Happy Birthday Mr. Yehet!

Adventures with EXO

I got up this morning smiling for once. Why? It was my boyfriend Sehun's Birthday! The only problem was, I didn't know what to do for him. Last year, I confessed to him and we've been dating since then. I wanted this year's surprise to be special. Hmmm...


My phone buzzed. It was a text from Chanyeol. He had started a new secret chat room with everyone but Sehun.

Chanyeol: Hey guise! It's Lil Sehunnie's Birthday! What should we do?

Baekhyun: Oh yeah! That's right! What should we do?

D.O.: I'm surprised that Yehet even lived this long without me killing him.

$uho: Yah!

Manly Luhan: Well its true tho.

 Kris: Get back to the subject.

Everyone: Yes Duizhang.

Me: So...

Chanyeol: You were here too?!

Me: Well, duh. You invited me smarthead.

Chanyeol: Oh yeah~

Baekhyun: Oh my gosh I have the perfect idea! *squealing

Chanyeol: What is it baby? I'm pretty sure you have the best idea ever♡ *flying kiss

Kai: *Gagging at the display of public affection Even Kyungie and I don't take it to that level. (Taoris is almost there tho)

Gucci_Tao: Hey we do NOT. Right Krissy? 

Me: AHEM. So, Baekhyun, what was your idea?

Baekhyun: Oh right. So we could act like we forgot his birthday, and whenever he tries to bring the subject of his birthday up, we could just interrupt him. And give him a surprise party at the end of the day. It also is the weekend so he could stay until late at night.

Chanyeol: Baek, that was beautiful♡


Chen: *quietly tries to sneak away...

Baozi: Mister, you get here right now.

Chen: Uhhh Baek to birthday idea... Hahaha get it? Baek? Back?

Baozi: Don't try to change the subject dinosaur.

Suho: STOP IT!!!!!

Baozi: Jongdae, I swear I will hunt you down and torture you in the worst way possible. First I will rip-

Chen: Hyungs Helppppppppp

Kris: STOP IT! Both of you

Baozi + Chen: Yes Duizhang.

Suho: Oh so you're only going to listen to Kris I see.

Me: Back to the Birthday Idea? HMMM?

Lay: Jeez this took me a long time to type. I kept forgetting where the "E" was. Anyway, we go to school like normal. Like Baekhyun said, interrupt him whenever he tries to bring up the subject of his birthday and act like you don't know. Then after school, half of us will take him out and keep him busy around town while the other half of us will decorate and get the surprise party ready. Then at 8:00, we walk Sehun through the door blindfolded and surprise him. Yerin can walk out with the cake in her hands and kiss Sehun. On the lips. Then we party hard. All night long.

Me: Woa woa woa. Me kiss him on the lips?!

Chanyeol: Yeah. Why not? I think Lay's idea is perfect.

Baekhyun: Heyyy. I laid down the foundation of the plan. *pouting

Chanyeol: I mean, this plan is all thanks to my Baekhyun baby~

Baekhyun: *no more pouty

Me: I... I mean, we've never... kissed on the lips before...

D.O.: Whattttttt?! I will kill that Yehet I told him to kiss on the lips during the New Years countdown. Grrr *angry satansoo

Me: I think he was gonna kiss me on the lips then, but at the last second he turned and just kissed my forehead...

Manly Luhan: Awwww that's so sweet♡ *inner fan boy activated

Me: Very manly Luhan. Really.

Manly Luhan: I am manly. Stop it.

$uho: Okay okay we get it you didn't kiss. So what? We can do it today!

Chen: *sly look "WE???" Hmmm is Suho hyung meaning something deeper???

$uho: NO NO I MEAN YOU!!! YOU + SEHUN!!!

Lay: Okay. Who will decorate and who will keep him busy? X for decorate, O for keep him busy. Youngest to oldest. 6 to 6.

Baozi: Mannn...

Me: X

Kai: O

Tao: X

D.O.: X

Chanyeol: O

Chen: O

Baekhyun: O

Lay: X

$uho: O

Kris: X

Luhan: O

Baozi: Dang it. I get X.

Lay: Okay it's decided then. Oh yeah, Yerin. Why did you choose O? I thought you would choose O so you could spend the whole day with him.

Me: I... kinda need to prepare myself...

$uho: Okay. Do take your time. O MY GOSH WE NEED TO GET TO SCHOOL

Everyone: Byeee!

And so with that, the plan was sent into action.

"Hey guys~ Do you know what day it is?" Sehun asked excitedly while bouncing up and down.

"Oh! IT'S HAPPY 594TH DAY WITH BAEKHYUN! THANKS FOR REMEMBERING HUNNIE~" Chanyeol screamed, waving his hands in the air.

"No I mean Me. Do you know what day it is for ME?" Sehun looked a bit dejected as he asked.

"Well it's not Christmas or your birthday, so what could it be..." Kai tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"Never mind." The now sad Hunnie sighed and pouted. It made me want to kill myself from the guilt.

×After School×

"Hey Sehun! Let's go to the arcade!" Luhan linked his arm with the still long faced Yehet and winked at us. We discreetly seperated into our groups. The ones that were going to decorate the party left the group claiming that we had lessons or an errand to run.

We all walked off in different directions, to buy our respective items we were assigned. I was assigned to come with a nice dress and makeup to surprise Sehun. Why would it surprise him? Well, I never wore makeup or dresses. Why wear those when you could easily slip on a pair of comfy jeans?

We then regrouped in front of Sehun's house. Luckily, his parents were on a business trip and weren't home.

"Okay. Did we buy everything? Streamers, balloons, cake, card, chips, Yerin. Good. We got everything." Kyungsoo checked off. We walked inside and set to work. I really wanted to help, but the boys kept shooing me away, telling me to get ready for Sehun. Finally, I gave up and walked into the bathroom.

The dress I bought was a black one, with a slit to reveal a leg. It was supposed to have a y look, but I don't think it fit me. I put on some light makeup, a bit of mascara and lipstick.

I walked out of the bathroom shyly and turned around the corner to reveal my transformed self. All their jaws dropped.

"Yerin... You look amazing. Beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking." Suho breathed. The others let out murmurs of agreement.

"Thanks guys, but no need to lie to me." I answered, blushing. I asked the guys what I was supposed to do when Hunnie walked in. They said that all I needed to do was to walk out with the cake and do the thing with the lips. I nodded anxiously.









It was eight o'clock. I heard Sehun complaining on the other side of the door.

"Guys. It's my BIRTH-" He started,

"So what?! Can we crash at your place or not?" Chanyeol interrupted. The birthday boy sighed.

"Oh alright." He opened the door-

To see a lit entrance with streamers and balloons framing the walls. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEHET!" Everyone screamed and hugged the poor boy.

"Thanks guys. This means alot to me. Can... Can you get off though? I can't breathe." He choked out. 

"Oh, sorry." They backed away. He looked around, admiring what his close brothers did for him. It brought tears to his eyes. Not even his parents went to this extent for his birthday.

Lay whistled a certain tune. It was now my turn to shine.

Carefully balancing the cake in my hands, I walked out slowly. His eyes landed on me and his eyes bulged. 

"Yerin?! What-" He whispered.

"Happy Birthday Yehet." I leaned in to kiss him. As our lips touched, I felt a spark. It just grew hotter and bigger to the point where it became a bonfire. 

A chorus of oohs and ahhhs were heard. There was also a very "manly" scream.

"Sehun, your shirt's on fire!" Luhan squealed and grabbed the fire extinguisher. We were then smothered with white gas, but who cared.

"Yerin, I love you so much." He huskily breathed into my ear.

"I love you too Yehet. Happy Birthday Hunnie." I murmured. This time, he lead the kiss.

"Yah! You nearly died! Aren't you going to thank your life savior?!" Luhan shrieked. We both pulled away and gave him an annoyed look.

"Shut up Princess Luhan."




Happy Birthday Sehunnie~ 


Wow 22 already... They grow up so quickly... *wipes away a tear

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sirenei #1
Chapter 11: I forgot to write the u in curious
I flippin' hate autocorrect
It manipulates my words into creepy .
sirenei #2
Chapter 11: Ha ha ha. My old email is luluxlaynicorn so when I read laynicorn I nearly freaked out... I wish this was real. I can totally imagine Henry facepalming to the side. Are you a Henry fan? Would happen to be Suju fan? I feel like a stalker bcuz I keep on asking questions!! Its because I'm OH AO CURIOS YEAH~~
sirenei #3
Chapter 10: Ha animal . I fell off my bed when the members were wondering who topped! !! I made the last pick my wallpaper bcuz chanbaek is bae#1
sirenei #4
Chapter 9: Pfft. Ha princess luhan haha the texting part is SOO me and my friends on viber we re always like that! !! I honestly was rolling around my bed from laughing "!! So funny!!
Wasup with that title tho? Mr.yehet? Are you trying to kill me from laughter? I'm trying so hard not to comment on each chapter .... but beware I shall unleash my comment monster! !! Muahahahaha
sirenei #5