rd call

Hear out the call within my heart


            “So how was the exams boys? I hope that you guys did your best?” Kai’s mother asked as she looked at the two lying down on the chair and sofa after their midterm exams. “It was horrible… I thought the questions were going to eat me alive!” Kai groaned and slumped back down the cushion. “It was… hell as usual” Sehun simply added.


            It’s been weeks and it was also the last day of the midterm exams. They were relieved that they have a few days off from school after the exams.


            “Well, as long as you gave it your all” she optimistically cheered. “I’ll get you guys something to munch on” she left the two half dead boys at the living room. “Sehun… I don’t think I can go to work today… I think if I were to even try to take an order or something, I’d blow up in an instant” Sehun huffed a laugh but it died in an instant with the lack of energy.


            “The boss said he was already prepared for our midterm and finals; he informed me that he took some replacements to fill in until the exams are finished and he’ll also give us some resting days. We can rest assure that we can take a break from work” Kai smiled and sighed in relief. “Good thing boss loves us… if not we’d be dead on the spot”


            When they thought that they had the whole day to sleep and relax their worked up minds; the doorbell rang. “Who the hell?” Kai blurted out of irritation, “I’ll get it” his mom was kind enough to let them just stay put. “Good afternoon Ms. Kim” a familiar voice was definite enough to make them grunt. “Oh, what a delight. Do come inside” she happily let the person in.


            “Hey dead beats, can you guys still stand up?” Baekhyun asked the two nearly lifeless pair. “You better beat it before I kick you out” Kai warned and Sehun just simply gave a finger. “Come on… let’s go, we still have the whole day; don’t go all tired and lifeless just because of some test” he encouraged the two but they barely even looked at him.


            “Don’t act like this guys, I prepared something nice and soothing to ease up your tensed mind and body” he continued to persuade the two.



            “O” the two said in unison.


            “Sorry for the attitude these guys are showing; they always act like that and their very bushed” Kai’s mom came in with some beverages and some biscuits. “Well frankly, I was planning on taking these guys on a cabin trip and there’s a hot spring near it. The place is big enough for the gang and all food and accommodation will be done by me…” the two may not have lifted a finger but their ears were like satellite dishes that’s listening very well.


            “But if they don’t seem to be in the mood to leave the house then~” the two quickly stood up with a bright look on their faces. “I’m up for some adventure” Kai merrily said “Hot springs… I haven’t gone to one in a long time. I won’t let it pass” Sehun was already looking forward to it. Both Baekhyun and Kai’s mom couldn’t bear hold their laughter.


            “Go get your stuff then; we’ll be there for three days and two nights” the two were surprised that it was exactly how long they plan on resting from work and the days that they didn’t had classes. “Whoa Baekhyun… is this really you? I think I could kiss you right now” Sehun couldn’t help but to be amazed. “Don’t even think about it” he sternly warded.


            “Come on, let’s pack our bags before he changes his mind” Kai dragged Sehun upstairs in which made Baekhyun wonder. “Uh… isn’t he letting Sehun go to his place to get some clothes?” he was a bit taken aback in which Kai’s mom found funny. “Odd that it may seem; Sehun has clothes here and he also has a personal drawer in Kai’s room and same goes with Kai at Sehun’s place”


            Somehow Baekhyun was only half surprised “How long had that been going?” he curiously asked. “Ever since Sehun knew that Kai can’t sleep well without having someone to accompany him in bed. You see, he’s an only child of mine and he always longs for a brother who’d look after him and sleep by his side so he’d feel safe. Sehun acted like that the moment he knew and asked to sleep here or bring Kai to their place”


            “I first found it troublesome for Sehun’s parents but they seem to be fond with the two so they agreed with what he asked and up until now they sleep either here on at Sehun’s place. Oh… since you’re a good friend of theirs, please keep it to yourself. Kai’s embarrassed to let others know of his sleeping habit” with a warm smile, Baekhyun nodded and promised.


            “I see the reason why they’ve grown so close to each other” he confirmed with a smile in his face. He found it amusing that the both of them are really that close to one another; add that fact that their parents are also supportive of this type of companionship. “It must’ve been quite the work for you parents to take care of an extra child” he chuckled.


            Kai’s mom cringed at what he stated, “True, having another child in an instant was a great shock for me and my husband but as long as we see Kai happy; it makes us feel that we’re doing the best we can as his parents” Hyun felt a bit envious since his parents weren’t that lovingly towards him when he grew up. “Kai’s very fortunate to have you” he sincerely said which made Kai’s mom happy.


            “Thank you and please look out after Jong In for me, he may act like he’s brave enough to do all the things he say he could but he always needs to be looked after okay?” Hyun nodded and only a few minutes the two came down with their bags. “I’m so excited right now” Kai cheered as he stood in front of Baekhyun with a wide grin.


            “Ya… it pays to have someone with a loaded family to be a friend” Sehun grinned with his remark. “Don’t get all too comfy with it, this maybe your last if you don’t behave” Hyun warned with a cute threat “Enough talk, let’s get this show on the road” Kai was surely psyched about it. “Careful dear, Sehun look after him alright and take care as well” she instructed the slightly mature one. “I’ll do so mom” he kindly replied.


            When they came out, they saw a different car than the usual. “Hyung, is this car yours too?” Kai wondered, “Yeah, I asked my dad if he could send it here so I can use them for a short vacation. Luckily our chuffer wasn’t in a tight schedule with them so he brought it here” the two made a “Whoa” before rushing down for their seat.


            “SHUTGUN!” Kai stopped the moment he saw Chanyeol already sleeping in the front seat. “No fair… how did he ended up there?” he was rather disappointed. “Ya, stop complaining and let’s sit on the back. It’s a van so it’ll be wide enough” he dragged the kid towards the other door. When they opened it they saw Kyungsoo reading a book. “Kyungsoo!” Kai was evidently happy that it’s only five of them going on a trip.


            “Oh Kai, Sehun hey there. What took you so long to get out?” he smiled then placed his book down and Kai barged in to sit beside him. “We weren’t informed that we were leaving so we just packed our stuff just now” he threw his back at the back. “How ‘bout you? Were you already informed?” he simply nodded first “Baekhyun told me after the midterm exams, it was sudden but at least I was able to prepare and inform my parents” Kai pouted.


            “Don’t get all too jealous because you weren’t invited first” Sehun immediately scuffled his head. “Be thankful that you’re here in the car for a good trip” he reminded and threw his bag at the back as well. “Okay guys, let’s go!” Baekhyun started the engine.


            The first few minutes on the road, Kai and Kyungsoo talked about their thesis so they’d be prepared for the schedules they’ll be setting; their work time and Kai’s club/Audition practices. Sehun on the other hand just watched the view at the window and snicker whenever Kai says something random from time to time. Baekhyun was enjoying the drive since the two were active and Chanyeol was still sleeping and not making a fuss since he wasn’t sitting next to Kai.


            After 2 hours passed by, Chanyeol shifted to the driver’s seat and Baekhyun took a break. He nagged Baekhyun for a good 30 minutes until he piped down when he noticed the two were already fast asleep and only then did Baekhyun had the chance to catch some snooze.


            Being caught in the middle was hard for Kai to sleep with, although he was sliding down on his left and right side as he slept. He immediately snaps back into the center.


            So Sehun gently laid Kai’s head on his shoulder for him to sleep properly.


            The drive was smooth and quiet for the next hour, it was then that Kyungsoo’s eyes started to pry open and witness Sehun’s care towards Kai.


            “It hurts when I see you so close to him… I swear, one day… I’ll be brave enough to make you rest like that by my side” Kyung told himself as saw them when he had just woke up; no one noticed that he had waken since he only opened his eyes partially. “Baekhyun… wake up, we’re here” he gave a heavy nudged at the sleeping guy “W-What? Oh…” he lazily opened his eyes and yawned. “Yeah, I guess we are…” he stretched himself before he turned to tell Sehun to wake the two up.


            “Kai… Kai… wake up, we’re here now” he softly whispered but Kai wasn’t waking, instead he showed his habit; he turned most of his body towards Sehun and embraced him with both arms and buried his face on his nape. Though Sehun doesn’t mind it, it was rather awkward towards Kyungsoo who was still new to him.


