
Only you

Baekhyuns POV:

"Baekhyun!", she said while running twoards me. She had a worried look on her face.
"Are you ok?" ,she is so beautifull when she is worried.
"Yeah, I'm ok. Anyways, I wanna say sorry for what I did.", she stopped and our eyes met.
"Are you joking with me? I should be the one apologizing to you. I relly didn't mean t-"
"No, you're wrong. I whanted to mess with you, cause Tao likes you.", she widened her yes, and I realized what I just said. TAO IS GONNA KILL ME!
"Ummm, he likes me?", I looked at her again, she blushed a bit. She's so cute. Baekhyun! What have you done? I gluped and cleared my throat.
"Oh, yeah....just....please don'ttellhimthatItoldyou!", she looked at me a bit confused.
"Umm, can you repeat that slowly please, I didn't understand you a thing.", I gluped again.
"Please........don't........tell....................hi-", she cutted me in the middle.
"Talk in normal speed!",this is torture.
"Ummm,ok. Please don't tell him that I told you that he likes you.", she pulled me out of the sport hall and brought me outside of the school.
"Ok, Baekhyun, please tell me for rel now. DOES TAO LIKE ME, or are you just joking?", She was serious now.
"He does. And I was not supposed to tell you, but I accidently did and he is going to kill me if he finds out that I told you.", I looked at the floor.
"It's ok. He won't find out. I just needed to know were you serious.", she smiled and then looked away at the sky.
"________, do you like Tao?", I asked and she blushed.
"Yes. I mean......ummm.....NO! What's wrong with you?", she pushed my chest and ran back inside. I giggled.
"You really are one of a kind, _________.",after looking at the light blue sky I went home, just like the nurse told me.
It's so borning at home! I don't know what to do! All my friends are in school, and I am laying on my sofa, at my house, like an idiot. Miley Cyrus is twerking on the stage again, and I can't change the channel, because I don't know where the TV controler is...... this. I turned my head sround, trying to ignore the TV. I heard my mom coming downstairs.
"Hi deary, how are you feeling?", she gave me a warm smile. My mom is a really nice and beautifull women. She is always so cind and loving. Everyone loves her.
"I'm fine, but it's so boring. I wish I was i was in school now....", she laughed a bit.
"Well sweety, we have new neighbors and your father and I are invited to theit house, since they invited everyone from the street. The're throwing a party tonight, and you can come if you whant. I heard that they have a lovley daughter.", a girl, nice. Guess it will be nice to flirt with someone new. Well, I am bored as , so I guss I'll go.
"Sounds good to me.", my mom smiled and went into the kitchen saying.
"Your friends are gonna be there too. Btw. the party starts at seven o'clock, so start getting ready!", I looked at the wall clock. ! It was 17:41 o'clock. I ran upstairs right into the bathroom, and started showering.
Your POV:

I ran inside, cause I was to shy to tell Baekhyun that I like Tao. I mean, he is bad at ceeping secrets, obviously. The lesson came to an end, anuways. We went to our locker rooms to change. Everyone was tired, and yet we had more lessons. Well, hello schooll! I bet this year is gonna be interesting. I really like it here.

