Sweet memories,

Magical Fairy Tail

When a day has gone by, a new day is about to come. It's Monday and our Mages didn't planned much for this day, so they all went separated ways. Key went to the Guild. He liked talking to Victoria. She always had an ear for him and he for her. If they're together, then they can talk for hours and not getting tired of it. He hoped Taemin would join him, but Minho and Chin Soo went on a quest to the Burndow Caves. He had never been there, so he wanted to join them.

After a lot of protest, Key let him go his way. He couldn't hold his Minnie forever by his side. Besides, he went with his best friends so he should not be worried about it. Key agreed, but gave Minho and Chin Soo a death glare.

''If anything happens to my Minnie then you are responsible for it. And I won't go easy on you then. Got it?''

The boys sworn to keep him in safety and left off. As for Jonghyun, he slept the whole morning. After that, he went to help the housekeeper. She always helps the Granny from the flower shop but today she couldn't make it because her husband would come home from a long journey. She is going to meet him at the harbor so Jonghyun was kind to take her place for only a day.

As this day started, everyone went their on way.


''Soooo.....WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!!'' Chin Soo shouted out loud. They were in a carriage that took them to the Burndow Caves. He gave the person in front of him an angry glare.


''Well, I should be asking you the same question?!'' It was Agaron. These two always fight about the smallest things.

Last time, Agaron told Chin Soo that he heard from other people that a dragon had appeared in ZuraTown. Chin Soo didn't doubt a second, took a quest near that town and was gone together with his friends. But seriously, who is so stupid to believe it. A dragon that suddenly appears in a town, full with people. Only Chin Soo will believe it at first thought.


''Easy Chin Soo! You were the one who wanted to go to the Burndow Caves so badly. When I was looking for a quest, there was only one and Agaron already took it. You should be happy he would let us come along.'' Minho hold back his angry friend and calmed him down. But that wasn't needed because he felt sick again and became K.O...Like always. While Chin Soo was quite, the boys could finally talk peacefully.


''So why do you fight all the time?'' Taemin asked curiously.


''I don't know. It was already like this since I joined the Guild. We just can't stand each other. We don't cooperate with each other well. Sadly.'' Agaron's voice slowly stopped at the moment he thought about it. He was definitely not in the mood to talk about this. Even Minho saw that so he changed the subject.


''Anyway. Why don't you show Taemin one of your magic skills. I'm sure he hadn't seen it yet. And it will help us be earlier at our destination.'' Agaron nodded. ''Of course. I would love to.''

He looked outside. He holds his hand in frond of him until his hands began to glow. He whispered: ''Whisper of the wind. Let us move forward.'' And with that he moved his hands back to himself.

It seemed like the carriage began to move faster and so it did. Taemin looked outside and saw how the heavy wind blew through the air.

''Cool! Wind magic.'' Taemin was amazed by it. Not with only his magic, but also with everyone else his magic. He can only heal or increase someone's speed, but elemental magic is what he adored the most.


It didn't took long anymore and before they knew it they arrived at the Burndow Caves. Only they don't know something will happen that makes their paths grumble.



Key arrived at the Guild. Everything has turned to normal, compared to last night. As usual, Victoria was cleaning at the bar so Key took place in front of her. ''Good morning.''


''Good morning Key. Have the boys returned in one piece?'' Victoria said while she took a clean glass and pours a drink for him.


''Yes. They were already asleep when we got home. Right now, Taemin, Minho and Chin Soo are on a quest at the Burndow Caves. I hope they will be fine. And Jonghyun still lies in bed. That lazy bum.'' Key thanked Victoria and grabbed the glass and took a sip.

''Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I know they will be fine. Believe me.'' As always, Victoria gave one of her warm smiles. No wonder why it's always nice talking to her.


''But that aside, I have always wondered something but I didn't asked you yet.''


Key puts his empty glass down. ''What is wrong?''


''Is Key the name you have been given or is it just an nickname?'' She sure took long to ask that question. He has known her for two months now and now she asks. Maybe she didn't wanted to be rude.


''Well, I...''


''You piece of trash! Who do you think you are!''


''Shut up! You have no right to talk to me like that!''


Their conversation got interrupted by two men who were having a fight.

''Sorry Key, I'll be right back. Guys. Stop it.'' And she left. What she didn't noticed is that she just left and shocked Key. Fear was in his eyes as he recalled something he wanted to forget.


''You piece of trash! Who do you think you are!''




''Shut up! You have no right to talk to me like that!''


''F-father..Please listen to..m-m-me''


''No! I've had enough of you! Leave my house! NOW!''


''Please, father..''


''I'm not your father anymore. And you are not my son. You are no longer our Kim Kibum. SO LEAVE!''


''Sorry Key. I had you waiting for me.'' Her voice brought Key back to reality.

''You were just about to answer, right?'' She smiles again.


