It Hurts to See You Like This

Week with Jonghyun


-"Yah, Kibum, what are you doing!?!"I yelled out causing people to look at us but I didn't care.

-"Saving you from him!" Kibum shouted in response.

-"Why?" I said more gently.


-"Because... What?"I said feeling impatient. I waited a few seconds for his answer but he didn't so I started towards Jonghyun. As I took a few steps, Kibum grabbed my wrist.

-"Because...I love you."

-I was to surprised to say anything that I just turned around and looked at him not knowing what to say. Kibum was still holding my hand, so I used my free hand to make him let go.

-"Don't go,"Kibum said softly, as I walked away holding back my tears, knowing that it'll hurt me knowing that I lost my best friend.


Still in the park...

-I was sitting with Jonghyun, he made a really cute picnic but I couldn't really focus on it because of what I did to Kibum. I had my legs up to my face and Kibum kept popping up in my head. It was really hurting me, I regret what I did, I miss Kibum, but why am I feeling like this. I'm with Jonghyun I shouldn't feel like this.

-"Hanna?" I heard Jonghyun while he touched my sholder,"Are you okay?"

-I looked up at him and said,"I don't know," I felt tears rolling down my face. I wanna tell Kibum I want to stay friends I thought but I don't know how to tell him. Jonghyun wiped my cheeks, I felt him sit behind me and wrapped his arms around me. I heard him start singing but I couldn't tell what he was singing because I was crying. I listened to what he was singing and the lyrics made me cry even harder. Here's the song if you want to listen to it. I recomend that you read the lyrics.

-Jonghyun finished singing, and I felt a little better. This is why I like Jonghyun he always made me smile but not as Kibum could. I felt Jonghyun hug me tighter and say," I hate seeing you cry." I turned around and hugged him back and felt him kiss my forehead.

-"What's wrong I don't like seeing you sad," Jonghyun said resting his hesd on my sholder.

-"I think I just lost my best friend," Tears rushing down my face again.

-"Don't cry, it hurts to see you like this," Jonghyun said wiping my tears and holding me closer with my head rested on his sholder trying to comfrt me. How can someone I just met be so kind and loving to me and care about me so much? I felt Jonghyun push my hair behind my ear,"I love you Hanna," I heard him say softly bringing me closer to him.

-"Love you too Jjongie," my eyes getting heavy, feeling tired from what all happened.

Few Hours Later...

-I woke up looking at the stars still in the park, holding hands with Jonghyun huddlded close to him. I felt his fingers runthrough my hair and I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and I got a warm comforting feel to it.

-"Hey," he said lightly as we sat back up.

-"Hi," I smiled again.

-"Are you okay now?" Jonghyun said with a caring voice.

-"Yeah, thanks. Sorry this was probably the worst first date ever."

-" It's ok, it brought us closer."

-I couldn't help but think how positive he was. We sat there hand in hand as I rested my head on his sholder. I really like the silence in the park except for the few couples that were walking by.

-"Do you wanna go hame yet?" Jonghyun asked.

-"No, I don't want Appa and Taemin oppa to see my puffy eyes from crying."

-"Good, because I want to take you to one more place that will make you really happy or it makes me happy, maybe it'll make you happy."

-I wonder where he was taking me? I already felt better being with him.

Somewhere in the City...

-"Are we almost there?" I said whiningly.

-"Yeah, stay still," He let go of my hand, walked behind me and covered my eyes, as we started walking again."Were almost HERE!!!" Jonghyun uncovered my eyes and we were infront of an ice cream cafe.

-"This is where you go when you're sad," I smiled.

-"Yeah, don't make fun of me and I bet it'll make you feel better too," he pouted.

-"Okay," I sighed and he dragged me in.

-Jonghyun got a banana split sundae for us to share. It was a little corny but cute, it seemed like he was a little kid everytime I would feed him a bite and he would feed me. I really like being with Jonghyun, he makes me feel happy when ever I am with him, but Kibum keeps popping up in my head. I don't want to lose my best friend. I felt Jonghyun touch my cheek,"You had a sprinkle on your cheek," He smiled at me. "Are you okay now?" I nodded feeling a lot better,"Ok that's good. I should probably take you home." He said dissapointed and took my hand and we walked out.


Hey guys I'm not sure if I should end it with Kibum or with Jonghyun or make it a twist and she ends up with Minho. Leave a comment and see what happens. Thanks a bunch for reading and using your time on here it means a lot.

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StringsandHoneys9 #1
OMG!!! so cute!!! <3
In the beginning, I wanted to end up with Key :3