It's time for our last class-music. We were in our classroom when two handsome guys walked in. One had short black hair, and was a bit more musclar than the other one. The other, shorter guy had a bit longer hair. He was looking a bit funny, but handsome as well. Everyone seemed to be afraid of them. I don't know why. They walked towards Tao , YiFan , Chanyeol , V and Suga. The boys stopped talking and looked at them. The taller guy said:
"Well,well,well. Who do we have here?", no one replied, so the younger one laughed a bit and started teasing them:
"What's wrong? Did a kitty cat eat your tounge Chanyeol? We all know how mush you like to talk.", Chanyeol just looked at the floor not saying a thing. Tao suddenly spoke up:
"What do you whant Taeyang and G-dragon?", the two guys looked at him, and the other one garbed his shirt and pushed him to the wall.
"What do I whant? I whant you gone.", Tao pushed the guy named GD away from him , and I was so surprised, because I didn't know what was going on.
"It's not my fault that your gilrfriend is a . I didn't even know her, so off.", Tao made his shirt again and GD and Tao were now looking at eachother. I was really confused, so I asked CL what was going on. She promised to tell me later. Taeyang came closer to GD and we all knew what was about to happen. They whanted to start a fight, actually GD whanted to beat up Tao, so he pushed him. I ran to them and pushed GD away:
"Why don't you clam down before I beat the outta you? We are still at school, so off!", i said ,and he laughed. It was a fake laugh.
"Is this your girfriend Tao? She looks a bit cute. And it's pathetic that she is defending you.", he putted a hand out for me:
"I am G-dragon, and this is my brother Taeyang.", I looked at both of them and vrosed my hands on my chest.
"Good for you. Now, could you leave me and my boyfriend alone we need some privacy.", I gave him a fake smile and hi smirked.
"Well it is nice to meet you. Anyways, I will see you after school Tao.", he started walking twoards the door.
"Sorry, but we have somithing planned for after school.", I grabbed Taos hand and when GD turned arround I gave him a fake smile and winked at kim. He made a 'whatever' face, and went out of the classroom. Right after the brothers left, I spun aroun to face Tao, who was red as a tomato. I saw him looking at our hands. I felt my ceecks getting hot , so I let go of his hand:
"Now, explain me what's going on with you and him. And why didnlt the rest of you help Tao? And who is the girl you are talking about?", everyone was looking at me now. Tao spoke up:
"Well, GD was our god friend, but his girlfriend hated us. So one da-", a pretty woman walked into our classroom. It was our music teacker Mrs. Park Boom. We sat on our places.
"Hello class, I am Park Boom, but you can call me Mrs. Boom", we were all staring at the pretty lady. She has lng ,straight, brown hair. Her face is a bit small, and her eyes are medium size. She looks really nice. I've heard that she loves wearing skirts,not to mention that she is wearing a light blue one now. She sat at her board.

"You all know that I am your music teacher. Right?", we nodded.
"Okay, Then let me tell you what we will be doing in this year.", she opened a small notebook and grabbed a pen.
"Let's see, since I am a new teacher, I whant you to tell me a little something about you all. I need your names, and I whant to know if you sing, dance or play any instruents.", we started.

[A\N: I am going to put informations only for your friends, cause it will take me to long to make up random names and talents.^^]

"My name is Suga, and Min YoonGi, and I am god at ", Suha said and leaned back on his chair,"Friends call me Suga.", he finished.
"Well, nice to meet you Suga. I am expecting a lot from you.", she gave him a beaityfull eye smile.
"My name is Kim TaeHyung , but I am better known as V. My talent is too.", he smiled.
"Oh, anotherr. Well that's nice. Anyways, nice to meet you too.",she continued writing something in her notebook.
"My name is Xi ________, and people call me lil' Boo for some reason. My talent is singing and dancing. Tho, I am not such a good singer.", she looked at me.
"Ohh so, your mom is the famous singer Xi LiYin? Right?", I nodded. She is not really my mom.....I am addopted.
"Hope you have got her voice." ,she gave me an eye smile, but i looked at the decs. I don't have a voice like her, Sehun does. She is not my real mom. I wanted to cry so bad.

"I don't.", I wispered. I don't like this feeling. She looked at me with a worrie face.
"Are you ok? Did I say something bad?" , I shook my head.
"May I go to te bathroom please?", she nodded slowly, so I got up and started walking twoards the door. Everyone was looking at me now. The moment I stepped into the bathroom, tears started coming down. My ceecks were already wet and I felt so sad. I wish Sehun an Luhan were here now. I came near the sink, and washed my face. I hears someone coming into the bathroom. I looked up into the mirror and saw a familiar person.
"What are you doing here?! This is the ladys room!!!", he stepped near me.
"Can you be louder, I mean really. I just came here to check on you. Now tell me, why are you crying?", he hugged me.....
Well guys, that's all for today. It just got interesting. Oh, btw. you will find out how is the dad on the party that is gonna be on in the next chapter. Anyways, I putted LiYin in, because Sehun looks like her. And Tao and G-Dragon are fighting over GD's girlfriend. And about the guy in ladys room.....the next chapter will be done tomorow. See you!     (-^'.^-)

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Hey guys, tnx for reading this. It really tok me long to write this. I hope you like it.


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bazohai #1
can you do a request fro me about chen?^^ i rally like your fanfictions
This is written in a form of a diary,hope you don't mind. ^^