            “K-Kai… wake up, you need to get up” he shook him but still no response. In that moment Kyungsoo stretched his arms as if he had just woken up, “I think you should let him sleep a bit longer, I’ll help up with the unpacking so you won’t have to disturb him” he suggested and Sehun simply nodded and accepted the offer. “He’s right, he must’ve been very tired. Bring him inside and let him sleep”


            “Uh… right…” Sehun thinking of a way to not let the other know that Kai can’t sleep without someone lying on the bed with him. “Don’t worry Sehun-ah, we can handle the cargo so go inside and take the left room from the living room” Hyun instructed and he opened the door then carried Kai bridal style. At some point, it was rather embarrassing that Kai was all over Sehun even though he was being carried like that.


            “What can I say, the two are inseparable” he grinned at Chanyeol who was sending daggers on him. “Sometimes I wonder why I put up with you” he jeered and Kyung cringe on the two while they unpacked the things at the back of the car.


            It wasn’t a problem for Sehun to carry Kai since he was used to it, he was having trouble finding an excuse since he needs to stay in order for Kai to still sleep and frankly he didn’t had the heart to disturb Kai’s slumber. “Boy, to pick of a time to sleep… and I mean, really sleep” he sighed and laid themselves on the nice and comfy bed.


            The room was wide and spacious for two people; it had two beds and a small table in between with a lampshade. It was well kept, nice and had toasty temperature. Although it was amusing, it was more of a reason for Kai to sleep heavier. “Why does it has to be this comfortable?” he couldn’t believe the chances.


            Kai mumbled in his sleep and whined. Sehun understood it and turned to his side so that Kai could snuggle in more; he placed his arms all around Sehun and nuzzle up underneath Sehun’s chin, then he gave a hum of satisfaction. “You’re lucky that I’m the one who’s looking after you. If it were anybody else, they’d already left you so you’d learn how to sleep on your own” though it was pointless to tell him that while he was asleep; inside him he knows it wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t him that Kai clings onto.


            A quick knock on the door made Sehun stiffen in his place, “Sehun-ah… don’t worry I already know that Kai doesn’t sleep well without you so I brought your bags here. You don’t have to get up, I’ll just tell them that you also want some sleep. Me and the rest are going to buy some food at the nearby market so just rest with him for now” Sehun only giggled on the way Baekhyun was being so thoughtful.


            “Thanks, we owe you one” he continued to snicker. “You don’t sound thankful… anyways, just sleep and I’ll come back to check on you guys” he simply informed and left the two for the time being.


            “Kai would flip if he knew that Baekhyun knows about his sleeping needs” he messed Kai’s locks lightly and held him tighter in his arms. “At least… it’s safe to say that he’s willing to look after us that well; you lucky piece of fluff”


            “Well… even if the world would turn against you. I’ll always be there for you to lean on” he whispered to Kai’s ear and slowly he himself was rather sleepy “I’ll always… look after you… no matter what”


            Meanwhile at the market, Baekhyun was totally aware about Kyungsoo who was quiet the whole time; even if he hasn’t brought it up yet, he feels that it’s better off to have a talk with him. “Chan… can you fetch the pork belly and some steak at the butchery? We’ll head on to get the vegetables and spices” he gave a sign to tell him off; Chanyeol caught wind and just went off.


            When Chanyeol completely left them; Hyun found the moment to start off a conversation. “So… Kyung, what club activities are you active in?” Kyung looked at him as if he was phased out himself. “Pardon?” Hyun tittered “You seem to drift off? Something’s getting in your mind?” he asked out. “Nothing much…” he wasn’t able to reply much since he didn’t know what exactly to say if he himself didn’t noticed that he was in someplace else.


            “You don’t seem to be busy with your school work and I don’t know if you have any club activities being the fact that you’re also working with Kai and Sehun” Kyung nodded and finally took in what he was asking earlier. “I usually just study at home when there’s nothing to do and reading is also my hobby; I didn’t want to be associated with any clubs but my professor insisted that I at least join one to socialize with people… so I ended up joining the chess club but I really didn’t went all out there” Hyun nodded.


            “And working at the café wasn’t really something urgent or a need in expenses, I thought that it would be nice to work while I study that’s all. Anyways, I feel lucky to work there since I met Kai and Sehun, I ended up being friends with you guys too” he smiled at him and Baekhyun felt a certain feeling beneath those words.


            “You didn’t have much friends before you met the two?” he added another question, “To be precise, I had none since I was young. I always isolate myself since I don’t want to be picked on when I was a kid and it ended up backfiring myself to the present. So having you guys around really was something… I’m really thankful that you guys were the first batch of friends I’ve ever made” Hyun giggled and placed an arm around him.


