Go Crazy

A Crazy Life

"Whoa!" was the first thing that left Hongki's mouth as he stared around, shocked at the surprise. He eventually turned back to Heechul and Libby. "So this is why you kept me away from here..."

"Are you surprised then?" Jessie called out, grinning at him.

"Yeah, I really am, I thought that was it... oh well. So! What we doing?" Hongki asked.

"Partying of course!" Heechul replied, laughing as he went further into the dorm.

Jessie widened her eyes as she noticed something different about Libby, she made her way over to her to have a closer look.

"When on earth did you get those?" She asked, pointing to the piercings that Libby had on her lower lip.

"Earlier when Hongki was getting his ears pierced." Libby replied.

Jessie instantly turned to Hongki, looking at his piercings too.

"Awh they're nice." She commented.

"Besides it isn't as wild as what Heechul got." Libby said, turning all the attention onto Heechul.

Jessie walked over to Heechul, frowning in confusion as she couldn't see what Libby meant, that and Heechul was grinning from ear to ear.

"Where exactly...?" Jessie asked.

"Belly button-"

"Libby, why did you gve it away!" Heechul whined a little.

"Sorry!" Libby said, chuckling.

"Can I see?" Jessie asked, poking at his top.

Heechul chuckled, pulling his top up a bit, showing off the piercing, others like Leeteuk came over to see it too as Hongki wandered over to Mir, smiling and talking to him, sliding his arm around Mir's waist in the process.

"Oh so they really are back together..." Jessie said, noticing them together.

"Yeah, it seems so, and you didn't meddle! Well done!" Heechul said, positively beaming.

"How on earth would you know if we 'meddle' or not?" Jessie asked, staring at him.

"Hongki does talk about you two, you know. You are his friends, after all." Heechul replied, chuckling.

"Oh right. Well we dont meddle we just try to help and its not like you can talk, I hear that you 'meddle' too." Libby chuckled.

"Oh okay I didn't know you knew that... Well this is awkward bye." Heechul said, before he ran of to the other side of the dorm.

"He's an odd one." Libby laughed.

"But so are you." Jessie wishpered under her breath.

"What was that?" Libby asked.

"Oh nothing!" Jessie says before randomly walking off and leaving Libby by herself.

"Dont leave me." Libby called after, She then started to walk around the dorm a bit so she wouldn't seem like a random loner.

"Noooooona!" Was all Libby heard before she was basically tackled to the ground by Teen Top's Ricky, who she hadn't seen yet since they moved, because Teen Top were so busy with their debut.

"Oh- Ricky! I haven't seen you about in ages, did your debut go well?" Libby asked as she hugged the younger boy back.

"Neh Noona! So you can speak Korean now? When did you even move here?" Ricky tilted his head to the side in curiosity.

"Hmm not that long ago and yeah, we had lessons before moving here." Libby explained.

"You speak it well~" Ricky complimented before searching the room with his eyes.

"You still with Chunji?" Libby asked before she started looking around too.

"Neh, I can't seem to see- oh wait no, there he is... is Jessie always so clingy?" Ricky asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well yes, that and she's probably just happy to see him, since we haven't seen you for ages." Libby said.

She spotted C.A.P through the crowd of people and walked off towards him, Ricky following like a puppy, eventually branching off to go back to his boyfriend who was happily talking to Jessie.

"Hello!" Libby announced as she came up beside Minsoo.

"Ah, hello Libby-ah~" He replied, smiling. "Long time, no see."

"Yeah Its been over 2 years Oppa...How have you been?" Libby asked.

"oh good, we debuted, as you know and I have been dating Niel for a year now so I am pretty happy at the moment. How about you?" He asked curiously.

"I'm good, I dunno if you know, but I got a job in a haridressers here and Jessie got a job as a trainee dance instructor, thats why we moved here." Libby explained.

"Oh yeah, I think Ricky mentioned before that you where a hairdresser now. Where do you work?"

"I work at Glamour Salon." 

"Oh really? We are booked in there for two days from now." C.A.P said, excitedly.

"Oh yeah, I think Ricky and you are booked in with me." Libby informed him, smiling.

"Ah that is great~" C.A.P looked even more excited.

Eventually everyone was sat down, talking about University times, the ones who weren't there, like BTS, were just listening in, interested in what they got up to then. There was bottles of alcohol laying around as well, Jessie and Libby were watching Zelo for a moment as they weren't used to seeing him drink.

"Bwoyo? I'm old enough, stop staring at me!" Zelo whined, obviously realising why they were staring.

"Sorry, it's just strange to see it..." Jessie commented.

They continued to talk, getting onto the subject of random things that happened in Uni and some things that other didn't know before.

"You know, Zelo used to like Jessie for a bit back near the start of Uni..." Jongup said, chuckling at the look Zelo gave him.

"Wait- WHAT? You liked me? ME?" Jessie stared wide-eyed at Zelo.

"N-Neh... only for a little while!" Zelo confessed, his cheeks heating up under all the stares, he happened to glance up at Himchan, instantly regretting it.

Libby attempted to take the heat of Zelo by bringing up something about Jessie.

"Well I know a few know that Jessie likes tank tops on guys.. well she also really likes fingers.... though that's pretty obvious too... and uh... thighs! Yes thighs..." She was clearly trying to think of other things but was struggling.

"YAH!" Jessie turned to Libby, sliding into English as she kept talking. "Why are you telling them these things?!"

"I thought it would be nice for them to know, might be less awkward the next time someone catches you staring at their thighs-" Libby chuckled. "Cause I swear Youngjae, that time, thought you were looking somewhere else...."

