
A Crazy Life

A/N: You can assume that Libby and Jessie are speaking in Korean.

The 5 minute walk to B.A.P's dorms was filled with excited talking, so much that they didn't notice they were there until they were right outside the door to their dorm. Libby and Jessie hid on either side of the door, leaning up flat against the wall as they had planned before coming. Baro knocked on the door, grinning as he waited for the door to open.

It was Taemin on the other side of the door when it finally opened, he greeted the B1A4 boys but didn't notice Libby or Jessie. They walked in, leaving the door open for the two girls. Jessie poked her head around the door, noticing no one was paying attention because they weren't expecting anyone else. She tugged at Libby's arm and walked in quietly, Libby closing the door as quietly as she could as they walked in.

Jessie had thought that they would be noticed the minute they walked in, but no one seemed interested as they were all talking in their own little groups. They spotted Yongguk and Himchan, sitting talking to each other. It seemed that the rest of the B.A.P group were elsewhere in the dorm. Jessie walked over and sat down beside Yongguk with no problem, Libby sitting beside Himchan.

"Annyeong, Yongguk Oppa." Jessie greeted him.

"Annyeo- Jessie?" Yongguk started to reply before widening his eyes and snapping his head around to stare at Jessie. "What are doing here?"

"Annyeong Oppas!" Libby laughed a little and Yongguk's head snapped to look at her too.

Meanwhile Himchan was looking very much like a fish as he stared at Libby and slowly turned to look at Jessie, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Jessie!" He got up and moved around Yongguk so he could pull Jessie up and into a hug.

"Hey Himchan Oppa! Long time no see." Jessie said, giggling a little as she hugged him tightly.

"Hey! What about me?" Libby playfully scowled at Himchan but he just chuckled and waved at her.

"Hey Libby-ah." Was his only reaction to her as he focused mostly on Jessie.

"Yah, Oppa, go hug Libby unnie please." Jessie said all in Korean.

Himchan looked blankly at her for a moment, only processing that she had spoken in Korean after a moment.

"When did you learn more Korean?" Himchan asked.

"Do you really think after two and a half years we wouldn't of learned more Korean?" Libby said this fully in Korean as well.

"Good point." Himchan chuckled a little.

By this point everyone in the dorm knew that the two girls were there. Zelo and Jongup came running into living room, Zelo bounding over to Libby, wanting to hug her but soon realised he couldn't because Yongguk, who had moved to hug Libby some point after Hmchan had moved to greet Jessie, was firmly glued to Libby and didn't seem to want to let her go. Zelo put this down to two things, one he hasn't seen her properly in two years and two, he really liked her.

"Hyung, let me hug my Noona!" Zelo pouted, tugging a little at Libby's arm.

Yongguk sighed a little but eventually let her go, going off to talk to Jessie properly as Libby was pulled into a hug by Zelo. He smiled and let her go after a while.

"When did you get here and why didn't you tell me?" Zelo looked to her.

"Cause it was a surprise and funnily enough we only got here today." Libby replied.

Eventually everyone who was at the party were all sat in a circle, looking towards Libby and Jessie.

"So how long are you staying this time?" Daehyun asked.

"Who said we were leaving?" Jessie answered.

"Huh?" Daehyun's eyes widened.

"We've bought an apartment on the floor above where B1A4 are currently. We got jobs offered to us here, that's the main reason we're moving here." Libby explained..

"What jobs have you got?" Youngjae asked.

"I teach dance classes and Libby is a hairdresser!" Jessie grinned.

During the time between leaving university and now, Libby had realised that music wasn't what she wanted to do and that she was more interested in hairdressing. She was still interested in art though. Jessie had start training to be a dance inscructor and had landed a job in Korea once she was good enough to teach.

"But I thought you wanted to sing, Noona?" Zelo asked.

"Yeah, but I lost interest, hairdressing is what I decided to go into in the end- ALSO! Why did no one tell me that BTS was here?" Libby looked around the room expectantly.

"oh oh! that reminds me, I can say Bangtan Sonyeondan in a really creepy way-" Jessie grinned and proceeded to say it in a demonic way.

"Jessie! I told you not to say it like that, you're not Gollum!" Libby glared at her.

However the Bangtan Boys seemed to find it funny rather than creepy. Jessie smirked in triumph at Libby.

"They don't mind it!" Jessie said, chuckling.


"Anyways! Annyeonghaesayo! I'm Jessie" Jessie grinned. "bangawoyo!"

Jessie bowed as best as she could from a sitting position, whilst Libby spoke to them too.

"Annyeonghaesayo i'm Libby bangawoyo." Libby said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too." They all said and then individualy intordouced themselfs even though they didnt really need to because the two girls already knew who they where because they where fans of the group. 

Later on everyone had went back to chatting in their wee groups after Jessie and Libby had filled them in on everything.

Libby was over talking to onew about random stuff and just catching up on anything they might have missed.

"So Oppa anything new with you?" Libby asked.

"Well i am dating someone at the moment." onew replied.

"Oh really? Who? Is it anyone i know?" Libby asked excitely.

"Its lee joon from mblaq." Onew said neverously as he waited for the reply.

"Omo. Really? Thats great, Joon oppa is super hot, i meet him and the rest of mblaq the last time i came to visit he seems really nice." Libby said happliy.

"Really? Your not suprised? i mean me and you used to date and all."

"No not at all Oppa we dated 2 and a half years ago for just 3 weeks and we have still stayed best friends since then, if you like him and he makes you happy then i am happy." Libby said as she hugged him beacause she was happy for him.

"Thanks Libby-ah your an awsome friend." Onew happly returned the hug.

"No problem and aww thanks your an awsome friend too. So does that mean you're gay then or bi?" Libby asked as they ended the hug.

"Hmmm.. Neither i just like joon." 

"Omo... cuteeee!" Libby squealed.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room, Jessie was sat beside Hongki, talking casually to him until a loud 'WHAT!' was heard through the room. Several people looked over at Jessie.

"I- I thought you knew." Hongki said, pouting a little. "I mean I text Libby-"

"Libby!" Jessie yelled as she stalked over to her. 

"Yes?" Libby asked.

"Why didn't you tell me Mir and Hongki had broke up?!" Jessie asked, pouting.

"I thought it was just a silly fight, I thought they'd be back together by now, he didn't explain why, just that they had broken up." Libby said, frowning, getting up and walking over to Hongki with Jessie.

"Hongki oppa, what happened between you and Mir?" Jessie asked, sitting back down.

"Well he said now that since he's debuted he's too busy and that he doesn't want to put pressure on me because he's an idol now..." Hongki said, sighing.

"What?!" Libby said all-too-loudly, just like Jessie had.

"This is exactly like Yongguk and Libby," Jessie whispered under her breath.

"I told him that I didn't mind if I couldn't see him all the time and that I would be happy enough just seeing him when I can and that it's not putting me under preasure but he didnt listen and just left." Hongk exlained teary eyed.

"He just left?" Jessie asked angrily.

"Its okay Oppa, everything will be okay, you just need to talk to him properly." Libby said as she hugged him tightly.

Libby knew the feeling of wanting to be with someone but not being able to, the last time she went to korea to visit, Jessie had convinced her to confess to Yongguk after she had finaly realised her feelings for him. when she did he had told her he felt the same but that because of the long distance and his career that they should just stay friends for the time being. But now there wasn't the problem of long distance but still the fact that he was an idol and very busy.

Jessie pulled Libby away from Hongki, saying something about it not helping him by smothering him, she dragged her a little way away.

"Right, since we've now moved here, you really need to talk to Yongguk, or do you want to end up feeling like Hongki does too?" Jessie said, pushing her towards the kitchen.

"I- I need to help Hongki and then I need to do something else-"

"What else?"

"Anything else!"

"Come on, Zelo has spent the last ten minutes trying to get Yongguk into the kitchen alone- gosh that sounds so wrong but I digress- so you could go in and talk to him so get your in there!" Jessie pushed her more firmly towards the kitchen.




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