Chapter 2

Living A Nightmare


My mind went blank although I could feel that it was heavy with thoughts. My eyes turned teary in an instant and I hesitated whether to take action or not. My legs suddenly felt weak and I caught an ill feeling in my chest.. the feeling where I felt like vomiting all of a sudden. I knew I was about to pass out so I decided to walk out of the house with my legs looking like jelly. I ran to the park and sat on the bench with an exhausted body. I wanted to cry but the ill feeling that was in my chest wouldn't allow me to. I tried to manage my breathing by distracting myself with the scenery of the park. It helped a little but it took me a while to gain full control. I gazed at my feet whilst sat there. Suddenly no thoughts decided to cross my mind.. I was just sat there with a blank expression.. That was soon interrupted as I heard a tapping sound becoming louder. It suddenly stopped and I looked up to find a person with a hoodie on taking out his earphone from his right ear. I stared at him until I realised I had seen him before. He had a confused expression on his face and turned to look to both his sides until his eyes were back on mine. "Hey.." He said all of a sudden. Even after realising what was happening in front of me I didn't say a word. He looked down and then up at me again as if he was trying to figure me out. "Umm.. You mind if I take a seat?" He said. I didn't reply to him again but this time I turned my gaze away from him.

Kai's POV

I sat down next to her looking a little confused at first but then asked "what's your name?" As I turned to look at her. She didn't reply yet again as if she didn't hear my question and at that point I knew something was up with her. I took a look at my surroundings and put my hands in my pockets until my eyes were again on her. "Are you okay..?" I asked to which she blinked twice and turned her face towards me. Although her expression was still blank, she looked really pretty. Her eyes were still looking at me leaving me with thoughts of what to do. I myself couldn't take my eyes away from her so I decided to give a smile. She blinked and quickly turned her face away from me.. Almost as if I had awaken her. She brought her legs together with her hands now on her thighs. "Are you okay..?" I asked again. She turned to me and gave me a smile as if nothing was wrong with her.. But I could tell there was something.. "I'm alright, thank you" she added and stood up to which she stumbled at first but after got her legs in control. "Um what's your name?" I asked all of a sudden. She turned to face me and replied "Naeun.." Naeun.. That's a really pretty name. "Ah okay, I'm Jongin, nice to meet you Naeun" I said as I reached my hand out for her to shake. She slowly met my hand with a light handshake, bowed.. And walked off all of a sudden.. Her hands were really soft.. I thought to myself. Even though I knew she wasn't alright I still managed to smile because I got to talk to her. Her personality was.. Different. If I tell Sehun about this he's definitely going to tease me..

Naeun's POV

Where do I go now? Should I go back to the house? What should I do? All these questions left me completely confused. I was scared to enter the house but for some reason I didn't know why I still walked towards it. I hesitated for a while as I stood outside the door. I then unlocked the door slowly and went inside. My legs were shaking as I took more steps towards the living room. The noise had disappeared and I took a look around. He was sat on the sofa comfortably while watching TV. I slowly made my way to my bedroom without looking at him and put my stuff down. I then came out and entered the other bedroom slowly. As I opened the door my eyes caught my mother sitting against the wall with her legs crossed and just zoning out with a blank expression. My breathing became heavier as I slowly closed the door behind me.. "O-omma.." I said while taking in her messed up clothe and hair. I squinted my eyes while taking a seat on the floor next to her. I put my hand on her cheek to feel her.. She was burning. "Naeun-ah.. Can you bring me a glass of water" my mother asked. I slowly nodded as I tried to keep my breath steady and stood up. I walked to the kitchen seeing him on the sofa while bringing the water. I kept my anger inside of me and headed to the bedroom. "Here omma, drink" I said. I leaned against the wall with my mother right beside me and took in my surroundings. The messy bed.. Stuff thrown on the floor.. Objects I had never laid my eyes on before.. and the smell.. I was tired. I felt weak. Why? Because if I did something about it I myself would be hurt.. And my mother told me not to come between them as well. I know she was worried about me, that's why. I think my fear for him was really big.. That's why I would not able to look at him face to face. As I least expected it, he suddenly popped into the bedroom seeing us sat there. "What are you doing? Hurry and clean this mess up!" He said to me. I obeyed by his words and started to put things straight. But then he headed toward my mother. "What? You're not going to give me anything to eat?" He said. "Make me something!" He shouted after kicking her and sighing with annoyance. "No!" I screamed all of a sudden. "I-I'll make you something.." I said to which he turned his gaze to me. "You dare to interfere?" He said as he slowly headed towards me. I kept my head down and pleaded while continuing to put everything in place. But all of a sudden he grabbed my hair and put his arm around my neck making a scream come out of me. I was frightened. "What did you say?" He said. My mother screamed to let go of me and so he did. He pushed me onto the floor as I watched his angry smirk. Without expecting it, he kicked me.. Really hard, to the extend where my thighs and waist felt numb. He then stomped on my hand making me scream and then let go. He wiped his forehead and turned to my mother. "Make me something this instant! Or I'll repeat the scenes from earlier on your precious daughter." He then walked out of the bedroom with an exhausted expression and slammed the door behind him. I was laying on the floor with tears tingling down my face. My mother crawled to me as fast as she could and helped me lean up. I cried.. And she cried.. "I'm sorry Naeun-ah" she cried while hugging me tightly. I sniffed and didn't answer but continued to lay in her warm arms hoping I could stay like this forever..

