She's Back

A Crazy Life

The plane was about 30 minutes away from its destination as Jessie and Libby waited to start their new life in Korea.

It had been 2 and a half years since the two girls have left C.U.P.A and all their friends. since then they have started new careers and continued their studies when they could.

Libby has become a hairstylist and Jessie is now a trainee dance instructer, they had also been learning Korean as they have wanted to go there for ages and have been once to visit their friends, now they are going back to Korea to live there as they have both been offered jobs there.

During the years they had been gone, they had got more into K-Pop and a lot of their friends had also now debuted, making it even harder to talk to them. Because Baro and CNU and their group hadn't debuted yet, they would be going to stay with them until their apartment was ready, but they hadn't told them when they were going to come, wanting to surprise them.

They got off the plane once it had landed, heading towards baggage reclaim, talking excitedly as they waited on their suitcases. Taking them off the belt once they came around and walked out, heading towards the exit so they could get a taxi. They walked to the counter that done taxi services and asked for a taxi to the apartment building where B1A4 lived for the time being until they debuted, which wasn't for a while.

They continued to talk until the taxi came, loading their suitcases in before Jessie got into the back, frowning slightly as she remembered the last time she had got into a taxi and what had happened, she had avoided taxis back in Northern Ireland, though then again she had her car back there as well. Libby was about to get into the front seat before deciding against it and getting into the back with Jessie.

"I do not trust the front seat of taxis anymore." Libby explained as Jessie looked to her.

"Tell me about it," Jessie chuckled as the taxi drove off.

"Wonder how they'll react?" Libby said, chuckling a little.

"They will probably be confused as to why we didn't tell them that we decided to come a week earlier than planned." Jessie said.

"Hmmm.. probably." Libby replied.

Not long after, the taxi stopped outside the apartment complex and Jessie and Libby collected their bags and then made their way up to the B1A4 dorm, Libby knocked on the door and not long after, a half dressed Sandeul answered, looking very confused.

"Yah. What are you guys doing here? You're early... we're not prepared." Sandeul said.

"Nice to see you too, Sandeul oppa." Libby said, amused at the boy's reaction.

"Prepared for what?" Jessie asked. "We are only staying for a week." 

The three of them just stood there and stared at each other for a couple of seconds before the girls walked into the dorm to greet the rest of the boys.

"BARO! CNU! COME OUT HERE!" Sandeul yelled from the living room.

About 2 minutes later the two boys and also Gongchan and Jinyoung came out of their rooms to see what was going on, when they got to the living room they saw the two girls standing there with their bags.

"Hey guys... suprise!" Libby said.

"Omg! What are you guys doing here? You're early!" Baro said, before he ran towards both of them and hugged them.

"We decided to come early to suprise you guys." Jessie explained, as she was trying to push Baro away so she could get to CNU.

"I hope we didnt come at a bad time." Libby said, while still hugging Baro, she realised that they seemed like they where in the middle of getting ready to go out before they had arrived.

"Oh no its okay. we where just getting ready to go to B.A.P's dorm, they are having a party tonight, as it is their first night off in a while." Explained Jinyoung.

"But the party is actually not for another hour and half but we wanted to get ready now cause some of us take a while to get ready." Gongchan said, while looking at Sandeul and CNU.

"Hey! We dont take that long!" Sandeul complained.

"Noooo... of course you don't." Gongchan replied , sarcastically.

"Anyways, you guys should come too. They will be really happy to see you and some of the other guys will be there too." Baro said excitedly.

"Umm okay?" Jessie and Libby both answered.

They all sat in the living room and talked for a while so they could all catch up. It was mostly just Baro, Libby, CNU and Jessie talking about the uni days.

"Okay I'll show you two where you will be sleeping for the next week." Sandeul interrupted, as he relised that they had spent 20 mins talking and still needed to get ready for the party. 

He got up and started walking down the hall "follow me," he said, as he opened the door to the room at the end of the hall and walked in, while Jessie and Libby followed him.

"This room is mine and Gongchan's but we will be staying in with Jinyoung for the next week so you two can have this room. You can leave your stuff in here and get sorted for the party. We will be in the living room if you need us." Sandeul explained, before he left the two girls so they could get sorted before it was time to leave.

"Well better get ready then. I don't think there's much point in unpacking, if we are gonna be moving into our own place in a week,so I am just gonna leave my stuff in my suitcase." Libby said, while she was digging through it to find something to wear.

"Okay suppose I'll just do that too then." Jessie replied excitedly, whilst looking for something too, she could'nt wait to see the rest of their friends.

Just after an hour later they where all ready to go as they exited the apartment complex before heading towards B.A.P's place, which was only a five minute walk away.



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