What is Love

A Crazy Life

The next day Jessie and Libby were getting ready to go out, they were meeting up with Zelo and his hyungs, and EXO, some of which they had met before, just not the Chinese members and also SHINee to play basketball, since they all had free time and it gave them something to do. There was a knock on the door and Libby went to answer it, pulling open the door to reveal Yongguk who looked a little flustered.

"Oh hi!" Libby said, smiling as she realises who it is.

"Hello-" Yongguk said but it didn't seem he was finished, he started speaking straight away again. "Look I know Zelo phoned you last night cause of uh... yeah. But I just want to clarify that we were both drunk!"

"Hey you don't need to explain yourself, we know you were drunk." Libby said, chuckling a little.

"It was just a kiss." Jessie said as she walked past the both of them, obviously just wanting to go to the indoor basketball court without having to talk about what happened last night. "Can we go?"

"Uh but I wanted to explain-" Yongguk said while he pouted.

"You really don't need to. oppa it's okay." Libby said as they all headed out towards the indoor basketball court that was just across the street from where the two girls lived.

they entered the basketball court and saw all of SHINee and EXO

"Hey guys." Libby and Jessie said as they ran up to SHINee and hugged them.

"Keeeey umma!" Jessie giggled as she hugged him. "I've missed you." 

"I have missed you too Jessie-ah-" Key said as he hugged Jessie.

"I can't believe you still call him Umma..." Minho said, chuckling.

"Well it kinda stuck...hey oppa!" Jessie said, grinning as she gave Minho a hug too.

Libby hugged each member in turn, smiling as she did so, when she got to Onew, Jessie watched as Libby just hugged him like the others, showing she was completely over any awkwardness that other people would feel around an ex, besides Libby had other things to worry about.

"So uh, what exactly are we doing here?" Jessie asked.

"Basketball! And uh, to meet exo, if you like." Jonghyun told them, grinning.

"Well really we've met EXO, but only some of them cause the others had to do something." Libby explained.

"Oh right, well they're all here now." Jonghyun said, nodding towards the group of people.

"They are? Where?" Jessie asked, looking around.

She shot off once she saw someone she recognised, beaming as she reached him, she then proceeded to pick him up and chuckle as he squeaked in surprise.

"Jessie- please put Xiumin oppa down-" Libby said, rolling her eyes at her younger friend's antics.

"But he's so small and adorble!" Jessie argued, walking around with him for a bit before setting him down in favour of going over to Kyungsoo, who they had met before and squishing at his cheeks. "Squishy!"

"Uh... is she always like that?" Someone spoke up, making Libby spin around.

"Oh! Yeah she is, she doesn't mean any harm though. Hi Kris Gege!" Libby added the last part as an afterthought.

"Hello~" He replied, smiling a little.

"I'm a big fan, Libby imnida." Libby said.

"Neh~ I know of you, Zelo said about you and uh, I'm guessing she's Jessie?" Kris asked, raising an eyebrow at the fact Kyungsoo was now being happily carried around by Jessie as she went to greet Lay and Chen.

"Well don't be too surprised, she's like that with all her biases she's met- which means you should watch out.. though I suppose she won't try and pick you up cause you're too tall.." Libby explained. "I'm not going to try that either considering I'm shorter-"

She was cut off by another EXO member appearing.

"Hey there, little one." He said.

"Oh, not you again." Libby sighed. "and for the last time, I'm not short, you're just tall."

"If you say so." Chanyeol replied.

They watched as Jessie came shuffling over, having finally spotted Kris, she still had Kyungsoo in her arms, Libby noticed that Himchan seemed to be in a huff, which also alerted her to the fact Yongguk was slowly moving towards them, but trying not to look like he was even heading towards them on purpose. By the time he did reach them though, Libby and Jessie were both giving him strange looks. He coughed and focused his attention to Jessie first.

"Uh, I'm only saying this cause it sounded funny... Himchan is just after saying 'why does everyone get Jessie but me?'" Yongguk relayed what he heard, trying not to chuckle.

"What- that doesn't even make sense-" but at hearing what Yongguk had said she set Kyungsoo down, who pouted lightly.

"What is with you picking Kyungsoo up every time you see him?" Chanyeol asked.

"What's with you pointing out I'm short every time I see you?" Libby asked.

