
A Crazy Life

Libby walked around the salon, making sure everything was right, she would be leaving early today due to it being 2nd of March, which is Hongki's Birthday. She and Heechul, Hongki's best friend, would be distracting Hongki all day while Jessie and the others from F.T Island got their apartment ready. Himchan and Kyungsoo were set on cooking duties, while Jessie was to help Key and Zelo with the cake. They soon realised they didn't have enough ingredients to make the cake so Jessie asked Zelo to come to the shop with her to get them.

By this time, Libby had finished her shift and was on her way to meet up with Heechul so they could go collect Hongki from where they were to meet him. Jessie sent her a quick text telling her to avoid the supermarket when they came into town. Libby was reading and replying to that text when Heechul walked over.

"Okay, let's go get the birthday boy. What did you tell him we were doing today anyways?" Heechul asked.

"That we're going to go get his nails done and then go shopping, I said the others are busy and Jessie's too busy teaching a class, shhh! Oh and that we're going out for dinner later... so it'll be a surprise when we bring him back to his dorm instead!" Libby explained, grinning at her plan.

Heechul nodded in understanding, walking with her to the place Hongki said he would be, what they didn't expect was for Mir to be there too. Libby scowled when she saw Mir, because even though they look a like, she wasn't going to mistake Mir for Hongki any day, even though it would of been hard to, considering their hairstyles were completely different, now that Hongki had to change his hair for his debut, which happened the day before.

"Uh, hello Mir. we weren't expecting you..." Libby said, voicing her obvious confusion.

"Ah sorry! It's just we just got back together this morning." Mir said this like it was the most casual thing ever, like this happened constantly or something.

"What? How did I not know this?" Libby asked.

"Because it only happened this morning and really it's none of your business-"

"Yah Cheolyong-ah, don't be mean." Hongki scowled. "Now go away, I have a birthday treat to get to~"

"Sorry..." Mir bowed to Libby a few times, not unlike when they had first met back in University, before leaving them, walking back in the direction of his apartment block.

"So uh how did this happen?" Libby asked, scowling from the way Mir had talked to her.



Hongki was in his room, getting ready to go out with Libby and Heechul for his Birthday treat, he was excited to get his nails done and go shopping afterwards. He dressed in something simple but fashinable in his own way. His phone started vibrating, signalling that he had got a text and he reached over to his desk, picking it up. He blinked, a little surprised as the name 'Mir' appeared on his phone. Wondering why on earth Mir would be texting him now, he had already wished him a happy birthday at midnight. Maybe he forget he'd already said it. He opened up the text and his surprise became more apparent on his face.

'Hey Hongki hyung, uh can we meet up before you go out with Libby and Heechul?' the text read.

'Okay, what for and where?' he texted him back.

'You'll see... just outside our apartment block will do...' was the reply he got a few minutes later.

Hongki frowned as he pulled on a jacket and went out into the living area, telling his band members that he was leaving early because Mir wanted to talk to him, they all looked at each other and Jaejin raised an eyebrow. Hongki just shook his head at him, knowing why Jaejin was looking at him like that. Mir culdn't possibly want to get back together, not after the reason why they broke up. He wasn't just going to want to be with him again now just because he had debuted.

Hongki shoved his shoes on as he contemplated over these thoughts, walking out the door and down the corridor to the stairs, even more curious about what Mir wanted him for now that Jaejin had made him think about it. He walked through the lobby and out the main door, looking around for Mir. He spotted him and stopped to watch him for a moment since Mir hadn't noticed him yet. Mir seemed somewhat nervous, kicking at the ground with his shoe, he was also biting his lip in an obvious show of nervousness. Hongki was wondering why this was when Mir finally looked up and noticed him.

Mir gave him a nervous smile, waving him over with a hand, the other seemed to be hid behind his back, Hongki attempted to curiously look behind him but Mir just twisted away so he was facing Hongki at all times. Hongki raised an eyebrow in question before he gave up and instead decided to set Mir with an overall curious of why he was here expression. Mir cleared his throat a couple of times before he managed to find his voice.

"Uh, hi.." Was all he seemed to manage at first, before he shook his head, smiling at his own idioticness. "Sorry... I'm just.."

"Yah, Cheolyong-ah, what did you want me for?" Hongki asked, getting slightly impatient with the younger.

"Well I have been thinking... and this is probably going to sound so bad cause you'ved debuted now, but really I realised some time ago how stupid I had been and was being for breaking up with you over something as idiotic as I did. Also seeing how Libby reacted to what Yongguk said, which was basically what I had said to you... I realised what I must of made you feel like... I have no idea what made me think you would be fine with it..."

"There's no need to explain yourself, Mir-ah..." Hongki started but he was cut off.

"Aniyo, that's not what this is about.. let me finish, okay?" Mir had this pleading look in his eyes that made Hongki's heart melt a little.

"Mianhae, go on..." 

"I got scared, okay? That since we wouldn't see much of each other anymore that you'd get bored and break it off yourself and I got to thinking that it was probably best I do it first. I was being selfish, I know. I'm getting too off track though..." finally he pulled out what he'd been hiding behind his back the whole time, Hongki noticed him taking a deep breath before he went on. "I know this is normally a thing straight couples do but eh, screw that. Hongki... would it be so bad to have me back as yours? I miss you... I miss us..."

Hongki stared at him in shock as Mir opened the small bag he was carrying, lifted out a even smaller box and opened it, showing off the two rings. Hongki dropped his gaze to stare at them instead, his eyes widening even more if possible. He started stuttering.

"C-Cheolyong... what are they?"

"P-Promise rings... is- is it too much? I- I'm sorry!" Mir stumbled over his words, he looked close to tears.

"Omo... you didn't need to go to the trouble... c-can I?" Hongki lifted one of the rings out of the box.

Mir stared wide-eyed as Hongki lifted up his hand, sliding the ring onto his finger before looking teary eyed up at him.

"Of course I'll take you back, pabo. I still don't fully understand why you had to break up with me in the first place, I just always knew that if the day ever came I would always have you back. It was always you, Cheolyong-ah." Hongki explained as he rubbed at his eyes. "Now put the goddamn ring on me and kiss me, goddamnit."

Mir smiled widely as he lifted out the ring and slid it onto Hongki's finger, staring at it for a moment before pulling Hongki to him, crashing their lips together.

End of flashback

"Well, there you have it." Hongki finished, his cheeks red.

"Okay... wow. What is he promising with them." Libby asked, pointing to the ring as Hongki held up his hand so she could see.

"To never leave me again. To stay with me through everything thrown at us." Hongki smiled, biting at his lip. "I'm so happy~"

"I can tell... but we're going to be late." Heechul chuckled, speaking up for the first time since they met up with Hongki.

"All right, sorry!" Hongki said, grinning as he started walking, letting Libby and Heechul follow behind him.

"Right so first we go to get our nails done and then go shopping, sound good?" Libby asked as they made their way there.

"I want to get my ears pierced too, if that's okay?" Hongki grinned.

"Yeah we can do that too." Libby nodded.

"Sounds good to me." Heechul commented.

They continued on to get their nails done and then went onto the piericing place, going shopping afterwards, Libby once having to pull Hongki away from a certain shop because Jessie had texted her that she would be in there getting a few things they forgot for making the cake. Once Jessie and Zelo had got back to the dorms, they handed the stuff they bought to Key and set to finishing the cake.

"So what are we doing now?" Hongki asked as they left the last shop he had wanted to go to.

"Ah, I guess we can just bring you home then~" Libby said after checking her watch, seeing that it was close to the time.

"Oh, well okay then." Hongki nodded.

"Were you expecting there to be more?" Heechul asked, raising his eyebrow.


They talked all the way back, Libby sending Jessie a quick text saying they were close.

"Okay! Act normal!" Jessie told everyone. "He's coming~"

"Act normal?" Minho raised an eyebrow at her.

"Shut up..." Jessie replied.

A few moments later Hongki opened the door, with a slightly confused look as to why Libby and Heechul had insisted on coming up with him. He took a step back when he noticed all the people crowded in in the living area of his dorm.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all chorused.

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