st call

Hear out the call within my heart

“Ya, Kim Jong In! You didn’t wait for me last night! I told you that I was about to finish but you still ran off, how could you?!” Sehun yelled at him while they were starting to clean up the café they’ve worked for a while now.


            “I already told you that I was busy and I had to go, if I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to meet the deadline for the submission. You know how strict those guys are with it” he reasoned out as he moped the floor. “You left me here alone just for you to have another try at that agency again? You know that you’ll never get pass the preliminaries, what more chance do you have with the finals” he intentionally wanted to discourage him.


            “Don’t be too negative, I can at least try” he stubbornly replied. “For the fifteenth time, you won’t make it through without having someone inside to influence the people who picks the applicants” Sehun knew that it was rather worthless for him to try if most of the time, the judges only picks those they have connections with even though the person in front of them has talent.


            “I’m still taking my chances, I’m not making a step back here” he sternly answered with a bright smile. Sehun took a deep breath and stopped momentarily at cleaning the table, he approached his friend closely. “Ya… I know you have talent, we’ve been practicing our whole teen years just to be accepted as trainees but look at where were at right now. I took in reality two years ago so I suggest that you’d accept it as well”


            He just smiled back at him without retort “Kai… you know you’re just wasting your time. We’re both 20 years old here and we’re still struggling through college. Don’t get too much hopes up and let’s focus at our future” he sounded like a real adult. “I wonder if we really are at the same age…” he giggled “You sound like my dad you know”


            With that Sehun gave a light smack in his back, “It’s better to sound like a father than someone who’s high at false hopes. Anyways, you still haven’t dated yet? I heard from Baekhyun that a lot of girls at campus are eyeing at you lately since you joined the dance club” Kai only shook his head.


            “I honestly have no time to do stuff like that… work, practice and studies… it’s already hard enough to go through something like that, what more can a relationship do to me if it squeezes in my life? I’d be dead in an instance” he joked. “Well I understand that but, you know you need to try out dating even for a short while. I can’t always motivate you on doing a good job or making you realize the right things all the time” he pointed out.


            “Well you have convinced me into trying out dancing but since you’ve already given up on that I wouldn’t expect anything anymore huh?” he . “I’m still here to support but when it makes you look stupid at auditioning for something that’s not going to happen, then I’m here to point out reality as it is” for a moment they just looked at each other and laughed out.


            “Alright you guys, stop with the chit chat and finish up. We’re about to open” the manager came and they went back to their tasks. “That reminds me… Hyun Jun gave his resignation letter yesterday and we need to find a new replacement for him. Sehun, you go and accept which applicant would pass to replace him”


            The two of them raised a brow “Resign? Why so sudden?” they both wondered. “Well he needs to go back to Mokpo and look after his sick grandparents. I wouldn’t want him to leave as well but being in that state gives him no choice, well we’ve worked with him for quite some time so it was still fun to have him around” with that the manager dismissed himself.


            “Too bad… I’m gonna miss him” Kai pouted, Sehun snickered and narrowed his eyes on him “If I didn’t know you all too well, I would really think that you have a crush on him” he whispered. “Y-Yah!” he couldn’t follow up with a defense. “Kai, its fine, a guy can also experience a crush on another guy. You don’t have to be embarrassed about it. Besides, he was really nice to you and most of the time he looks after you. So I don’t see any reason why you would have a guy crush on him” he clearly emphasized the words for him.


            “Ha… ha… very amusing, but seriously don’t you feel the same? I mean, he really fits along with us when we talk about dancing and sports” dropped the topic and hoping Sehun wouldn’t notice.


            “He does but I don’t have the same feelings you’re having though” he still teased. “I’m clearly going to leave you here later” he earned a chuckle from Sehun.


            It was a routine between them, pick on each other and laugh about it. They’ve been like that since they were kids and they didn’t changed their habits around each other. They understood how the other functions and how they thought about the things that comes along their way. They were in sync and most of all, they’re the closest friend that there could be.


            The next day, Kai was looking around the library for the book he needs for the midterm exams. He was having trouble with the books he needed since a few of them were hard to find around the huge isles of shelves. “Where the hell is that Algorithm book the professor said?” he was starting to get a bit ticked off.


            “Uhm… excuse me?” a small voice sounded behind him. He turned and saw a guy with thick glasses with a geeky posture standing behind him. He had his head down so he wasn’t able to check his face clearly, “I think this is the book you need. I also borrowed the books that you’re also looking for, I finished reading them so you can pick those up at the table over there” he pointed to the study table across the book isle.


