th call

Hear out the call within my heart







So the day went by and things were all boredom and only entertained with movies that Baek had brought; although that would be the case, everyone was relieved that the two were back in their good terms. “Ever wondered why Baek has these type of mushy chick flicks?” Chanyeol chimed at the busy bodies that were ogling at the wide TV screen.



Baek shot him a glare accompanied by a scowl “Shut up and watch you over grown monkey!” he spats out with venom “Hey, it’s not every day we get to watch a new genre, it’s usually just comedy and action. This is at least something new” Sehun differed at Yeol’s earlier question.


“Thank you Sehun, now back to the screen!” he demanded and Yeol just scoffed at the way Baek acts, seriously, such a diva. He thought to himself.



So this was typically the whole scenario, Sehun sat at the left end of the couch, Kai was at the middle and Kyung was at the other end while the two eldest sat cozily at the floor.



“I do not get the whole thing… who would agree on being a fake fiancé? I mean, people pretend to others more than meets the eye; yeah that’s quite the stereotype that’s happening all across the world but who the hell would do that with your devil of a boss?” Jongin stated his current intake of the movie. He was evidently engrossed “Well, my dear Jongin-ah… let me elaborate to you in a casual sense of it” Baek momentarily paused the movie.



He turned at the younger who still looked utterly confused “Let’s pretend that you’re a newbie dancer and you have a dragon of an instructor~” he was cut off with Kai’s sudden answer “I’d show him a thing or two and~” Baek raised a hand to indicate him to shut up “Well… moving on. If your instructor were to be deported back to the country that he/she belongs to, it would be imperative to attain citizenship with marrying someone that is a natural born citizen of that country”



Chanyeol was also listening, since despite watching the movie with Baek for more than once, he was actually starting to have a clear insight of the whole movie itself while the two were just amused at the two who didn’t got the movie plot “So, let’s say you were the one caught up in the situation and after the sudden shock of revelation to prevent him/her deportation, you were offered to be a prior for debut in exchange for marriage then afterwards a divorce perhaps a year or two and all’s well” he smiled in a perky fashion.




“Oh… so what’s the gist?” three of them face palmed at that point but Chanyeol and Jongin were still picking up the pieces “It means, they need to pretend to love and be a happy couple for the time being then after that it’s good riddance! But that doesn’t happen since the boss and the assistant came to learn how to love each other, then in the end they truly decided to marry for real. This time out of love” Sehun quickly crumbled down the whole thing, enlightening the two who somehow finally had a grasp at the story.



“Cool…” was all that was heard until they went back into watching. Like always, Baek was engrossed by the movies he picked although he had lost count at the time he had watched it. He always felt that he was seeing a dream of how he’ll get hitched and stuff so that was more of a movie for him. Chanyeol on the other hand was stealing glimpse of Baekhyun’s face that was well caught up at the show.



He always does that out of habit.



When the movie ended, they saw that the time was already 2 in the morning. “Alright babies, lights out, time to sleep” he announced as they all got up from their seats and stretched their limbs. “Tomorrow, we’ll finally feel the hot springs” Yeol cheered “But how about my injury?” Kai pouted in a disappointment “No worries, we could bundle up at the less hot ones so your injury could handle the heat. I’ll look after you don’t worry” Kai’s face lit up.



When all of them went to their rooms, Baekhyun made his way towards the kitchen for a glass of water. Pulling out some nicely chilled pitcher; he poured himself a decent glass and drank up. It felt refreshing after the whole dilemma that had just happened a while ago. He was glad it wasn’t so severe but he was still worried on what Jongin’s mom would react to. He did promised to look after the troublesome kid.



“Stressed out?” a low voice rang behind his ear and a pair of arms warps itself around his waist “Calm down. Relax… this is a vacation” he smiled and patted the hands around him. He turned to face him “Worries get the best of me. You know precisely how much I exaggerate when something like this happens” Yeol rolled his eyes.



“Technically, yes… after you saw Jongin have an injury during dance practice. It was priceless. I swear, I still use that as a laugh whenever I feel down” he tittered and the smaller jutted his lips and pinched him at the arm. Chanyeol groaned in pain but still smiled at the angry looking guy “Laugh as much as you want about it. I don’t want anything happening bad in my area!” he made one hard smack on Chanyeol’s shoulder before he brought the pitcher back to the fridge.



“Hey, you know you make me happy. Being all hysterical or being all goofy, either way, I can’t help but to smile and laugh at how much you make it seem so effortless” Baek scoffed at his words “When I sing you smile like an idiot, when I dance you laugh at the smallest mistakes and even when I just talk you either giggle of laugh like a lunatic!”



