Chapter 4 ~ Innocent Leader Onew

I Wish Our Time Together Would Go Replay Replay Replay

Hey guys sorry for the super late update. Ive been having exams and they're still going but i decided to write this chapter cos i wanted a break from studying. It'll be over in a few days so hopefully i'llupdate more often


 Onew just continued as if nothing happened. He had a brighter smile as he was posing for the last few photos which went for another hour. His resilience was admirable. Every time I looked at Onew, his face became paler. I started to really worry.

"Great work everyone!" Hyung Soo said "Well done, we're finally done for today!"

"Great Work." Everyone bowed to one another in appreciation


Manager Yoo then went to gather the last few documents as we headed towards the van. I could see Onew walking unsteadily. He was falling behind everyone else and was using all his effort to catch up to them. His smile from a while ago had completely gone and his face was as white as snow.

"Onew you don't look to well. Are you sure you're alright?" I asked him. He turned at face him.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're face wasn't as white this morning. I'm really worried about you."

"Yeah I sure I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. Just worry about yourself first."

Everyone else was already in the van. Onew turned around and was walking in an unsteady pace again, trying to join the rest of SHINee as soon as he could. I was watching him getting ready to get onto the van when he collapse as he was about to reach for the door and stumbled a few steps backwards. I quickly ran to him without even knowing it.

"Onew?!" I yelled as I knelt onto the ground beside him. He looked at me with his lifeless eyes. I placed my hand on his head. OMG he was really burning hot! How can he saw he was alright when he has a really high temperature? It was really serious. The fever was probably since this morning.

"MINHO! Got get the manager immediately. Onew just collapsed." I yelled

Minho and everyone else got out of the van and rushed out towards us.

"Minho! Did you not hear me? Hurry up and get Manager Yoo. He should still be back at the studio."

Minho quickly ran ahead without saying another word and went to get the manager. As soon as Minho ran off, I felt Onew's forehead again. I could feel it had risen again.

This can't go on any longer. If it continues to rise, he might die. I though to myself. I was scared and worried at the same time. I needed to get Onew to the doctor right now.

"Key, I'm going to go to the doctor with Onew now. His temperature has risen ever since everyone came out of the van."

"Is there any way we can help?" Taemin asked. He was also starting to get worried. You could tell he was going to cry from is shaky voice.

"No, just wait here for the manger, I'll call you as soon as I get Onew to the doctor."


I placed Onew's arm over my shoulder. I looked around for a taxi. It was about five minutes until one came. I carried Onew into the taxi and got in after him.

"Ajusshi can you please drive us to the nearest hospital." I started to cry. Tears were falling down my cheek. "How long will it take?"

"Probably around 20 minutes."

"Ajusshi, I'll pay you twice the amount if you can get us there in 10 minutes."

"But miss, i'll be driving over the speed limit and that's against the law."

"Listen ajusshi, my friend here is sick and not feeling well. I need to get him to the hospital immediately. I don't care if you have to drive over the speed limit. I'll take all the responsibility."

I looked at Onew. His breathing was very heavy and I could see the sweat around his face. I laid his head onto my lap. I took of his tie and loosened his clothing. I grabbed a bottle of water and a pack of tissues in my bag and drenched the tissues in water placing it across Onew's forehead and wiping the sweat on his face and neck.

He opened his eyes and smiled as he saw me. I suddenly stopped doing everything.

"Mianhae." He said. I could just barely hear it.


We arrived at the hospital and the doctor immediately gave me some assistance. They carried Onew onto a bed and immediately took him into a room. I stood there watching him go feeling worried but relieved that he was now with the doctor. I could only just hope that he was going to be alright.


---------1 hour later---------



"Joo Yeong? How is Onew hyung?" I could hear Taemin on the other end of the phone.

"He's fine now. The doctor said he was having a fever probably die to stress or dietary issues. He's resting at the moment."

"Joo Yeong?" Minho's voice appeared "When can we see Onew?"

"You should probably be able to visit him tomorrow. The doctor said Onew just needed to rest. After that he'll be fine."

"Joo Yeong ah you need to be careful."

"Of what?"

"Of yourself of course. Once new is out that Onew hyung is in hospital, his fans will try to get into the hospital and smother him in flowers and get well soon balloons." He was being sarcastic and I could help but let out a little laugh as I though of all these fan girls suffocating Onew with their hugs.

"Minho I'm going to stay with Onew tonight so don't worry. You should all come and visit him tomorrow. And you guys need to take care of  your health as well."

"You don't need to worry too much about us. After all, we were able to survive without you for 2 years. It'll be no problem for us. Take good care of Onew hyung for us."

"Don't worry. I'll do my best. Bye see you tomorrow."

"Bye." Then he hung up.

I went back to the room Onew was in. He was sleeping like a child. So cute I couldn't keep my eyes of him. I thought Taemin was the only cute one. Looks like the leader is also cute.


I opened my eyes and I could feel the light stinging my eyes as I tried to re-adjust my eyes to the brightness of daylight. I looked up to the sight of Onew staring back at me. I examined by surroundings and realized that I was sitting on the visitors chair which was next to Onew's bed.

"Good Morning Joo Yeong." he said.

I felt something twitching under my hands as Onew lifted himself on the bed to a more comfortable position. I could see my hands were holding the hand of Onew's. I had probably put my hands on top of his hands last night will I was sleeping. I stumbled off my chair and stood there in front of him. I felt my cheeks flushing and he started to laugh.

"You really are cute." He said. I could feel my face blushing turning read and starting to burn up.

"Is this really the Onew I know?"

He grinned with a wide smile as a response to my reaction.

"This can't be Onew. Why are you suddenly so nice to me? Are you just acting nice?"

"Yes this is me. When I first met you, I really did think that you were a crazy fan of Minho so I decided to tease you about it. But when I heard you were working as our assistant manager because Minho's parents had told you to do it I got really mad. I thought you were really stupid and out of your mind. I was thinking how you could just throw away your life this way doing something so stupid. So I decided to try and make you quit."

I sat on my chair looking at him with a weird expression.

"But when you were there helping me into the car taking care of me, I was really touched and regretted making you leave. Joo Yeong ah, I don't want you to leave yet. Not before I get to know you a lot better."


I couldn't handle what he said. My heart could handle it. It felt as if it was about to have a heart attack. I could feel blood rushing towards my face once again and my lips and dried up. I quickly turned away from his gaze and looked at the clock in the room. I was shocked at the time. It was already 11am meaning I had been sleeping for more than 9 hours straight! It just clicked to me that the rest of SHINee would be coming to visit Onew today. I had forgotten and they would be coming any moment now.

"Ah that's right Onew. The rest of them should be coming to see you soon." I said avoiding eye contact with him. I suddenly felt his fingers running through my hair it like a brush brushing it all to one side so it wasn't covering my face.

"I like it better when I can see your face. I don't mean to offend you or anything. It's just that your face is very pretty and you shouldn't be hiding it." He said smiling at me nervously and embarrassed. I could see that his face had turned a bit red. What an innocent and cute leader I thought.


Hey guys so what do you think about this chapter? Sorry to keep everyone waiting

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Update soon ^^
Chocolatemushrooms #2
This is a great story! I hope you can update soon :)
hope u update soon!:D...the story's nice
love this fanfic. . :))<br />
update soon..^^
Thanks for crediting me~!!!!<br />
<br />
I'll just read your fic xD<br />
I havent read it yet to tell you the truth...^^
as expected from jonghyun wanted to be called oppa...<br />
it was a little bit boring...but i believe you will do better on the next update :)<br />
keep it up.... :) update soon!<br />
MightyMaknae #7
Whoa...she knew Jonghyun since pre-school? And Jonghyun wanted to be called Oppa XD
thefanficslove #8
ow. . jjong know her since young?<br />
update soon please
sugarcoatedanne #9
Finally got to read this story! Aawwww I love it! I like her moments with the boys they're all so sweet! haha ^_^ Awwww Oneew I'm glad he's fine ^_^ And ooooh so she and Jjong know each other from when they were kids!!! That's interesting! I wonder if she remembers him! She really must have made an impact on him for him to remember her after a long time :) That's nice of him! Yey! I can't wait for the next chapter! Great story so far! ^_^<br />
<br />
PS. Welcome back and glad you had fun on your trip ^_^ Oh and don't kill yourself haha just update when you can ^_^
ImWeird #10
omg jjong knew her frm young??? wat a small world!! update soon!