            Kai wasn’t sure at first on whether to accept it or feel weird about it but when he checked the name of the book it was what he was looking for. “Thanks…” was all he could say since the guy left the moment Kai took the book. “Odd guy… but he seems helpful” he smirked and went to the study table to pick up the rest of the books.


            As he walked towards the table and the guy carefully peeked at the corner of the shelves to look at him. He was rather timid and drawn back but he seems to be going with his own approach. “I’m… glad I could help” he whispered when he watched Kai leave his line of sight.


            After a while, Kai met up with Sehun at the grounds. He was already reading books that they needed to study with. “Waited long?” Kai asked and Sehun looked up at him with an odd look, “You found everything already? Knowing you, you have problems on finding books” he joked.


            “You still love picking on me about that huh?” he snarled and sat across him. “Well, I don’t tend to be like this but you really don’t do well at finding things. Usually you get all lost and call for help… I’m just a bit surprised that you found what you need” he then went back into reading.


            Kai took a deep breath and gave up on answering back, “Well… a mystery guy gave me all the books I need, he said he was already done reading them” Sehun tittered “What?” Kai wondered. “It’s just that, it’s only been 2 days since the professor gave out the books that we need to study with. I don’t think it’s possible that someone already finished in such a short amount of time”


            “I disagree, the guy looked more like a bookworm to me so he could’ve finish already” he briefly recalled. “Oh… Kai seems to have an admirer here…” he coyly pestered. “Yah, knock it off, it’s not funny” he was a bit fed off since he’s been teased more than enough at their work place.


            “Hey… I never thought the both of you are really into studying for the midterm” Baekhyun came over. “You seem to have fun Sehun, is there something on?” Sehun immediately grinned “Our Kim Jong In here is going through a serious phase in life. His crush is leaving and now he’s facing an admirer… I knew you should’ve stopped him from joining your dance club” they both laughed while Kai knew better than to fend them off once the two joins forces.


            “You guys are absolutely the worst people there is…” he bid off and started reading the textbooks. “Wah… I can’t argue with that, Kai swoops down ladies with his smooth moves when he’s dancing. I also heard that some of them are making a fan club. Our Kai here is certainly a ladies man” he really sounded like he was envying him all too much. “And a gentleman’s man” Sehun added.


            Laughing it out for a bit, Baekhyun cleared his throat and spoke up “Anyways, we need you around 30 minutes from now. We’re going to have some practice and a meeting for our sched since the midterm exams are coming in. The club president told us that we need to be focused on studying so that the student body doesn’t protest an abolishment if we lose track of our studies”


            “Also… Chanyeol wants to talk to you about a small gathering he’s planning… sometimes I wonder if that guy fell hard on you” he seemed to be joking but he was slightly showing some irritation in his words.


            Upon hearing that Sehun recalled a scenario from before “Baekhyun, have I told you that when we were still in grade school~” Kai interrupted, “Yah, yah, yah!!! Oh Sehun, don’t you dare tell him!” he threw the books out of the way just to stop him from talking. He was quick enough to cover his mouth to stop him from spewing the words out.


“It’s nothing, don’t mind him” Sehun narrowed his eyes on him. “Anyways, I’ll be following up later hyung… I just need to have a moment here so I can have a head start on my reading” he reasoned and Sehun only rolled his eyes.


            Baekhyun couldn’t help but to laugh a bit by the way he was willing to hide what Sehun has to say. “Okay then, I’ll see you later” he didn’t bother knowing what he had to say so he left them. When he was out of sight, “Are you nuts? Why would you tell him?”


            “Kai, you and I both know that he’s someone you could trust. Also, why are you shy about letting him know that you had a guy confess to you then?” Kai moved back and couldn’t look at Sehun. “Would you like it if that happened to you?” he asked out.


            “Yes and no… yes because I’d feel nice that even a guy would like me and no since I wouldn’t want to end up being in a relationship with a guy. So you don’t need to be ashamed of it, it’s already starting to become a common thing in today’s generation” he wasn’t teasing this time, he was actually serious and within his words were a hint of lie that he would certainly want to keep.


            “Why suddenly shift it into a serious topic…” he felt awkward. “You know you’re a brother of mine since we were kids and I can’t stop those who might fall for you, whether it’s a girl or a guy. You know I’m still beside you whatever you decide on” he made it clear.


