Sweet Dream.

Underground love.
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 “Won’t you staaaaay with me, cause you’re aaaaaall I need.”

No matter how hard Mino tried to convince Irene to stay, Irene would not give in to his sudden request. For the whole time, they bargained from leaving 1 hour to 3 hours to 5 hours... No matter what Mino offered to buy or do to her, Irene stubbornly stood her ground and constantly shook her head. Finally she was only willing to give up when Mino started singing to her.


“Yah! At least rap something romantic! I can’t bear you singing.”


Of course deep inside Irene wanted to stay. They may not meet for weeks again if she refuse this opportunily. However she was torn between the fear of suspicions and rehearsals. Still, she was defeated with her inner conflict when Mino decided to sing.


“Ugh, how much I hope I have the strength to shut you up.”


“You could. If you did this.” Mino teasingly pouted his lips and pointed on them shamelessly. He get hyped up whenever teasing her and making her blush. Since he will have her for the whole night, Mino is glad that he could smoothly continue his series of surprises. First, he needed to cheer her up to make sure he will had nice photos to decorate the place later on.


“I haven’t deal the previous… ah never mind! Just to let you know, I don’t kiss smelly piggies.” With both arms crossed, Irene put up her best irritated impersonation, but as usual she failed.


“Ah... Ottoke, Where am I going to sleep tonight? You haven’t give me clothes to change..  Song Mino!” The worried Irene wanderered around, worried of the sudden sleepover as she paced back and fro in the bedroom. She turned to face Mino to seek for her answer, (un)fortunately her eyes were hailed by a sight of him taking off his shirt. 


“It’s simple. You will wear my clothes and of course you are sleeping with me. Together, on the bed.” Mino replied with a cool expression, his lips pointed at the bed that stood between them as if it was a very normal thing.


It was not the same for Irene, her face was blushing over and over again till it was shaded like an apple. Even from far, she could see those muscles on Mino’s bare chest and those biceps. Her eyes tracing his perfect features from top to bottom. Oh god. Though she had seen it in photos but the real ones are making her squirming inside. Not to mention those abs that were firmly built and his...


“Bae Irene, are you fan girling over your own boyfriend?” Mino smiled as he noticed her sudden silence and walk towards her. His body towered over hers as he closed the gap between, his fingers involuntarily pinching her cheeks over her cuteness.


With the intention to with more eye candy, Mino moved himself close enough to Irene's side for some skin contact, and of course it worked. He could feel his proximity affecting her breathe. “Clothes are in the closet over there. Pick whichever you like. And don’t miss me in the shower, I’ll be back soon.” Mino immediately disappeared after teasing her with a flirtish wink.


“Oh gosh, Irene Bae. You are such an embarrassing creature. You gotta fight back, fight back, fight back!” Scrambling through the clothes in his wardrobe, Irene mumbled to herself. She found out there wasn't much of a choice as most of her boyfriend's clothes are either monochromes, oversized t-shirts or hoodies. Finally a black comfy hoodie with red “M!NO” letters printed on it caught her eyes. 


Pulling the hoodie underneath the pile of clothes, Irene accidentally dragged the whole pile of clothes down to the ground. Cursing herself for her carelessness, she hurriedly kneeled down to the ground, tidying the mess and stack them back in place. However in the midst of the messy clothes, there was a thin bright red fabric that stood out and made her raged.

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Chapter 10: Majwoyo!
Members bonding is as sweet as couple bonding, sometimes even sweeter
nutzshawol #2
Chapter 12: aaaaaa~~~~ kissu kissuuu~~~
nutzshawol #3
Chapter 10: uuuuwww so saaad~~~ but knetz really... if idol have boyfriend or girlfriend, its like theyre commit some crime. btw taehyun super funny, kekeke. good job authorniim.
nutzshawol #4
Chapter 9: aiish. reallt hate that kim person. ruining my soshi :'( hahaha. neext
nutzshawol #5
Chapter 4: aaaaaaawwwww too sweeeetttt <3
nutzshawol #6
Chapter 2: kyaaaaa
i will pray everyday so this lovely couple become real. kyaa kyaaa >.<
nutzshawol #7
Chapter 1: omomomomoooo~~~~
i loooove this two~ so cuuute
and your story is awesomeeee :*
YGstans99 #8
Chapter 13: Authornim please do update~~~~~ I keep waiting and keep checking this fanfics for the whole day like pabo~~ Hope you can update soon~~ ~~ keep re reading this fanfics~~~ too cute , too much sweetness ~~
YGstans99 #9
Chapter 13: Mygaaaaddddddddddd please update I'm dying to know the update~~~~~~~~~~~~~
queenxxirene #10
Excited for this tandem. Gonna start reading this (: