the time!” he was beet red because of both embarrassment and anger.




“Like you’ll be able to survive without someone there being your pillow! You don’t stand a chance at that!” Jong In felt those words sting him deeply. He felt his eyes go hazy and his fist felt numb as he balled it up for restraint. The three were speechless with their sudden outburst and none of them felt the courage to step in, “Yeah, I won’t…” he meekly replied and turned to his heel and ran off.




Only after hearing the front door slam did Sehun realized what had happened. He felt his heaving chest sink at recalling those brutal words that he told to Kai. He felt awful and he doesn’t know why he quickly lost his temper.



Without a word Kyungsoo dashed off to trail onto Jong In while both Baek and Chanyeol stayed behind Sehun who was regretting everything that had happened a few minutes ago. “Sehun… what happened back there? I know Baek and I fight all the time but we never go overboard like that. What happened?” he asked cautiously “Sehun-ah, did something happen last night? Were you in a fight or something?” Baek probed.



Sehun simply shook his head notifying them that there wasn’t any fight last night or anything. Baek pinched the bridge of his nose and took in a deep breath “I’ll stay here Chan, go and follow the two” without any arguments Chanyeol complied and left them.




“I hate myself…” Sehun muttered to himself when he heard the door close. Baekhyun could see the remorse in his face “Listen, it’ll be fine. It’s just an unexpected fight between friends. It’ll pass” he placed a hand on Sehun’s back and rubbed it gently “He’s delicate to that subject… he gets overly offended when it comes to that type of matter. Knowing that kind of stuff and saying it out loud then nagging him about it was way below the belt”




“Sehun…” Baek was lost for words on how to ease him; he looks so down and pained at his doing. “He’ll forgive you. I just know it”




Jong In didn’t know where he was going; he only ran aimlessly just to get away and hide his pain. He always had an argument with Sehun from time to time and it would lead to some physical fights but never had Sehun brought up something like that as a retort. He felt betrayed and dejected to hear that Sehun would actually tell him that he should grow up and learn to sleep on his own.



All though he was right, he knows in himself he tried before. The only thing was, it was either he would sleep so lightly or he wouldn’t sleep at all. It was something he couldn’t have a hold on and there’s nothing capable of changing that; “If you were already fed up with me sleeping with you all the time, you should’ve just told me so you wouldn’t be that bothered!” he screamed out as he continued to run.




It felt like hours when he couldn’t take another step; he stopped for a short while to rest his legs as he cried out with his head on his knees. “I thought you were the best friend I always wanted… the brother that would look after me but… the truth was you hated it. You just stayed there to act like you really care but you don’t! You actually don’t!” he mumbled as he poured out his heart.



Despite the fact that Kyungsoo ran after him the moment he walked out of the cabin, he wasn’t able to catch up to Jong In and the fact that his lack of physical endurance hindered his chase over Kai. “Where in the world has he ran to?” he took a breather and looked around the area but there was no signs of him. “He couldn’t have gone any farther…” he didn’t want to give in; he didn’t want to lose him yet again.




For another few minutes he heard a loud crash of leaves and dead branches from behind. His heart nearly dropped and hurriedly he made his way towards the root of the noise; he thought that his heart was about to pop out as he found Jongin groaning and all curled up on the ground “JONGIN!” he did his best to dash towards him for aid, not caring if he were to get hit by the branches and sharp bushes he passes through “What happened to you?” he was panicking but he didn’t want to lose his ration on what to do.





“I slipped around a steep part and I came tumbling down... AW!” he wailed while holding onto his knee. His jeans were all torn and scratched skin was all over the tattered article. “Oh … can you walk?” Kyung tried to assist him to stand and Jongin did his best to stand up his feet but it was futile since both feet seemed to be in deep pain “I guess we have no choice; hop on my back” he offered as he assisted him to sit at a nearby rock.




Knowing that it’s not a good time to argue, he just did as he was told “Careful… hold onto me tight” he delicately cradled Jongin’s thighs with his arms and made sure he wouldn’t hit near the injured boy’s knees. Jongin felt irresponsible with what had happened with him; he felt like a dunce since he just decided to run away and not think about the consequences it may bring “I’m sorry…”



Kyungsoo was a bit surprised at the words “You don’t have to be, I mean, I was an accident. But please don’t run off like that… it wasn’t something that you should do you know” he tried to tell it to him calmly “I’m very childish… that’s the worst trait I have. I feel really awful with what came over me” he really sounded disappointed in himself “You can react the way you want to Jongin but also don’t let yourself be clouded by anger or anything else. Remember that amongst all the effects that something like this could cause, you will be the most affected one”




He felt Jongin’s hold over him tighten “I’ll… remember that” he was at the verge of crying but held it at bay; he didn’t want to seem weak and most of all he didn’t want to show how weak he’s really inside.





