Chapter 6

Were in love with a guy?


“Dongwoon! Stop it “ I noticed it was the guy with catlike eyes from this morning.

I out again.


*Dongwoon’s Pov*

“Haha funny dongwoon, seriously get off me now” he sounded scared.

“DONGWOON GET OFF ME” He panicked and started to shout .Tears were threatening to spill any moment now.

I felt horrible but I couldn't stop. His blood was the sweetest I’ve tasted in Centuries.
It had all kinds of emotions in it, but most of all it had sadness.

“I’m sorry ____” I whispered
I bit him.

“AHHHHHHHHHH” He let out a scream.Im truly sorry ______ I never meant to do this to you. The scream pierced through me very sharp. What was I doing?

“Dongwoon! Stop it “ That voice was way to familiar for me. i took a side glance and i saw key staring at us, his eyes wide.


*Keys Pov*

“Hey I’ll be back” I told Jonghyun while getting off the bench.

“Don't take to long, were supposed to meet the guys soon” he said while eating a cookie.

“How can you eat sweets before you have eaten a proper meal” I scoffed.

I walked away, something didn't feel right. I walked around the campus to waste some time. I saw two people laying on the grass on top of each other. Really doing it in campus. How bold.
I was going to walk away until I heard a scream. I quickly turned around and thats when the scent hit me.

“Blood” I muttered. I moved closer to the couple and noticed it was Dongwoon the maknae of B2st, he was feeding on a guy?!

“Dongwoon! Stop it” I said still shocked at the fact he is feeding on a human.
I noticed he took a peek at me, but he didn't take his mouth away from the boy.
I glanced at the boy and he glanced at me before the fainted.

“Dongwoon! Stop it now! Your going to kill him!” I started to shout. I looked at Dongwoon he seemed to be struggling and thats when I noticed his tears falling from his eyes. He truly couldn't stop. I had no other choice. I grabbed Dongwoon by his waist and started prying him off the poor boy that was laying motionless on the ground. I managed to throw Dongwoon against a tree.

“Dongwoon stop right now, look at yourself” I shouted at him. Dongwoon was already picking himself off the ground. He looked like a true monster. His eyes looked crazed, nothing else mattered he only wanted blood. Who’s to blame him. All of us have been through this. He is one of the three youngest ones, so It’s understandable if he gets like this, but right now he looks even more crazed than any other vampire I've met while on the hunt.

I looked down at the boy, his blood was spilling into the earth rapidly. If I don't treat him soon he is going to die.

“RAAAA” Dongwoon shouted as he made his way toward me to attack. I quickly dodged him.
Wrong move. I have left the human boy defenseless on the ground. I quickly pounced on Dongwoon before he laid his hands on the boy. We both fell to the floor. I locked my hands around Dongwoon’s waist to secure him in place. He was thrashing violently trying to get rid of my hold on him. The bad thing about newer vampires is that they were a bit stronger than older ones. Their powers haven’t fully settled so its their roaming around his body. I tried my mind reading.

“Anyone come behind the school, we have a little problem” I sent the message to any one of my closest friends. Dongwoon had succeeded on getting out of my hold “Ok big problem! HURRY” I thought.

“Dongwoon, I know you don’t want to do this. Calm down.” I tried to reason with him. He was only focused on the boy. Dongwoon was about to charge when he was suddenly on the ground again.

“Finally you made it, Took you forever” I said relieved. I mean I couldn't possibly do all the work right?

“Sorry, It took me a while the line for the baked chicken was long” He smiled goofily

“Better keep focused Onew hyung” I said while eyeing Dongwoon thats was trying to bite Onew.

“Ahaha true.” Onew said while quickly punching Dongwoon. I flinched at the sound of the impact. Soon it was all quite.

Instant knockout.

“Now there are two people that fainted” I crossed my arms.

“Onew hyung, I’ll take the boy to our house, you can deal with Dongwoon and B2st, You know since your the leader and all” I quickly said as I picked up the boy and left the scene before Onew can complain and make me take Dongwoon to his hyung. Nu uh was I going to explain why their youngest member got knocked out.

*Onew Pov*

“Onew hyung, I’ll take the boy to our house, you can deal with Dongwoon and B2st, You know since your the leader and all” Key said while quickly taking the boy in his hands and walking wait scratch that running away.

I stood their shocked. Did he really just leave me alone?

“Damn” I muttered as I picked up dongwoon.

“Now the real question. Should I go left or right?” how was I supposed to know where where?

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im back ;u;


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Chapter 21: *chants* ALL! ALL! ALL!ALL!ALL!!!!
Chapter 35: Wahhh. I hope she ends up with the three groups! Hehehe eager much?
Aw:( will if u change ur mind i will be waiting to read next chapters o// -subscribed-
Chapter 19: This was cute.... Sungjungiee cute >.<
Chapter 16: Songjung and taemin are cute xD always fighting
Chapter 2: This chap is confusing >.< its from you to I.. In which pov is it? :( tho i liked the story so far *-*
eboney333 #7
Chapter 36: Please don't give up :(
midst_lhady22 #8
Chapter 36: No pleaseee..dont give this fic has nice story plot..and very interesting characters that makes irresistable...pleaseeee.... (;~; ) I'm begging you..pleaseeeee..
panda10 #9
Pleeeaase don't stop this fic T_T it has a quite unique storyline and it's something new after I reed a lot of similar fics :( I can't force you to continue but don't you see how many subscribers you have for this fic? You can't really believe that it doesn't matter for us subbies that you won't continue right? :'(
Chapter 36: Aww your not going to finish it yourself?
Hmm... I was possibly thinking of taking it but then I have my own stories to worry about too... So I can't :/
Good luck on your next fanfics :)
And to the person who will take this story! Good luck xD