
Magical Fairy Tail

The days turned into weeks, which turned into months. They fulfilled a lot of quests and had a lot of fun. Key and Taemin decided to live with the others and helped paying the rent. The bedroom got two new beds.

It has been two months since they joined the Guild.


It was a Sunday morning. Key and Taemin woke up in a house which missed something: their friends. They weren't in the house and probably left early without saying. The only thing they left was a note on the door. It said: 'Gone for the day. See you tonight, JMC.' Looks like they have to make the day full without them.


They walked across the river. It was a spot in town that was peaceful and only got visited by travelers and people who loved silence. The sound of splashing water, a little breeze and the sun was shining. It was a lovely day.

After the restful walk was the Guild their next destination. When they entered the building, a gloomy atmosphere was hanging around. At other days, people were noisy and all lively but today it's all different. The tables have been gathered in the middle of the room with the chairs around it. There weren't many people today, which was very strange. They looked sad and thoughtful.


''What happened?'' They asked at Victoria, who was also in the same atmosphere as the others. This time she wasn't cleaning things and sat on a bar stool having a drink. She looked up from her glass.


''Good morning. Did you sleep well?'' She forced a smile while saying that. The boys nodded. Maybe they should leave it for now. Victoria didn't looked like she could tell it but in the end she did.


''Don't worry. I will tell you. But first I'll get a drink for you two.'' She put down her empty glass and disappeared behind the bar. She returned with drinks and sat down next to the boys


''Where should I begin with.'' She mumbled in herself.


''Someone of the Guild has died?'' Key guessed. Victoria nodded. ''Three years ago. On this day. Did the guys told you anything?'' They shacked their heads.


''I guessed it from a picture I saw at home. At the front row there was a picture of Jongyhun, Minho and Chin Soo. The other person on the picture had also a Guild mark of Fairy Tail, but we've never met him. They seemed to be very close, isn't it?'' Key explained from what he had seen. Victoria agreed to what he said. ''Yes, they were very close. You see, the four of them are friend since their childhood. They joined the Guild when they were around 8. All from different places and with different goals, and here is where they met. Young but very talented. They have been here for their whole life.'' Victoria doubted about talking on. Instead she would talk about it later.


''But how did he died?'' Taemin broke the silence with his question.

''Well, from what we all know is that he died during a quest together with the boys. They fought against a monster that has been murdering people for a while. They accepted the challenge and fought with all their power. Everyone had fate in them. We thought they could stop that monster from taking peoples life's, but we were wrong. With a powerful attack it aimed for him. It's speed was incredibly fast and it killed him. Then that monster got away and they returned back with his dead body. We buried him at the graveyard. We lost a precious friend that day. We closed the Guild for two days to have free time to spent on our own. His dead made us remember how it felt to lose someone important. Your friends didn't showed up for weeks. We thought that their pain was very hard to bare. It was true but in that meantime they were gone. They had been training so they would become stronger. So that the next time they meet that monster, they can take their revenge on what it did.'' She finished the story for now, cause it seemed like she wanted to tell more. Then Amber walked towards them.


''Sorry to make you wait. We can go now, Victoria.'' She nodded and stood up. ''Do you want to come with us?

To his grave?

Onew's grave.''


It was very peaceful at the graveyard. Some clouds appeared in front of the sun but the wind stopped blowing. Some Mages of the Guild were about to leave. They had also been visiting his grave. That's why some people didn't came early to the Guild. To have some time for their own and visiting his grave.

When arriving, the grave was filled with different kind of flowers. Different sorts and colors have been spreading on his grave. It became a tradition for everyone to bring one flower to his grave so that in the end it would be filled with a lot of beautiful colors and flowers. Some of them even wrote a message on a paper, which they bound on the flower. Victoria and Amber already had an flower, so Key and Taemin decided to buy one and followed their tradition, cause they were also part of the Guild.


'Here lies Onew. Brave Mage of Fairy Tail. He lost his life for others. May his soul rest in peace.'

Written on his gravestone, decorated with carved in signs. No one knew what they stood for, but the master said it was a spell to bring back memories you've forgotten about him whenever you stand for his grave.


''Have you remembered some nice memories?'' They turned around. Behind them stood a man. He looked very young. He had blond hair, blue eyes with a purple tint in it and his skin was pale. He was wearing a dark purple shirt, a light yellow scarf, green pants with sandals underneath it. He carried a red flower and a backpack, which was overloaded with stuff and looked like it would explode anytime soon.


''Master! Welcome back.'' Victoria recognized the man. So this man was the master of the guild?


''Sorry it took me so long, but I definitely wanted to come back before this day, to give him this.'' The master walked towards the grave and put the red colored flower next to the others. After a short silence he turned himself to Taemin and Key.


''I suppose you are Key and Taemin I've heard about. I'm Rewolf Mavis, Master of your Guild. It's a pleasure to meet you.'' They gave him a handshake and introduced themselves.


''Sorry that it took, like two months, to come back. Even when we had new members. I hope you are having a nice time being here. If there's something you want to ask you can always ask me or other people from the guild. We're one big family after all.'' He gave the boys a warm smile. No wonder why the Guild is the place to be. Having a Guild Master like him, kind and caring, has a great influence on the Guild itself.


''Talking about our big family. I hope nothing bad has happened when I was gone, Victoria?'' He turned to the lady and she smiled. ''Everything is fine. Also, the things for tonight have been prepared. Will you also attend?'' Victoria and Amber looked at him with puppy eyes. Looks like they really wanted the master to come tonight. But was going to happen tonight?


''Splendid! But you both must know I'm really tired and I have to do a lot more today...

I will come by for a short time. But not to long. Only checking that you won't burn down our Guild.'' The girls cheered of happiness. Their conversation only left a confused Key and Taemin, so Amber explained.


''Tonight we're having a karaoke. That's the reason why all the tables are put together. You guys are going to come to?''


''But on this day you're reminding that a precious friend died. How could you have a karaoke night?'' Key said confused.


''That's what everyone thinks, but we're only carry out his last wishes.'' Amber said.


''Please, go on without me. Promise me. That you all will sing and laugh, even though I'm gone. Please. Smile..'' The master didn't smiled at all when he said the words of their lost friend. It is easier to say than to be done. He looked up to the sky.


''I assume the boys are on their traditional trip?'' The girls nodded. Since the other boys didn't got informed by the others, Amber once again explained.


''Every year, on this day, they leave early in the morning and travel all around the continent Flarior. They visit all the places they have gone to with Onew. Then they come back home very late, so they never attend the karaoke night. It must be pretty tiring to do this all in one day.'' So now knowing why the boys left, Key was still angry at the fact they still should write or told the reason why they left.


After a while, the master and the girls returned to the Guild. Taemin and Key went back to their home. They were talking about preparing something. But what they didn't tell.


On the other side of Flarior, our three Mages are making trips to villages, towns, forests and mountains, to remember the past. Time flew by and before they even knew it was getting dark outside. At least they arrived Mungalo, their hometown. But they still had one destination left. The graveyard.


And then they stood there. Before the gravestone, covered with colored flowers. It was such a beautiful sight. First Minho put his flower next to the others. It was a Recuérdame found in the forest of Golima. It was pure white with green shades. Onew always said it reminded him of his Guild Mark and loved the color very much.


Next was Jonghyun. He had a Sonreír found in the mountains of Arid. It was yellow like the sun. Onew liked the sun and said it was one of the most beautiful flower you can find on the mountains.


And last was Chin Soo. He got two flowers. One that was found at the riverbend of Wilos named Cantar. It was blue like the night sky and even had little spots in the color white. Onew told them it was special like the night sky. It's dark, yet the moon and stars give light, that the sky doesn't seem so dark anymore.


The second one was from Rena. She gave them the Burlarse. It was the symbol of Heralso Village. A purple flower with a pink tint. Onew adored the symbol and was happy to receive the flower he got from her when it was his birthday.


With the last flower placed with the others, they stood there for a moment. Quite.



At the meantime, Key and Taemin entered the Guild. It was already loud and noisy. There were more people than in the morning and it seemed that everyone smiled. The place was decorated with colored lights from a machine, which ran on magical power. It was crowed at the table that stood in the middle of the room. Some people were standing on the table, holding a microphone and singing their lungs out to the song that was playing. The song ended and everyone applauded. Suddenly the boys felt a push in their back.


''Come on. It's your turn. We really want to hear you sing.'' It was Victoria and Amber. It looks like they waited for them so they could immediately let them sing. Without answering, they got pushed to the ''stage'' and got a microphone in their hands. As the song played, they didn't have much choice but to sing.


The rest of the night they had a nice time. Just like the rest of the Guild.


In the house of our Mages, the lights went on.

''We really came back earlier than usually.''

''Fine, now we have to cook dinner.''

''I'm hungry.''


Then they found a note, laying on the table.

'YAH! You Pabo's. Next time when you go out, at least let us know. Now we had to cook dinner for you. So eat it and go to bed. We are at the Guild, so who knows when we will get back, KT'


The note put a smile on there faces. That feeling. That feeling when someone takes care of you and is there for you when you need them. That same feeling. That same feeling that Onew always gave to them. It has been some time since they felt such feeling. They finally remembered it.


''Thanks, dear friends.''





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Hey. I'm very busy and will update again in the beginning of July because of school. I hope you understand.


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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 12: Its so good please update soon
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting! I wonder what taemin role in the project?
Yunie1827 #3
Chapter 10: Wah....the plot became sooooo intresting :))) it seems that taemin and key are hiding something....earlier i thought the kim kibum was the one from super junior but then when victoria had her doubts i was like...'wth!?' Anyways imma wait for your next update :)))
shilpatv #4
Chapter 9: story is interesting....... update soon........wil b waiting...
FFiolet #5
Chapter 9: So they are related? Wow! This story gets more and more interesting! :D

KYAAAA~ Yoseob and Kikwang are in the story! Yaaaaay! WAIT, théy are the one who are killing the giant bats?!
*slams the piano*
Kekekeke. It's nice that you used the 'shock' thing. Let the pairings come! xP

Oh, and about your question:
As for my opinion, you writing skills and story line is fine and you're doing OK, yesh? Just go further with the things you have in mind and in the mean time, make a little room for some lovely dovely fluff. :D
That's all! Kekekekeke!
Chapter 8: hehe thanks for replying to my comment ^^
omgosh plot twist!!! but it cant be kibum right?? arrgghh :O thanks for updating lovin it ^^
Elfeira #7
Chapter 8: Oh dear...
FFiolet #8
Chapter 7: Can I cry now? :'(
I'm spazzing right now inside, I still don't believe it. Our Onew! Our precious Onew! ;____;
The way you wrote about the flowers was nice. :D Onew liked flowers and colors and probably chicken too. x'D
And really May, stop disturbing me when I try to read your chappie, yeah? *pats your head* Kekekeke. >:D
May-Stardust #9
Chapter 7: @ Bluemoonluvkpop0596: Your welcome! Yes, only I know what will happen. But what, I won't tell yet.
I do like happy things, but also sad things. ( And thanks for reading so far. I will updated soon ;) )
Chapter 7: i see onew died...:(
but i read fairy tail not the lastest chapter i should catch up but something good will happen in the end? right? ;D
thanks for updating!!