Despite carrying Jongin who was heavier that he had expected, he was relieved that the boy wasn’t in dire pain. “This is better than him falling off the whole mountain…




After a few minutes, they heard footsteps drawing near. “Jongin-ah! Kyungsoo!” a familiar deep voice called out “We’re here!” Kyungsoo shouted and in a few seconds they saw Chanyeol making a fast pace towards them. His face was scrunched up at the way Jongin looked like as he saw the damage in his jeans “What in the world happened to you?! You almost gave me a heart attack with all this chasing after!” he scolded but his face was evidently worried.




Jongin never felt so ashamed of himself; he didn’t had the heart to look at them for the trouble he had caused “I’m very sorry…” he spoke quietly with his head still looking down on the ground “Forget it, we need to tend to your wounds immediately and disinfect it right away” Chanyeol then grabbed hold of Kai and carried him bridal style; luckily Yeol was fit enough to not mind the latter’s weight “How about you Kyung, are you hurt too?” he peered at the doe-eyed guy who was gloomy.




“I-I’m fine…” he simply answered. Feeling the dense atmosphere, Chanyeol didn’t bother to ask any more questions and just carried the wounded kid in his arms back to the cabin.




The moment the cabin door pried open, both Baekhyun and Sehun strutted to check on them. “What the hell happened?” Baek rushed towards Kai “He fell on a steep edge, fortunately it wasn’t that deep” Kyung informed “I’ll go get the first aid and call an ambulance. There’s a nearby clinic here. Chan, lay him down on the sofa and grab a scissor to cut off his jeans. We need to treat it quickly” it pays to have Baek study nursing at time like that.



Sehun on the other hand was struck at the sight of Jongin being hurt like that. He didn’t expect that their fight would cause something like that. Jongin did all he could to avert his attention towards Sehun; he was both mad and humiliated. Mad because of their fight and humiliated because it just shows how much he couldn’t survive on his own, even for a short period of time.




Sehun’s vision was turning foggy at feeling responsible for everything. Kyungsoo noticed how depressed he seemed and walked over towards him “He’ll be fine… don’t blame yourself too much” he assured him so he wouldn’t take it deep. He did his best to smile but it was evident that it failed to cover up.



When Baek finished cleaning up Jongin’s wound and telling him that he shouldn’t run off like that plus worry him so much that he nearly got hysterical when he saw the injuries. He gave him some pain killers and found out that his also broke his ankle. Baek presented himself to accompany him at the hospital since he has taken responsibility for the people he dragged in the outing.




Sehun was deeply in thought at their shared room; he had cried out the regret that he had after seeing Jongin’s state and the effects it had left. “I’m sorry… I’m terribly sorry for this… I should’ve held my tongue back when things got hairy. I’m an awful friend” he groveled under the sheets as he hid his face completely in his knees.




“You shouldn’t worry yourself too much Kyung, he’ll be fine. Baek told me he’ll be alright, he might have a fractured ankle but it’s something that’ll pass” he comforted the smaller who was still at a daze at the whole scenario. Kyung looked at him and forced a smile. “I’ll prepare something for us to eat once the two gets back here” he patted him before leaving “L-Let me help” he squeaked.



“I can handle it, take some rest” he grinned and left for the kitchen. “I’m pathetic… I couldn’t do anything to stop him from running off… why am I so useless!” he balled his first on his lap.




It was noon when the two came back. Kai was wearing the sweatpants Baek asked to bring before they left and a small cast on his left ankle that was accompanied by some crutches. They were both greeted by Kyungsoo and Chanyeol but Sehun just peered from afar at the room. He felt devastated that he had led his dear friend into such situation, especially at the midst of his dance practices for auditions.




Jongin did his best to smile around them when he was asked on how he was doing. His eyes then landed on Sehun was has obviously feeling the guilt swallowing him whole. They made eye contact and Jongin bit his lower lip and popped it out to subtly point at their room. Sehun was surprised at the gesture but complied by making his way towards their room without the rest of them noticing.