"Cause he likes it!" Jessie replied, pouting as Chanyeol chuckled at Libby.

"Because you are Libby-ah~" Chanyeol said.

"That doesn't mean you HAVE to point it out!" Libby said back.

"Something tells me little one's getting mad." Chanyeol quipped to Kris.

"YAH!" Zelo called from across the room. "stop picking on Noona!"

"I wasn't picking on her, I was just stating a fact!" Chanyeol called back over.

Whilst Libby glared at Chanyeol, Tao walked over with a pout on his expression.

"I feel left out.." Tao said, whining a little.

Jessie automatically walked forward, going to hug him, but Tao seemed to think she was about to pick him up or something because he immediately stepped back. Jessie scowled at him.

"Hey, I was just going to hug you, you're not cute enough to pick up and besides you're too tall... I don't pick everyone up, you know, sorry..." Jessie sighed and turned, walking away to go talk to Zelo or someone else.

"Uh..." Tao said, watching after her.

"Hmm she get's like that, don't worry about it." Libby said, pulling Tao into the hug he didn't get from Jessie.

Kyungsoo followed Jessie and went to talk to with them too, before Lay spoke up.

"Weren't we here to play basketball?" He asked.

"Ah yeah! Good point." Chanyeol said, as he took Libby's arm and brought her over to Kyungsoo. "Right, shortie can be the captain of that team and I'll be the captain of the other!"

He grabbed at Jessie's arm and brought her back over to where Kris, Tao and Yongguk were still standing. Jessie narrowed her eyes as she noticed how Chanyeol was shoving all the shorter people in Libby's team and raised an eyebrow as he told all of SHINee but Jonghyun to come join his team. Jonghyun scowled at him.

"Wait wait... this isn't fair!" Libby voiced what Jessie had been thinking.

"How is it not?" Chanyeol asked as if he didn't know what he was doing.

"Sticking all the short people in one team is not fair." Libby sighed.

"How about I be a team captain, Libby can be in my team." Kris said.

"Thank you Gege!" Libby moved to stand beside Kris.

Once they had sorted into more fair teams, they began to play. Jessie and Libby weren't professionals at the game and it showed, but at least they were having fun, even if Jessie was getting a little annoyed by the fact Kris kept blocking her every time, mumbling under her breath that he was taking advantage of his height too much. Since Chanyeol was on the other side, he kept blocking Libby too, finding it all too amusing when he got glared at every time he quipped how short she was.

Eventually, once the girls had got fed up with how the taller guys were acting, they gave up and refused to keep playing, deciding to watch from the sidelines instead. They talked to each other quietly as the other continued to play, turning to watch them every now and then. Libby enventually pulled out a colouring book, full of tattoo designs from the bag she had brought. Jessie focused on what looked like a very annoyed group of people playing against idiots, basically. Because the shorter exo members were being unfairly treated on the court they soon gave up and Xiumin and Luhan made their way over to where Jessie and Libby were sat.

"Hmm, what are you doing?" Xiumin asked as he sat down in front of Libby and her colouring book.

"Colouring." Libby answered simply.

"Uhm, okay... aren't you a bit old for that?" Luhan asked.

"'Course not! You don't have to be young to enjoy colouring, Wanna join me?" Libby asked as she held up to extra colouring books that she had brought with her.

"Ummm okay." Xiumin said as he took one of the books.

"Sure, why not." Luhan replied as he took the other book and started colouring.

Meanwhile Jessie, Kris and Chanyeol were messing about on the basketball court, not really playing a proper game.

"Yah, two agaisnt one isn't fair." Jessie complained, as the two boys had just stolen the ball off of her.

"Well we arent playing a proper game so no rules apply."Chanyeol explained.

"Okay then... Libby COME HELP ME CHANYEOL ISN'T PLAYING FAIR." Jessie yelled over to Libby.

About 20 seconds later Libby came running over to the three of them and without any warning, jumped on Chanyeol's back which caused him to drop the ball that he was holding.

"YAH! What are you doing?" Chanyeol asked, before Libby let go of him.

"Was just helping Jessie and also payback for calling me little." Libby said, as she lifted up the ball and handed it to Jessie, then casually walked back to where she had been sitting before as if nothing had ever happened.

"What just happened?" Chanyeol asked looking really confused.

"Didn't you just say 'no rules apply'? therefore, anything goes!" Jessie replied.

Yongguk, who had been watching the whole time Libby had practically attacked Chanyeol, tried to drop the frown he had etched on his expression as he made his way over to Libby, biting his lip nervously before tapping at Libby's shoulder, asking if they could talk. She looked up at him and nodded, getting up again and moving away from Xiumin and Luhan.

"Whats up Gukkie?" Libby asked, as they walked to the other side of the basketball court.

"First of I did kiss Himchan but it was accidental and it was just a peck, I swear." Yongguk explained.

"Okay but you don't need to explain to me, we aren't dating or anything, it's not like you cheated." Libby chuckled.

"No I do because i really like you and I don't want you thinking that I would get over you so quickly, I know I said that I didn't want us to date because of our careers and all that but I was just mostly worried of it not working and me losing you as a friend too." Yongguk said as he took Libby's hand into his."I was hoping that you would maybe consider forgetting about my stupidness and go on a date with me? Just one date for now."

"Do you really need to ask?" Libby said as she hugged Yongguk tightly.

At that moment, while Yongguk was smiling, happy that Libby had agreed, Jessie let out a cry as she tripped over Zelo, who had been trying to quietly crawl towards Yongguk and Libby to hear what they were talking about. Libby snapped her head around just as Zelo was bowing and apologising profusely at Jessie for sending her crashing, she also noticed Taemin still continuing to try and make his way unnoticed over to them, failing miserably.

"Uh Taemin, what are you doing?" Libby asked.

"Oh!" He exclaimed, now that he knew he was caught, he stood up and brushed himself off before replying. "I was trying to help Zelo-ah.."

"Zelo-ah, what have you done to poor Taemin?" Libby asked, turning towards Zelo.

"Isn't Jongup normally your back up?" Jessie asked, frowning a little.

She looked around, spotting Jongup sneaking up behind Libby, he noticed he was being watched and stopped immediately, this perked her curiosity on who else was attempting to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Sehun Oppa?" Jessie said in surprise.

"Uh, I have no idea what we're doing, but it looked like fun so I decided to join in!" Sehun explained, grinning.

"You're all so weird." Libby commented.

"Aha! Success!" A voice whispered from behind Yongguk, making him jump a mile in the air.

At the same time, Daehyun was looking around, not knowing where Youngjae had got to.

"Hey, where's Jae?" He asked just as Libby and Yongguk turned to stare at Youngjae.

"So what were we sneaking up on you two for?" Youngjae asked, innocently.

"I don't know what Youngjae is talking about, I was just looking for my bracelet!" Zelo said, pouting.

"What bracelet?" Jessie raised her eyebrows.

"Oh! I found it Zelo-ah-" Taemin said, picking up a bracelet that was clearly his own, since it said Lee Taemin on it.

"Uh... Why would he have a bracelet with your name on it?" Libby asked, pointing to it.

"Out of all the bracelets I'm wearing, I chose the one with my name on it? Aish, sorry Zelo-ah." Taemin said, pouting. "I tried."

Zelo shrugged and got up, walking away as if he hadn't been trying to listen in. Jessie glanced around the room again, spotting Key leaning against the wall, suspiciously close to Libby and Yongguk too.

"You too, Umma?" Jessie asked.

"Uh, no? I'm being perfectly innocent over here!" Key replied, trying to put on an offended look.

As Jessie stared at Key with raised eyebrows, Kai picked up Libby's phone that had gone off, bringing it across the court to her.

"Noona! Your phone went off!" Kai called out as he went.

"No, Kai, run!" Jessie said, completely in English. "Uh no wait... what is run in Korean? Oh dear. AHH someone help me, I've forgotten Korean!"

But even before Jessie could form a sentence in Korean, Libby had already squeezed Kai in a hug before taking her phone from him. Jessie pouted and waddled away to sit down beside Himchan.

"Oppa should of helped me." She complained to him.

"Uh, sorry?" Himchan blinked, surprised that she was even talking to him, considering she tended to ignore him nowadays.

Once Libby had checked the text she had got, she called over to Jessie, saying that Jaejin wanted help and that they had to go now. Jessie nodded, getting up and waving goodbye to everyone before following Libby out.


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