What he said was true since Chanyeol was currently trying not to laugh out loud. “See!” he pointed out. “I can’t help myself can’t I?” he wiggled his brows and took hold of Baek’s hand then dragging him out of the kitchen until they were out on the porch where there was only silence and the sounds of crickets around the place.



“All day I’m stuck teasing you. Tell you sarcastic lines and , well yeah they’re fun to say and do since I get to see you get pissed but when we’re alone. Well you can never take away the reality that I want my dearest fiancé to make me smile and melt at the very little things he does right?” he smiled with those pearly whites.



Even if was dark, having the moon shine brightly wasn’t helping conceal the blush on his cheeks. “You really know how to act well huh Park Chanyeol?” he asked aggressively despite the hot sensation at his cheeks “Well you acted way better than I could. But set aside the funny stuff… I love you~” he sweetly proclaimed “Even if you are stupid at times… I love you too ” he kid.



Yeol took a deep breath and leaned in to give a lite kiss on the lips. “Seriously, when will we announce to them that we’re engaged? You already wanted to have Sehun as your best man and you most certainly know that Kai’s mine. Why not inform them?” he placed his arms around Baekhyun’s waist yet again and gently tugged him closer. “I’m thinking a few months from now. I want to shock them really well. Also, I haven’t really asked if they have their passports ready since you know that our wedding is taking place at Connecticut right.”




 “Well, fine, I’ll let this pass. I’ll play along with your charades with them but…” he narrowed his eyes on him and smiled coly “By the looks on your face it seems I’m going to be in a silver platter when we get back home” he gave a flat expression “No silly… I want a night off of campus with you. How bout we make a quick flight to Jeju? We leave a night before the day that we don’t have class. How’s that sound?” tempting in Baekhyun’s book.



“Hmm…” he acted as if he was truly thinking about it and to make it seem believable, he even let his eyes wander off and a finger tapping at his chin. It earned another eye roll from the taller. “Fine, one night of me and my hubby” he gleefully agreed.



“I know you can’t resist a guy like me~” he leaned in for another kiss “I know for one, that you can’t keep your hands away from me that’s for sure” Baek replied before molding their lips together so sweetly “I miss this moments… but then again, I love the quarreling parts since I feel like we’re filming a reality show”



“Hmm… so that’s how it goes huh?” a voice suddenly started the both of them; quickly shuffling away from each other and keeping their hands to themselves with an obvious “Caught red-handed look” they looked at their uninvited guest with an embarrassed feeling all inside.



“How long have you been there?” Baek dared to ask “Long enough to see you guys smooch and plan on not telling me that I’m your best man for the next few months” he spats out “We’re really sorry, we really wanted to make it a surprise since we were still getting things all ready” Yeol explained.



A long period of silence enveloped them; only until Sehun couldn’t help but to let out a chocked laugh which inevitably broke the seriousness of the atmosphere “You guys should see the looks on your faces! Ha!” he suddenly bursts into laughter “WHAT THE OH SEHUN!” Baek changed towards him while the younger just ran inside the cabin with a still uncontrollable laughter “Get back here you spoiled little brat!”



“Speak for yourself hyung!” he teased.



Jongin then went towards Chanyeol and then Kyungsoo followed after “How long did you guys knew about us?” he asked the two who wore big smiles “Just a few hours ago. Kyung was the one who actually knew first. He heard some kissy kissy from your shared room before he got inside then when you guys didn’t turned up at your room, Kyung asked us to come out and listen to you guys talk”



Chanyeol will surely get some beating once Baek knows about the reason. That aside, Kai went to give him a congratulatory hug and patting his back as he drew back “Congratulations and thank you for considering me as your best man” he clicked and tongue and winked “Well, you know exactly how much I’m fond of you right?” then after Kyung drew out his hand for a handshake and Yeol eyed the doe-eyed kid “Seriously Kyung? We’ve been friends for weeks, formality doesn’t imply in this group of friends you have” instead of a handshake, he pulled the shorter for a tight hug.




“So, do we get to hear how the whole thing came to be? Surely you could shed some light in what was truly behind those fights and stuff” Yeol snickered and just smiled before answering “How bout we hear it from Baek since I don’t want to talk and get some beating without his consent on what words to spew” they chuckled and turned to watch the laughter inside the cabin as Baekhyun had finally caught Sehun and head locked him while tickling him to death.



