Rainy Days

Week with Jonghyun

-I want to see him, I need to see him, I need him. Why was he with that b*tch? I wanted to be the first one to comfort him but I was to late. I still need to talk to him. My body hurts to much, I'm going to stay home and try to go see Kibum. I felt someone slip into my bed as I was in deep thought. I looked down to see Taemin hugging my waist.

-" Hanna, why are you always crying? It always happens before we go to sleep."He said holing me tighter and petting the back of my head knowing it would calm me down. " Let's take a sick day and we'll go to Kibum's house later."

-"How'd you know it was Kibum?"

-" You're my little sister I know these things. How would I protect you?" He said kissing my forehead.

-" Thanks oppa." I started to drift to sleep in oppa's arms to the soothing noises of rain outside.

Few hours later...

-I woke up still in oppa's arms, it seems like he woke up already.

-" Hey sleepy head, appa left, I stayed up so you wouldn't have any bad dreams."

-" I think I'm fine now."

-" Are you sure? Maybe we should go to Kibum's house."

-" I don't know."

-" Ok, we can just stay here til you figure out stuff."

- I thought about it and I really want to see Kibum but I don't know what to say to him. He means so much to me. I just want things to go back to the way they were, but after all this I dought it will. I finally got out of bed so I could see him.

At Kibum's house once again...

-I felt nots in my stomach as I walked up to his door steps but I couldn't wait to see him. I closed my and took a deep breath as I rang the doorbell. My heart was pounding against my chest I could feel tears were about to run down my face because there was just to many emotions going through me, but then finally the door opened. I didn't know what to say or do, Kibum just hugged me and kept saying he was sorry. I was so sursprised when he did this. I thought he hated me, I hugged him back feeling safe.

-" I thought you hated me." I said trying not to let go.

-" Hanna, we've been friends for to long for that to happen." He said looking into my eyes and then kissing my forehead still hugging me." Love you." I heard Kibum say softly.

-" I love you too." I said barrying my face into Kibum's chest so the sound would be muffled.

-" Wait what did you say? You said I love you huh? Wait as a friend or more than that." I knew this would happen.

-" You're ruining the moment Kibum."

-" Let me make it better." He cupped my cheeks looked in my eyes and closed them and leaned in. The touch of his lips against mine felt so right like it was meant to be. You know that feeling when it feels like there's fireworks in the backround. All I did was smile and hugged him to hide my red face.

-" Ahem."

-" Oh sorry Taemin."

-" It's ok I'll just leave you guys should go on a date." Taemin said turning around to leave.

-I ran to him and gave a hug," Thanks oppa." I said then went back to Kibum.

- Kibum and I went inside his house and I slept over. Nothing ual. All we did was watch movie and sleep on the couch together. I haven't hung with Kibum in such a long time.

-" Kibum I really missed you." I hugged him as tight as I could.

-" I missed you to Hanna." He kissed my forehead as we drifted to sleep.

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StringsandHoneys9 #1
OMG!!! so cute!!! <3
In the beginning, I wanted to end up with Key :3