Chapter 7 ~ Don't You Remember Me?

I Wish Our Time Together Would Go Replay Replay Replay

Hey guys here's chapter 7 though i don't think it's good. It feels like there's something missing in this chapter. Just tell me if you know how it can be better


  Jonghyun's POV (Finally)

"So do you understand what I've told you?"

"So to differentiate using the chain rule you:

  1. Put the power to the front and multiply
  2. Reduce the original power by one
  3. Put the bracket down as is
  4. Divide by differentiation of the bracket
  5.  Expand, simplify and collect

"No, you go step 4 wrong. You don't divide, you multiply."

"Oh…thanks Jonghyun."

"You're welcome. See we're closer now aren't we?"

"I guess so."

"Now try calling me Jonghyun Oppa."

Eh…It's kind of awkward calling you oppa. Don't you remember what Minho said to you the day I moved in? That I'll never call you oppa which is true."

"Come on. Give it a try since I'm older than you and isn't that how it should be? Who cares what Minho says and I don't thinks it's true that you will never call me oppa."

"I think it's better if I call you Jonghyun. Besides, I don't know you that well yet."

"If that's what you think then. I don't want to make it awkward between us."

"I'm sorry Jonghyun."

"No, it's okay. I understand what you mean. But there has to be someone you called oppa right?"

"Well there was this kid when I was in pre-school I think or maybe it was primary school.  I don't really remember, but I used to call him oppa but I haven't seen him since I changed to Minho's school which is where I met my best friend Hyun Jae. I think I was around 6 or 7. I think he was one or two years older that me. He was really nice to me."

I wonder who THAT lucky guy was" I said emphasising on the work that " I wish I was him. What was his name?"

"I don't really remember his name since we were small. I think I just called him oppa cos we were really close. Our parents were close too since we always had fun together. I don't remember."


"I know who that person is." Jonghyun thought. "Cos that person you used to call oppa was me. You used to call me Oppa but occasionally called my Jonghyun Oppa. That was when we were in pre-school…well at least I think it's you. I asked Minho and you fit the description of the girl I met in pre-school." He thought.  Yep, I still remember her even though we only went to pre-school and a bit of primary school together, that was until you suddenly disappeared. I was a year older than her of course so I would've been at school already. I know she doesn't remember me. I mean look at me, I'm totally not a innocent little kid. Who would be after more than 10 years?


You all must be thinking how I could remember her from pre-school and primary. Well, Joo Yeong was different from everyone else at school.  During pre-school, she would be working hard at what ever she did. I was her first friend at school. Soon after, we would always play together on the playground and had heaps of fun together and we became really good friends. I was like a bother to her and she was like a sister to me. Our parents soon became good friends and we would have fun together during family outings and in the holidays. We told each other stuff and she once told me that she wanted to be a teacher like her father. I was shocked at first to even hear her say that. I was shocked that she had a dream that big when she was only in pre-school. I mean, don't  you dream about having endless supply of candy or heaps of dolls to play with at that age?

When I first saw her, I didn't really believe that is was her and thought that I heard the wrong name or someone just coincidently had the same name as her. When I first saw her in SHINee's dorm, I though it couldn't be her. It was impossible. I knew she wouldn't give up her dream that easily but I over heard her conversation with Minho when she first came and realised that she did it because she was in 'debt' to Minho's parents.


"What was she in debt to them for?" Jonghyun thought. "Did she owe them money? How much did she need? Maybe I could give her some."


The memories of when we were young played in my mind. I can still remember how much fun we had until she suddenly disappeared on day. I was around 8 at the time so she would've been around 7 if I am not wrong. Should I ask her if she remembers me? I thought. But what if it isn't her and I make a total fool of myself? No, no, no, that's not my. That's not who Kim Jonghyun is. Why am I, Kim Jonghyun being so scared?


Her goes nothing, Jonghyun thought as he was about to speak.

"Joo Yeong can I ask you something?" I asked slowly raising my head to look at her.

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

I stayed silent for a while. "Maybe it was a bad idea." I thought. Snap out of it Jonghyun! Kim Jonghyun is NOT like this. Where did all your courage suddenly go? Who cares if you are embarrassed. You might regret it.

"Um…Joo Yeong ah, don't you remember or at least recognise me?"


Hey guys. Sorry for the extremely late update. I've been kinda busy since i was back from my holiday which i was soooooooo cold. I think i could've freezed to death!!! I've left it kind of a cliff hanger as i guess most of you can guess what will happen next. Chapter 8 will be up in the next few days *promised* if i don't, i'll kill myself.

Hope you've all enjoyed it

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Update soon ^^
Chocolatemushrooms #2
This is a great story! I hope you can update soon :)
hope u update soon!:D...the story's nice
love this fanfic. . :))<br />
update soon..^^
Thanks for crediting me~!!!!<br />
<br />
I'll just read your fic xD<br />
I havent read it yet to tell you the truth...^^
as expected from jonghyun wanted to be called oppa...<br />
it was a little bit boring...but i believe you will do better on the next update :)<br />
keep it up.... :) update soon!<br />
MightyMaknae #7
Whoa...she knew Jonghyun since pre-school? And Jonghyun wanted to be called Oppa XD
thefanficslove #8
ow. . jjong know her since young?<br />
update soon please
sugarcoatedanne #9
Finally got to read this story! Aawwww I love it! I like her moments with the boys they're all so sweet! haha ^_^ Awwww Oneew I'm glad he's fine ^_^ And ooooh so she and Jjong know each other from when they were kids!!! That's interesting! I wonder if she remembers him! She really must have made an impact on him for him to remember her after a long time :) That's nice of him! Yey! I can't wait for the next chapter! Great story so far! ^_^<br />
<br />
PS. Welcome back and glad you had fun on your trip ^_^ Oh and don't kill yourself haha just update when you can ^_^
ImWeird #10
omg jjong knew her frm young??? wat a small world!! update soon!