“We better stop Baek before he makes Sehun piss himself off” Yeol and the rest followed inside.




They sat around the dining table, having some beverages with anticipated smiles “So, where should we start?” Chanyeol asked while holding on Baekhyun’s hand and having a short eye contact “How ‘bout how we started with our relationship?” he nodded at the suggestion.




“Alright so we knew each other since we were 8 and the present speaks on how long we still are with each other. I feel in love when I found Chanyeol starting to look for a girlfriend and it pissed me off that he was really into it. You know, babbling non-stop about the AWESOME CHEERLEADER of a and that HOT GYMNAST that had firm for him to always see” they laughed at the way Baekhyun was telling them while Chanyeol felt like covering his face at it turned beet red.



“I actually didn’t know that Baek was in love with me back then. I always thought that he was just supportive or protective. Supportive because he always cheers me up when I don’t get the girl and protective because he just so happened to be there when the cheerleader shut me down and he seriously gave her a hard slap in the face when he heard the painful words like “I wouldn’t date a freaky giant geek, eww~” which was rather true…” he smiled shyly at them.



“That said, I consoled his sadness with tragic romance movie marathon and tons of ice cream that was well accompanied with chocolate” he sighed in an exhausted manner, “Those nights were the horror of my life since I thought I’d end up being a fat with all those calories… I seriously needed some exercise the next day” Chanyeol bit his lower lip and took hold of Baek’s hand tightly and looked at him intently “I definitely love you for sticking with me through thick and thin, but mostly through thin since you know quite well how much I wasn’t that cool looking at grade school”



Even if was more like they were only looking back at their past and the three of them were only but a background for them, they slowly began to see how passionate they really are with each other which was surely something new to them. But mostly new to both Sehun and Jongin.



“So moving on… after confessing to him when he seemed to recover after his last heart breaking dejection. I was quite shocked that he didn’t freak out but instead and told me he’ll try since he knows me and likewise. I was dumbstruck and at the same time I was happy that he was willing to give it a go” he leaned his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder as the taller continued for him “For after a year, I came to a point where I felt the same way as he did for me. Never the less, we still are the best of friends since he usually just go mushy and sweet when we’re in close quarters… I’m really not that comfy with showing it out on open since I feel so embarrassed each time Baek would make me feel like a love struck fan of his”




“Well, progressing further, he then decided to propose to me after graduation and surely he made it quite grand since he proposed at the graduation party wherein all our dear relatives came. I was a bit embarrassed since I feel like I was a girl but the feeling got shoved off when he kneeled and opened a box with a ring inside of it”



“So your parents were all fine with their sons marrying each other?” Sehun asked out “More like, their parents are quite fine with them having a relationship in the first place” Kai added in a matter-of-factly “To be honest, we didn’t care if they’d protest or not but we were surprised when they discovered that we were already in a relationship and they were glad that we got our straight, or so as to speak” they chuckled.



“So they took it quite well and to be precise they were already waiting for us to tell them. They might’ve already had the suspicion when we became inseparable when high school took place. Boy were they excited more than us with the marriage”



“Chanyeol’s mom was so hyped that she already bought us a place in Gangnam district and along with it is a grand renovation of the place while my mom and dad already fixed the whole invitations in advance and the flight ticket’s budget. Like seriously, they are more into it than the both of us and they’re not the ones who’ll get married!” they laughed at it.



“But it’s nice to see that your parents are well supportive with you guys. It’s not every day your parents supports your ual orientation and such. You’re quite lucky in terms of the rest of us” Kyung looked sad at what he said “Why? Is there something wrong?” they looked at the pitiful looking kid.



“M-My parents didn’t like it when I told them my ual orientation… they thought it was a sickness and they hated me to the core knowing that I like the same gender. I don’t blame them. Homouality isn’t much of the trend here in Korea, even though the world had already started to give acceptance to same relationships” he sighed and lowered his head.



“I just wished they’d understand me instead of judging me” his words were a bit shaky as he tried his best to hold off the tears. Baekhyun felt awful seeing Kyung suffer like that; he got up from his seat and went towards him and gave a consoling hug and making sure to ease the burden in his heavy heart “Let me tell you one crucial thing to make you feel less of a person as they treat you”



Kyung lifted his head to face him with glassy eyes “Parents might not all be the same about knowing that their kids aren’t what they expected them to be but remember this. Eventually they’d give in because there’s no parent that doesn’t love their children and even if they didn’t come to acknowledgement with your life’s decision deep inside they still love you. Also, you can gain love from friends… we’re hear and we’ll never judge you” he looked at the rest of them and they all gave a reassuring smile.



“Besides, I know Jongin’s in the same boat” he joked and Kai snapped his head towards him and smacked his shoulder “ up Sehun!” he sounded quite embarrassed “Don’t worry, I’m here for you” he leaned and gave a quick peck on his cheek which seriously stunned the rest of them, especially the one that got the kiss. “I’ll be frank, I’m swinging the same way as you guys are and I don’t care what you guys would think of it even if you didn’t care. All I’m concerned is the person beside me and what he thinks about my uality” again, silence filled the whole place as they try to take in the bold words and action he had just exhibited.



“Stop staring at me… I feel conscious now… I don’t like the lime light you know…” he peered at Jongin who was still red at the moment “What? We kissed more than once and that was on the lips and yet you still act as if it’s the very first that it had ever happened” he spoke like it wasn’t something “S-Sehun… I… I don’t know what to say…” Kai’s heart was in a rush as he was trying to control the outrage inside himself. He felt like his body temperature was going to burn him down and his heart would blow at the quick pace it’s going through.




Kyungsoo on the other hand was in deep pain; not because of his family’s unacceptance but the fact that Sehun began to be bolder by the minute. “Is he declaring his love for him?” he wasn’t quite sure since he was still having trouble processing it like the other two inside the room. Sehun looked at the rest of them “You knew each other since you were 8, I knew him when I was 5 years old and I never left his side ever since then. What else would you expect me to feel when he’s all like a person who fills in the criteria that I’ve always thought to myself” speak so casually.



I need to make a step forward… if Baekhyun-hyung was brave enough to confess, I’m going to make that same move… I’ll let him know exactly how much I feel for him all these years and…” he took a glimpse at Kyungsoo who was still frozen “I want to set the line where I stand the ground for who I loved for so long from the one who made Jongin fall in love long before… Do Kyungsoo, the first and only guy that made Jongin fall in love in such a young age. Aren’t you satisfied with hurting him by leaving without a single farewell? Well, I’m not letting anyone hurt him, specifically someone that had already did way back”





“I already knew the moment I caught a glimpse of that necklace that Jongin gave to you as a promise. You had the chance… this time I won’t let it be a severe experience again. You’ve made more damage before, now… there’s no chance for you to do so again





Hey there, been a while since I last updated! Thanks for your patients and all ;3 

Anyways, I'm very thankful for the readers and the subbers! Also those who upvoted :D

I haven't had any proof reading in this since I'm still a few more so if there are gramatical errors and words that are misused please do forgive me :| never the less I'll do my best to provide updates with this :) I hope you like the progress that I'm doing for them. Also I'll be making an early poll for those who wants this story to be a SeKai or a Kaisoo since I want to please you guys with this. I might post a poll either next update or somewhere around this week; not really sure but I want your suggestions because I know it's the morst crucial part of making the story develope in a certain path. For those who are willing to participate, thank you so much in advance! I love you all and thanks once again!






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Chapter 10: omg kyungsoo you fu..... hope that kai sees his real face and protects sehun authornım please dont let luhan sehun or somethıng lıke that and please ı beg you dont let kai missunderstand i wouldnt be able to take it ps really love the dark kai with unstoppable hormons hope he tops :D ahh thank you for updating <3
crapola #2
Chapter 10: Ashdjfkl y And kinda scary Luhan~ and two faced Kyungsoo o.o

Be careful SeKai!! >.<
Chapter 9: omg sehun kai b ecarefull kyungsoo turned evil :0 authornım thank you for updatıng really love thsı story and cant wait for more hope that kai takes more ınıatıves lıke hugging sehun or kıssıng omg M BLUSHING :D
Chapter 8: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sekai yayyyyyyyyyyy authornim thank you for updating really love this story :d
Chapter 7: sekai sekai sekai sekai sekai sekaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pleaseeeeee sekaiiiiiii
99.9% wants SEKAI
so do i ^^
leftright #7
Chapter 7: I'm here for Sekai......I hope it become Sekai at last. Kaisoo never be my thing. Never. Don't be offended.
Chapter 7: Can you not plaese close the poll this instant?
Chapter 7: I'm crying because I can see that kaisoo is winning. Sehun..
Chapter 7: i'll be concluding the final pairing when I upload the next chapter and whom pair were to win I congratulate you guys for voting and for the on that didn't beat the poll, I'll announce the surprise gift I will be revealing next update to make yp for your longing to have your pair be happily ever after ;)