            “Listen here, I don’t usually socialize myself with others but having you around seems natural and easy. I only choose people who aren’t difficult to be with well… aside from Chan, the rest of you are all fine with me” they both chuckled and drifted back to a short silence.


            “Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk about this…” Hyun finally brought up and Kyung look at him intently “Were you a bit awkward earlier when Kai was snuggling Sehun too much when he slept? I won’t hold it against you if you do think of it that way but I just want to make things clear so we wouldn’t feel weird around each other and stuff”


            With a grin Kyung answered calmly “I’m not awkward with anything they do, I don’t mind them doing stuff that isn’t usually for buddies and most of all; I’m fine as long as they don’t bite” he joked and it made Hyun laugh “Well to give you a heads up they do. Sehun bit me once when he got annoyed with me when I kept pinching his cheeks and Kai actually bit me hard when he was drunk and wanted to have some beef to eat” explained it with both joy and pain.


            “If I didn’t stuck the pork in front of his face, he would’ve chewed my arm out”


            When everything was back to neutral state “Also I want to give you a little thought about how close those two really are so you know how much they’re bounded by each other; Kai has this anxiety wherein he couldn’t sleep well without someone being there with him to hold onto. Sehun was caring enough to be there with him all throughout their childhood and up until now, he obligates himself to do so” although he promised to keep it to himself, he couldn’t stop himself in telling him.


            He didn’t saw any reaction from Kyungsoo, he was just quietly listening to what he was saying. “Earlier before we head off, I told Sehun to let Kai sleep for a while and that he should just stay behind to look after him” Kyung finally looked and spoke to him.


            “Well if Kai does have that type of anxiety, there’s nothing I can do to change it” he took it in.


            “I just had this feeling that you should know as well. I’m not certain why I feel like doing so but, it’s like I feel bad to keep it from you” Kyung his lips that had felt dry for a moment and took a breath. “There’s no need… I mean, it’s not like I’m courting one of them, besides whether you tell me or not it wouldn’t change my perspective towards their friendship” he tried his best to hide what he truly feels and it seem to have work on Baekhyun.


            “Thank you… for being this like this. I thought a scandal was going to break out with those two” he sighed with relief and Kyung narrowed his eyes. “Hey, you really think I’d snitch about something like this? Do I look like a gossiper?” he hit Hyun’s side lightly with his elbow.


            Although the mood turned light and nice around each other, the fact still remained that deep inside Kyungsoo, his heart ached like never before. He felt sad for himself that there’s a possibility that Sehun might have a better hold over Kai than he had thought he had.


            “Even the chances are dwindling, I can’t give you up” he motivated himself.


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Chapter 10: omg kyungsoo you fu..... hope that kai sees his real face and protects sehun authornım please dont let luhan sehun or somethıng lıke that and please ı beg you dont let kai missunderstand i wouldnt be able to take it ps really love the dark kai with unstoppable hormons hope he tops :D ahh thank you for updating <3
crapola #2
Chapter 10: Ashdjfkl y And kinda scary Luhan~ and two faced Kyungsoo o.o

Be careful SeKai!! >.<
Chapter 9: omg sehun kai b ecarefull kyungsoo turned evil :0 authornım thank you for updatıng really love thsı story and cant wait for more hope that kai takes more ınıatıves lıke hugging sehun or kıssıng omg M BLUSHING :D
Chapter 8: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sekai yayyyyyyyyyyy authornim thank you for updating really love this story :d
Chapter 7: sekai sekai sekai sekai sekai sekaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pleaseeeeee sekaiiiiiii
99.9% wants SEKAI
so do i ^^
leftright #7
Chapter 7: I'm here for Sekai......I hope it become Sekai at last. Kaisoo never be my thing. Never. Don't be offended.
Chapter 7: Can you not plaese close the poll this instant?
Chapter 7: I'm crying because I can see that kaisoo is winning. Sehun..
Chapter 7: i'll be concluding the final pairing when I upload the next chapter and whom pair were to win I congratulate you guys for voting and for the on that didn't beat the poll, I'll announce the surprise gift I will be revealing next update to make yp for your longing to have your pair be happily ever after ;)