
Adventures with EXO

It was a normal day for EXO.

The all 12 members went out to play basketball. Then they stopped at a meat restraunt and enjoyed 36 servings. Suho glared at the others as his credit card beeped. Who knew a group of ravished boys could eat that much?

They then went back to their dorm. Chanyeol and Baekhyun went into their room to compose a new song, while the maknae line played video games. The older more "mature" Hyungs either watched animal or slept.

When the clock struck 7:00, Kyungsoo got up to do the daily load of laundry. He grabbed the huge stinking piles of clothes and headed towards Baekhyun and Chanyeol's room. 

Shaking his head, he realized the room's door was locked. Sighing softly, Kyungsoo was about to knock when a moan was heard. He froze in shock.

"Oh.... Baekhyun..." Chanyeol wailed.

"Shh.. It's alright baby. Just wait a little longer." Baekhyun whispered and another groan was audible.

D.O.'s eyes grew twice their normal size (which is pretty big btw). The fans shipped 'Baekyeol' and even talked about the two having KIDS. Now what was this?! He needed to tell the others!

"Guys, guys, GUYS!" D.O. screamed, careening down the stairs.

"Whattttt." A chorus of annoyed and sleepy voices were heard. Kyungsoo held up a finger, trying to catch his breath.

"Come speak up man! We're waiting!" Chen grumbled, tearing his eyes away from the screen. 

"Baek...Yeol..." Kyungsoo gasped. The members lost intrest and resumed their normal activities.

"They...Doing... ... in... their room!" D.O. Finally choked out. All 9 heads whipped in his direction.

"Are you serious?" Sehun whispered.

"Shh. Listen." Kyungsoo help a finger to his lips. 

"Ah Baekkie, it hurts..." a faint distinctive deep voice cried out in pain.

"It's alright baby. Calm down. I'll make you feel better." Baekhyun's melodic voice crooned.

Kai gagged and realized something.

"Wait.. BAEKHYUN TOPS?!" He yelled.

"SHH!" The other members immediately responded and smacked him on the head. Luckily, the couple upstairs didn't hear. The group huddled and started dicussing.

"When did this start?" 

"No, who's topping? Who's the bottom?"

"Guys, maybe they take turns topping okay?"

"I heard them doing this before too!"

"Really? When?"

"Wow... I never thought it was real..."

"Never thought what was real?" A voice called out from the stairs. The gossip group froze and slowly turned around.

Baekhyun was supporting a pale sweaty looking Chanyeol. The latter was breathing heavily. 

"Oh my god how hard did he him?" Tao whispered. 

 "Did who who?" Chanyeol panted, voice full of pain.

"Baekhyun-ah, did you top?" Luhan asked hesitantly.

"Well duh of course! Chanyeol deserves the bottom!" He immediately answered. 10 different gasps were heard.

"Oh my oh my..." Suho's hand flew to his mouth.

"I-is there something wrong?" Chanyeol breathed out, still heavily leaning on the smaller boy.

"A-Ah it's nothing." Kris stuttered. Baekhyun just shrugged and helped Chanyeol to the couch.

"Hey hyung? Can one of you get me a thermometer, a glass of water, and some asprin?" Baekhyun suddenly called out after staring at Chanyeol's clammy face for a moment.

"Sure. What for?" Lay asked.

"Well Chanyeol's sick. Didn't you hear him in pain upstairs? He probably got something from the meat we ate earlier. He was throwing up too. I let him use my bottom bunk of the bed, but it wasn't really helping him get better. He probably needs medicine and alot of water to get better. I need to nurse him back to health don't I?" He spoke softly and caressed the sick boy's face with his slender fingers. 

"O-oh. Okay." D.O. took the chance to run away from the glaring other members. When he returned, the 9 other members shot laser glares at the short wide eyed individual. He gulped. 

He would be in so much trouble.

After Chanyeol took the medicine, Baekhyun helped him up the stairs again to rest. All eyes were on him.

"So... what was this about Baekyeol doing it?!" Kris whispered and cocked his head innocently.

"Uh...m Sorry...?" Kyungsoo cowered behind his hands,and immediately all 9 of the gullible members joined in, smacking the poor boy. The moans of pain could be heard from the second floor.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol froze.

"Wait... isn't that Kyungsoo? ... Oh my gosh is someone ing Kyungsoo? Is Kaisoo real?!" Baekhyun shrieked and shook Chanyeol.

It would take a long time to untangle themselves from this mess...




Ugh I'm so sorry Baekhyun bby for not being able to update on your birthday. I had finals and projects and stuff due.... I am so sorry bby. Even when summer comes I have to practice more Violin and piano so I'll try to update whenever I have time.

Until Next time~





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sirenei #1
Chapter 11: I forgot to write the u in curious
I flippin' hate autocorrect
It manipulates my words into creepy .
sirenei #2
Chapter 11: Ha ha ha. My old email is luluxlaynicorn so when I read laynicorn I nearly freaked out... I wish this was real. I can totally imagine Henry facepalming to the side. Are you a Henry fan? Would happen to be Suju fan? I feel like a stalker bcuz I keep on asking questions!! Its because I'm OH AO CURIOS YEAH~~
sirenei #3
Chapter 10: Ha animal . I fell off my bed when the members were wondering who topped! !! I made the last pick my wallpaper bcuz chanbaek is bae#1
sirenei #4
Chapter 9: Pfft. Ha princess luhan haha the texting part is SOO me and my friends on viber we re always like that! !! I honestly was rolling around my bed from laughing "!! So funny!!
Wasup with that title tho? Mr.yehet? Are you trying to kill me from laughter? I'm trying so hard not to comment on each chapter .... but beware I shall unleash my comment monster! !! Muahahahaha
sirenei #5