
My Crazy Life



   The same crashing sound came from the night which she scared most."O-Oppa..." Soyeon whimpered and hugged her knees as she sat by the door. Her grip tighten by her sleeves and she buried her face deeper into her knees."Where are you..." She cried as she sobbed. Again, the thunder came shaking the poor girl.


   "Soyeon..." A voice whispered and she covered her ears tightly."Soyeon-ah..." Again it cooed and she sobbed harder."GO AWAY!!!" She yelled and cried loudly to distract herself."Soyeon...Jagiya... It's me..." The voice whispered softly yet too loud for her ears and she screamed."LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She screamed and dialed N's number for the umpth hundred times. Again, in goes to the voicemail. She pushed the end call button and continued weeping.


   "Cha Soyeon... It's me, I'm here..." It came again."YOU DON'T EXIST!!!" She yelled and stood up. Quickly, she opened the door and ran away as fast as her feet can go, not even minding the cold rain drops wetting her body. She hears it again. The screaming, arguing and worstly, crashing. Soyeon accidentally ran into a person and collapsed on the floor.


   "Sorry.." She muttered weakly and got up."Lion?" A voice came from the person and she widened her eyes, turning her head towards V who was holding an umbrella for protection. A thunder came crashing and she yelled while collapsing onto the floor again."Bwahahaha!! Are you scared of thunder?!" He teased the crying girl and stopped."A-Are you crying?" He stuttered and looked worrily at the weeping girl."N-No!" She denied and stood up. Again, the thunder crashed, even louder than before and she yelled then collapsed again.


   Suddenly a warmness enveloped around her body. She look up and was wrapped in V's arm protectively."What are--" He hushed her and hugged tighter, umbrella forgotten."Shhh....It's okay, I'm here...It's me..." He cooed and her breath steadied.'It sounds...familiar...but diferrent...' she thought and he suddenly swifted her body on his left shoulder easily, making the other yelped in suprise.


   "Wh-wh-what?!!" She stuttered and he took his umbrella with his free hand."Shut up. I'm taking you home." He scoffed while rolling his eyes. Soyeon shut quickly and let him carry her home. Suddenly, he stopped walking."Hey, you should get on my back. I'll give you a ride, you'll be hurt if you're on my shoulder like that." He stated and placed her down. She hesitantly climbed on his back and he hoisted her higher, making her slightly yelp.


   "A...Aren't I'm h-heavy?" She asked and he smirked."Yeah, heavier than a 100 storey building!" He teased earning a knock on the head from her."That's so over the limit, alien." She said and rolled her eyes while he snickered."I'm just kidding...By the way, what's your name?" He asked her."Why would you need to know that?" She asked with wide sarcastic eyes."Oh, nothing. Just asking, lion." He shot back and she glared at him.


   When they arrived at her house, he placed her down at the door. V turned to leave but a hand gripped his sleeve tightly, preventong him from moving."V...Stay please..." Soyeon muttered weakly and he immediatly turn around."For real?! Uhm...I mean...Why? Scared?" He , expecting a punch yet she nodded shyly. He softened at her condition and sighed."Okay, I'll stay." He agreed and she smiled weakly."Thanks." She beamed and pulled him inside while giggling. Of course, he was shocked. How could a tomboy-ish girl became so cute? 


   "Seat here!" She demanded and he obeyed as she giggled again before running towards the kitchen. V examined her house and stood up to look at the pictures hanging on the wall. Weird. All there hanging were pictures of a girl and a boy, with three other bodies but had their faces covered with drabbles of markers. Then, he noticed a picture of her with N.'Is that...' He widened his eyes.'Isn't that N from VIXX ?!!' He shrieked in his thought as he secretly squealed for fanboying.'Are they connected?' His squeal suddenly becaming a frown.


   "Alien!" She beamed from behind of him and he startled, making her giggle."You scared me." He said and held his chest."Sorry...Hehehe. I made hot chocolates!" She said and held a mug up to his face. His eyes lit up and took the mug automatically. She dragged him by his sleeves to the sofa and sat down, V following after.


   He sipped the chocolate and widened his eyes."Daebak! This, is the best hot choco I've ever tasted." V complimanted and she blushed."Thanks." She said and he nodded."Umm...Isn't that N from Vixx?" He suddenly asked, voice slightly higher while pointing towards her picture with N."Oh Yeah...That's my older brother." She answered and sipped her drink casually while V's eyes were nearly popping out of it's socket."Really?!" He exclaimed and she nodded. Again, he squealed in his mind.


   "He must've come home rarely." He said suddenly and she looked down."Yeah.." She agreed with a sad tone which was noticed by V."You okay?" He asked and she quickly nodded."Just, tired..." She stated and there were a moment of awkward silence."Thanks for companying me... You can go after having your hot chocolate." She informed and he frowned."Are you sure?" He asked and she simply nodded."Okay, then." He said then stood up, action followed by Soyeon."Yeah, I think it's getting late after all." She stated as she glance at the clock.


   "Oh Wow! Yeah, I gotta go now! Bye~" He bid as he exited her house, not waiting for her reply. A moment of silence came when she blurted."Wait, why am I being nice to him? And how the hell, he knows my house?!" She asked herself and glanced at her picture with N then her jaws dropped in realisation."He's a fanboy, isn't he?!" She exclaimed and grinned."Heh, Oppa. You didn't even told me you have fanboys too! A sasaeng to be sure!" She said while looking at their pictures and chuckled. 


   What Soyeon didn't know, V himself is her neighbour just beside.






  Uhemm...Heyyaaaa guyzzzzz!!! I'm back with the third chappie which is completely boring for me as a reader/authour. I'm so so so so so so so so so so so SORRY! I'll try my best to update for my cutiepies and please wait for me to update 🙏🙏🙏 And I'm sorry again because I'll be updating after a few months later...Sorry!!!! 🙇🙇🙇 Plz forgive this not-even-near-to-amateur authour!! Pretty please with a cherry on top! Finally, Sorry again and 안녕 ~


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Ftislands #1
Chapter 6: sdjfhsfksh <3
Chapter 6: Omygoshhhhhhhhhhh you rlly aishhh. You know when im reading this im hearing to my answer suho, soo n baek. Its like baek is dead but i saw him in the tv lol. Great chap i love it. And that cha hakyeon part
taeeehyung #3
Chapter 6: omgomgomgomgomg
Chapter 5: Ahaha okay. First time i read x understand second time baru understand. Best cam slalu =}
Chapter 4: Eh haah la baru perasan cliffhanger... asal cliffhanger ='(
Eve-princess-tae #6
Chapter 4: Update soon authornim
I realllyyyy like it
Kiko_lula21 #7
Chapter 4: Heyya, guyyyyzzzz! Just a little note that in chappie 4 I accidentally made Jungri into Jungmi XD It was by accident and I am obviously #toolazy2reedit so I hope you guys will understand ^-^ Bye Bye ~~~
taeeehyung #8
update soon authornim i love you so much ok
Chapter 2: Hoho best chap ni
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