Mister Giant number 2?!

Adventures with EXO

× Chanyeol ×

All the customers were going about their business in the grocery store, picking up their needs and buying them. A tall man stood in the cereal isle, contemplating whether he should get the small boys Lucky Charms or Cocoa Puffs. It was the hardest decision in his life.

By small, Chanyeol indeed meant small; tiny, miniscule human beings that were teleporter from another planet.

Finally deciding on the Lucky Charms, Chanyeol scanned the item, paid, and left the store. When he walked to his car, he peered inside to see if the two boys were still soundly sleeping. 

Much to his surprise, they were not.

Much to his horror, they were talking on the phone to his best friend, Do Kyungsoo.

He hurriedly opened the door and picked up his phone. Tiny squeaks of protests were heard, but he ignored them.

"O-Oh Kyungsoo! Hi! This is Chanyeol!" Chanyeol stuttered, shooting a dirty look at the two miniscule boys. They only shrugged.

"CHANYEOL! WHO- NO WHAT WAS ON THE PHONE EARLIER?! THEY WERE CALLING YOU MISTER GIANT AND STUFF ARE YOU OKAY?!" Kyungsoo yelled from the other side. Baekhyun muttered something he couldn't hear and he replied.

"Kyung, don't say I'm crazy okay? There are actual real tiny humans from another planet. They were teleported here and I'm now acting as their guardian." 

A moment of silence was heard. Kyungsoo started hysterically laughing.

"Yeol, this is ridiculous even for you. Look, I'm gonna bring some medicine to your house. I think you're sick. See ya later." Kyungsoo abruptly ended the call. Baekhyun burst out into fits of high-pitched giggles.

"Hey. Not funny." Chanyeol gritted his teeth and started driving. The car fell quiet. After a moment of icy silence, Baekhyun mustered up the courage to ask.

"Mister Giant? Are you angry at us?" Baek nervously asked.

"No." Chanyeol sighed.

I just wanted to keep you to myself as long as I could. Call me selfish, but I really wanted to.


× Baekhyun ×

When I woke up, the car was still. Still groggy, I sat up and surveyed my surroundings. Everything was still in place besides Mister Giant. I yawned and crawled over to Jongin.

The poor boy looked so innocent, so lost even while sleeping. He whimpered a couple of times and shivered. I took off my jacket and draped it over him. Then I started his hair, like how a mother would a child. 

The contact made his eyes shoot open.

"Why are you ing touching me jerk?!" Jongin spat, furiously rubbing at his scalp.

Jongin was a lost child when sleeping, a (excuse my language) ing idiot when awake.

"I wasn't!" I denied.

"Yeah right." He scoffed, still shaking his head to get whatever "fleas" He claimed I had out of his hair.

At that moment, Mister Giant's giant sparkly thing lit up.

"Woa..." We both started walking towards the item, transfixed. Just like moths being drawn to a light.

"What do we do? It says "slide to unlock." Jongin whispered. I bravely reached out and slid the thing open. It showed a screen with Mister Giant in it! 

"Oh no! Jongin! Mister Giant is stuck inside the sparkly magic trap! We need to get him out!" I shouted, panicked. Before we could do anything, a green screen showed up. Very, very loud music started blasting out of the sorcerous evil box.

Now what was this?!

"It says call to answer! Which one do we press? The green or red?" Jongin hollered while clapping his hands over his ears.

"RED!!!" I screamed. This needed to stop or my ears would bleed!

The sound stopped, and we sighed in relief. 

Only to have it begin again.

"AHHHH do the green this time!" I shrieked. The sound stopped, but a voice came out.

Jongin and I grabbed each other in fear.

"Hey Yeol! Why did you reject my call?" The voice asked. 


"Hello? Chanyeol?" The voice asked again.

"C... Chanyeol is not here now." I squeaked.

"Wait, who is this?" The sparkly box spoke, suspicious of us.

"Oh. I'm Baekhyun and my friend Jongin is here too. Say hi Jongin." I slowly gained my confidence.

"Hello." Jongin squeaked.

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH YEOL YOU MURDERS!" The voice screeched, this time angry.

Jongin and I looked at each other horrified. Mister I don't know who you are, you are gonna have to confront Sassy Baek.

"Well how do we know YOU aren't a murderer? Huh? Answer me buddy." I snapped.

"What are you talking about?! I'm his best friend!" The box screamed.

"You know, murderers are good liars. And Mister Giant isn't here so quit asking for him okay mister ugly zonkey voice?!" I casually replied, and I highfived Jongin. Although it was a hella weak one.

The car door opened, and we met an angry looking Chanyeol.


He picked up the phone and talked to the box. 

"I hate that sparkly box." I muttered, crossing my arms. 

When he ended the call, the car was enveloped in silence. 

"Uhhh Mister Giant?? Are you angry?" I asked, afraid that he would shun us out.

"No." He sighed. Okay then. Happy Baek.

When we arrived at his flat, another giant was waiting for us. 

What the?! 

How dare he come into Mister Giant's house without permission?!

"Hey! Tiny! You don't belong here!" I squeaked angrily, waving a fist. His jaw dropped. And his already wide eyes became even wider.

"C-Chanyeol?! What is that?!" He stuttered while pointing at the two of us. Oh puh-lease. 

"Hey! We are humans too!" I growled.

I didn't like how it wasn't just Mister Giant and Me and Jongin anymore, this other ugly giant had to appear and steal MY Mister Giant from me! How insolent and rude!

"See? I told you. This is Baekhyun and the other is Jongin." Chanyeol lazily waved a hand in our direction as he put thE cereal in the pantry.

I have decided that I hate this Giant.

And the sparkly box.

× Jongin × 

 I'm sure this was love at first sight.

Well, love at first hearing, but who cares? It was love.

When Baekhyun woke me up, I hated him. It was back to reality. Back to the world where I can never return again. I hated it.

When the Smartphone (as Chanyeol calls it) lit up, we read the instructions. "Slide to unlock." Baekhyun unlocked it and I stared at the screen. It was a Mister Giant frozen in the screen. Iy scared me.

The image was soon replaces by a green screen. I hurriedly pressed the red button. It was so loud, I thought that my eardrums would bleed.

The stupid phone rang again, and this time, I pressed green.

And my heart stopped.

"Hey Yeol! Why did you reject my call?!" An angelic, melodic voice asked. I gasped involuntarily. 

And of course that idiot hyung had to ruin it. He even went as far as to accuse the angel on the other side a murderer. I stared at him, horrified. Well there goes my first image as a charismatic manly man.

When Chanyeol picked up the phone, I thought I would die of happiness. 


When he drove us home, it was silent. But I liked it. I had silence to think about what to do to restore my image for Chanyeol's friend. 

I was still lost in my thoughts when I walked in, but was snapped out when Baekhyun started screeching like how he normally does when he's angry. 

I looked up.

It was the biggest mistake of my life.

At the end of Baekhyun's accusatory finger, was an angel.

Soft brown hair, plump lips that were shaped in a heart, and big doe eyes. 


When he spoke, I realized that this was the angel that we had spoken to in the car.

My jaw dropped.

Oh gosh no.

The visitor dropped to his two knees to inspect us. Baek squrimed, not liking it, but I stood still.

Our eyes met, and I blushed furiously. He gave me a gentle smile.

I started to flash into the future.

Kyungsoo and I going out in dates.

Us getting married. 

Us having kids that were so big they could crush me.

Woa, Jongin. Getting too far ahead of yourself aren't you?


Life on Earth now seemed a bit more bearable, with this angel here to guide me along the way.

I just hope that stupid noob of a hyung won't mess up our relationship even further.




Update!!! YAYA!

Tao ㅠㅠㅠ 

I see why his dad responded like that. I would have too if my child was getting hurt. But I'll miss him so much.

I cried on the bus and people thought I was weird but okay.

We support you forever Tao...

And happy early birthday to me and Tao... 🎉 😭😭 

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sirenei #1
Chapter 11: I forgot to write the u in curious
I flippin' hate autocorrect
It manipulates my words into creepy .
sirenei #2
Chapter 11: Ha ha ha. My old email is luluxlaynicorn so when I read laynicorn I nearly freaked out... I wish this was real. I can totally imagine Henry facepalming to the side. Are you a Henry fan? Would happen to be Suju fan? I feel like a stalker bcuz I keep on asking questions!! Its because I'm OH AO CURIOS YEAH~~
sirenei #3
Chapter 10: Ha animal . I fell off my bed when the members were wondering who topped! !! I made the last pick my wallpaper bcuz chanbaek is bae#1
sirenei #4
Chapter 9: Pfft. Ha princess luhan haha the texting part is SOO me and my friends on viber we re always like that! !! I honestly was rolling around my bed from laughing "!! So funny!!
Wasup with that title tho? Mr.yehet? Are you trying to kill me from laughter? I'm trying so hard not to comment on each chapter .... but beware I shall unleash my comment monster! !! Muahahahaha
sirenei #5