EXO reads fanfiction?!

Adventures with EXO


I sighed. 

Finals were almost over. I was almost free.

I logged into my Asianfanfics account and was pleasantly surprised when I found that a new person had subscribed to Adventures with EXO

'Hmmm what a weird username.' I thought.

I had good reason to; the name was ridiculous. Pluffy_laynicorn_dancing_on_rainbows_ 

Huh. My brow wrinkled as I tried not to laugh out loud. My fellow kpop loving friend looked over.

"Hey whatcha smiling about?" Sasha asked.

"No, look at this username. Isn't it weird?" She snickered when she saw it. 

"Yeah. It's the dorkiest one I've ever seen, and that's alot." I hummed in response. 

When I refreshed the page, my eyes widened. 

Another subscriber?! This was my lucky day. 

I clicked the events button and choked out loud when I saw the username. It was just as bad as the last one. Maybe even worse.

Xiu_minnie_is_mine_do_not_touch_him was the new subscriber. I felt grateful, but couldn't help but chuckle at the new name.

"Oi, what is it this time?" Sasha asked as she momentarily stopped texting to meet my eyes.

"Look at this one." She snorted when she saw the ridiculous name.

"What the heck is that? That's worse than the Laynicorn dude." 

"I know." 


14 hours away...

In South Korea...


"Hey! Guys, I found a thing called a fanfiction. There's a whole website for them! I should make an account for it so I could read!" Lay called out. He was answered with,

"What's a fanfiction?"

"Hmm... Time for Google to answer."


fan fic·tion
noun: fanfiction
Fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, ect.
"Its pretty much stories about us that the fans write." Sehun answered. 
"Oh cool! I think I'm gonna make an account on this site! I wanna see what kinds of stories people write about me!" Lay exclaimed, and Luhan followed. 
*In the computer room
"Lu? What should I make my username?" Yixing pondered as he racked his mind for a good name.
"I dunno make it something unique." Luhan answered, his eyes glued to his own screen.
"Hmm... Ooh How about this one?" Yixing clapped his hands excitedly.
"Yea yea..." Luhan just waved it off. He was busy making his account too. When the final steps were completed, he sat back with a satisfied smile.
"Hyung? What did you name yours?" Lay asked curiously.
"Xiu_minnie_is_mine_do_not_touch_him. Because my Minnie is all mine." He glared when he saw the younger hold back his laughter.
"I named mine Pluffy_laynicorn_dancing_on_rainbows!" Lay exclaimed happily and didn't see the weird look Bambi shot him.
"Let's see... What stories should we read first?" Luhan mumbled as he turned his attention back to the screen.
"How about this one? Adventures With EXO?" Lay pointed out as he scrolled through the latest updated stories.
"Oh no ! Perfect, we'll start with this!" The two boys started reading.
"Ahahahahaha Satansoo's chocolate chips is hilarious! That's exactly what happened to Jongdae a couple of days ago!"  Luhan exploded into laughter. 
"Heyyy Baekhyun is not a romantic, I am." Lay pouted and whined.
And the comments kept going.
"Ya know? I'm gonna subscribe and upvote this story. It's so funny." Luhan chuckled after reading "Mister Giant Number 2?!" 
"Me too." Yixing clicked the button. 
Finals were rapidly approaching, but that didn't mean I could abandon violin practice! I still had several concerts. I sighed and tuned my violin. Then, the etudes and scales followed.
It was the time before I went into "the zone."
When I started playing my current repertoire, I forgot about the ridiculous usernames and the finals I was sure to fail and just began playing.
I was playing "Carmen Fantasy" for my solo concert, and "Don Juan" for orchestra (a/n Don Juan is hell to play, especially if you're a violin)  Both pieces made me fangirl almost as much as I did with EXO. But not as much.
When I finished my daily 3 hours of practice, I took a break and picked up my phone to check if my favorite Authornims had updated their stories. Sadly, no. But shockingly, I had 10 new subscribers to "Adventures with EXO." 
These names also made me double over in laughter. They were I_love_dancing, Baekyeol_is_so_real, Byun_Bbbaekhyun_will_you_marry_me, $$$_suho_$$$, Rise_of_the_hun, Satansoo_loves_evil_and_kai, My_man's_a_manly_bambi, Chensing_machine, Gucci_pandas_are_me, and Tao_is_mine_dont_touch_him. I immediately texted my friend Hana.
ME: Dude, I there were these dorks that subscribed to my fanfics. You know what the names are?
SASHA: lemme guess, they're as bad as the two before.
ME: Bingo.
SASHA: Oh no, what are they?
ME: I_love_dancing, Baekhyunee_exo, Byun_Bbbaekhyun_will_you_marry_me, $$$_suho_$$$, Rise_of_the_hun, Satansoo_loves_evil_and_kai, My_man's_a_manly_bambi, Chensing_machine, Gucci_pandas_are_me, and Tao_is_mine_dont_touch_him. Pretty ridiculous huh?
SASHA: Lolololol wtf?!
ME: Exactly my reaction
SASHA: You should check out their profiles or something to see if  they're creepy dudes or whatever.
ME: alright.
I exited the chat room and went back to Adventures with EXO. Clicking on my first subscriber, I didn't find anything suspicious. He seemed like a pretty normal guy by his info. Male, and lives in South Korea. As I clicked the other new subscribers, I noticed something.
What was this?
They were all male and lived in South Korea. Yep, all 12 of them. This was creepy enough to make goosebumps rise on my arms. Was this a coincidence or not?
As I kept thinking about it, I realized why the number 12 was so familiar.
EXO has 12 members. 
'Ahei, it was probably a coincidence.' One part of me scoffed.
'But 12 people. And all male and all from South Korea.' The other half argued.
'EXO aren't the only group of friends or band members that are in groups of 12. Maybe they're some fanfiction reading club or something for their school or something that also like EXO.' The first half retorted.
'True... that's possible. But hey, look at the usernames. They suit each EXO member, even though I_love_dancing is a bit vague. I don't know anymore.' Both sides quieted in defeat.
I decided to start doing Questions of the Week to see if these 12 subscribers would give any hint as to who they really were.
This was my first question: What is your name?
Then, I turned off my phone and went to bed.
When I woke up the next morning, I saw that 12 people had commented.
Baekhyun is my name.
Yo, I'm Kris.
Manly Luhan.
Park the Chanyeol. Get it?
Exo's leader, Kim Suho!
Kim Jongdae is the best.
Huang Zitao. I like gucci.
Xiumin or Kim Minseok, whichever you prefer.
Zhang Yixing. I like Lay better. Like the chips.
Dancing machine Kai or Kim Jongin.
The maknae Sehun. Btw, I liked Rise of the Hun.
I didn't know how to react.
Was this really EXO? Or was this some weird prank?
I sighed once again and turned off my phone. 
Time for school...
"What's wrong with you?" Sasha nudged me during science and I groaned.
"I don't know I'd it's really EXO that's reading my fanfics or some random creepy guy. I'm kinda annoyed and scared at the same time." I mumbled and avoided the eyes of the teacher who had just asked a question. Unfortunately, he saw me trying to hide my eyes and called on me.
"The hybrids are different from the purebreds because the hybrids are heterozygous while the purebred are homozygous." I sighed. Biology was easy.
"Keep asking questions. Something like 'where are you from' or 'how many siblings do you have.' That should clear it up for you." She whispered, also trying to hide from our science teacher, but she also got called on.
"It's easier for the males to get -linked disorders because they have 1 X chromosome while females have 2. The female has to have both alleles of the disorder to have the -linked disorder like colorblindness." Sasha spoke and slumped down in her seat.
"I hate Mr. Swartz and Finals reviews." She grumbled I gave her a tired smile.
"Okay, we all seem prepared for the Secret Squirrel Quiz! Take out a clean sheet of paper and we will get started!" The teacher clicked a button and the quiz showed up on the smartboard. The whole class groaned, but Mr. Swartz just continued grinning like crazy.
"I hate him." Sasha started to glow red from the anger.
"I know. I know. Let's talk about the possibly EXO possibly creepy stalker dude." I muttered, quickly changing the subject before she could march down to the classroom and strangle the teacher. It was lunch, and we were sitting at an empty table.
"Oh right. So they answered with the EXO member's names right?" Her anger dissapated quickly as the topic was changed.
"Yeah. I don't know what to make of it." I buried my head in my arms, wanting to die because of the quiz. 
"Just keep asking questions and if they try anything weird, block them or something." She replied, groaning when the warning bell rang.
"What job do you have? (As in are you a student or have a job, ect.)" Was my next question. I shut my phone and fell asleep as soon as my head hit my bed. Finals studying was killing me.
I'm the cute maknae/charismatic rapper in Exo : )
Part time dancer for EXO, part time Kyungsoo's boyfriend ♡
I'm the Panda of EXO and I like long walks on the beach.
I'm one of the main vocals of Exo, and I love Kim Jongin *blushes
I'm the main rapper in Exo-K ahem Sehun and full time boyfriend of Baekhyun.
I'm one of the main singers in Exo too, and raw I'm a dinosaur!
I'm the main singer in Exo-K (get out kyungsoo) and Park Chanyeol loves me :)
I'm a dancer in Exo-M and people say I'm a unicorn. Idk why though.
Shut up Suho I'm the leader of Exo-M.
I'm a main dancer/singer of Exo-M I don't need yall I make up 99% of the group. Yessiree I am THE manly Luhan.
 SHUT UP LUHAN YOU ARE NOT MANLY I am a rapper in Exo-M.
As I struggled to keep in a yawn, I powered on my laptop. It was the weekend, but I needed to get up early to cram in finals information and also cram Don Juan (don't do this especially before seating auditions it's for your mental health). 
I clicked on the notification and read through the answers. All the sleep disappeared from my system. I took a picture of the computer screen and sent it to Sasha.
ME: ?!?!??!?!?!?
SASHA: Oh um. . .
SASHA: Keep asking questions...?
ME: Okay, maybe I'm going to ask for a selca or request that they follow me on ig for the next question because it's getting reallly, really weird
SASHA: Sure do that then.
SASHA: I need to go because my family is going out for breakfast.
SASHA: See ya
ME: have funnnnn ;)
Urgh I'm just gonna go drown myself in violin practice and study guides then.
What's your insta? Follow me at kishi.lee or kishi.violin (my violin cover ig). If you don't have an insta, send me a selca of yourself playing violin!
Hah this question was going to determine their true identity!
"Um hyung? Her question was what our insta was, and if we didn't have an insta, send her a selca of us playing violin? What do we do? Do you think she knows that it's us?" Sehun asked, scratching his head. 
"Nah. Let's just follow and send it to her. She doesn't seem like the type of person to spread personal stuff about idols. Let's ask Henry for help with the violin." Chanyeol said while scrolling through the violin cover account. 
"Holy crap her covers are great!" Baekhyun yelled, watching the videos. ( :> )
I found out that idols do in fact read fanfiction when I got followers on my violin cover account named @baekhyunee_exo @oohsehun @real__pcy @galaxy_fanfan @hztttao @zyxzjs and @7_luhan_m as well as follow requests from them on my personal account. When I received 12 pictures of the members all holding a violin and Henry from Super Junior M facepalming off to the side in every single one, I realized that yes, Exo does read fanfiction.
A/n This isn't a real story (although I wish it was lol) but my insta accounts are real ; > 
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sirenei #1
Chapter 11: I forgot to write the u in curious
I flippin' hate autocorrect
It manipulates my words into creepy .
sirenei #2
Chapter 11: Ha ha ha. My old email is luluxlaynicorn so when I read laynicorn I nearly freaked out... I wish this was real. I can totally imagine Henry facepalming to the side. Are you a Henry fan? Would happen to be Suju fan? I feel like a stalker bcuz I keep on asking questions!! Its because I'm OH AO CURIOS YEAH~~
sirenei #3
Chapter 10: Ha animal . I fell off my bed when the members were wondering who topped! !! I made the last pick my wallpaper bcuz chanbaek is bae#1
sirenei #4
Chapter 9: Pfft. Ha princess luhan haha the texting part is SOO me and my friends on viber we re always like that! !! I honestly was rolling around my bed from laughing "!! So funny!!
Wasup with that title tho? Mr.yehet? Are you trying to kill me from laughter? I'm trying so hard not to comment on each chapter .... but beware I shall unleash my comment monster! !! Muahahahaha
sirenei #5