''Don't leave.''

Magical Fairy Tail

 ''At least let me talk to them!'' Dooyoon yelled at the man that was sitting in a chair. The man was definitely not scared. In fact, Dooyoon was weaker than him and they both knew that. Still Dooyoon didn't let him get his way and argued with him for hours now.

''Dooyoon Dooyoon.'' The man stood up from his chair while shaking his head. ''I told you many times that it's not possible right now. They are gone at the moment and won't return for a while.'' He walked towards him and puts a hand on his shoulder. But Dooyoon shook him off.

''Yeah right. I don't believe you at all. You've been keeping them away from me the whole time. They will get suspicious if you don't let me talk to them.'' He glared at him. The man was wearing a tuxedo and a cape in black and dark blue. The mask on his face hid his smile that he was showing right now.

''Oh Dooyoon, are you still not getting the hint? Then I will tell you. They told me they didn't wanted to see you ever again. You yourself should know the reason, right?'' His words made Dooyoon lose control over his anger. He tried to hit him, but his movements were blocked. Then he couldn't move his body.

''You leave me no other choice. You are no longer welcome here. So whenever we face you again, we'll take you and your group down. So be a nice guy and do as I say.'' The man walked back to his chair. Dooyoon could move again and only stared at him.

''Well, I wonder how long it will take before your boys reach Fairy Tail. Since we all know what they are going to do there. They might fail and get arrested, but we aren't there to help them.'' Behind him closed the door. The man snickered. ''Fool.''




''Taemin!'' The door slammed open. The trio stood in the door opening, trying to catch their breath. Taemin and Minho were sitting on the couch, looking at them with a surprised look on their faces. ''Are you alright?'' Jonghyun asked as he sat down next to him, putting his hand on his shoulder. Taemin nodded. ''Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry for making you all worry.'' He said and drank from his water. He offered the others his water but they declined.

''So where's Key? I heard he was at home.'' Jonghyun asked and looked around, but there was no sign of Key. The boys shrugged their shoulders. ''When we got home there was no one here. Maybe is he somewhere in town.'' Minho said. Taemin nodded. ''Yeah. Maybe he's shopping and buying groceries.'' He said and drank the rest of the water.

Jonghyun looked at Yesung. ''But Victoria told us he was here waiting for you. But maybe you're right. It sounds like something Key would do when he's killing time.''

''And when you were gone, Jonghyun discovered something. We already told the Guild about it, except for you.'' Yesung said, making him remember. ''That's right! I remember the sign on the creature that killed Onew.'' This was big news for Minho and Chin Soo. They looked surprised. ''What are you waiting for. Tell!'' Chin Soo said.

''It's from Kim Kibum. He killed Onew.'' Taemin chocked on the water and began to cough. Minho patted on his back. ''Are you also surprised?'' Taemin nodded. ''Of course. That person is a murderer, isn't he?'' The rest nodded.

''So this means he's still around here? That's not good. It's not save outside. I have to find Key!'' Taemin stood up and ran through the door opening. Before the boys could stop him, he was already gone.

''But I didn't say that Kim Kibum was here. Maybe he's overreacting.'' Jonghyun said, shrugging his shoulders.




'Key. Where could you be?' Taemin wandered around the streets, looking for his best friend.

'Think Taemin. What would he be doing now.... He went to the Guild today, I know because he told me so. But after that.. Victoria was the one who told them he was going home right? And Jonghyun he... No way. Could Key also have heard about it? That's possible.' Taemin slowed down his phase.

'But that would be terrible! I need to hurry!' He looked around. What would he do after hearing this?


'Please, don't let it be...' Suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder. As he turned around, he saw one of Key's Spirits. The Spirit of the Lost Foul. Or the name he gave himself: Im Yong Soo.

''I was looking for you. Come, quickly.'' He waved with his sleeves and led the way. Into an alleyway, a turn right, a turn left, another turn left. Just at the corner, he stopped. Taemin looked around the corner. His eyes widened. Even thought he was expecting it, he would never stop being shocked as he saw his best friend like this.

''Sorry for causing you trouble again.'' The spirit wanted to bow, but Taemin made a gesture that he didn't need to do that. ''It's not your fault, so no need to apologies.'' He smiled. All he needs to do was to cure Key. Taemin already got used to it, but it had been a long time when he had to do it for the last time. Or not that long ago?




Everyone in the living room jumped up when they heard the door close. As they looked at the door opening, they found there two friends. Though, Key was drunk.

''Found him. He was drinking with the old couple from a store. Remember the old man from the Mr. Vexing incident?'' He walked into the room and let Key sit down on the couch.

''Geez, you can smell the alcohol.'' Minho said.

''Gin. That's the stuff. You should try some.'' Key said and held up the bottle. Chin Soo gladly accepted it, but the bottle appeared to be empty. ''Well, thank you.''

''Did you really think I would share the best gin bottle from Ollandia?'' Key laughed and began to hiccup. ''Yeah, maybe..'' Chin Soo said disappointed, putting the bottle on the table.

''It's a good thing you're not so bad when you're drunk, Key. Here, have some water.'' Taemin said, who just walked from the kitchen with a glass of water.

''What do you mean? You don't remember that time in that cafe at East Druw? At that time I-'' He was about to say something but Taemin shushed him up. ''It's better if you don't tell. Just drink.'' He sighed and handed over the water. Key always told him to forget it but because he's drunk he tries to tell it himself.

''No, go on. I want to hear the story.'' Jonghyun said teasingly. But Key ignored him by shoving his empty glass into his face.

''Be quite! I cannot sleep like this! It's 3 a.m. for heavens sake!'' He dropped the glass, which got caught by Jongyhun, grabbed a pillow and lays down on the couch. Chin Soo looked at the clock. 'But it's 5 p.m...' He thought, still not getting it that Key is drunk. The poor fella.

''It's a good thing that he isn't hurt though.'' Minho said to lighten the mood. Taemin nodded. ''Yeah, that's right.''


''Say, when are you going to introduce him?'' Yesung said, pointing at the Spirit next to him.

''Ah, Yong Soo. I forgot you were still here!'' Taemin said surprised.

''Boo, Taemin. That's so cold of you! It's better if I leave right?!'' He said, waving his arms up and down.

''Oh, Yesung. You're still here?'' Chin Soo said, who completely forgot the presence of the person he talked to a while ago. ''Maybe it was better for you not to say that.'' He gave as a cold reply.


Taemin introduced the spirit to the others, they talked for a while and ate dinner, until it got late. Taemin was trying to take Key to bed, but he was still drunk and clingy. Yes, he was a lot of trouble when he was drunk. So Minho helped him. Chin Soo went to the bathroom and made himself ready for another night of rest. Yesung thanked them for the meal and went home. Jongyhun and Yong Soo stood outside, waving him goodbye. When Yesung was out of sight there was a complete silence between them. Both waiting for the other to speak.


''It's so strange that today was actually the first time we spoke to each other. The first and last time I saw you was 2 months ago. The first time we met Key and Taemin and became friends. How come Key didn't summon you, not even once? Because out of all the Spirits Key has, you're the most powerful one. Do you know why?'' Jongyhun was the first to speak. Actually, he had been waiting for this Spirit to appear a long time, but Key didn't summon him. This wasn't the only question he had to ask. Yong Soo grinned.


''You actually answered your question already. Key doesn't summon me so much because I'm the strongest of all the Spirits. But not only the strongest, but also the most special.'' He stopped for a moment. The curiosity in Jonghyun's eyes grew larger. The Spirit took a deep breath and continued talking.

''You know that the most Spirit Users are weak when they don't have their Spirits. But what you saw the last time was different, right?''

Jonghyun nodded. ''Yeah. Key was very powerful. Because of your power?''

Yong Soo smiled. ''Correct! I can lend my power to my user. But of course there are prices you need to pay before you can use them. But this all besides. There's something else on your mind right, rich boy?''


Jonghyun gave the Spirit a surprised look that said 'How did you know?'.


''I'll spare you the details. I just happen to know a lot. And I also know what you think about Key. It wasn't that hard to figure that out. Always staring at him and trying to get his attention. I know because it's to obvious. Only Key himself doesn't know.''


''Where are you getting at?'' Jonghyun glared at Yong Soo.


''Just saying what I'm supposed to say. If I were you, I should hurry up.'' He smiled and walked past him, entering the house.

''Wait!'' He heard Jonghyun yell from behind and stopped walking. While looking over his shoulder he replied a yes.


''The first time you appeared, you called Key ''Kibum'' right? Is h-''


''That decision is all yours. But you know that there are more people called Kibum, right?'' He left the other boy and joined the rest inside.

Jonghyun sighed. 'I'm getting nowhere if it goes on like this. I need to know the answers quick, to see if they really are true. My dreams.'


Thinking about them made him clenching his fists and gritted his teeth. He wouldn't let it happen again.



Time passed and everyone was sleeping save and sound. Everyone, except Taemin. He was sitting in the living room, wearing his usual outfit. He was just done writing a letter and placed it on the table. He went back to the bedroom, seeing his friends sleeping. Silently, he pushed his mattress up a bit to take the paper that was hidden underneath it. He read it a couple of times before he placed it back at it's original spot. He looked on more time at his friends and left the room. He put on his cloak and shoes, grabbed his bag and left without making a sound.


The air outside was cold and the wind made it worse. Taemin shoved his hands in his pockets as he made his way out of town. There was no time for a goodbye. They would only hold him back and wouldn't let him go. That would only be more painful than it already was. No, he had to deal with his own problems without his friends getting involved. He had a good time with them and he was happy for being loved by them, but now he couldn't face them anymore.


The sudden voice made him jump and he turned around. Minho looked at him with a serious face but his eyes had a hint of sadness in it.


''Don't leave.''


Taemin bit his lower lip. 'No. Please, Minho. Don't make it more painful than it already is.'

He can't just run away. He knows that Minho will chase him and then is it game over. He must think of something quick.


''I decide on my own what I do. You have nothing to say about it.'' Taemin regretted what he just said. This so not like him to say that. But he didn't have much choice.

''Then at least hear me out why you shouldn't leave.'' Minho stayed calm, not wanting to make the situation worse. Taemin couldn't take it. Minho was just to kind to him. He had to get out of here fast.

His legs started to move on it's own and he ran away as fast as he could. But as expected of Minho, he caught up with him. He grabbed his hand.

'Somehow this seems familiar.' Taemin thought and faced Minho. A quick flashback rushed through his mind.

''This.. Doesn't this also look familiar to you?'' He asked Minho. He stared at the younger one with a confused expression.

''My, my. How come you can't remember Minho? Years ago, when you became a frozen flame.'' Minho's eyes winded, looking at Taemin. Was he serious?

''No way. How did you know? And why?''


''Simple.'' Taemin said as fire surrounded his free hand, showing it to Minho. ''I stole your flames, the ones that made you special, and use them for myself. And while I do that, you slowly meet your dead.'' He held the flames in front of Minho's face. The warmth of the flames were hotter than his. But they used to be like that, before Taemin took it.

''…......Why?'' Minho asked again. Taemin could see the hurt in Minho's eyes. He had to end this quickly.


''I care about no one but me.'' He lied. ''...... Goodbye, Minho.'' And with that he punched him with a fire attack, making Minho fall to the ground. The last thing he saw was Taemin running away before he lost consciousness.


'Why did I do that?! Why didn't he do anything?! If he just hugged me or gave a kiss on my head. Even if he just patted my head, while smiling at me and saying nothing at all, then I would have given up already.' Taemin thought. A tear rolled down his cheek. He wiped it away with his cloak and didn't stop running.


''I'm just selfish.''




Back at home, someone else woke up. Key's eyes were getting slowly used to the dark. His throat was dry, so he felt like drinking some water. When he stood up he noticed two empty beds. From Taemin and Minho.

'Don't tell me he's making a move on my baby at 3 a.m.! I'll get him, that frog!' Key already forgot his dry throat and stormed out of the bedroom and the lights. Key checked every room in the house, but he didn't find them. The only place Key could think of was outside, but then a paper on the ground caught his eye. There was also an envelop lying on the table of the living room. 'To KMJC'

Key knew that this was Taemin's handwriting and then read the letter.


'Hey guys,

I know it's sudden, but I'm leaving the Guild. I don't have a reason to come back, but a very good reason to leave. I don't want to bother you all with my business. That's the reason for not saying good bye in person but with this letter. So yeah, this is what I wanted to say.




Lee Taemin.'


Key couldn't believe that Taemin would ever write something like this. He thought he knew him the best from all of them, but he guessed wrong.

Chin Soo tapped Key's shoulder. ''Did you lost something. You've been walking rooms in and out. It's 3 a.m, you know.'' He yawned and noticed the letter Key was holding. Key's eyes started to water. Before he could tell anything, Chin Soo grabbed the letter and started to read it. After reading he looked back at Key. ''Is this some kind of joke? Taemin would never do this, wouldn't he?'' But from Key's expression he could tell he was wrong.


'Why would he leave us. Why would he leave me, after all the things we've been trough? Don't tell me I did something wrong!'

A pair of shoes made Key back to reality. ''Let's think about it later. We have to hold Taemin back!'' Chin Soo clumsily put on his shoes. Key nodded and put on his. With still their pajamas on, they ran outside into the cold morning.

''Do you think we can stop him? We don't know when he left. Maybe hours ago!'' Key already prepared himself for that fact to be true, but didn't gave up.

''Minho was also gone. Maybe he followed Taemin, also trying to stop him.'' Chin Soo's answer was true, when they saw Minho in the distance, lying on the ground.

''Minho!'' They both shouted. Minho must have heard them, since he was slowly trying to sit up.

He was all alone. There was no sign of Taemin.

''Minho, are you alright? What happened?'' Key crouched next to him, seeing his friend struggling with the pain. Minho pointed right in front of him. ''Taemin..He ran off, that way.''


''Leave it to me. Dragon of Earth, lead me to the person who calls himself Taemin.'' The roots that grew out off the ground grabbed his hands. Slowly, a green light shined. The roots let go of the earth and wrapped around his fingers to his wrist. His light-brown eyes turned into bright green ones with a glow in it.

''Impossible.'' He muttered. The others looked at him. ''What's impossible?''

Chin Soo sighed and let the roots grumble off his hands. ''Taemin.. I can't find him. He disappeared. It's like he never existed.''


Key couldn't believe what he heard. Taemin can't be gone. He know he can't. ''That can't be! I let Tuji check if-'' He reached at his hip but realized that he forgot his keys at home.

''I'm going to the Guild and wake everyone up. This is an emergency. Key, you take care of Minho. I will see you two back at the Guild.'' Then he ran off and disappeared in the distance.


''Urgh.'' Minho was trying to get up on his feet. Key wanted to help him, but suddenly Minho fell back on his back. Grabbing his head in pain, struggling, wanting to let the pain stop. Key probably asked if he was alright but Minho couldn't hear him anymore. A memory, that Minho forgot, was bugging him.



The snow fell from the sky, leaving a blanket of the white on the ground. The wind made it only harder for Minho to walk. In the distance was someone making his way through the snow, in a slow tempo. Minho sped up his tempo. Finally when he reached the person, he grabbed the boys arm.

''Wait! Don't leave!''

The other boy yanked his arm away from Minho's grip.

''I decide on my own what I do. You have nothing to say about it.'' When the boy tried walking on, Minho grabbed his other arm.

''Then at least hear me out why you shouldn't leave!'' The boy turned around and faced Minho. His bangs covered his eyes. His nose and ears were red from the cold. The boy wasn't dressed for a heavy snow storm.

Minho was off guard when the boy suddenly punched his chest. He lost balance, but the boy grabbed his shirt at the place where he just punched him. Minho felt the nails of the boy scratch against his skin.

''Stop. Following. Me.'' The boys hand started to glow and a seal on Minho's chest appeared. Minho felt magic flowing into his body. It's was even colder than the temperature outside. He felt his warm magic leave his body, flowing through the boys hand.

Minho fell to his knees and the boy released his grip on Minho's chest. Minho felt unbelievably cold, so cold that he thought he would die.

''….......... Why?'' It was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

'' …....'' The boy turned around. ''I can never be loved..... I care about no one but me.''  '''....................Goodbye, Minho.''

Minho collapsed, falling down on the snow. The last thing he saw was the boy walking away in a hurry before he closed his eyes.




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Hey. I'm very busy and will update again in the beginning of July because of school. I hope you understand.


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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 12: Its so good please update soon
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting! I wonder what taemin role in the project?
Yunie1827 #3
Chapter 10: Wah....the plot became sooooo intresting :))) it seems that taemin and key are hiding something....earlier i thought the kim kibum was the one from super junior but then when victoria had her doubts i was like...'wth!?' Anyways imma wait for your next update :)))
shilpatv #4
Chapter 9: story is interesting....... update soon........wil b waiting...
FFiolet #5
Chapter 9: So they are related? Wow! This story gets more and more interesting! :D

KYAAAA~ Yoseob and Kikwang are in the story! Yaaaaay! WAIT, théy are the one who are killing the giant bats?!
*slams the piano*
Kekekeke. It's nice that you used the 'shock' thing. Let the pairings come! xP

Oh, and about your question:
As for my opinion, you writing skills and story line is fine and you're doing OK, yesh? Just go further with the things you have in mind and in the mean time, make a little room for some lovely dovely fluff. :D
That's all! Kekekekeke!
Chapter 8: hehe thanks for replying to my comment ^^
omgosh plot twist!!! but it cant be kibum right?? arrgghh :O thanks for updating lovin it ^^
Elfeira #7
Chapter 8: Oh dear...
FFiolet #8
Chapter 7: Can I cry now? :'(
I'm spazzing right now inside, I still don't believe it. Our Onew! Our precious Onew! ;____;
The way you wrote about the flowers was nice. :D Onew liked flowers and colors and probably chicken too. x'D
And really May, stop disturbing me when I try to read your chappie, yeah? *pats your head* Kekekeke. >:D
May-Stardust #9
Chapter 7: @ Bluemoonluvkpop0596: Your welcome! Yes, only I know what will happen. But what, I won't tell yet.
I do like happy things, but also sad things. ( And thanks for reading so far. I will updated soon ;) )
Chapter 7: i see onew died...:(
but i read fairy tail not the lastest chapter i should catch up but something good will happen in the end? right? ;D
thanks for updating!!