The painful past; part 2

Only you

Tao' POV:

Where is _________? I haven't seen her at the end of the class. Ahh, I want to find out why she was sad. Anyway, where is Kris? He just disappeared all of a sudden. Wait a minute. THAT LITTLE ER! He is with her, isn't he. Oh, it's on YiFan. Remember what I said? Well I always stand behind my words.


"Tao, listen. I know you fell for her, but she's mine. So, step away. I already gave up on that other girl, but I won't give up on ________ this time. You will only hurt her.",how dare does he say that.

"You don't even know me YiFan. I won-", he cut me in the middle.
"Yes I do Tao. You only get atracted to looks. And that's why you were left behind last time.", I looked at the floor,"I am right, huh? Well, you deserved that. You were a total jerk. And she is a too anyway. She made you act so bad. Yo-", I've had enough.
"Don't you dare say her name and call her a ", I grabbed his shirt,"cause I will beat you up.", he just laughed.
"Hahahah. You really are a brat Tao and you have really changed.", I don't care.
"People change, YiFan.", I started walking away from him.
"Oh, and one more thing. ________ will be mine.", I hissed.
"Just dream about it. She will be mine, I give you my word.", I left after that.

     End of flashback.

I was now running, but I didn't know were. They could be anywhere. Suddenly, I saw two students through a window. They were standing next to eavhother in the garden. It's them! I made my way to the garden.

Kris' POV:

"__________!", I heard someone calling her name. It was Tao. He eyed me, and stepped near her.
"Yes?", she replied a bit confused.
"May I go home with you?", THAT LITTLE ER! He looked at me and smiled like an idiot.

"Well, you can, but tomorrow.", he then looked at her and I was the one smiling now.
"Why not today?", he asked.
"Because, I have something planed with V, sorry. I promise we will go home together tomorrow.", Tao nodded.
"Well, anyways, I gotta get going. See you guys!" , she waved a goodbye and we waved back. Once she left, Tao and I looked at eachother.
"YOU!", we both yelled.


Your POV:

I made my way to the exit. There is one brown haired boy, standing next to a three. He is about 1.78cm tall and is skinny. His eyes are a bit bigger ang he has fishy lips. I came near him.
"Hey.", was all I said. I was about to tell him the story of my life.
"Hey there. I thought you forgot about me.", he rufled my hair, and I rolled my eyes.
"What do you whant?", I asked trying to sound like I am bored, but I was actually really happy that he gad been waiting for me.
"Well, I want a car and a kiss.", he smiled and pointed at his right cheek. I smiled and slapped that ceeck gently. He made a sad face.

"We should get going.", I said and started walking. I knew that he was right behind me.
"Well, are you gonna tell me?", I looked at him.
"Yes, but listen.", he looked at me with a questionable look.
"I don't want anyone else to know this.Ok?", he nodded and said nothing more.
"Okay then, All you need to know is that I am adopted. I don't know where I am from or who are my parents. I was 3months old when my parents left me. They didn't want me for some reason. My grandma did the same thing. She left me on the street and that's when my present mom and dad found me. I am thankfull for that, but it hurts. My real parents didn't even care about me.", I started crying again, "I was obviusly a-", V cupped my face with his hands.
"Don't you dare say that. Your parents were wrong for leaving you. You are such an amazing girl and you're a good person. They don't know who thay left behind. I bet that thay don't know that they have made a big mistake. Please, don't be sad beacause of that. I know it hurts, but you have to forget about it. I was in the past.", he then wiped off my tears and hugged me tightly.
"I will try.", I said while sobbing.
"That's my girl.", we stod like that for some time. I stopped crying and felt much better. We were on the sidewalk, and didn't care that people were watching us. A car horn scared us both. We saw a black BMW. And the driver was my brother, Sehun. He opened the car window and stopped near us.
"Yehet. Want me to give you two a ride home?", he asked and smiled like a fool.
"Sure.", V and I replied.
"Then , get in.Anyway, I didn't know that my sister has already got a boyfriend.", he smiled like a fool again. I threw my backpack at him through the open window, but he caught it and started laughing. V was watching us and just smiling.
"Do you want me to give you to more time for your love stuff, or, are you gonna come in.", I gave him a dead glare.
"He is just my best friend, Sehun.", he makes me go crazy. He may be an adult, but acts like a 5year old kid sometimes.
"Ouch. FRIENDZONED!",he yelled and we got into the car. V and I were sitting on the back seat.
"Well, anyways, I am Xi Sehun.", he said and V replied:
"Nice to meet you sir. I am Kim TaeHyung, but you can call me V.", he bowed a bit while sitting. He is so funny.

"So, V, where do you live?", sehun asked.

"Well, I live in the house next to yours. In ShoiJio street. My house is nu,ber 121. and you're is 119, I guess.", Sehun nodded.
"Well, it's nice to meet you. Glad you are our neighbor.

We came home. Everyone was bussy and I was really confused. Everything was decorated. There were bunch of drinks and there wa so much food. I wanna eat! I'm so hungry. Well why not tke one of this deli-.
"Thats for the party!", LuHan slapped my hand.
"What party?!", I looked at him. A PARTY? WHAT?!

"Didn't you know? Mom and dad invited everyone from the street.", my mouth fell open.
"WHAT?!", I yelled. Mom walked in a few seconds after.
"Hey seety, welcome home. Sorry for not telling you about the party. I just know that you are always so picky about everything.", that's not true!
"No problem...... Just please tell me next time.", I sighted.
"Sure. How was your day at school?", Sehun came into the kitchen.
"She was with her boyfriend the whole time, but she friendzoned him so hard in the car.", I threw the nearest thing on him.
"Shut up already! He is not my boyfriend! What should I say about that nice girl yo-", he looked at me with a mighty glare. I knew I went to far.
"Well, aren my brother and sister showing love to eachother like always.", LuHan pulled us both in a tight hug.
"Awww. You kids are so cute.", my dad came in the kitchen too and pecked moms lips.
"Well they are for sure! Anyway, _______, you're coming with me.", my mom pulled into my room, upstairs. There was a cute light blue dress on my bed. There was a box too. I opened it and found a nice pair of blue shoes.
"Do you like it?", I nodded slowly. My mom knows that I don't like dresses and skirts, but I would wear them for her.

"Can you please wear it for tonight?", I smiled.
"Yes, I guess.", she pulled me into a tight hug. I had to break the happy moment.
"Mom, may I ask you something?", she looked at me.
"Of course, anything you whant.", I looked at the floor.
"Did you and dad really want me to be your kid?", she looked at me for a second and smiled sadly.
"Listen, sweety, dad and I love you so much just like we love LuHan and Sehun. We took you, cause we knew that you are gonna be a wonderfull kid. And please, don't think about that anymore. I just whant you to know that everything is how I waned to be. We are a happy family. And we love eachother. So please don't worry my dear baby girl.", she hugged me again.
"Mom, thank you.",she fondled my back.
"You're welcome.", we stod there like that for a minute.
"I guess I should take a bath.", my mom nodded and smiled.
"That's my pretty girl. Take your time.", that was all she said before she left my room.


It was 18:40 o'clock. I have 20 more minutes to put some makeup on. I already got the dress and the shoes on. I putted mascara on my eyelashes a black pencil on my water line and a bit of sparkly skin color eyeshadow on my eye. I took my shiny lipgloss and that was all for my lips. I let my hair fall on my sholders, since it is curly. I was now ready. When I came outside I saw Sehun, who is wearing slim black pants and a white dress-shirt. LuHan was dressed the same. They were both staring at me. I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I blushed and looked at the floor.
"Wow sis, you look even prettier than usual.", LuHan said and stepped near me.
"You really look god.", Sehun added and I just smiled.
"Well, both of you look really manly.", I said. And it was true. They look really handsome. We went downstairs to meet with our parents. My mom started squealing when she saw me.
"Sweety! You look so cute and pretty!", she is wearing black slim dress, that is coming only to her knees. She made a nice ponny tail. She has red lipstick on , mscara  and a bit of black eyeshadow on the outer corner of her eye. What a beautiful women. My dad must be glad she is only his. The doorbell suddenly rang. The first guests are alr eady here. My mom went to greet the guests 1st, while Sehun , LuHan and I wated for our turn. Our dad was also with our mom. A  well dressed lady walked in. She also has two soons. I knew who it was. V and his family. He is wearing a nice black suit, just like his brother. He was stearing at me the whole time. A nice ,small, fancy lady came near me.
"Hello! You must be Xi ________! You really look pretty darling!", I bowed deeply.
"It's nice to meet you Mr-", she cut me.
"Oooh, just call me Ji-Hyun", I bowed again and nodded. She then greated my brothers. V and his brother came near me.
"Wow, you really look great.", V said and I blushed.
"Thanks, you two look handsome too.", his brother smiled and got his hand out for me.
"I am Rap Monster.", I greeted him.

"My name is Xi ________. It's nice to meet you.", we both bowed and he smiled.
"The pleasure is all mine.", he said and V fisted his sholder.
"Stop flirting with her.",he said a bit annoyed. My brothers then came near.
"Hey Monster, what's up man?", Sehun said and greeter him in a man way.
"Not much, how about you?", Rap Monster replied.
"Well, I am ready to party like an animal and pick up some girls.", I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, just dream about it.", I said and pated Sehuns head , so he gave me a poker face and the other tree started laughing. The doorbell rang again. Our mom got the door, while my dad was with V' parents. A cute couple and a guy came into the room. The goy is really cute. He has short hair, a bit smaller eyes and his face is a bit round, but he is so slim. He was probably fat earlier. He has nice ,slim, gray pants on and a gray dress-shirt too. He reminds me of a hamster. My brothers and I greeted his parents, and when he came on turn he said:
"Lulu!", and LuHan and he hugged.

Well guys, that's all for today. Hope you like the story yet. Remember, if you like, then substribe! Thank you for 4 subscribers *0*. I AM SO HAPPY!

See you in the next chapter! Saranghae! <3 (-^'.^-)

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Hey guys, tnx for reading this. It really tok me long to write this. I hope you like it.


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bazohai #1
can you do a request fro me about chen?^^ i rally like your fanfictions
This is written in a form of a diary,hope you don't mind. ^^