Fantastic Baby

A Crazy Life

One week later brought the two girls moving into their own apartment later that day, currently they were at work. Jessie at her dance studio with the new class she was to teach for the next while, she was getting to grips with having to instruct people but was still slightly nervous about it all, even accidentally slipping into speaking English for a moment before one of the stuedents pointed out that they couldn't understand her. 

Libby was busy in the hair salon too, styling people's hair to their request. She had been told that even idols came here to get their hair cut and styled and she was excited to find out who would be their first idol customer while she worked there. It wasn't long until she found out as she looked through the book to see what bookings they had. Reading 'Kwon Jiyong' written down.

"Omo! He doesn't know we're here." Libby mumbled to herself as she grinned.

She noted that he would be here soon, not even realising that the rest of Big Bang as they were now called was booked in too. Libby kept her eyes trained on the door when the time for them to come had arrived. Sure enough, soon Jiyong was opening the door after making sure no one was around, but Libby's eyes widened as she watched the others pile in too.

"Oh!" She mumbled as she stared at the book again.

She blinked as they walked up, competely oblivious to the fact that Libby was standing there. She watched as they all sat down, Seungri glancing over at her, but the rest might as well of been ignoring everyone. Libby walked over to them so she could confirm their bookings, still smiling but feeling like laughing at the fact that G-Dragon had yet to notice her at all.

"Uhm, you have appointments for 11am and onwards, right?" She asked, glancing at Jiyong.

Jiyong looked up with a slightly confused look, obviously recognising the voice. The look disappeared though the minute he realised it was Libby. He jumped up, wrapping his arms around her as he grinned. Libby laughed as she hugged him back, mostly at the bewildered looks on the rest of the group's faces.

"Libby-ah! What are you doing here?!" G-Dragon asked, pulling away so he could look at her.

"I work here, oppa." Libby said calmly like it was nothing.

"Mwoyo? Doesn't that mean you'd have to live here?" Jiyong asked, blinking.

"I do!" Libby said, grinning.

"Oh! Guys this is Libby, she's a friend from University!" Jiyong explained to the rest.

"Ohhh~ annyeonghaeseyo!" They chorused.

"Wait wait, where's Jessie?" Jiyong asked, looking around as if to see if she was hiding somewhere there too.

"She works at the dance studio five minutes away as a trainee dance instructor. Hold on, let me text her, her class should be over now. I'll just say you're here, I don't think she'd turn up if she knew the others were here... well-" She cut off as she typed away on her phone.

Meanwhile Jessie was wrapping up her class when she heard her phone go, signalling that she had got a text. She dug her phone out of her pocket and checked the text, written in English as it was from Libby.

'Jessie! Hurry and come to the salon, GD is here!' She managed to read before she was out the door before most of her class.

"Sorry! Got to be somewhere!" She called back before practically sprinting down the road, the five minute walk turning into a 2 minute run.

She stopped once she was outside the salon, attempting to catch her breath before she went in, creeping up behind Jiyong who hadn't even looked around when the door opened. She didn't notice the others, who all had their eyes on her movements. She back-hugged Jiyong and he jumped a little.

"Jiyong oppa!" Jessie grinned, squeezing him a little.

"Jessie-ah! It's nice to see you again. How come you never told me you were moving to Korea?!" Jiyong said, pouting at her once he was able to turn around.

"I don't know, I figured you'd be too busy to care now that you've debuted. omona you seem to be really popular oppa!" Jessie babbled while grinning.

It was then that she looked around enough to notice the others, her eyes widening before she let go of G-Dragon and, so she would call it later, casually backed her way out of salon, hands in her hair as she made fish-like movements with her lips. Libby laughed softly.

"Told you she would freak!" Libby said to them.

"Libby! You only said that Jiyong oppa was here! Why didn't you say the others were here?!" Jessie said in English after poking her head around the door.

"Speaking in English won't help Jessie-ah, Taeyang and T.O.P know English too." Jiyong said, in English too.

"I don't care! I'm not in the right state of mind to try and speak in Korean right now!"

"Get back in here!" Jiyong said, attempting not to laugh at the way Jessie was acting.

Jessie walked back into the salon in a tentative manner, avoiding looking at them until she was facing them. She bowed before introducing herself properly.

"See, that's not so bad. Now anyways, Jiyong oppa, it's time for your haircut." Libby said. "Also Seungri you're with Kisung right now and daesung your with byul." 

Seungri and daesung got up and went over to get the hair done, Jiyong moving to where Libby would do his hair, leaving Jessie staring wide-eyed at the other two. She eventually sat down beside T.O.P, though left a massive space.

"Aigo, am I scary or something?" T.O.P asked.

"You're scared of my boyfriend?" Jiyong asked from where he was sitting, looking around to see Jessie's reaction.

"Aniy- YOUR BOYFRIEND?" Jessie started before realising what he had just said.

"Shhhhh!" Jiyong said, looking around.

"Mianhae. but omo! I knew it! Well I knew that you said you had someone waiting on you and then when you debuted I saw the rest of your group and was just like, 'I bet it's Tabi he's with!'" Jessie grinned.

"Are you going to talk to us now?" Seunghyun asked.

"Uhhh, s-sure!" Jessie grinned.

"I've never seen her this nervous to talk to someone. Must be because you're her ultimate bias-"

"Libby! SHUT UP!" Jessie whined, covering her now-blushing cheeks.

"Hey! What about me?" Jiyong pouted over at her.

"Uhm, sorry Jiyong oppa! You're great too!" Jessie said as she edged slowly closer to Seunghyun.

She reached out a hand and poked at T.O.P's forehead as if to check he was really there before she suddenly became fascinated with his hair, playing with it between her fingers. Seunghyun blinked, looking to Jiyong and Libby.

"Oh don't worry, she's like that." Jiyong laughed. "I think she also has a thing for fingers-"

"JIYONG OPPA!" Jessie whined again.

"Mianhae." Jiyong said before laughing.

"Do you have a thing for outing people's somewhat secrets?" Libby asked.

"Uh, maybe?" Jiyong said, chuckling.

Once Libby had finished fixing up Jiyong's hair, her attention fell on Taeyang and Jessie had the strog urge to hold her back from going anywhere near him, but them reminded herself that she was currently messing up T.O.P's hair and couldn't see how this was any better than what Libby would say or do to Taeyang.

"Are you always like this?" T.O.P asked, glancing at Jessie after she had finally ruffled his hair once more and took her hand away.

"Hmm? Weird? Yeah of course. Normal is boring yada yada yada. That thing." Jessie said, chuckling. "I'm sorry though, uh for messing your hair-"

"Ah aniyo, it's no problem, it's not done yet anyways." Seunghyun assured her, chuckling too.

"Uh Libby, stop staring at Taeyang with those creepy eyes of yours." Jessie called over to Libby.

Libby blinked and looked away just as Kisung came over, asking if Libby would do Taeyang's hair while she went on a break. Libby agreed and told Taeyang to go sit in the chair.

"Hmm, I want Ice cream. I'll be back or does anyone want to come with me?" Jessie asked, looking around.

"neh, sure. I'll come." T.O.P said and got up, following Jessie out of the salon.

"Wait seunghyun!. You still have to have your hair done!" Libby called after them. "Don't kidnap Big Bang members, Jessie!"

"We'll be right back, Libby-ah~" T.O.P chuckled.

"Besides he willingly came." Jessie shrugged as she continue to walk away.

T.O.P caught up to her, they talked about random stuff as they went to get ice cream, leaving Libby to roll her eyes before going to do Taeyang's hair before she got told off by her boss. It wasn't long until Jessie and T.O.P were back though, carrying ice cream for all of them, since they thought they'd be nice to the others too. Jessie smiled as she handed an ice cream to Jiyong, who thanked her before she walked over to Seungri and handed him, his. She blinked as she looked around for Daesung,who was now sitting in the waiting area. She walked over to him, blinking as she held out the ice cream for him.

"Omo! Gomowo!" Daesung said, taking it from her as he smiled widely, so much that even his eyes looked like they were smiling too.

"No worries, Oppa." Jessie said, beaming.

T.O.P handed over an ice cream to Taeyang before going to sit down, but was stopped by Libby who motioned for him to go sit so he could get his hair done now. She told him that he'd better not spill any of his ice cream. Jessie laughed softly, rolling her eyes.

"You even have OCD here!" Jessie said.

"I do not-"

"If you say so." Jessie chuckled. "Anyways, I suppose I should get home now. See you later Libby. Bye guys!" 

Jessie gave Jiyong one last hug, waved at the others and disappeared outside. Walking back towards the apartment block, she needed to start packing up her stuff so they could move up to the floor above B1A4's dorm tonight. Libby had an hour or so left of her work first before she would be able to come back and help too. Jessie went into the dorm, greeting the boys before going to the room her and Libby had been using for the week they were there, it was originally Gongchan and Sandeul's room, but they had moved into Jinyoung's room for the past week.

"I'll be glad to have our room back." Sandeul grinned as he came into help.

"Hey! What's wrong with being in with me?" Jinyoung called out.

"Uh.. nothing hyung!" Sandeul called back, puffing his cheeks out before laughing.

By the time Libby came back, Jessie had everything that belonged to her packed up in boxes and was ready to bring everything upstairs. Libby went straight to packing up her things too with the help of Baro and Gongchan. It wasn't long until the guys were helping the two girls bring everything up to their apartment, using the lift. Any furniture for their apartment had already been put in, so mostly it was just personal belongings that they were now helping to put away.

Once they had finished, Shinwoo suggested they might as well order some food and ask if anyone else wanted to come around so whilst Gongchan and Baro were texting the others to come around, Shinwoo called up somewhere so he could order food for them. B.A.P were the first to appear considering they only lived five minutes away. Soon followed by SHINee and MBLAQ since they were free.

Jessie blinked as she saw Yongguk, her eyes widening as she watched Libby go over and greet him, hugging him as if nothing had happened before moving on to hug Zelo. She shrugged before bounding over and hugging Yongguk herself.

"Hey oppa~ welcome to our home!" Jessie grinned. "That feels weird to say..."

"Hey Jessie-ah~" Yongguk smiled, watching as Jessie went to hug Jongup and then Zelo.

She continued to hug the B.A.P members until she got to Himchan, where hugged him more unsurely, greeting him in her usual manner before letting him go and pretty much waddling away. Zelo who had noticed the way she acted towards Himchan, scowled, wondering if she would ever admit to anyone that she liked Himchan, but them also reminded himself that what was holding her back is what happened between Libby and Yongguk. With this thought he turned to Yongguk and pulled him aside.

"You know Himchan likes Jessie, right?" Zelo asked.

"Uh, yes. It's obvious-"

"Not my point... I was talking to Jessie about it sometime last week, saying that I know she likes him and that she should just confess. But now she won't because of what you said to Libby... she's scared Himchan hyung will say the same things." Zelo explained, pouting a little.

"Ah... aigo. Not everyone is like me though-" Yongguk said.

"Try telling that to Jessie, yeah?" Zelo said before walking away to join in other conversations.

Yongguk sighed and went to find Jessie, figuring he could talk some sense into his friend. He found her talking with Key and Jonghyun, noticing how she was still calling them 'Umma' and 'Appa' even though that was a thing from the university days. He remembered how Libby used to call him Appa and made a face.

"Jessie-ah?" Yongguk called out and she looked up.


"Can we talk for a minute?" Yongguk ask.

Whilst Yongguk was talking to Jessie, whose expression went from slightly confused to looking distant, as if she wasn't really listening to Yongguk anymore, Libby was sitting talking to Mir and the other members of MBLAQ, Zelo was watching Yongguk and Jessie talk from beside Jongup, who was talking to Minho and Taemin.

Zelo looked around for Himchan, scowling when he couldn't find him. He got up and wandered around the apartment, until he found him in what he assumed was Jessie's room. Himchan was sat on Jessie's bed and seemed to be scanning through a photo album marked as 'University times.' He let him be and went back to the living area, frowning when he saw that Jessie was now sat beside Minho, her head on his shoulder, Minho was obviously trying to comfort her a little.

"Uh, what happened?" Zelo asked her, sitting down, frowning even more when Jessie turned away from him.

"Leave me alone, and in future, stay out of my business." Jessie mumbled, sighing.

"What happened?" Minho Blinked, not having any idea what just happened.

"It's nothing, I can't do anything right." Zelo muttered, moving away back to where Jongup was. 

Libby looked around from where she was sitting beside Mir, frowning when she noticed that Jessie looked upset, then looked around more, noticing that Zelo looked upset too. She got up and walked over to Zelo first, tapping his shoulder.

"Hey what's up?" She asked.

"I was being stupid again, I told Yongguk that Jessie wouldn't admit to Himchan that she liked him because of what Yongguk said to you and Yongguk talked to her and I don't know what he said but now she's upset." Zelo explained, sighing.

"Zelo-ah, it's not your fault, you were only trying to help, it's okay." Libby assured him before walking over to Yongguk. "Yah, Oppa!"

"Neh?" Yongguk looked up at her.

"What did you say to Jessie that she's now upset?"

"Oh... well... I said that even though Himchan might not think the same way I do, that it might now work out even if they did try.. I don't know what I was trying to say but I never meant to upset her. She just asked how I knew about it and I said Zelo told me... she kind of just walked away after that. I'm sorry-"

"Ugh it doesnt matter. Also ill move on if thats waht you really want but getting over you isn't gonna be easy." Libby said before she left to find Jessie leaving Yongguk standing there.

After a while, once Jessie had calmed down, she looked around the room, her eyes searching but not finding who she was looking for.

"Uh, where's Himchan?" She asked.

"Uh, last time I saw him he was... uh..."

"Where, Zelo?" She asked, somewhat coldly.

"In your room..." Zelo mumbled.

He watched as Jessie shot up, her eyes widened as she scrambled away to her room, looking in to see that Himchan was sprawled across her bed and seemed to be asleep.


"Well, we did come straight from practise, he must just be tired, Noona." Jongup pointed out.

"Hmm... okay." Jessie said before padding quietly over to her bed.

She sat down on his legs, raising her eyebrows as he jerked awake, blinking sleepily up at her.

"hey Oppa, did you sleep well?" Jessie said, chuckling softly. "Why are you even in my room-"

"Uh... I'm sorry?" He mumbled, not being able to come up with an explaination. "I'm just tired..."

"Then go sleep in Libby's bed! You've done that before." Jessie said, grinning.

"That was a simple mistake, that was supposed to be your bed..." Himchan mumbled so only she could hear.

Jessie felt her cheeks heating up a little, she stood up and pulled at Himchan's arm, attempting to get him off of her bed. Succeeding eventually as Himchan climbed off of her bed and shuffled sleepily out of the rom, ignoring the knowing looks from Zelo and Libby, Jongup just blinked in that oblivious way even though he did know about Himchan liking Jessie.

"He isn't actually going to Libby's room, is he?" Jessie asked, blinking.

"No, he's gone back to the living area~" Zelo said.

"Was he sleeping when you saw him in here?"

"Aniyo, he was looking through your university photos." Zelo replied.

Jessie glanced over and picked the album, opening it up to where Himchan must of been looking at, since it had creased a little. She scowled as she saw the photo of her and Himchan. She mumbled to herself before shutting the album and putting it away. She then went out and back out and into the living area.

The rest of the night was spent talking and eating once the food had arrived, after a while everyone piled out and the two girls called it a night.

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