"Oh dear God- I wouldn't-"

Jessie went quiet and opened another bottle of cider, drinking a lot of it as she avoided looking at the stares and the smirk coming from Youngjae. Daehyun glared at Youngjae and he stopped smirking, chuckling instead, assuring his boyfriend that every was okay. Libby happened to catch Himchan looking at his fingers and thighs, probably wondering if Jessie liked them, Libby chuckled to herself, knowing fine rightly who fitted her description of the perfect fingers and thighs, Donghae apparently being her go-to example, she remembered Jessie had mentioned she liked Himchan's thighs and fingers before realising what she had said, blushed red and hadn't talked for the next half an hour, that was all a year ago though.

"Uh one, I also like jawlines and collarbones..." Jessie scowled a little, she was clearly only spilling this information because the aount of alcohol she had consumed. "Libby likes waistcoats.. like far far too much. Yongguk should wear one- she'd die-"

"Yes, yes, I would die, but let's be real, a good fitted waistcoat on a man is a good thing!" Libby grinned. "Yes, this y piece of should wear a waistcoat but you should all wear one, then I'd be one happy girl-"

"Someone has had too much to drink..." Mir spoke up.

"Hey, Mir.. didn't you used to like Libby?" Jessie said, slurring her words a bit, she looked slightly confused at why her words were falling over one another, also that she was speaking English.

"Wait, what?" Hongki asked, looking from Mir, who was blushing, to Libby who was just chuckling.

"Oops.. that reminds me-" Jessie turned to Joon. "Has Jinki Oppa told you he used to date Libby?" 

"Uh... No?" He turned to Onew who instantly shrugged.

"It never crossed my mind to tell you, sorry." Onew said to his boyfriend.

"It's fine, really. It doesn't bother me, it's nice to see you're still so close." Joon said.

Libby interrupted the conversation completely by remembering something and turning to Jiyong, changing the subject altogether.

"Yah, Oppa!" Libby called out to him. "We have a bone to pick with you."

"Huh? Why?" He asked, tilting his head.

"You lied to us!" Libby answered.

"Oh yeah!" Jessie said, catching on to what Libby was talking about, she crawled over to GD. "You said you hadn't debuted yet back in university, yet when we looked Big Bang up you had debuted since before Uni!"

"Ah... well... I didn't really want people trying to get close to me just cause I'm an idol..." Jiyong replied, rubbing his nape.

"You could of told us after we became your proper friends!" Libby said, pouting.

"I'm sorry!" He put his hands up.

They continued to talk away for a while, breaking into smaller groups again, laughing and enjoying themselves. A while later and Jessie seemed to be more drunk than any of them had seen her before, Himchan was watching her closely, mainly because she was toppling about the place and clinging to several of the idols around the room.

She eventualy settled down beside Kyungsoo, making Himchan scowl, he had noticed how close they had become during the last few meetings with them. He didn't like how she always picked him up, but of course he couldn't do anything about his jealously because he was too scared to confess, mostly due to all the pressure and now the feeling he was slowly losing his chance, he knew she wouldn't wait around for him forever.

Someone caught his attention and he turned away from Jessie to talk them, it was in that moment, that a very drunk Jessie pressed her lips to Kyungsoo's, Xiumin widened his eyes as he sees it.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed, making everyone look around.

Kyungsoo who didn't seem to mind, was returning the kiss, which might of been a little sloppy due to Jessie being drunk, but still looked more than just sweet. Libby who had only came back from the bathroom, blinkied at Himchan cause of the look he had on his face, wondering what was happening, turned to follow his gaze, her eyes locking onto Kyungsoo and Jessie, they widened.

She turned back to Himchan, pulling him away, looking around to see if J-Hope was looking, she found him, staring at the two with a look of complete defeat on his face. Clearly he thought he had no chance whatsoever now, if Jessie was kissing someone and it wasn't even Himchan.

Jessie pulled away, scowling a little before pushing herself completely away from Kyungsoo, she stood up and turned around, facing all the staring eyes, somewhere through the haze in her mind from the alcohol, she knew exactly why they were staring, cause really, she had just kissed Kyungsoo. I just kissed Kyungsoo... and I'm not even sorry. She giggled at this thought, turning to smile at Kyungsoo who gave her a grin right back, he was mostly sober, only having had one bottle of beer.

He is pretty much sober and he went along with it? Strange- Jessie thought as she spotted Libby and walked over to her. She then looked to Himchan, looking at her with hurt etched on his features.

"Oppa... I... I think we need to talk... well not right now, cause I can barely comprehend anything right now, but tomorrow..." Jessie said, staring at the floor.

"Okay..." Himchan nodded.

Jessie nodded, turning away and walked back over to Kyungsoo, chancing a glance over at J-Hope, but he was just staring at the ground. She sighed, flopping in between Kyungsoo and Xiumin, messing Xiumin's hair up, grinning.

"What just happened?" Zelo asked, having came over in the moment it took for Jessie to make her way back to the EXO boys.

"I think I may of just about blown my chances." Himchan sighed. "Maybe it's for the best..."

"But you two are-"

"Save it, Zelo-ah, I'll talk to her tomorrow like she said. We'll see then, okay?" Himchan said, smiling weakly at him.

"Okay, hyung." Zelo nodded, pouting a bit.

"Hey, let's just enjoy the rest of the party? It's Hongki's birthday! Let's not be so depressed!" Libby said.

They did exactly that, ignoring what had happened, enjoying the rest of the party, Libby and Jessie talked to Minho about now being with Nichkhun, Libby seeing Hyuna being all close to Joon and wondering why. Jessie stayed away from alcohol for the rest of the night, not wanting to get more drunk than she already was. Before they knew it, it was time to go, Libby and Jessie said their goodbyes and walked home.




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