Stay with Me Tonight.

Underground love.
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“Warm velvet skin, lips with a soft light on them Eyes that are wet like rain, it’s all beautiful

Your warm hands, your soft smile In your world, it’s all beautiful

I love the way you wrap around my heart, filling me up I didn’t know before, it just comes automatic My senses move at the smallest body movements It just comes so natural It just comes Automatic”


It was almost midnight in the Winner’s dorm, rather than sleeping Mino was constantly fidgeting with his iPad, impatiently waiting for the release of Red Velvet’s Music Video. Pacing around his room, Mino tried to distract his thoughts by fooling around with other members and scribble some lyrics for his future productions. However his mind could only stop wandering until he received a notification from his so called rival company to watch the new released video.


“Hmmm, why is it Automatic? Isn’t the teaser something sweet?”


Without caring much, Mino immediately immersed himself into the music video just like how a child would eagerly munch in a mouthful of his ice cream. After finish watching his MV in awe, Mino clumsily took his phone and send a text.


Huge Boy: “Now I know why you did not want me to watch the full MV.”

Bae Chu: “Why was it? Did it just minus your liking towards me?”

Huge Boy:  No it did not ;) I will tell you when I see you in person. Words couldn’t express it. By the way, looking at those food in your music video made me hungry. Mind to grab a bite with me?

Irene: Gosh, I hope it’s a good thing. Eh, Song Mino! Aren’t you supposed to lose weight? I'll finish rehearsal at 11, I can’t reply anymore. See you at your place then.


As much as he wanted to keep the conversation going, Mino didn’t reply. He knew better than anyone that she had to focus practicing only to dismiss earlier. Putting up his cover-up costume, Mino left the dorm to buy food and head to the spot, preparing his surprise for Irene.


It was almost 11.30, the food was getting cold and Irene had not arrived nor replied his call. Thinking that she was still busy, Mino worked on his lyrics a little and decorated the room to pass time. The vintage wallpaper and orange lighting complimented with the little DIY decoration Mino made: a string was drawn across their bedframe with wooden clips, giving it an overall vintage look which he is sure Irene would like. However, he could only complete the decoration when Irene make a good use of her selfie skill with his Instax camera later.


He actually got that idea when he was working for a photoshoot with a vintage concept back then in New York City. He was glad that he can make good use of his camera with Irene, so they could record their happy memories through his camera in the future.


As he was checking the functions of the camera, Irene had arrived. Shyly, she stepped foot into the secret underground apartment that was owned by Mino. Even though it was her second time here, she still feel butterflies in her stomach whenever she see Mino in person alone. It was only their third time dating officially anyways. Every time it freaks her out to think of the right things to say, the right thing to do for they are only allowed to meet for a limited time.


Of course the anticipated Mino sensed her presence, he took in a deep breath before turning to his back to meet her. It was weeks since they met because Irene was occupied with her MV preparations. As an artist himself he was experienced, knowing celebrities would only had a little more free time few days before comeback stages. Even it was late at nig

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Chapter 10: Majwoyo!
Members bonding is as sweet as couple bonding, sometimes even sweeter
nutzshawol #2
Chapter 12: aaaaaa~~~~ kissu kissuuu~~~
nutzshawol #3
Chapter 10: uuuuwww so saaad~~~ but knetz really... if idol have boyfriend or girlfriend, its like theyre commit some crime. btw taehyun super funny, kekeke. good job authorniim.
nutzshawol #4
Chapter 9: aiish. reallt hate that kim person. ruining my soshi :'( hahaha. neext
nutzshawol #5
Chapter 4: aaaaaaawwwww too sweeeetttt <3
nutzshawol #6
Chapter 2: kyaaaaa
i will pray everyday so this lovely couple become real. kyaa kyaaa >.<
nutzshawol #7
Chapter 1: omomomomoooo~~~~
i loooove this two~ so cuuute
and your story is awesomeeee :*
YGstans99 #8
Chapter 13: Authornim please do update~~~~~ I keep waiting and keep checking this fanfics for the whole day like pabo~~ Hope you can update soon~~ ~~ keep re reading this fanfics~~~ too cute , too much sweetness ~~
YGstans99 #9
Chapter 13: Mygaaaaddddddddddd please update I'm dying to know the update~~~~~~~~~~~~~
queenxxirene #10
Excited for this tandem. Gonna start reading this (: