''Let's play hide and seek.''

Magical Fairy Tail

''How about we have some more fun? Let's play hide and seek. I will hide and you seek. And to make it even more exciting, I will hide with one of you so you will accept this game seriously and play it to the end! How fun is that! Let's see, who will come with me?'' The others kept silent. Is this guy for real? Is what they all thought.


''Don't be shy. I will pick if you don't mind. Hmm, You. Come to me.'' He pointed at Taemin. And suddenly he felt weird inside. His legs started to move.

''Hah!? What's going on... Stop!'' Taemin tried to stop himself from moving, but failed. Step for step he came closer to him and stopped right in front of him. He looked at the masked guy.

''Good boy! Let's have a fun time playing hide and seek!'' He patted Taemin's head.


''Taemin!'' Key shouted. He felt he could move his fingers again and so did Mr. Vexing noticed.

''Looks like freezing time is almost over. Let's start then. But don't think you can find me easily, cause I'm a master in hide and seek. And you will never find Taemin before you find me. So good luck. You will start searching when freezing time is over!'' He waved at the others and turned himself to Taemin. He picked him up and carried him on his shoulder. ''Let's fly.'' And just like he said, they flew away to the South.


Key glanched his teeth. ''That bastard.'' He could finally move his hands and balled his fists.

''So that's why the woman from before didn't helped her child at first. She was frozen just like us. I really begin to hate his magic.'' Jonghyun said and slowly lifted his right leg. Slowly they regained their control over their body and could search for them.

''We only know that they have left to the South of the town. Chin Soo, are you sure you can't use your magic?'' Jonghyun asked Chin Soo, who looked down.

''I feel that their isn't any magic power left in me. I'm sorry.'' He really felt useless when he said that. ''It's okay. It's not your fault. So Key, do you have an-whoa!'' When Jonghyun turned himself to Key, he witnessed a strange creature that looked like a ghost.

''He's one of my spirits. He's fast and I think he will find them in no time. Tuji, search for Taemin.'' The spirit called Tuji poffed away. Not a second later he came back. He looked into the eyes of Key. It seemed like he was transferring information to him.


''He couldn't find Taemin, but found some weird activities around the center of the town. He doesn't know the exact place, but they should be very close.'' Key said by the information he got and they didn't doubt about it and started their game of hide and seek.


When arriving, they already found Mr. Vexing and they thought he didn't took it serious. But when they approached him, he started running away to the nearest alley of the street. Without thinking they ran after him. That guy was very fast and after a time they lost track of him. They kept running until they found him again. He disappeared around a corner. They wanted to follow him again, but then they heard his laughter from behind. And when they turned around he was standing there. He tried to make it for a run again, but this time the others were faster and stopped him.


''Tell me where Taemin is!'' Key grabbed his shoulder, but he disappeared into dust. Then they stood there, clueless.

''He must be using his magic again.'' They sighed. If it went on like this, it would take forever to find them. The strange thing was that Tuji couldn't find Taemin at all.


''What's going on?''

''Where are they?''




''Let me go!'' Taemin tried to get away, but couldn't get anywhere. His hands were tied against the wall. The same goes for his legs. He tried to hide his fear and looked angry at the masked man. They were in a high building, cause they could look over the whole city. The masked guy faced Taemin.

''Don't be afraid. I won't do anything to you. I only tied you so you won't run back to your friends and ruin the game. And don't think about using your magic. I already said it won't work for a while.'' He said and looked back at the view of the town. Taemin found this game going a bit to far.


''KEEEYY!'' Taemin shouted out loud. The masked guy got shocked and turned back to Taemin.

''JONGHYUUUN!'' He kept on yelling.

''CHIN S-'' The guy covered his hand for Taemin's mouth.

''Shut up. Even if it's just for a minute. Don't think you can ruin the game right now.'' Taemin's mouth felt dry and his throat hurt. He couldn't get one word out of his mouth. He really wondered if they have heard him.

''That will keep you quiet for a while. I will leave and make some fun at the West side of town, cause your friends are so busy searching you. See you later.'' He turned around and tried to walk away, but it seemed that he wanted something else than he was saying. He tried turning around. He was fighting with himself about which way he wants to go. After some struggling with himself he turned around and marched towards Taemin. He grabbed for something in his pocket. It was a piece of paper. He opened it and held it in front of Taemin so he could read was was written on the paper. It said: ''Help me.'' Help him? Why help him, he tied me up and now he asks me for help? Taemin didn't knew how he would respond to it. The masked guy dropped the paper and grabbed his mask, wanting to remove it.


''I think I better not remove my mask.'' He said and lowered his hand, but the other hand tried to reach for the mask. Then Taemin realized two things. Every movement this Mr. Vexing made was only because he said so. He actually gets controlled by what he says and can't have control over it. And his neck got visible. Was that bandage!? He could almost remove the mask but then he spoke again.

''I should go.. no .. now.'' He slowly took one step back but the other foot stood frozen on the ground like it was stuck with superglue.


''Tae..min..'' The guy's voice was different from the other times. Was this the real voice of him. Then his voice rushed trough his head. This voice.

Then he got an idea. Before the guy tried to take a step back, Taemin shouted: ''Lean your head back!'' And the guy listened. Taemin grabbed the roped around his hand tight, lifted his legs and kicked the mask off of his face. It clattered into pieces when it fell on the ground. The face of Mr. Vexing is revealed.


The whole morning they have tried to find Taemin and Mr. Vexing but there was no sign of them, like they weren't in the town anymore. It was late in the afternoon and they still weren't giving up. Then they ran into Amber, who was doing some groceries.


''Hey, how is your quest going? Already took care of Mr. Vexing again?'' She asked them.

''Very bad. That guy is even playing hide and seek with us and he has Taemin and they are both nowhere to find. And what do you mean with again?'' Key realized Amber said it like they had met him before.


''Last time this guy was around, Minho gave him the pain of a lifetime. Seems like he didn't learn his lesson after all. Where is he anyway?'' Amber's question got answered by Jonghyun, explaining he was visiting his friends from a far away village. Key was beginning to get frustrated. He found this game nothing and he wanted Taemin back. Happily, Amber could give them hope.

''That's not good, but maybe I can help you. When I left today for a quest, a weird cart was in front of the town gate. It didn't want to enter the town so in the end it ended up on the edge of town around the East. When I returned, it was still there and I think it's very suspicious. Maybe you should check it out.'' The guys all brightened up.

Together with Amber, they went to the place where the cart should be standing. While walking they told her more details about Mr. Vexing. When they arrived, she was right. It was still standing there and didn't moved and inch. They went to the door. They didn't thought about knocking, so Jonghyun kicked the door open. Inside weren't Taemin or Mr. Vexing, but two strange unknown people. There was one big screen which was black and on the ground lay a broken microphone. Both guys cursed.


''Great first we lost him, and now were discovered.'' The one with the glasses said.

''Shut up. Just act calm like we didn't do anything.'' The other one with a haze in his eyes. Amber stepped inside.


''I can hear you. So this means your behind the whole Mr. Vexing stuff? If I were you, you can better tell the truth. So spit it out!'' The guys should know by know that they are screwed.


''W-we just came to look around town, that's what we were doing.'' Amber frowned a brow. None of them believed their nonsense.


''Then why not enter the town first? Or are you just looking around by using Mr. Vexing?'' The guy nodded.


''Yes! ..-Eh, I mean No! Ow .'' The guy with the glasses hit the other one on his head. ''Think before you speak, fool!'' He said and smiled back at the other.


''Wait. Your voice. You are Mr. Vexing's voice. That probably explains your microphone.'' Key pointed at the broken microphone they tried to hide behind their feet. They both started to get nervous and didn't knew how to respond.


''So tell us where Taemin is. You also disturbed people of the town with these weird tricks. Talk or you will talk in jail.'' Amber crossed her arms and waited for them to answer. They were busted.


''Alright, leave it to me. You all will freeze and lose your magic power.'' The guy with the glasses said. But this time, it didn't work. They still could move and were still the same.


''Your magic doesn't work on us anymore. You used your power to much and people will get used to it. That's why you haven't come back, because the people were getting used to it. Also, you can only use your powers at best when you voice another person than yourself. That's why you created a Mr. Vexing as tool to let your powers work. Am I right?'' Amber won. She knew his magic and his weakness by only hearing the details the guys told her.


''I'm back~!'' Jonghyun arrived at the door and had four guards behind him. They all didn't even noticed that he was gone. But he did a good thing. The guys got arrested and where taken to jail. But they still didn't want to tell them where Taemin was. They kept on saying that they had to search for themselves.


''So now we only need to find Mr. Vexing to find Taemin, right?'' Amber decided to help them finding Taemin, but they still didn't knew where to look.


''But we found the real Mr. Vexing already and the effect of his magic must be gone, so that means we should try using Tuji again. Key?'' He already summoned him and ordered him to find Taemin once more. When he returned he looked into Key's eyes again.


''Tell me, where's Taemin?''



It was very quiet for a time. Both of them didn't talked. They only kept looking at each other. Then he walked towards Taemin and started untying his hands. Taemin was still trying to put the right words to say. Then he looked up.


''M-minho.'' For some reason, Taemin was sort of happy that it was Minho and not some other person. Now that he knows who Mr. Vexing is he felt calm but still wondered why. Why is it Minho?

He looked at Taemin. They were very close to each other. Minho dropped the rope that had been tied around Taemin's hands and grabbed him by his wrists.


''Are you hurt?'' Minho asked concerned. He examined his wrists and rubbed softly on it.


''I'm fine. But Minho...You...Why?'' All that Taemin wants right now is an answer.


''I'm sorry. Urgh.. Shut up!'' Taemin got shocked by him and then saw Minho was grabbing at his ear. Is someone else talking to him, is what Taemin thought.


''Shut up! Make it stop!'' He slowly fell on his knees and grabbed his left ear tightly. Then Taemin could hear it to. A loud peeping sound came from Minho's left ear. Taemin stumbled cause his legs were still tied and he almost fell down on Minho. He looked at his ear and saw an earplug. Looks like Minho was still controlled and couldn't get it out. Taemin helped him and destroyed the earplug as fast as he could. He untied his legs and looked at Minho. He was still having his hand against his ear. He also looked pale and could pass out any moment right now. So Taemin decided to help him sit against the wall. He sat next to him and looked concerned.


''Are you okay? You really look pale.'' Taemin saw that there was a small bruise on the place where he kicked the mask off. Hopefully it doesn't hurt. Minho had been silent for a while. The only thing he did was nodding and leaned back against the wall.


''I'm sorry. I own you an explanation. I was off guard and suddenly.. I'm such an idiot.'' Minho slapped his forehead. He really didn't felt well.


''Don't worry. Take your time. Just be sure that your fine.'' Taemin looked at the view. It was late in the afternoon and he had been here with Minho from the end of the morning. So many things had probably happened with Minho. Then Taemin startled. In the meantime he wasn't watching him, Minho passed out. His head landed on Taemin's lap.

''Minho...'' Taemin looked at the closed eyes.

After a short silence he placed his hand on Minho's forehead. He whispered some words, which caused his hand to glow. It was a light blue color and it gave off a gentle vibe.

''Cold..'' It troubled Taemin for some reason but he didn't knew why. Was he expecting that his forehead would be warm? Of course, yet he felt stange.

When the magic worked, Minho opened his eyes. Looking surprised at Taemin.


''...You cured me? Thanks..'' He said as he took Taemin's hand, which was still placed on his forehead.

Heartbeat.. Wait.. What?


''TAEMIN!'' They stood up. It was Key, shouting. ''I forgot..'' Taemin mumbled.

Minho snickered. ''How could you forget?'' He smiled friendly at him.


''Taemin answer me!'' Key shouted again. ''Go. I'll see you at home.'' Minho opened the door that led to the stairs. ''Okay..Thank you.'' He gave Minho a last smile before leaving.

''No. Thank you. Taemin.''


Taemin ran down the stairs. There were a lot of them but he didn't care. He wanted to go back to Key. He felt his cheeks getting red. He felt strange. But why? He didn't knew.


When he finished the last stair, the door slammed open and the boys got reunited again. Key hugged his Taemin like he would never let him go. When they asked him about Mr. Vexing, he told them that he left him in the tower and never returned. Why didn't he told them it was Minho? Only he knows.


When they returned back to the Guild, the man with the boy stood at the door.


''I heard that the bad guys got arrested. Good job. The whole town thanks you for what you did. As reward, you can come to my shop tomorrow. Then I will give you something for free from my shop. So come by.'' The man and boy thanked them again and left. In the meantime, Victoria walked towards Key and Taemin.

She asked them how their first quest went. Their reactions were positive, except when Taemin got kidnapped. Key almost got an heart attack.


''I also got news from the master. He's really sorry he can't meet you this week, cause he's very busy and got problems with the counsel. He's really happy to have new members and can't wait to meet you. He didn't said when he would be back, so we just have to wait. He hopes you will enjoy your time here. That's what he wrote in his letter.'' Victoria put the letter back in the envelop.



After the long day they returned back to their home. The quest took so long that Key and Taemin couldn't find an other place to stay. The guys didn't mind if they stayed at them. They were even talking about buying new beds if they were going to stay.

But all these things had to wait. Chin Soo stopped walking and sniffed in the air. ''This smell. Smoke. Fire! And it's coming from our house!'' He had a very good nose for these things. He also realized that his abilities came back. As fast as they could, they ran to the house. Chin Soo was right, smoke came from the roof of the house. They went inside and ran up the stairs. There was a third stair that led to the roof. When they slammed the door open they were surprised and relieved at the same time. Minho was having a campfire on the roof. He smiled at their surprised faces.


''Welcome back. How did the quest went?'' He said while he took place on one of the boxes that had been placed around the fire. He also invited them to take a seat.


''How many times did we told you not to start a fire on the roof without us knowing. We thought there was a real fire.'' Chin Soo said worried and gave Minho a slap on the shoulder.


''Yeah, I got it, alright. But that aside, you did do a quest, didn't you?'' They nodded and started telling about their day. About Mr. Vexing and the once who got behind it. They succeeded an quest and they were happy about it.

''And how was your day, Minho?'' The others looked at him, wondering the same thing.

''It was good to see some old friends. When it turned dark and we headed back to town we decided to create a campfire. I won't be seeing them for a long time, because they decided to travel around the world. It was a nice day and I hope to see them again.'' He didn't told much details but that's how he usually is.


The rest of the night they talked and enjoyed the warmth of the fire until the moon appeared and the stars began to shine. It became late and one for one they headed to bed. Minho was the last one remaining on the roof. He looked at the fire, which was slowly starting to become smaller.


''Why didn't you told them?'' He lost his concentration at the fire and looked at Taemin, who was standing in the door opening.

''I don't know. I think I don't feel like telling them. Not right now.'' shrugging his shoulders.

''If you say so. But you can't lie to them forever. You know that lying is a bad thing and you will regret it.'' Taemin thought saying this would be a bit rude but it was the truth and Minho knew it.


''Yes, I know. You're right On... Oh, just let it be for now.'' Minho definitely wanted to say something else, but corrected himself. With a thoughtful face he looked back at the fire.


''Is something wrong?'' Taemin kept on staring at him. ''No, it's just that you reminded me of someone who said the same thing. There's nothing wrong.'' He replied. Taemin nodded. ''Okay. Are you also coming inside? We're also staying and if you're coming fast, maybe we could lay in the same position like last time.'' Minho shoot his head up from surprisement and looked at Taemin. But he already went downstairs.


The last flame of the fire turned into smoke. He looked at the ash on the ground before leaving the roof. He noticed something in the ash and grabbed it. It was the bow tie. It wasn't fully burnt and carried a memory Minho wanted to forget. He burned the remaining of the bow tie and dropped the ash on the ground. Then he walked to the stairs and closed the door.


A/N: Sorry that I didn't updated for so long. But yeah, I hope I can get forgiven. I found more inspiration, so I will write more chapters. I hope it won't take long like all those times before. Thanks for reading so far! And sorry for the bad english >.<



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Hey. I'm very busy and will update again in the beginning of July because of school. I hope you understand.


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Serynyty12 #1
Chapter 12: Its so good please update soon
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting! I wonder what taemin role in the project?
Yunie1827 #3
Chapter 10: Wah....the plot became sooooo intresting :))) it seems that taemin and key are hiding something....earlier i thought the kim kibum was the one from super junior but then when victoria had her doubts i was like...'wth!?' Anyways imma wait for your next update :)))
shilpatv #4
Chapter 9: story is interesting....... update soon........wil b waiting...
FFiolet #5
Chapter 9: So they are related? Wow! This story gets more and more interesting! :D

KYAAAA~ Yoseob and Kikwang are in the story! Yaaaaay! WAIT, théy are the one who are killing the giant bats?!
*slams the piano*
Kekekeke. It's nice that you used the 'shock' thing. Let the pairings come! xP

Oh, and about your question:
As for my opinion, you writing skills and story line is fine and you're doing OK, yesh? Just go further with the things you have in mind and in the mean time, make a little room for some lovely dovely fluff. :D
That's all! Kekekekeke!
Chapter 8: hehe thanks for replying to my comment ^^
omgosh plot twist!!! but it cant be kibum right?? arrgghh :O thanks for updating lovin it ^^
Elfeira #7
Chapter 8: Oh dear...
FFiolet #8
Chapter 7: Can I cry now? :'(
I'm spazzing right now inside, I still don't believe it. Our Onew! Our precious Onew! ;____;
The way you wrote about the flowers was nice. :D Onew liked flowers and colors and probably chicken too. x'D
And really May, stop disturbing me when I try to read your chappie, yeah? *pats your head* Kekekeke. >:D
May-Stardust #9
Chapter 7: @ Bluemoonluvkpop0596: Your welcome! Yes, only I know what will happen. But what, I won't tell yet.
I do like happy things, but also sad things. ( And thanks for reading so far. I will updated soon ;) )
Chapter 7: i see onew died...:(
but i read fairy tail not the lastest chapter i should catch up but something good will happen in the end? right? ;D
thanks for updating!!