Just One Day

A Crazy Life

Libby had just finished her morning shift, she'd been in from 7am and was tired, but she was still going to go have lunch with Yongguk, Himchan, Key, Taemin and of course, Jessie, who should of finished her dance lesson around about the same time as Libby finished work. She found the others waiting for her and they all started walking towards the dance studio that Jessie worked at.

Jessie's class was running late, she was still teaching her class under the supervision of her boss since she was still a trainee dance instructor. Since Libby thought her class was over and they were just coming to pick Jessie up, she didn't think to stop Himchan from opening the door to her room and walking in.

Jessie stopped what she was doing, looking towards the door and Himchan, her eyes widening even more. Her whole dance class turned to stare at him too. It was her boss that spoke up first.

"Is this a regular thing?" She asked.

"Aniyo! This never happens, honestly." Jessie said, shaking her head before bowing in apology.

She then turned to her class.

"Now I would say he's just someone who looks like Himchan from B.A.P but I can't use that excuse twice." Jessie said, pouting a little.

"Wait so that was BTS' V and J-Hope earlier?" a student asked.

"You actually believed me when I said they were just look-a-likes?" Jessie asked back, laughing.

"Wait why were V and J-Hope here?" Libby asked once she had managed to push Himchan out of the room.

"They wanted to know if we wanted to go for lunch..." Jessie shrugged. "Actually they made me promise."

"But you were supposed to come to lunch with us!" Taemin said, poking his head in with a pout.

"Yah Taemin!" Libby pushed him back out.

"You know, your class is doing great, just go~" Jessie's boss said.

"Really? Gamsahamnida!" Jessie said before grabbing her things and heading towards the door, pushing Himchan back out the door he somehow managed to get back through after being kicked out by Libby.

Jessie pushed and pulled them all out of the building before turning and hitting her head against the wall.

"That was so embarrassing!" Jessie said, whining a little.

"Sorry, we thought your class was over..." Key said.

Yongguk walked closer to Libby and Jessie, looking between them both.

"What is this about lunch with BTS members?" Yongguk asked.

Jessie just shrugged and started to walk, turning the corner, stopping when she saw V and J-Hope standing there. Obviously they had waited for her and Libby.

"Oh hey.. we have a problem... Seems Libby made plans to have lunch with these guys, is that okay?" Jessie asked, pouting.

"Well actually we just thought you and Libby would be together... we were actually going to go seperate ways-" V explained, rubbing his nape.

"Wait.. like a date?" Libby asked.

"Yeah..." V nodded.

Libby turned around to see what Jessie thought about this, looking surprised when she was no longer there and neither was J-Hope. She looked around, seeing Jessie being half-dragged, half-willingly walking away with J-Hope, who was just laughing. 

"Well... I can't just ditch my friends... do you want to just come with us?" Libby asked, looking back to V once she had finally stopped laughing at the scene.

"Yeah sure, that's fine noona," V replied.

"Okay good, kaja~" Libby said, walking with V to the others that seemed to of hung back.

"We can do something after thought, right? Just me and you?" V asked whilst biting his lip. He completely missed the look Yongguk shot him.

"Oh? Uh...." Libby trailed off before speeding up a little so she was walking alongside Key. "Help me!"

"Help you with what?" Key asked.

"V wants me to go on a date with him later but I dunno what to do." Libby explained.

"well do you like V?" 

"Yeah of course i do he is really sweet and adorable. But i still like Yongguk and I have only know V for a month, I don't wanna lead him on or anything," Libby said as they entered the cafe. 

"Well then just explain to him that you just want to be friends for now." Key said before he went to sit at the table that everyone was now at.

"All rght, I'll try that..." Libby said before sitting down between V and a huffing Himchan, she turned to him. "What's wrong with you?"

"You're really gonna ask him that? Jessie was dragged away and not by him!" Taemin said from across the table, giggling at the scowl Himchan shot at him.

"Good point, bad question, sorry!" Libby said.

Libby completely forgot to talk to V as they ordered their food, talking to Key and Taemin mostly whilst wating and then eating. Himchan seemed to be picking at his food and Yongguk kept shooting glances over at V, in a way that was daring V to try something. They were soon finished and V turned to Libby.

"So can we go now, Noona?" V asked.

"Oh! Uh..." She got up and pulled V away from the others. "You know I still like Yongguk right? I don't want to lead you on or anything even though I do like you."

"Aigo Noona! It's just a date, I'm not asking you to marry me!" V said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh... well okay then." Libby said, nodding and waving to the others, leaving before Yongguk had even got up to stop them.

"Y-Yah!" Yongguk said, pouting but of course they were out of earshot now.

Meanwhile, Jessie and J-Hope were walking along a path in the park, Jessie trailing alongside J-Hope and shooting looks over her shoulder every now and then as if she felt they were being followed.

"What's up with you?" J-Hope asked, pouting a little as he yet agan failed to take Jessie's hand in his.

"Won't you be recognised?" Jessie half-lied about why she was acting this nervous, she was still scared she'd be swarmed by jealous fangirls.

"Well probably but no one seems to be around right now... but I can tell that's not the real reason you're like this." J-Hope said, raising an eyebrow.

"You just dragged me away from everyone else... I dunno what we're even doing." Jessie said, looking at him with a pout.

"I wanted to spend time with you, is that wrong?" J-Hope asked, looking down.

"No, of course not." Jessie said, rubbing her arm.

"Look, I know about Himchan, Zelo wouldn't shut up about it... but I figured since he's too chicken to say anything..." J-Hope trailed off.

"Oh- everyone seems to be convinced I like him. So are you like asking me out or something?" Jessie asked, gaining courage she didn't realise she had.

"Hmmm maybe some day, but for now let's just stick with dates and see how it goes?" J-Hope asked, smiling widely.

"Arasso!" Jessie said, walking again cause they had seemed to stop whilst conversing.

Some time later, Jessie noticed a group of girls hanging around a bench which seemed to have two guys sitting on it. Jessie broke away from J-Hope, letting go of his hand that he had finally managed to hold after a while. One of the guys seemed to of spotted them holding hands though, cause he shot J-Hope a look even though he wasn't looking.

"Himchan?" Jessie said, breaking through the crowd and walking to Himchan.

She was instantly pulled into his lap, he didn't seem to have any grasp on the fact there was people watching. Jessie's eyes widened as she was forced to sit in his lap as he hugged her to him. 

"Uh H-Himchan... fans..." Jessie mumbled, nodding towards the girls.

Himchan looked up and his eyes widened in realisation as Zelo broke through the crowd too. Zelo took one look at the two of them and looked slightly hopeful before Yongguk was shaking his head and he pouted. Jessie got up from Himchan's lap, blushing as she scurried back to J-Hope, pulling him away by his hand. Himchan watched them go, sighing. 

"Yah hyung, what was that about?" Zelo asked.

"I really don't know... I was going to ask her out soon but obviously she's moved on..."

"That's unlikely." Zelo shook his head.

"She was holding his hand!" Himchan pointed out, whining a little.

"Who's hand?" Zelo asked, he hadn't noticed her walking away with J-Hope, nor did he know that J-Hope liked Jessie.

"That BTS guy, J-Hope, the one you talk to..." Himchan said.

"Wait what?"

"He likes her, or that's what I've gathered from what's happened and what I've saw." Himchan explained more.

"I didn't even know!" Zelo blinked.

"Wait you didn't know?" Yongguk asked, looking surprised because normally Zolo knew everything.

"I knew V likes Libby but-"

"Yah! You didn't think to tell me?!" Yongguk cut him off.

"Well I thought you would of asked Libby out before he did..." Zelo said, pouting a little.

"You think he would wait a month?" Yongguk raised his eyebrows.

"Wait you were going to ask Libby out?" Himchan asked, being clueless about this whole conversation.

"Yeah, he always was going to, it's just cause we're too busy at the moment... but-" Zelo turned back to Yongguk. "You're gonna have to ask her much sooner now or V is going to.. well win... well not win cause this isn't a game. Not what I meant-"


"Yeah hyung?"

"Shut up."

"right, yeah... let's get out of here." Zelo said, pulling on their arms.

Himchan and Yongguk got up, following after Zelo who made his way through the forever growing crowd again, pulling away from some outstretched arms. They headed back towards the dorms, leaving Jessie alone in the park with J-Hope


Libby and V were back close to her shared apartment a while later, V was just about saying good bye to her.

"Taehyung-ah, as nice as this was, I hope you understand that I just want to be friends." Libby said to him.

"Oh I already knew that, I'm fine with it." V smiled. "I hope Yongguk hyung sees sense and asks you out soon though!"

"Heh, thank you Taehyung-ah." Libby nodded, hugging him. "Bye then~"

"Bye!" and with that he was walking away to his own apartment block.

Libby sighed and went into apartment building, walking up the stairs, catching up to Jessie without meaning to, who was walking slowly up the stairs.

"Jessie!" Libby called her out in greeting. "What's up with you?"

"What am I doing?" Jessie mumbled in reply. "I feel like I'm leading him on, but he's so nice and he actually is showing he likes me, yet people say Himchan likes me but... Himchan has never said himself and he shows no sign of liking me. Are people just kidding with me, messing with my feelings? I'm scared, you know? I'm not good with feelings..."

"Hey stop your rambling and calm down. Who is nice?" Libby asked.


"Ah... so what was that, a date?" Libby asked, curiosity taking over.

"I dunno what it was, we just talked a lot, it was nice but... look I don't know what to feel right now. At least you and Yongguk have got somewhere, I'm hitting dead ends all the time."

"Look the guy fell asleep in your bed, with your photo album open on a pic of you two, doesn't that say anything?" Libby asked, completely ignoring the mention of Yongguk.

By then they had reached their floor, Jessie unlocking the door and going in, followed by Libby. Jessie flopped right onto the couch, looking everything but depressed. Libby's phone started ringing and she fished it out of her pocket.

"Hello- no wait... Yoboseyo!" Libby answered, slipping from English to Korean clumsily. "Oh hello Zelo. What's up?"

Jessie looked up, interest now that she knew it was Zelo on the phone, she stood up and walked closer so she could hear what Zelo was saying.

"I just- I- Noona I don't know what to do!" Jessie heard Zelo say.

"What's wrong?" Libby asked, looking confusedly at Jessie.

"Well... Himchan and Yongguk got kinda... okay really drunk,.."

"Right... and?"

"Well Youngjae walked in on them..."

"Wait what-" Jessie raised her eyebrows.

"Let me finish!" Zelo sighed. "He was all like 'DAEHYUN!' which of course caught all of our attention and we all went to Himchan's room and I swear that even though Youngjae had walked in on them and shouted- yeah they didn't seem to even know cause I'm telling you they are out-of-it-drunk... but Noona-"

"Would you get to the goddamn point!" Libby said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't get mad at me!" Zelo whined over the phone. "They were uh... kissing..."

There was silence for a moment as Libby and Jessie both stared at the phone like they could somehow see Zelo through it, Jessie's eyes wide.

"Did I hear you right, two perfectly straight guys were kissing?!" Jessie asked.

"Yes... they're drunk though!"

"How does that make anything better?" Jessie asked.

".....Shut up Noona, not my point." Jessie could almost hear the pout in his voice.

"Well we can't do anything about it really, maybe just move one of them to another room until the morning?" Libby suggested.

"All right, Noona. We'll do that. Gomowo! Bye!" And with that, zelo hung up.

"It's been such a weird day, I'm just gonna go to my room-" Jessie said after a moment.

She walked away to her room, leaving Libby staring at the phone.




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