
My Crazy Life

The bed sheet shuffled and V opened his eyes to see Soyeon was nowhere in sight. He sighed and went towards his luggage. The orange-haired boy took out a bottle of pill. Then, he took out a numerous amount of the dose and drowned it all down in his throat in one go. V felt dizzy and sighed. He climbed his bed and laid flat on the matress.


   The dizziness drowned V's mind and slowly he drifted into his unconsioucness. He imagined himself floating in the space. His eyes fluttered open and he saw the galaxy. Stars everywhere, planets here and there, and himself. Suddenly, he was in his middle school, his nightmare. Students surrounding him, judging him. He was a nerd back then. Voices broke through his mind.


   "Oh, look. The weirdo is here."


   "Oh, the alien guy."


   "How pathetic." 


   "Alien doesn't exist, you idiot!" 


   "He's a freak!" 


   V shutted his eyes close and covered his ears firmly. Yet, the cackles rang through his mind, insults everywhere and he yelled his lungs out. 






   V woke up with sweats all over his body. His bang stucked on his eyes as he rapidly gasped for air, like he was chocked. Then there went the drug, poisoning his mind and he laid back on his headboard. His mind was spinning, his body was numb.'Thank god tomorrow's Saturday...' 


    V felt nothing, empty and he cried. Strings of tears escaped his eyes. 


   "Stop it..." He whispered and hit his head continuosly and groaned loudly. He bit his lower lips to the verge it bled. The ironic taste of blood hit his taste bud and he like it. He suddenly remembered Soyeon. V glanced at his bedside table and saw the plate but the chicken was cold. He took the plate and went downstairs towards the kitchen.


   V threw the cold food into the dustbin and washed the plate. As he finished washing, he heard a sob. The boy frozed and he perked his ears and heard another sob. Cautiously, he went towards the source slowly and the sound became louder. 


   V squinted his eyes in the darkness and saw a figure, thanks to the dim light of the kitchen, a female, curled in a ball, then he realised it was the living room. He was scared but was also curious to death. He went closer, scaredness thrown away and curious overpowering his mind. The orange haired boy saw her hugging a frame, as he assumed.


   Then realization hit him, it was Soyeon. The brunnete rocked her body slightly as she weeped. She mumbled something incoherent like 'I miss you...' and 'Where are you?' also 'Why did you leave me...'


   If it was another situation, V would have screamed like a girl and ran around the neighbourhood. Yet, his body unconsciously reacted before his mind would process, and he hugged her tiny frame. Soyeon stiffened like a statue and V hugged her tighter, as if he was possessed. He rubbed her back soothingly and her body relaxed in his touch. The girl continued to cry and it was harder. Her hand gripped his shirt tightly and her head burried into his shoulder. She sobbed in an unknown rhythm.


   V's heart tightened as he realised she was alone. Again. Like that night. He thought, was she always like this?


   Soyeon finally knew the situation and slowly pushed V away. Her eyes unreadable, emotionless, red and puffy from crying, nose red and runny as her lips were trembling. His heart crashed and he didn't knew why.


   Soyeon's eyes widened and she suddenly took V into a tight hug, much to his suprise, as she sobbed."Why did you go?!" She cried and the boy who was confused, returned her hug."Don't go.... Please listen to me... Don't go..." She whispered and V merely nodded."I-I won't" He assured and her sobs and weeps soften.


   "I love you..." Soyeon confessed and V blinked then blushed."I--" "I love you, Baekhyunnie..."She continued and V who was opening his mouth slightly, shuts it quickly. Then silents took over the atmosphere, no more crying and weeping. Taehyung glanced at her face and it was peaceful. She was fast asleep. He sighed and carried her back to her bed. As soon as he was about to get out from her room, he caught a glance at a box lying across her room. He walked closer towards the suspicious material.


   V observed the box and founded it was locked. He took a glance at Soyeon's sleeping figure and as he was sure it was safe, he flickered the lock up and it opened slightly. 


   A piece of paper slid out of the box and V carefully took it. He then opened the folded piece of paper and read the content.


'To: Yeonnie


    Yeonnie, I'm sorry... I had to go, for your safety, your life, your everything. I'm sorry for not telling you the truth before I go. I'm so so sorry, Yeon.


    We can't stay together, I'm a bipolar. If I stay, you'll be in danger.I don't wanna hurt you... Yet, I will always love you, Yeonnie. I love you so much and I'm sorry for not confessing earlier. Just know that I love you more than my life. 


   You're my black pearl and I will always sail the sea to search for your beauty. I may not be by your side now as you read this letter, but I will always be in your heart, right? 





   V folded the piece of papers back to it's form and search through the box. He founded pictures, mostly selcas of her with Baekhyun, as he assumed. He was amused though, the Baekhyun guy had the similiarities as his. No wonder Soyeon had hugged him.


   The orange-haired boy sighed and placed the letters and pictures back to it's original place. Sending a last glance at Soyeon, V exited her room and dragged his feet back to his room. 


   V groaned as he locked his door. He had forgotten the drugs and it had infected his body fast."No no no no.....Clubbing, clubbing...Yes, clubbing it is." He said and grabbed his jacket before exiting the house towards the club.




   Morning rays hits Soyeon's face and she moaned. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand a few times, and blinked to adjust with the lights."What time is it?" She whispered and glanced at her alarm clock.


   7:45 A.M.


   The brunnete widened her eyes and jumped out of her bed."Oh god!! School!!" She shrieked and as she was about to enter the bathroom, realization hit her hard. It was Saturday. She facepalmed herself and sighed 'Yippie...' sarcastically.


   Soyeon decided to have a 'healthy' morning like how Jungri had told her. She started her day with a warm bath, followed by making breakfast. The hardest task of all. She took her charged phone and went downstairs, deciding to learn how to cook....an egg.


   As Soyeon got downstairs, she saw a half body. More like bodies, lying on the sofa, of HER house.




   Heyya guyyyyyyyyyzzzz!!!!!!!! Lol, I've wrote this right after I wrote the previous chapter as I already knew I'm gonna be lazy if I delay it for long and you guyz would be very curious to death after the cliffhanger. Well, that's it for the author's note because well....#toolazytowrite & #fingersnumbashell


Bye guyz!! 


Ps- Sasha, I (J) hope you'll comment #solonely #isolatedbycutiepies

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Ftislands #1
Chapter 6: sdjfhsfksh <3
Chapter 6: Omygoshhhhhhhhhhh you rlly aishhh. You know when im reading this im hearing to my answer suho, soo n baek. Its like baek is dead but i saw him in the tv lol. Great chap i love it. And that cha hakyeon part
taeeehyung #3
Chapter 6: omgomgomgomgomg
Chapter 5: Ahaha okay. First time i read x understand second time baru understand. Best cam slalu =}
Chapter 4: Eh haah la baru perasan cliffhanger... asal cliffhanger ='(
Eve-princess-tae #6
Chapter 4: Update soon authornim
I realllyyyy like it
Kiko_lula21 #7
Chapter 4: Heyya, guyyyyzzzz! Just a little note that in chappie 4 I accidentally made Jungri into Jungmi XD It was by accident and I am obviously #toolazy2reedit so I hope you guys will understand ^-^ Bye Bye ~~~
taeeehyung #8
update soon authornim i love you so much ok
Chapter 2: Hoho best chap ni
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