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Underground love.
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[29 March 2015] 11:39p.m Taipei, Taiwan.

SM Family Concert Official After-Party


“Happy Birthday to Red Velvet’s Irene! Let’s have a toast!” Announced by Kibum enthusiastically.


Yes, it’s Irene’s birthday today but there is no exception of work for her. It’s an exhausting day working a concert overseas. Now it has ended, her label mates were getting wild in a massive celebration in conjunction of celebrating her birthday. As time is pacing towards midnight, the crowd was getting crazier and the blasting music was getting louder, reminding Irene she had something important to do before her birthday ends.


Like Cinderella running away from the ball before midnight, Irene was a little unfortunate as she was slowed down by a series of selfies, wishes and toast. Not remembering how many “thank yous” she had said, she finally managed to escape the crowd by excusing herself to the restroom. With one thing to do in her mind, she fished out her phone, dialed a familiar number that she remembered by heart.

[29 March 2015] 11:58p.m

“Come on Song Mino, pick up the phone!” Tut Tut Tut… Listening to the monotonous beeping tone, Irene rubbed her other free hand against her forehead and stomp her feet in annoyance.

[29 March 2015] 11:59p.m

 “Yeoboseyo~~ finally you called! I thought I could not make it to wish you. Happy Birthday baby! Saeng ill chukka hamnida!” Irene chuckled, the voice over the call was fueled with enthusiasm that the thought of scolding him had flew away with the cold night wind.

[30 March 2015] 00:00p.m

“Thank you Mino yah. You are lucky, if you missed one minute one second. I don’t know how you are going to make up for it. Happy Birthday to you too. Sheng Ri Kuai Le.” She said jokingly while facing the skyscraper, the Taipei Tower which reminded her distance with Mino. As he sensed the dissapointment in her tone, he comforted her with his jokes and assuring her that he will hold her in his arms, soon.


“Look above you babe, can you see the moon? I can see it too! I told you. We are still very close to each other.” Mino put on an ethusiatic tone, trying his best to comfort Irene.


“Silly, all your fans can see the moon too. I want to be limited edition!” Gosh, Irene thought. They are both working adults but why are they having a serious debate over such childish things that only teenagers will fight over with. Well, this is what happens when you dated a dork but that’s what made her happy. His earnest jokes are one of the things that never failed to put a smile on her face.


“Ah, listen to your heartbeat then. I’m sure I’m the only one inside there.”


Before Irene could retort his cheesiness, she heard the heavy metal door closing behind her. Not knowing who it is, she panicked inside and tried to hint Mino of the intruder. “Ap- Appa, I- It’s really cold outside. I will call you again when I’m back alright. We will meet back home soon. Take care of yourself.”


“Did you just called me daddy? Bae Irene, you know there’s another meaning of it, right?” Mino almost chocked by laughing on the beer that he was having. Noticing the tone and formality changed in her speech, he responded quickly to make sure she don’t get in trouble. “Take care too. See you at our home soon. Love you. Don’t drink too much and sleep earlier. Don’t wander at the foreign street-”



The call ended in the midst of his unwillingness to hang up. Geez. Mino thought, since when he started to nag like his leader Kang Seung Yoon but nothing is more upsetting as soon as silence filled the practice room, the absencse of her voice prompted Mino to think of the cruelty that they could not celebrate their first birthdays together just like any ordinary couple. Their birthday were just a day apart, they could have done so many things if they were allowed to.


However right before he could continue to bury himself deep in his sadness, a bunch of friends barged in the room with a birthday cake, overtaking his gloom away.

"Happy Birthday to our winner, Song Mino!"



"Gosh it's so cold up here, are you alright Irene? I've been searching for you." A calm and familiar voice rang behind Irene, who was still calming herself from finding out who was behind her.


"Ah you scared me W-Wendy, it was my dad. He called from home." 


"I see, never knew you were so close with your father. We are going to have a group photo session soon unnie. I'm here to look for you before someone else does. You sure you're alright? You look... upset." 


"It's alright. Might be a little homesick. That's it." Irene paced ahead of Wendy to avoid eye contact. Everyone knows Irene is a bad liar, what more the members of Red Velvet that she lived with for years. 

Before she entered the building, Wendy held Irene's hand tightly

"You sure?"

"Yes." Irene answered difidently while staring at the ground.

"You were blinking when you said that Irene." Wendy continued. "You know Irene, we actually knew what is happening, we lived under the same roof. It's not difficult to suspect those smiles you gave away when you stared at your phone. I'm just waiting for you to tell me. It's upsetting when you had the chances but you always avoided it." 

"Y-You knew. How about the other members..?" Irene could felt her chest tighthen. She took in a sharp breath. She had been confronted by her closest friends and there is no turning back.

"Actually Joy found it out first. Duhh, you were watching their variety shows and reading articles about him. I can't believe it Irene. I thought it was impossible to see you dating but he is actually quite... charming?" Wendy chuckled. 

"I'm sorry Wendy, I should have tell you guys but I didn't know how."

"We were dissapointed at first, but it gradually turned into a little excitements. As we get to know Mino and his life stories. We gained respect towards him and decided to support your relationship."

"So you all are not against it?" 

"The younger ones may be afraid that it will be bad for our name, but still we, Red Velvet ship you guys! If that is the word you like to hear."

"Aww Wendy, you guys.. Thank you. This is the best birthday present ever!" Irene pulled Wendy in for a hug and went in to celebrate for the night.



Even though Mino and Irene had their birth dates marked close to each other. Physically they are way far apart from each other. The tight schedules and tours are keeping them constantly apart. Worse even, the fear of revealing their relationship that they are putting career at stake with.


Ironically, the distance is what that makes every date of theirs meaningful. Compared to ordinary couples that are allowed to meet under the bright sun, both Mino and Irene treasured every bits of time and opportunity they meet.


“I can’t wait to see you again.”


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Chapter 10: Majwoyo!
Members bonding is as sweet as couple bonding, sometimes even sweeter
nutzshawol #2
Chapter 12: aaaaaa~~~~ kissu kissuuu~~~
nutzshawol #3
Chapter 10: uuuuwww so saaad~~~ but knetz really... if idol have boyfriend or girlfriend, its like theyre commit some crime. btw taehyun super funny, kekeke. good job authorniim.
nutzshawol #4
Chapter 9: aiish. reallt hate that kim person. ruining my soshi :'( hahaha. neext
nutzshawol #5
Chapter 4: aaaaaaawwwww too sweeeetttt <3
nutzshawol #6
Chapter 2: kyaaaaa
i will pray everyday so this lovely couple become real. kyaa kyaaa >.<
nutzshawol #7
Chapter 1: omomomomoooo~~~~
i loooove this two~ so cuuute
and your story is awesomeeee :*
YGstans99 #8
Chapter 13: Authornim please do update~~~~~ I keep waiting and keep checking this fanfics for the whole day like pabo~~ Hope you can update soon~~ ~~ keep re reading this fanfics~~~ too cute , too much sweetness ~~
YGstans99 #9
Chapter 13: Mygaaaaddddddddddd please update I'm dying to know the update~~~~~~~~~~~~~
queenxxirene #10
Excited for this tandem. Gonna start reading this (: