~A New Chapter With You~

My Crazy Life

  Soyeon woke up to the blaring light of the sun from the cabin’s window. She furrowed her eyebrows, a habit of hers whenever she woke up to sudden brightness, and when her vision had adjusted itself from blurry, she turned to her right and saw him , Kim Taehyung, her husband. The man she would be spending the rest of her life with. Hopefully. Soyeon observed the facial features of her husband, not wanting to miss any single details and a smile crept up her face. A warm feeling nuzzled in her heart, heartbeat beating at an irregular pace and she began to wonder ‘Is this what they call as...love?’ then she lifted her gaze towards the newly worn diamond wedding band fitted on her ring finger. She caressed it as she stared, a flashback of the wedding day was still fresh in her mind.

  “I do.”

  The words that played on repeat ever since it came out of their mouths made Soyeon felt like that moment was the best decision for her. She would be starting a new chapter in life with him, Kim Taehyung. She would be playing her own fairytale with that particular young man from that moment on. She would be continuing the love story she had left hanging before, but with someone else who she hoped would bring out the better in her. “Good morning, lion.” V’s deep hoarse voice greeted her who was blushing a light hue of red when she was caught staring at him. Okay, I didn’t know he was awake… “O-oh,um...H-Hi,uh..” Soyeon stuttered and paused abruptly when he slowly opened his eyes, the beautiful brown orbs stared into hers. The brunette felt her face burning hot red, so she turned her head away to the window and that brought laughter to the husband.

  “What’s with the sudden shy little cat personality you’re pulling off now, huh?” V questioned which made her flush into a deeper shade of red. Soyeon decided to remain in silence, the best choice she thought it would be. “Now you’re playing mute?” V and she thought it was slowly turning into a sickening game of ‘teasing-and-annoying-the-lion-’, but she still took in her composure to stay silent. “Hey, hey, hey, hey--” he started off and there goes the last string. “What do you want, you--” Soyeon turned her head to her right, was about to give him a piece of her fist but then halted in her words when she realized the small distance between them. She could literally feel his breath ghosting on her nose. V smirked when he knew he had caught the girl off guard and decided to tug on her more. “What you wanna say, princess?” he whispered and inched a bit closer towards her, his eyes trapped on her soft lips. Soyeon was beaten red and she looked like she would explode in any moment later. “Wanna do what we did on the wedding altar again, baby?” V whispered and Soyeon’s eyes widened when she replayed the scene where their lips collided after they were announced as newlyweds.

  “Get off!” She half-screamed a whisper and shoved his body slightly away from her before looking away. Her heart was beating an insane pace and she took a moment to remember how to breathe because she swore she held in too much oxygen, it turned out suffocating herself. Meanwhile, V was cracking up beside her while he wiped away invisible tears. “Attention to all flight attendants, please be prepared for landing. We will be arriving soon.” The stewardess announced and proceeded to request for all passengers to seat at their own seats also fasten their seatbelts. A few more minutes later, the plane had safely landed on one of the lanes in the well-known Toronto Pearson International Airport. Soyeon observed through the window with agape as she had never step on the land of Canada before.

  “Hurry up, Mrs. Kim. This plane is not yours for you to stay in it even after arriving.” V snapped her out of her own thoughts and she gave him a quick glare before getting up from her seat after unbuckling the seatbelt. “Can you stop with all of the nicknames, alien?” Soyeon growled and he scoffed as his hands were busy pulling out the luggage from the overhead compartment. “Says the one that had never called me by my real name.” V replied and gave her an unreadable look before smiling thinly. “Here.” He gently shoved her bag at her and turned away to the exit, leaving her behind. Soyeon stood still on her place, shock written all over her face. Is he mad at me? She thought but was snapped out when a passenger behind her told her to move it. Soyeon muttered a sorry, slung her pastel coloured drawstring onto her shoulders and hurried her way up to the exit.

  “V?” Soyeon called out as she entered the arrival hall. Her eyes danced to her surroundings which were full of people rushing here and there. “V?” She tried once again and took a few steps forwards but there wasn’t even a bit of his sight. Soyeon began to panic and she muttered a few curses under her breath, constantly blaming herself for what she just said to him in the airplane. She tried to call out his name one more time and if he still wasn’t in sight, she literally would hand in a report to the missing child office.

  “Kim Taehyung!”

  “Here I am, sweetheart.” A pair of hands secured her waist from behind, forming a back hug, and Soyeon jumped a bit. She spun around and met with a smiling face of her cheeky husband. “Oh my god, I thought I would lose sight of you…” She trailed off and gave him a quick hug. V was caught off guard due to the sudden hug but then, he should be a bit more aware of her. “Ouch!” The man yelped as he grabbed hold of his right foot which was stubbed by hers maybe a bit too harshly. “You jerk! What do you think you’re pulling off, idiot?” Soyeon shrieked and that had attracted the attention of some other passengers around them, who then continued on their own business. “Aww, can’t I pull a bit of a lovey dovey prank on my wife, can I, sweetie?” V cooed, wriggling his eyebrows up and down, then chuckled as Soyeon pulled off a stank face her brother used to teach her. “You really wouldn’t stop with all the cutesy nickname, would you?” The brunette said and the other could only shrug. “Let’s go and get a cab, I already got the luggage here with me.” V announced and Soyeon peeked at the luggage in his hands. “Since when did you get them?” She asked. “What do you think I was doing when you went mad just now?”

  Soyeon rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk towards the airport’s exit, which V followed suit. They found a cab and loaded their belongings into the trunk. V jogged up to the door and opened it wide on purpose to be a gentleman for her but then he got rejected when she went to the other side of the cab instead. The two got into the cab and closed the door almost at the same time. “Why can’t I be a gentleman for a moment?” V asked and she chuckled. “When will you ever get to be a gentleman?” She questioned him with a quirked eyebrow. He replied her question with a smirk before he moved his body closer towards her and inched his face towards her face. “Maybe tonight.” He whispered into her ears and the next second, she was resembling a tomato. Soyeon shoved him away and turned her head to the window as he snickered under his breath.  Their moment was interrupted by a cough from the driver.

  “Uhm...Not wanna interrupt your moment here but may I know where you two will be heading?” The driver said with an awkward tone. V told him the address and the driver thanked the male before he started the engine, a signal that they were ready to go. “I’ll miss them…” Soyeon mumbled as she gazed at the beautiful scenery of Toronto. V averted his gaze from his side of the window to look at her, his eyes soften when he saw the saddening facial expression of hers. “Who?” He asked. Soyeon looked at him and he felt his heart stopped beating for a second or two. “Mom and Dad, Hakyeon Oppa and the Vixx members, Junghwa and Jungkook…” She mumbled and her lips curved into a smile. V smiled softly and he scooted towards her. Soyeon gave him a wary glare, a warning for him to do no funny business but then it melted away when he placed his hand on her head and gently her silky hair. “Don’t worry. We can call them anytime you want to.” V reassured her and her smile widened a bit more. She stared at the silver bracelet shining at her wrist with a longing expression.




  Soyeon spun around as soon as she heard the twins’ voice calling her from behind who was running up to her from the school gate. The Jeon twins attacked her into a tight hug and she had to gasp for oxygen as it was too tight for her own likings. “Too...tight…” She gasped and the twins immediately let her go. “Whoops, sorry!” They apologized at the same time. She took a couple of breaths and chuckled. “It’s okay, guys.” She assured them and gave a bright smile. “We’re gonna miss you so much, Unnie,” Jungri whined as she pulled the older girl into another hug, just a bit more gentle that time. Soyeon chuckled fondly and returned the hug. “I’ll miss you guys too.”

  “Cha Soyeon!” A voice called out and Soyeon looked behind the two siblings, a smile crept up her lips as she saw the owner of the walking figure. “Jimin!” She hollered out and the male jogged his way up towards the brunette. “You kid. Quitting school and didn’t even warn me? Nice way to say goodbye.” Jimin mumbled with a pout and Soyeon giggled. “Sorry, it was a sudden decision.” She apologized and the other male ruffled her hair. “It’s okay,”  Jimin said and she smiled. “Noona, are you going to visit us someday?” Jungkook asked curiously and Soyeon laughed softly. “Of course, coconut head.” Soyeon teased the younger male who gave her a quick glare before pouting like a baby.

  “You’re mean.”

  “I’m just kidding, coconut head.”

  Soyeon laughed and apologized once more but properly. “So I guess here’s goodbye then.” She concluded, a sad smile hanging on her lips. They did the last group hug and a car pulled up beside them, it was Soyeon’s ride. They separated from the group hug as well as bid their last few goodbyes. Soyeon trudged her way to the car and when she was about to enter the car, Jimin called out her name. Soyeon spun around and saw the male was right in front of her and his fist was right up her face. “What?” She asked, confused. “Tada!” He cheered as he opened his fist to present her a silver bracelet with a charm carved in a letter ‘S’. Soyeon gasped in amusement and complimented on how beautiful the bracelet was. The other chuckled and took her right arm. “It’s even more beautiful if you wear it,” He stated as he clicked the bracelet on her pale wrist.

  “Thank you, Jimin.” Soyeon said and took him into a hug which he returned, in a mixture of sad and happiness. “Go,” Jimin instructed and patted her back. She gave him a last smile and waved goodbye at the twins behind him. She got into the car and shut the door. Soyeon heard a sudden tap on the window and saw Jungkook towering over the window. “What is it, Jungkook?” She asked. “Where are you moving to, anyway?” Jungkook asked with curiosity embed in his eyes. She hung her head low for a moment and bit away an apologetic smile before facing up to him.


