Chapter 6

I Wish Our Time Together Would Go Replay Replay Replay

i decided to change the spelling of Joo Young's to name to Joo Yeong. Here's chapter 6. I couldn't think of a title but if you have one lemme know. i'll give you credit of course.


 I needed cold water running down my body immediately. I needed to take control of myself once again. I needed to snap out of it. All I could think of was what Onew said at the hospital (chapter 4). His smile and laugh would kill me one day. Then there was Key's smile. It would take my breath away. Then there was Jonghyun who made blood rush to my head as soon as he said that I was cute. At last of them all there was Taemin. He would make anyone like him without even having to try. It was absolutely positively 100% dangerous for me to be living around them. No, change that to 100 with many many many zeros after it. It was not good for my health at all. As I turned around to grab the bar of soap I saw the band aid that Onew had given to me. I couldn’t help but smile. Then suddenly, Key's voice came into my head "THE ONEW CONDITION". No wonder Minho was so happy with them here. I could feel the brotherly bond hey had with each other.


It was late at night or you could say early in the morning. I couldn’t sleep so I walked out into the dining room spreading all my textbooks across the table. I started looking at the equations and studied them. There was not time for me to study in the morning anymore and I was definitely sure that everyone was preparing for their final year and I was falling behind at school. But I wanted to study so I didn't mind studying this late. I had a dream and that was to become a teacher at my dad's school. I know to you it isn't a dream that seems worthwhile but to me, it is. I've always and only thought about being a teacher and continuing the work of my dad. Though my memories of him are very vague, I clearly remembered that he was indeed an awesome teacher. All his students loved him and he was a great man. Why am I even thinking about this? Thinking about these sad things…pretty stupid right


"Joo Yeong?" I turned around to see Jonghyun standing right there in front of me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm total fine. What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with me."

"You're crying and you're saying that there is nothing wrong. You can't fool the awesome Bling Bling Jonghyun."

"What are you talking about? I'm not crying." I immediately turned away and felt that my cheeks were wet from the tears and quickly wiped them away.


I turned back facing towards Jonghyun to find his face just inches away from mine enough to feel his breath. I watched him as he slowly lifted his hand up to my face wiping the tears that flowed down my eyes along my cheeks.


"You missed a spot." He said smiling at me. I couldn't move. "You know you don't always have to be so brave in front of me."


I sat there not knowing what I should do. I had a  blank mind thinking how I should react to what he just did. I just looked at him and gave him a small smile.


"Thanks." I sighed. I saw Jonghyun looking at the textbooks I scattered along the table. 

"Do you need help with any of this work?" He smiled at me again

"No it's fine."

"I did the same textbook work last year."

"I think you need to go back to bed. The charity event is tomorrow and you need to get enough rest."

"No, I  think I need to help you with the studying. It won't only benefit you, you know; Once I look at equations I'll just fall asleep and you'll probably have to somehow carry me back to bed."

"Fine, but if I tell you to sleep you'll have to sleep right away."

"What ever you wish."


Sorry guys. I know this this chapter isn't exciting but something about Jonghyun and Joo Yeong will be revealed in chapter 7 and 8.

And just to let you readers know, i will be going overseas on Friday and will not be updating a chapter until i get back but there is a slight chance that i will put up chapter 7 by thursday. I may update will i'm overseas but that's highly unlikely since i don't think i'll be bring my laptop but i will continue to write the story while i'm gone (which won't be toooo long)

hope you subscribe and comment and hope you stay subscribed while i'm gone

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Update soon ^^
Chocolatemushrooms #2
This is a great story! I hope you can update soon :)
hope u update soon!:D...the story's nice
love this fanfic. . :))<br />
update soon..^^
Thanks for crediting me~!!!!<br />
<br />
I'll just read your fic xD<br />
I havent read it yet to tell you the truth...^^
as expected from jonghyun wanted to be called oppa...<br />
it was a little bit boring...but i believe you will do better on the next update :)<br />
keep it up.... :) update soon!<br />
MightyMaknae #7
Whoa...she knew Jonghyun since pre-school? And Jonghyun wanted to be called Oppa XD
thefanficslove #8
ow. . jjong know her since young?<br />
update soon please
sugarcoatedanne #9
Finally got to read this story! Aawwww I love it! I like her moments with the boys they're all so sweet! haha ^_^ Awwww Oneew I'm glad he's fine ^_^ And ooooh so she and Jjong know each other from when they were kids!!! That's interesting! I wonder if she remembers him! She really must have made an impact on him for him to remember her after a long time :) That's nice of him! Yey! I can't wait for the next chapter! Great story so far! ^_^<br />
<br />
PS. Welcome back and glad you had fun on your trip ^_^ Oh and don't kill yourself haha just update when you can ^_^
ImWeird #10
omg jjong knew her frm young??? wat a small world!! update soon!