Kai's POV

"Ya Sehun" I called. He then turned to me with shock as to why I suddenly called him. "Are you starring at her again?” I asked as I looked at her from far. She was busy with organising a charity event taking place soon. Sehun chuckled at my words "why? Can't I stare? He grinned. "It's not like I'm going to deny that I like her.. Unlike someone" He added trying to tease me. "Sigh, you're really something" I said as I took a sip from my bottle. "You know, I talked to her friend a few days ago" I said to which Sehun widened his eyes. "You did what?" He asked and laughed. "See, I knew it!" He winked at me. "Yah! Mr. Over exaggerater.. If that's even a word? I just randomly bumped into her" I said. "What is she like?" Sehun asked. I thought about it for a second as I finished my last sip of the bottle. "I'm not sure.. But she didn't seem okay to me when I met her. Something was really bothering her and I'm curious as to what." "Aah? So you're already at that stage now are you?" Sehun laughed. I just smacked his forehead telling him to go back to paying attention to Hayoung again. At that moment I thought of something. I turned to look at her sorting out the charity event.. Maybe I should ask her?

Hayoung's POV

"Phew! This is so much work" I thought to myself as I grabbed the box and put it on the table. I then sighed while massaging my neck with my hand. I wonder where Naeun is. She told me she'd be here to help out. I checked my phone again hoping for a call or text, but there still was nothing. I then went back to work as I tried picking up another box. But someone else helped me and put it onto the table as if no strength was needed. I was surprised and thanked him. As soon as I looked up I saw that it was Sehun's friend. "Hey" he said to which I greeted back. "You are friends with Naeun right?" He asked with a curious expression. "Ah yes, but.. How do you know Naeun unnie?..Is she okay?" I asked being very curious and surprised as to when she started talking to guys. He got a little surprised at my questions but replied "I met her a few days ago in the park.. But, what do mean by if she's okay?" I realised that was a little inconvenient of me to say but I decided to tell him anyways. "Well, her mood has been a little off lately that's why. And she also hasn't turned up today. She promised she'd help me out, and on top of that she hasn't replied to my texts.. Have you seen her around?" I asked with curiosity. I know, I speak too much.. I'm the total opposite of Naeun. His expression changed while trying to take in my fast reply. "That's.. When I met her she seemed off as well.. Like something was bothering her" he replied. "Has she told you what?" he asked but I denied with a pouted face. "I really hope she's okay" he muttered as he turned to look to his side. He is that worried?.. He seems like a trustworthy person as well. Out of nowhere Sehun popped up and asked if I needed any help. I smiled and replied "yes please" and gave him instructions of what to do. We didn't realise this charity event needed more student's help so I'm grateful someone could help for free. Kai at that moment chuckled and walked off after saying bye. "He seems like a good person.. I hope Naeun sees that" I thought to myself and carried on with my work.

Sehun's POV

Seeing how comfortable Kai was talking with her got me feeling a little jealous. He told me his reasons for going but it would be selfish of me not to let him find out from her so I let him. I decided to head towards them and caught Hayoung's attention by asking if she needed help. She replied with a relief and gave me some things to do. At least I was of use to her. After Kai left I figured this was my chance.. "So Hayoung, what's new?" I asked comfortably. "Oh nothing much. I'll be going on vacation to Turkey next week" she replied. "Really? For how long?" I asked curiously not trying to sound too obvious. "3 weeks" she replied brightly. 3 weeks..? That's a long time.. I was hoping I could take her out but I guess there's not much time left. "Hey Hayoung.." I called. She turned to me whilst giving me the signal to speak. "Are you free sometime?" I asked. "Free?.. Um I'm not sure, why?" She replied whilst drawing her attention to the work in front of her. "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to, maybe, watch a movie?" She suddenly turned her attention to me with a surprised expression. I tried to look as calm as I could with a little smile on my face. "Oh.. Um. Well, Thursday I'm free after 4, so.." I took in her words and immediately replied. "So that's a yes?" I asked. She hesitated for a while but then answered "yes" and smiled at me. That just made my day.. Yehet!

Naeun's POV

After giving my mum a tight hug and kissing her cheek, I left off to university. I know I had missed a few days.. But I couldn't help it as I needed some days for the pain in my thighs to go away. I don't even want to think of that.. One moment he'd leave us alone and then out of no where he'd turn into a monster.. It drives me insane to even think back on all of it. I would feel scared all of a sudden and the words my stepfather mentioned that day kept repeating in my head..

"..Or I'll repeat the scenes from earlier on your precious daughter."

No naeun.. Don't think of that. You can't!! I hit my head with my palm and stopped walking until I reached the gate. I wanted to cry.. Again.. Where did that little strength I gathered up disappear to? My heart beat faster. I looked up at my surroundings to find student entering and leaving the gate with happy expressions while talking and fooling around with another.. I want that.. Really badly..



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Chapter 12: Love it update soon
Fatinna #2
Chapter 12: The story is fantastically sorrowful but i love it so much :D
I am curious to what the ending will be. I hope sth unimaginably bad (being jail or even dead.tehee) happen to the step father for beating Naeun and her mom.

Hoping for the latest update. Fight to the ing authornim~
Chapter 12: Jongin so sweet and hope Naeun would share her secret to Jongin.... Thank you for updating, will happily wait for the next chapter^^
koala_panda #4
Chapter 12: Ahh..Thanks God naeun is not .. I am so scared.. Thank you for update can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 11: Please update soon Author-nim... I re-read this fanfic again and again so PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
wungcee #6
Damn I read up till chapter 9 in one sitting. I am totally loving this story. Glad to hear you're going to continue it. I don't care how long it takes, just don't give up on this story please. I've got to know the ending xP please don't hurt naeun too much :(
koala_panda #7
Are u not going to continue the story?
got7apink #8
Chapter 10: updateplsssssss
LurongForever #9
Chapter 10: OMG AUTHOR NIM WHY CLIFFHANGER???? T^T author nim update soon pls...
Chapter 10: Update please. I hope jongin coincidentally walks to her house and heard the noise