  “WHAT?!” The three shrieked in unison and tried to stop the car. Unfortunately, they were a few steps late as it was already moving fast ahead of them. Soyeon shouted an apology at the poor trio left behind her, shock written all over their entire face. “Yah, Cha Soyeon! I thought it was in Korea but ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! CANADA?!” Jimin screamed the few last words as he tried to chase after the car but stopped to gasp for air. Soyeon looked back with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, guys.” She muttered as she repositioned herself back to face front. The brunette ran her finger across the charm of the bracelet with sad longing smile. “Why am I already missing you guys?” Soyeon sighed as she glanced the view outside of the window.

  “Rest,” V’s voice snapped her out of her trance and she gave him a slight glance. “Thank you,” Soyeon whispered before looking back at the bracelet. V smiled and he repositioned them to sit properly. He took her head and placed it on his shoulder. Soyeon was tensed at first but then relaxed after a few moments. She made herself comfortable at first before her eyelids slowly began to feel heavy. V too felt himself drifting into dreamland and everything went silent to his ears.


  Soyeon felt a hand shaking her shoulder and she slowly opened her eyes from her sleep. “Hey, wake up.” V’s voice echoed in her head. She took a couple of seconds to register her surroundings and turned her head back to his face. “...Where are we?” Soyeon asked with a hoarse voice. V sighed, took her arm and pulled her out of the cab. The brunette, who was still half awake, furrowed her eyebrows as she was hit by the sunlight. “We have arrived, young mistress.” V said in a mocking tone. Soyeon stretched her tensed limbs and relieved a sigh. She looked in front of her and saw a beautiful country villa. Around the villa laid a beautiful landscape of flowers in a variety of colours. “Wow…”

  Meanwhile, V took out their belongings out of the cab and gave the fare to the driver through the driver’s window. The two men exchanged a ‘thank you’ to each other before the cab drove away. V turned around, saw his wife watching her surroundings in awe and he smiled. The brunet walked his way up to her side before placing a hand on her shoulder. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” V spoke and the latter nodded. “This is our new house here in Canada.” He stated and she looked at him, a smile still plastered on her lips. They stared at each other with a smile on each other’s lips. “Ours,” Soyeon muttered and he smiled wider before they averted their attentions back to their surroundings. They took a few more minutes to dwell in the beautiful scenery before the male invited her to take a look in the house.

  Soyeon gasped as she saw the interior of their new house. It looked just the way she had dreamt her ideal house to be, only better. It had the country yet modern vibe in it and just the perfect size. “I bought this house based on your taste. I heard from Omma that you like the country vibe. You like it?” V asked the female who had cupped in pure surprise. She gave him a look before taking him into a hug. “I love it, I love it, I love it so much!” She squealed in the hug and V took  a moment to process what was happening before he slowly returned the hug with a few pat on her back. Soyeon pulled away slightly to stare into his eyes. “Thank you.” She said as they stared into each other’s eyes in each other’s embrace.


Heyya guys! I'm back with a new fresh chappie from the oven! So since school holidays finally strike here in my country, and also the fact that I'm free from boarding school, I can update a few more chapters!! Wohoo \^o^/ So hope you guys like this chapter and oh, I forgot to tell you guys that I now use my computer to write the stories and some phone users will have difficulties to read this chapter and the chapter onwards, maybe most of the phone users might be unable to read the chapters with comfort. Anyways, If you guys have such a hard time reading my stories, I advice you to use your computers or laptops to read. If there's no problems, please ENJOY!! To new readers, or my ghost readers, please subscribe and leave some comments! Upvotes are much appreciated tooo!! Love you guys, Bye!

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Ftislands #1
Chapter 6: sdjfhsfksh <3
Chapter 6: Omygoshhhhhhhhhhh you rlly aishhh. You know when im reading this im hearing to my answer suho, soo n baek. Its like baek is dead but i saw him in the tv lol. Great chap i love it. And that cha hakyeon part
taeeehyung #3
Chapter 6: omgomgomgomgomg
Chapter 5: Ahaha okay. First time i read x understand second time baru understand. Best cam slalu =}
Chapter 4: Eh haah la baru perasan cliffhanger... asal cliffhanger ='(
Eve-princess-tae #6
Chapter 4: Update soon authornim
I realllyyyy like it
Kiko_lula21 #7
Chapter 4: Heyya, guyyyyzzzz! Just a little note that in chappie 4 I accidentally made Jungri into Jungmi XD It was by accident and I am obviously #toolazy2reedit so I hope you guys will understand ^-^ Bye Bye ~~~
taeeehyung #8
update soon authornim i love you so much ok
Chapter 2: Hoho best chap ni
빠르게 업데이트 하십시오.