Chapter 5

Were in love with a guy?


“Are you ok?” He smiled at me.

“Touch, hands, everywhere, underwear” was the last thing I managed to say.

I out.

“Do you think he’s ok?” said a bored voice

“Not sure, He practically got with his clothes on” an amused voice said

“He looked so cute and innocent” said a giddy one


I felt the pressure on my check and slowly opened my eyes.

“So he's not dead” the amused one said.

“HELLOOO THERE! My name is WOOHYUN” he said in a loud, small, and loud voice again.

Wtf is he? A kid?

I gave him an irritated stare, which made him zip his mouth up right away.

“It seemed like you got a huge shock, Are you ok?” said the giddy voice

“Yea I’m fine, thanks for pulling me out though, and sorry for fainting on you” you rubbed the back of your neck.

“Its not a problem, your actually very light for a guy” he smiled

“I forgot to introduce myself” he giggled “name’s Sungyeol” he said while quickly taking out a pair
of sunglasses and putting them on while ending it with a super star pose.

“Hahaha” you couldn't contain your laughter “Nice to meet you Sungyeol, I’m _____” you waved at him only to fail as you fell off the bed you were laying on and roll around the floor laughing.

“It wasn't That funny” he pouted “I was being a bit serious too” he muttered under his breath as he put the glasses back.

You stood up and faced the other guy that looked a bit uninterested and embarrassed

“And you are” you looked at him giving him a light smile.

“My name is Myungsoo, but I go by L” he said

“Well, its nice to meet you guys”

you bowed in their direction “Thank you guys for helping me, especially sungyeol.” you smiled at them.

“We should skip class, Theres only about 10 minutes left anyway” L muttered.

“WHAT I've been gone for 40 minutes?” you shouted.

“Well, yea, you passed out...”Woohyun said.

“But I left my stuff in the classroom” You looked down at your feet.

“Don't worry about it ____. I managed to bring it with us when Sungyeol here carried you out,
Wouldn't want the obsessed fangirls to sell it on eBay” Woohyun chuckled.

“GAH! You guys are the best” you playfully punched woohyun. He faked a dramatic fall to the ground.
Which cause the room to erupt in laughters.


“Thats the bell, Its lunch time and I have someone to meet.Once again I thank you guys!” you said while running out of the nurse’s office and heading to the cafeteria.

“____! Over here” yelled iris.

“Hey, how was your class?” you said to iris, Thankful that she was already in line so you wouldn't have to stand in the back and wait about 20 minutes to finally reach the front.

“It was fine, but there was no one that wanted to talk to me” she pouted.

“Don't worry I’m here now” you gave a super man pose before you grabbed your tray.

There was many things to choose from. You ended up just grabbing a slice of pizza and some kind of apple/grape juice that had a cute picture of a chicken on it. Weird why a chicken?

You looked around for an empty table to sit at. When you felt Iris grab your arm and drag you to an empty one by the trashcan.

“This is the coolest table here, I mean its convenient since its close to the trash can we wont have to get up, And look the exit to the cafeteria is right there so we can be early to class too!” Iris said while sitting down.

“Uh..” was all I can manage to say. I looked around and noticed all the nerdy kids on this side.

“relax, i was kidding.” She smiled.

“Ahah. I don't mind anyways, I’m too lazy to get up so the trashcan there is convenient” I smiled sitting in front of her.

I quickly ate my lunch. I forgot about the art assignment and needed to find something to paint.

“Hey I’m going to walk around the school, maybe that can inspire me to paint something” i told iris while quickly grabbing one of her grapes and popping it into my mouth.

“Hey that was mine” she pouted “but anyway ok, Remember it’s due tomorrow” she yelled as I made my way to the exit.

Hmm... I need something that shows a lot of emotion. Maybe a simple bird feeding its children?
That shows a motherly emotion caring for her children...

“Naw too cheesy” I said

“Whats too cheesy?” a male voice said.

i turned around to find myself looking at someone foreign?

“H..He.Helow” I said in fail English

Hi lips twitched upwards trying to hide his smile

“You know I spoke Korean to you a couple of seconds ago” he laughed


“Ahaha, I’m sorry! I’m slow sometimes” I quickly said trying to hide my embarrassment “still don't have to laugh” i mumbled.

“I’m sorry” he said while wiping the tears from his eyes.

“So what was cheesy?” he said when he finally calmed down.

“Ah, I was just thinking what I should paint for my class” i mumbled while looking at a butterfly

“Are you by chance in second period art with my hyung? His name is Doojoon.” he said

“You shouldn't ask me questions, you haven't even introduced yourself yet” i accused.

“Oh so your gay?” he said amused

“W..What?” I stuttered

“Only girls want my name, others don't really mind” he winked.

“Its called manners, no guy has probably asked for your name because they don't respect you” I blurted

“Thats not nice” he said while pouting and pretending to cry.

“I’m sorry” I said a bit guilty

“I’m kidding, my name is dongwoon” he extended his hand

“It’s my pleasure to meet you, I’m _____, and yes Doojoon is in my class.” I shook his hand

“You do seem like a girl, I mean your face and your skin...its too soft to be a males” he studied my hand lifting it up higher so he can get a better look at it.

  I quickly snatched my hand back.

“And your saying I’m mean, calling a guy a girl isn't nice either” I said.

Dongwoon quickly grabbed my hand looked up at me and gave me a small smirk before he kissed my hand?!?


“Mwuah~” he winked

I froze

 “ahahaha!! You should see your face” he let go of my hand and stuck out his tongue!

“Why you little” I launched myself at him

We both fell backward to result me on top of him.

“And here I thought u weren't gay. I knew you couldn't resist me _____” he said while trying to look shocked

“IM NOT GAY!” I shouted causing some students to stop what they were doing at give us weird looks.

All of a sudden Dongwoon stopped laughing and I felt him stiffen under me.

“Hey are you ok?” I said while getting off of him. He didn’t say anything he just seemed to space out.
I noticed my right arm was bleeding.

“Must have been the fall” I said out loud while trying to wipe off the grass that was around the blood.
I turned around to see Dongwoon in the sitting position staring at the blood running down my arm.

“Hey..are you ok?” I asked again. I noticed Dongwoon his lips. It was scaring me... he looked so hungry.

*Dongwoon’s POV*

“And here I thought u weren't gay. I knew you couldn't resist me _____” I said while trying to look shocked

“IM NOT GAY!” He shouted causing some students to stop what they were doing at give us weird looks.

Then it hit me, A very sweet smell that made me stop laughing. I looked at ____ arm and noticed the one thing that turns me into a killer...blood.

“Hey are you ok?” I heard him loud and clear but I couldn’t respond to him. I had to contain myself.

“Must have been the fall” He said while trying to wipe off the grass around the blood flowing down his arm. All I could do was stare, get hypnotized by the tempting liquid running down his arm. I haven't hunted for a while now since I’ve been busy doing stuff for the Hyung’s. Right in front of me is a meal. The people that stopped to look at us are long gone. Here we are all alone. No one will notice right?

Stop it! I mentally shouted to myself. How can I think about feeding off him when I already made an oath on not to be a killer? I unconsciously my lips. One sip wouldn't hurt right?

*your pov*

I started to feel scared. The look in his eyes looked hungry, but they seemed to be struggling.
I tried to stand up but then I felt myself being knocked down back to the ground. I opened my eyes to see Dongwoon on top of me.

“Haha funny dongwoon, seriously get off me now” I was truly scared.

“DONGWOON GET OFF ME” I panicked and started to shout .Tears were threatening to spill anymoment now.

He slowly brought his head down to my arm and the blood off it. He moved his lips to my ear.

“I’m sorry ____” he whispered and thats when I felt a sharp pain on my neck.

“AHHHHHHHHHH” I let out a scream. I could feel my blood being out of me. I started to get cold.
My vision was getting slightly blurry.

“Dongwoon! Stop it “ I noticed it was the guy with catlike eyes from this morning.

I out again.



Heres a longer update:)

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im back ;u;


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Chapter 21: *chants* ALL! ALL! ALL!ALL!ALL!!!!
Chapter 35: Wahhh. I hope she ends up with the three groups! Hehehe eager much?
Aw:( will if u change ur mind i will be waiting to read next chapters o// -subscribed-
Chapter 19: This was cute.... Sungjungiee cute >.<
Chapter 16: Songjung and taemin are cute xD always fighting
Chapter 2: This chap is confusing >.< its from you to I.. In which pov is it? :( tho i liked the story so far *-*
eboney333 #7
Chapter 36: Please don't give up :(
midst_lhady22 #8
Chapter 36: No pleaseee..dont give this fic has nice story plot..and very interesting characters that makes irresistable...pleaseeee.... (;~; ) I'm begging you..pleaseeeee..
panda10 #9
Pleeeaase don't stop this fic T_T it has a quite unique storyline and it's something new after I reed a lot of similar fics :( I can't force you to continue but don't you see how many subscribers you have for this fic? You can't really believe that it doesn't matter for us subbies that you won't continue right? :'(
Chapter 36: Aww your not going to finish it yourself?
Hmm... I was possibly thinking of taking it but then I have my own stories to worry about too... So I can't :/
Good luck on your next fanfics :)
And to the person who will take this story! Good luck xD