“I think I should rest. I think I need to relax my legs for all that running I’ve made” he tried to joke it out and the rest of them took wind “I’ll help you~” Kyungsoo presented but Kai shook his head instantly “I can manage, I’ve caused too much trouble for one day” he plastered out a smile “Alright, I’ll bring you something to eat later” he nodded and carefully made his way to the room.




The moment he got inside the room he shut the door and saw Sehun sitting at the edge of the bed with his head bowed down. He could hear a vague sound which indicated that he was lightly sobbing underneath the hair that covered his face.



He sat at the vacant space beside him and set the crutches at the side of the bed. He took a deep breath before speaking “I’m sorry Hun… I’m sorry I lost my temper. That I lost control of myself and ran off like a bratty child that just got scolded and~” he wasn’t able to continue when Sehun latched himself onto him, crying heavily without further restraint. He just lets the tears gush down his eyes at Kai’s chest.



“I… I’m the one to blame… I went too far and caused you to snap. I should’ve held myself back. I didn’t mean it… I really didn’t” he muttered as he continued to sob. Little by little Jongin’s own dam started to leak and he wrapped the younger around his arms. “We’re both at wrong with what we did… but it’s not like we haven’t fought before right?” he sniffed and wiped a few tears that filled his eyes.



“But it never lead to something as serious as this… you got hurt and I don’t think I could ever forgive myself for what had happened to you” Jongin shushed him as he ran his hand on Sehun’s back “I’m still alive Sehun, it takes more than that to kill me… besides, I’ve been in deeper than this whenever I get an injury during practice” he tried to chuckle but it didn’t sound as convincing as it should’ve been.



“But still~” Jong didn’t want him to blame himself anymore. It was already considered as part of the past. And right now all that mattered was Sehun knows that he doesn’t want him to take it onto himself. He never wanted him to feel the one to blame at injuries that was caused by their arguments.



When their tears dried up, they pulled away and looked at each other with a goofy smile which made them chuckle “I can never be mad at you” Jongin simply implied “Likewise you drama queen” he kid and Kai pouted “Me the drama queen? You were the one who cried the most!” he claimed “Nah ah! You cried more when Baek-hyung was cleaning your wounds!” he retorted.



“Well, it was painful since it was a fresh scratch. Baekhyun-hyung was also damping at it harshly!” he answered back and the both of them laughed “But the end of the line is, we’re both crybabies when we get ourselves hurt” they both agreed at one thing though.



I love him to deeply to not blame myself in case something happens to him. Although he doesn’t want me to feel responsible for what may happen to him. I could never strip that away from me whenever I think about his safety” 






Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this one... >.< I may have gone far in hurting Nini here but it just needs to be done to spice up the feels hehe :3

For those who subbed and read thanks a bunch! I love you all :*



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Chapter 10: omg kyungsoo you fu..... hope that kai sees his real face and protects sehun authornım please dont let luhan sehun or somethıng lıke that and please ı beg you dont let kai missunderstand i wouldnt be able to take it ps really love the dark kai with unstoppable hormons hope he tops :D ahh thank you for updating <3
crapola #2
Chapter 10: Ashdjfkl y And kinda scary Luhan~ and two faced Kyungsoo o.o

Be careful SeKai!! >.<
Chapter 9: omg sehun kai b ecarefull kyungsoo turned evil :0 authornım thank you for updatıng really love thsı story and cant wait for more hope that kai takes more ınıatıves lıke hugging sehun or kıssıng omg M BLUSHING :D
Chapter 8: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sekai yayyyyyyyyyyy authornim thank you for updating really love this story :d
Chapter 7: sekai sekai sekai sekai sekai sekaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pleaseeeeee sekaiiiiiii
99.9% wants SEKAI
so do i ^^
leftright #7
Chapter 7: I'm here for Sekai......I hope it become Sekai at last. Kaisoo never be my thing. Never. Don't be offended.
Chapter 7: Can you not plaese close the poll this instant?
Chapter 7: I'm crying because I can see that kaisoo is winning. Sehun..
Chapter 7: i'll be concluding the final pairing when I upload the next chapter and whom pair were to win I congratulate you guys for voting and for the on that didn't beat the poll, I'll announce the surprise gift I will be revealing next update to make yp for your longing to have your pair be happily ever after ;)