            “S-Stop it… with the way you’re telling me that, it’s like I’m going to be in a guy to guy relationship” he felt embarrassed. “Hey, you may never know, maybe the guy who gave you the books is the one you’ll end up with” he assumed “Stop it already, I don’t like talking about relationships and I don’t like being paired to another guy as well” he wanted the topic to end and Sehun seems to understand, tagged along with that understanding is a fracture of pain.


            “Even though you’re shy about it… I know clearly that you’re not shutting out the possibility to fall for a guy” he thought to himself as he watch his friend. “By the way, I only had one applicant to fill in. Wanna go and interview him early tomorrow? There isn’t any class”


            Kai looked up and shook his head, “I need to come here early tomorrow and talk to the professor about my thesis… he said he had to find a partner for me since a guy that was supposed to be my partner dropped out. I trust that you can handle it on your own” Sehun smiled and nodded.


            “I’ll tell you whether he’s cute or not” he joked one more time before they fell into silence as they read the books in their hands.


            The very next day, Kai came early to school to talk with his professor. “So, how’s study, work and practice lately?” the professor asked off as he looked at the paper works on his desk. “It’s going fine sir… I am doing well with my studies right?” he sounded uncertain. The professor peeked at him, “That depends, do you think you’re doing fine in my class?” he asked back. Kai felt nervous, he couldn’t afford having his grades plummeting down.


            “Don’t worry… I was just testing you… you seem to have a good grip over your grades, minding the fact that you have to work and practice afterwards. I’m quite happy to see such results, I hope you’d keep up the good work” he complimented and Kai felt nice to be praised once in a while.


            “Here’s the student that you’ll be partnered with, he’s an exceptional one since he himself offered to be your partner. I would initially turn down the offer since I already made pairs but since you’re supposed to be partner dropped out of my class, I guess there’s nothing left to do”  he smiled as he gave out the sheet of paper with what their thesis is about and their names written on the top.


            “Thanks sir, by the way… is he with my class? His name seems familiar” the professor chuckled, “I guess you’re not into social mingling with your fellow classmates. Yes, he is with your class… I think this could be a great way for you to get to know each other since you had no idea at whether he’s attending the same class as you are”


            Kai nodded and bowed. When he was on his way to the dance club, he looked carefully at the name written and thought how familiar that name seemed to be. “I… think I’ve heard his name before” he tried looking back but, he felt that he knows it even before he entered college.


            After Kai had dropped by the dance club to check on their schedules after midterm, he went straight to work. Knowing that Sehun had already made the interview on the applicant, he knows that he’s going to pester him if the guy was nice to him or cute as he said the day ago.


            He looked around and found Sehun finishing up at the counter but there wasn’t any sign of the new guy. He came up to him, “Did you decline the guy who applied?” he asked and Sehun only looked at him with a blank expression. Kai found it peculiar that he wasn’t talking. “Hmm… did you have a sore throat today? You’re not talking”


            “Just get dressed, I’m beat with all the studying last night…” he yawned and didn’t say anything else. “He must really be tired… he didn’t even try to make a conversation” he made his way towards the locker room to change, he was startled to hear the locker open and see someone dressing themselves. “Oh… sorry, I should’ve knocked first” he was about to go back out but “No, its fine, I was already finished” the guy said and then closed his locker.


            “Hello there, I’m Do Kyung Soo, I’ll be working with you here on out. Please look after me” he smiled and bowed. “Kyungsoo… your name sounds quite familiar…” he then recalled the name at the sheet “Oh right, you’re the guy I’ll be working with for the thesis. I’m glad that I met you right away, I’m your partner Kim Jong In, but you can call me Kai” he gave a smile and offered a handshake.


            Kyungsoo first had second thoughts of having a handshake with him but seeing that Kai was giving a generous offer and a kind gesture, he brushed off his shy side and shook hands. “Sorry… I seem timid to you right?” he shyly asked. “Honestly, yeah but… we’ll get along fine once we get to know each other” he positively spoke.


            Kyungsoo somehow felt his cheeks burn and quickly dashed off “I’ll be going first…” he bid as he left Kai at the locker room “He seems nice… wait a minute…” he tried picturing Kyungsoo with a thick framed glasses and he was certain that he was the guy who gave him those books. “Oh … Sehun’s going make me suffer if he knew” he groaned at the thought of him being teased to death.


