I Knew You Were Trouble...

Underground love.
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Mino's P.O.V



What a way to ruin my day, especially a great one. I never met this man in person before but I know no less about him.


Kim Young Min.


Irene's boss, which is known as Yang Sajang Nim's rival.


What the hell is he doing here? For what I know, it's certainly never a good thing. He has his dirty ways of doing things especially when it involves his idols. But never am I letting him harm Irene. Never. I glanced over to her, I know her. We talked about this before, and now when it does. She is breaking down inside, but she's still so strong and brave that she is trying to compose herself in front of her boss. Again, I know she is afraid that she would not dare to look at me.



Sigh. To allow trouble to enter my door is certainly something over my dead body but Irene seems to know what I was thinking as she soon give me a timid glance. The fear had turned her face so pale now, and I'm pretty sure mine is the total opposite with the shots of anger flowing through me. It gets even worse when he starts talking.


"Good morning Mr. Song. May I come in? It may not be nice if people see me around in such places."


Such places? You don't have to come if you didn't want to, no one invited you here bastard.


"Irene, leader of my super rookie group: Red Velvet. How was your holiday? I'm pretty sure you had alot more fun than I expected."


I looked at Irene, she was shivering upon his voice. All I wished now was to hug her and tell her everything is alright, but I’m not sure if I could. We both know what this man is capable of turning both our lives upside down. Still, no matter what I vowed to myself to stay by her.


"I...I am sorry Sajang Nim. Please forgive me."


Something that I would expect her to say to her boss, just to make better of the situation... but it does not make me feel any better. Only worse. Looking at her bowing to him, complying to his authority with full formality and all that piece of did was plastering that sick smile on his face. Such a er.


"Irene! Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong!"


Our love is never wrong, silly girl.


"Well, in a matter of fact. She actually did. She broke the contract rules of dating someone within 2 years of debut. Ah, but I guess love could be irresistible at times?"


"I....It’s my fault Kim Sajang nim! I never told him about it. Please do not harm him." She pleaded. Do you believe it?! She pleaded for my behalf.


"Irene, You-"


"Well well, enough of your lovey dovey drama. I had seen alot and have no time to be entertained with such things. As the reason for me being here Irene, you know my principles of doing things. Tell it to your lover boy over th

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Chapter 10: Majwoyo!
Members bonding is as sweet as couple bonding, sometimes even sweeter
nutzshawol #2
Chapter 12: aaaaaa~~~~ kissu kissuuu~~~
nutzshawol #3
Chapter 10: uuuuwww so saaad~~~ but knetz really... if idol have boyfriend or girlfriend, its like theyre commit some crime. btw taehyun super funny, kekeke. good job authorniim.
nutzshawol #4
Chapter 9: aiish. reallt hate that kim person. ruining my soshi :'( hahaha. neext
nutzshawol #5
Chapter 4: aaaaaaawwwww too sweeeetttt <3
nutzshawol #6
Chapter 2: kyaaaaa
i will pray everyday so this lovely couple become real. kyaa kyaaa >.<
nutzshawol #7
Chapter 1: omomomomoooo~~~~
i loooove this two~ so cuuute
and your story is awesomeeee :*
YGstans99 #8
Chapter 13: Authornim please do update~~~~~ I keep waiting and keep checking this fanfics for the whole day like pabo~~ Hope you can update soon~~ ~~ keep re reading this fanfics~~~ too cute , too much sweetness ~~
YGstans99 #9
Chapter 13: Mygaaaaddddddddddd please update I'm dying to know the update~~~~~~~~~~~~~
queenxxirene #10
Excited for this tandem. Gonna start reading this (: