Chapter 1 ~ Meeting Part 1

I Wish Our Time Together Would Go Replay Replay Replay

 ~~~Noona Neomu Yeppo...Replay, Replay, Replay~~~


"Hey Minho. It's Joo Yeong."

"Hey Joo Yeong."

"How have you been?"

"I'm doing fine."

"So what are you doing now?"

"I'm in the middle of training with the other SHINee members.

"Oh sorry. I disturbed you. I'll hang up no."

"No, it's okay. The choreographer for our new music video is trying to work something out so I can talk for a few minutes."

"Oh cool. So when can you come back? Everyone in the neighbourhood misses you, you know."

"Wow really. Um…I'm not quite so sure."

"I haven't seen you in ages Minho. I really miss you and worried about you."

"Joo Young ah, I have to go now. Bye"

"Oh okay. See ya."


I was worried about him. A week later, I went to Minho's apartment which he shared with the rest of SHINee.

I reached the door and I was extremely nervous. I hadn't seen him in 2 years. I'd only seen him on TV and that was the closest I got to seeing him in these 2 years. I could feel my hands starting to sweat and water in my mouth starting to dry up. I knocked on the door but no one answered. Where they out? I knocked again and this time I knocked louder. I knocked continuously without stopping until someone answered.

I finally heard footsteps and I took a step back preparing to meet who ever it was that was going to answer the door.


"Who is it?" It was one of the SHINee members. I quickly bowed and gave my greeting.

"Annyeong, I'm Joo Young and I'm looking for Choi Minho.:

"Are you are stalker of his?" He said starting to laugh.

"No, I grew up with him and it was pretty rude saying something like that to someone you've just met."

"Wow you words are pretty vicious for a girl who has a cute face." He was smiling while saying it.

I asked him the question again.

''Can I please talk to Minho?"

"Sorry Joo Young agasshi. I'll ask you a question. If I was at your doorstep and I asked you I could talk to one of your friends would you let me?"

"Of course not. A guy with a face like yours don't usually bring good new with them and my friends are all innocent people so I wouldn't le you see them anyways."

He started to laugh again and closed the door. Luckily, I stuck out my foot and he couldn't close the door properly."

"you really are a persistent fan." he said.


Just then Minho came out


''Onew hyung what's going on out there?"

I could hear Minho's voice.

"MINHO!" I shouted

"There some really crazy fan stalker asking for you." That rude annoying guy at the door said.

"MINHO!!'' I shouted again.

I could hear Minho walking towards the door. He looked to me.

''I know her." He said, after looking at me for 5 seconds "She is my noona by 1 day and we lived together in the same neighbourhood before I entered the entertainment world."

"Yeah yeah…what ever. I'm going to take a shower."


"Joo Yeong ah, why are you here?" He asked

"Minho, we haven't seen each other for 2 years and this is the first thing you say to me when we see each other?" I couldn't believe what I just heard him ask. He asked me why I was here. Why? To see you of course. Why else?

"Come in and sit down?" Minho said inviting me in.

I walked into the apartment and everything was pretty messy. I could see the X-Box chords all tangled up and put on the couch.

"I'll get you something to drink."

I sat down on the couch and examined the room. Then suddenly, out of nowhere 2 SHINee members enter. Okay maybe not out of nowhere but you get what I mean. One of then was very young and the other looked around the same age as me.


"Who are you?" The younger one asked. I stood up and bowed.

"Annyeong my name is Joo Yeong. I'm Minho's noona and grew up with him."

"Annyeong noona. My name is Lee Taemin but people call me Taemin. So you are Minho's noona. You don't look like his noona much."

"That's because I'm his noona by 1 day.

"So why are you suddenly visiting him?"  Taemin asked

''I was a bit worried about him and I hadn't seen him for 2 years."

"Wow. Minho hyung is lucky to have a pretty noona worry about him."

Minho came back with the cup of tea and placed it on the table.

"Key hyung leave Joo Yeong alone." Minho said. Minho was always protective of me ever since we were little kids.

So that guy who talked to me was Key. I thought his name was Taemin. Now I'm really confused.

"Wasn't that Taemin who I was talking to?" I asked Minho with a confused mind.

"No, that was Key hyung. The one next to him was Taemin." He answered.

Now I wasn't so confused anymore.

"Joo Yeong ah, how did you know where I was?" Minho asked

"I asked your parents. I told them I was worried  about you and they told me where you were."

" What are you planning to do?"

"I'm worried about you Minho."

"I' know you are."

"You've grown taller."

"Joo Yeong we aren't kids anymore. Just tell me what you're planning to do. I know you wouldn't come her just because you were worried about me. I know you too well."

"Okay, so before I came to find you, I went over the SM Entertainment and got a job. I'm going to be working with your manager, Manager…"

"Manager Yoo." Minho said.

"Ah yes. Manager Yoo. I need to remember it otherwise it will be weird if I don't even know the manager's name."

"Joo Yeong, I can't believe this. My parents told you to do this didn't they?"

"Yeah they did."

"From the moment my parents took you in after your parents' death, you've felt indebted of them."

"That's because they've taken care of me and I feel the need to pay them back some how for their kindness."



First chapter is finally up everyone. I know it's not very exciting but as you keep reading, it will get more exciting. The first few chapters is like an introduction to their meeting and i'm sorry if it isn't very interesting. I'll do my best to make you readers happy.

Hope you subscribe and leave a comment  ^_^

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Update soon ^^
Chocolatemushrooms #2
This is a great story! I hope you can update soon :)
hope u update soon!:D...the story's nice
love this fanfic. . :))<br />
update soon..^^
Thanks for crediting me~!!!!<br />
<br />
I'll just read your fic xD<br />
I havent read it yet to tell you the truth...^^
as expected from jonghyun wanted to be called oppa...<br />
it was a little bit boring...but i believe you will do better on the next update :)<br />
keep it up.... :) update soon!<br />
MightyMaknae #7
Whoa...she knew Jonghyun since pre-school? And Jonghyun wanted to be called Oppa XD
thefanficslove #8
ow. . jjong know her since young?<br />
update soon please
sugarcoatedanne #9
Finally got to read this story! Aawwww I love it! I like her moments with the boys they're all so sweet! haha ^_^ Awwww Oneew I'm glad he's fine ^_^ And ooooh so she and Jjong know each other from when they were kids!!! That's interesting! I wonder if she remembers him! She really must have made an impact on him for him to remember her after a long time :) That's nice of him! Yey! I can't wait for the next chapter! Great story so far! ^_^<br />
<br />
PS. Welcome back and glad you had fun on your trip ^_^ Oh and don't kill yourself haha just update when you can ^_^
ImWeird #10
omg jjong knew her frm young??? wat a small world!! update soon!