''Oh yes. But yeah, it might sound weird but it's my real name. You see, my mother was a Spirit Mage just like me and she loved her magic as much as me so she named me after the summoning devise, the Key.'' Victoria laughed a heartwarming laugh.


''That's not weird, but very sweet. Your mother really loves you, by giving you this special name.'' Yet once again, she is a nice person to talk to.




When Jonghyun woke up, only one thing was in his mind: Breakfast! He never understood why some people didn't ate for breakfast, cause he wouldn't be able to walk if he didn't eat any.


After he recharged, he noticed a note laying on the table.

'MTC are on a quest at Burndow Caves and I'm at the Guild. Be sure to buy some rice for dinner tonight. Really, don't you dare to forget it! Key.'

Jonghyun smiled. 'Leaving notes to each other has never been so much fun.' Is what he thought.


After he changed clothes, he went to the Granny from the flower shop. But first, the rice for tonight, in case he would forget. After that he went to his destination.

The old woman was watering some of the flowers which were stalled outside the shop. She greeted Jonghyun warmhearted and let him work immediately.

''Thank you for helping me today my boy. Would you please bring some more roses outside. They are at the back in the buckets.'' He did just like the woman told him and brought the roses outside. Today, the sun was shining very bright. A bit to bright. To bright that it made Jonghyun feel weird. He was a light mage, yet today was the first time he sort of hated that feeling. The warmth of the sun.

Suddenly he felt the world spin. His head was in great pain like it would explode any moment. His vision went blurry. Before he realized what happened to him, he lost consciousness.


''Jonghyun! Watch out!''


''H-how can this thing be so strong?''


''Jonghyun, keep yourself together!''


''Wait! No!''




''ONEW! NO!''


Jonghyun opened his eyes. He..He was back at home. Was it all just a dream? Or was it a flashback?

''Are you feeling alright?'' The voice came from someone familiar. Jonghyun looked at the boy next to him.


''Yesung?'' The boy smiled when his name was called.

''I thought you drowned this time for real.'' Jonghyun . Yesung let go a soft sigh.

''That would be a very ironic dead of a water mage, don't you think?''

''I know. But you could also got eaten by sea turtles.'' Jonghyun grinned.

''Don't make fun of my turtles, Jonghyun. Or else I will feed you to them.'' He said with a serious face.

Yesung is also a mage of Fairy Tail. He is a water mage and owns some huge turtles. They are his pets. Every month he goes to them for 3 days. The last time when he got back, he didn't showed up for some time, which causes Jonghyun to make these stupid jokes.

''But I'm glad to hear that your alright. I was worried, you know!''

''What happened to me then?''

''I don't really know. I was just passing by until I saw you laying on the floor surrounded by some people. They told me you suddenly lost consciousness, so I too you back home to have you rest. Oh and the lady also gave me a bag with rice. She said it was from you.'

Yesung pointed at the table, where he putted down the rice.


''Thanks.'' While looking at the paper bag were the rice was put into, Jonghyun's mind yelled at him. Saying he has to remember. But remember what? Why does a paper bag have to remind him of something? After a closer look, he realized. The bag had a sign on it. The logo of the shop he bought the rice to be exact. It has a weird shape in the color pink. 'Weird shape in the color pink.....'

The flashback he just had. Suddenly the picture of that creature became clear. '…..No way.'



''Wait... That's it!'' Jonghyun stood up and ran to the door, putting on his shoes.


''Huh? What is?'' Yesung got confused by his fellow Mage. Even though he didn't understood, he still followed Jonghyun to the door.


''I'll tell you at the Guild, come one. Let's go!'' When Yesung was ready, they went to the Guild. Not walking but running. Running as fast as they could. But why?

'How did I not see it. I'm so stupid. So stupid. STUPID!'


In the meantime, our fellow Mages have reached Burndow Caves. The citizen were complaining about the rumble they heard for two days in the caves. They said that it's like lighting, but then inside the cave. None of the citizens were Mages, so they requested some Guild Mages. So now our friends have to find out what is happening inside that cave.


The Burndow Caves are old and has a small maze of corridors. But the maze is not really a maze. No matter which way you choose, you will always get out. It's also very dark that only big light sources can light the place. Luckily they had Minho. Using his flame, the earth walls were visible. Agaron was carrying a torch in case Minho would get exhausted. They have been walking for quite a while. Until they heard a loud sound, echoing trough the cave.


''What was that!?'' The sudden sound made them fright a bit. So this was the sound that the citizens were talking about.


''But from which way it came?'' In front of them the corridor split into two. ''I think we should split in two groups. I go left!'' That was Chin Soo's first option. ''No, we aren't going to split up. It might be dangerous.'' The last thing Minho wanted is to split up. Who know what might happen.

''What do you want to do then? Wait for that sound again? Maybe it takes hours for the next one. Come on. Don't think to difficult.'' Chin Soo was determined to split up. Probably he didn't wanted to team up with Agaron.

''No, I'm not think-.'' Minho got interrupted. The walls were shaking. Little stones fall down from the ceiling to the ground. The ceiling was going to fall down! Each jumped to the side as fast as they could. Then the stones fell down, barricading the way they came from.


It was dark. It was dark and silence, until Minho lit his flame again.

''Is everyone alright?'' He asked. But as he looked around, he only saw Chin Soo slowly standing up. But were where the others?

''Taemin! Agaron!'' Minho looked at the huge stones, blocking the way. No way..

''Minho? Chin Soo? Are you alright?'' Minho was relieved. Thank God. He didn't know what he would do if something happened to them.

''Yes, were alright. How about you?'' Even though the stones were blocking the way, they still could hear each other.

''Yes, were fine. Agaron lit the torch he had so we can see now. It looks like we only have our way ahead to go to.'' Taemin voice sounded confident and Minho was glad to hear that. But he still didn't agreed with splitting up.

''No, we don't have to split up. Chin Soo can use his magic to make the path clear. Chin Soo?'' As he turned around, Chin Soo was already walking ahead.

''Don't worry dude, they will be fine. They are Mages after all. So we better go ahead and meet them when our paths cross again. We split the search work and we won't get lost, got it!'' Chin Soo had Minho were he wanted him. Minho would never leave a friend on his own, so he had to follow him.

''It's alright Minho. We'll promise to be extra carefull.'' Agaron wasn't weak or scared. That's how Minho knows him. But he is right. There is no other choice. If Chin Soo is being selfish again, It means he will get in trouble soon. So they went their own ways. Their way ahead. Even though, somewhere inside Minho, it hurts. Knowing something bad is going to happen.



The mood in the Guild was always noisy and everyone had fun, until Jonghyun and Yesung barged into the Guildhall. Everyone turned to them. The boys got there full attention. Both were catching their breath. Jonghyun looked around. Looking for someone. Then he spotted the Guild Master, who was sitting at a table together with some fellow members.


''What's wrong Jonghyun?'' Rewolf asked when Jonghyun was walking towards him, followed by Yesung.


''I-I finally remembered it.'' He said. Some of the members asked themselves what he was talking about.


''What?'' Amber asked, who was already sitting next to the Master. Victoria was walking towards them. She was very concerned.


''The sign on that creature.'' He wasn't very clear. The people were still confused.


''Which creature?'' Yesung asked curiously.


''The sign on that creature that killed Onew. It was from him all along..'' Jonghyun finally made his point clear.


''Who!?'' Victoria and the rest really couldn't hold it anymore. Jonghyun really needed to speak faster and don't let them wait for the answer.




''...From Kim Kibum.''


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Hey. I'm very busy and will update again in the beginning of July because of school. I hope you understand.


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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 12: Its so good please update soon
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting! I wonder what taemin role in the project?
Yunie1827 #3
Chapter 10: Wah....the plot became sooooo intresting :))) it seems that taemin and key are hiding something....earlier i thought the kim kibum was the one from super junior but then when victoria had her doubts i was like...'wth!?' Anyways imma wait for your next update :)))
shilpatv #4
Chapter 9: story is interesting....... update soon........wil b waiting...
FFiolet #5
Chapter 9: So they are related? Wow! This story gets more and more interesting! :D

KYAAAA~ Yoseob and Kikwang are in the story! Yaaaaay! WAIT, théy are the one who are killing the giant bats?!
*slams the piano*
Kekekeke. It's nice that you used the 'shock' thing. Let the pairings come! xP

Oh, and about your question:
As for my opinion, you writing skills and story line is fine and you're doing OK, yesh? Just go further with the things you have in mind and in the mean time, make a little room for some lovely dovely fluff. :D
That's all! Kekekekeke!
Chapter 8: hehe thanks for replying to my comment ^^
omgosh plot twist!!! but it cant be kibum right?? arrgghh :O thanks for updating lovin it ^^
Elfeira #7
Chapter 8: Oh dear...
FFiolet #8
Chapter 7: Can I cry now? :'(
I'm spazzing right now inside, I still don't believe it. Our Onew! Our precious Onew! ;____;
The way you wrote about the flowers was nice. :D Onew liked flowers and colors and probably chicken too. x'D
And really May, stop disturbing me when I try to read your chappie, yeah? *pats your head* Kekekeke. >:D
May-Stardust #9
Chapter 7: @ Bluemoonluvkpop0596: Your welcome! Yes, only I know what will happen. But what, I won't tell yet.
I do like happy things, but also sad things. ( And thanks for reading so far. I will updated soon ;) )
Chapter 7: i see onew died...:(
but i read fairy tail not the lastest chapter i should catch up but something good will happen in the end? right? ;D
thanks for updating!!