            As the day passed Sehun started to notice something weird with Kai. He always catches him stealing glances at the new guy. So when Kai came to the counter to take an order, he didn’t let him go without an answer “Do you know that guy or are you into guys like him?” he asked straight forward with a serious face. “W-What? No… of course not, it’s because he just so happens to be my partner for the thesis and I don’t know how to approach someone like him though”


            “You don’t know how to approach a human being? I’d accept it better if you told me you quickly had a thing for him. It was far more convincing than you making things up like this” he didn’t falter in making Kai awkward with his real talk. He gave the order and didn’t quite reacted much when Kai blushed since he was used to seeing him like that whenever he ask stuff like that.


            “I can’t believe he’d say something like that at my face… there are times I wonder if he’s really a friend or someone who likes to torture me” he told himself as he walked towards the table. “Anyways… I really have no idea on how to socialize with people I just met. I already had a tough time being friends with Baekhyun and the other guys at the club… what am I thinking. It’s not like he’s going to eat me or anything” he brushed off the thoughts.


            “I can deal with this later… so I better focus on work


            After the day ended and they closed the shop, “I’ll be leaving first. I need to catch up with what I’m reading and get some rest right away. I’ll see you tomorrow at home” Sehun flatly bid off without even looking back. “Yah… this guy does what he wants and never checks on others” he muttered out for Sehun to hear but he was already long gone.


            “Uh… I guess you’ll be going off too then” Kyungsoo spoke behind with a small voice once again. “Oh… there you are… I was about to talk to you for our thesis. I was wondering if we’d meet after work or schedule it on our rest days to make up some free time” he tried to be natural and just see how it would turn out.


            “Well… I have a flexible schedule and I don’t mind prioritizing the thesis after work’s done. Whichever you’re most available with would do” he had his head down and avoided eye contact with Kai. It was rather awkward for Kai but its better off that way rather than scaring him off.


            “Also… I’ve been meaning to ask this the whole time…” he wasn’t sure if he’s supposed to ask out right away knowing it might send the guy off but he figured it’s better being direct “Were you the guy who gave the books to me yesterday? I thought of placing a thick framed glasses would give the answer” Kyungsoo chuckled and pulled out something from his pocket.


            “Does this answer the question” he wore his glasses that was sure off to affirm this thoughts. “I knew you looked familiar too…” Kyungsoo gave a hint of disappointment though “You don’t seem to remember me quite well” he mumbled “What was that?” Kai didn’t quite catch what he said.


            “I said, we should head on… it’s getting late” he averted from the topic.


            “Well then, I’ll see you tomorrow” Kai waved off with a bright smile in his face. It made Kyungsoo smile back and wave back to such pleasant look on Kai’s face.


            “Don’t worry… You’ll remember me soon enough…” Kyungsoo pulled out a necklace from his shirt. “I’ll do my best to make you remember


            “Oh crud! I hope he didn’t hear Sehun saying to meet him at home” he worried then sighed at Sehun’s carelessness.

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Chapter 10: omg kyungsoo you fu..... hope that kai sees his real face and protects sehun authornım please dont let luhan sehun or somethıng lıke that and please ı beg you dont let kai missunderstand i wouldnt be able to take it ps really love the dark kai with unstoppable hormons hope he tops :D ahh thank you for updating <3
crapola #2
Chapter 10: Ashdjfkl y And kinda scary Luhan~ and two faced Kyungsoo o.o

Be careful SeKai!! >.<
Chapter 9: omg sehun kai b ecarefull kyungsoo turned evil :0 authornım thank you for updatıng really love thsı story and cant wait for more hope that kai takes more ınıatıves lıke hugging sehun or kıssıng omg M BLUSHING :D
Chapter 8: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sekai yayyyyyyyyyyy authornim thank you for updating really love this story :d
Chapter 7: sekai sekai sekai sekai sekai sekaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pleaseeeeee sekaiiiiiii
99.9% wants SEKAI
so do i ^^
leftright #7
Chapter 7: I'm here for Sekai......I hope it become Sekai at last. Kaisoo never be my thing. Never. Don't be offended.
Chapter 7: Can you not plaese close the poll this instant?
Chapter 7: I'm crying because I can see that kaisoo is winning. Sehun..
Chapter 7: i'll be concluding the final pairing when I upload the next chapter and whom pair were to win I congratulate you guys for voting and for the on that didn't beat the poll, I'll announce the surprise gift I will be revealing next update to make yp for your longing to have your pair be happily ever after ;)