New friends

Only you

There he was.  Standing in front of me. He was so handsome and beautifull. He had black hair that was almost covering his brown innocent eyes. I thought that only LuHan had innocent eyes. This was the firs time that I met any guy this close. I realised that I was not breathing. Everyone was staring at us, even YiFan(ofc. he had the 'whatever' face). It was so embarasing:
"Are you ok?",the guy asked. I was lost for a second.
"Uh?OH.....y-yes, yes I am!", I could not speak.
"Here,this is yours.", he gave me my backpack,"Sorry, our friends are acting a bit stupid....", our friends, what?
"Kris and I are trully sorry.", oh, so that's what he met by our.
"Yeah,it's ok, I don't mind", I was still looking at the floor.
"Anyways, my name is Huang ZiTao, but you can call me Tao",he said with a sweet smile on his face.
"My name is _______, nice to meet you", I finally looked at him, and I felt my heart beat. Was he real? So nice, handsome, beautifull! Wait, this was a dream. right?
"UuuUUuuuUUuu, our little panda is flirting HAHAHAHHAH! Our Tao gets all the girls", Tao locked at Baekhyun and punched his sholder.
"Baekhyun, you should get a brain...", Baekhyun jumped a bit, "Ouch! NO NEED TO GET VIOLENT!", I was really.....I don't know.....V putted his hand on my sholder and wispered to my ear:
"You know, you are starting to blush", then he breathed out and grinned. I spun around and held his left sleeve and said:"Oh my gosh, please hide me!", he giggled a bit and then hugged me. I wanna die right now! What if they saw me blushing? OH MY GOD! But I couldn't help it! He was so damn cute.
"WoW, this school is so big!", I said amased.
"Yeah, but it's not really that big. There are bigger schools", Suga added.
"Well let's see what class we are in!", It was the beginning of the 4th grade, and we had to see wich class we are in. There were a lot of kids around us. I came to the wall where I saw a big list. I searched for my name:
"Let's see.....________.....OH! I am in class 4A! Wait....oh no!", Suga and V locked at me : "What's wrong?", they asked. I covered my mouth and started talking:
"Hmhmhmhm class hmhmhm", they were still locking at me with 'WAT?'  faces.
"Uncover your mouth, we can't understand a thing", V pulled my hand down.
"I said, I AM IN THE SAME CLASS AS TAO,KRIS AND YOU TWO!!!!", I yelled a bit.
"Well that's not so ba-"
"It is!!! I CAN'T BE IN THE SAME CLASS AS TAO!!!!",Suga laughed.
"Why is that? Do you like h-", I punched Suga's sholder before he could finish.
"NO! I DON'T! YOU IDIOT!", I yelled. This time they both started laughing. Tao and his friends came near. They looked at the list and then he spun around to face me.
"Well, looks like we are in the sae class, ________." I nodded,"Well, see you in class." He waved. As soon as he left i turned to V and Suga:
"Okay, I maybe like him a little.", V grinned. While Suga had the 'I knew it' face. I rolled my eyes.
We came to our classroom. There were bunch of kids that looked strange. I took my seat in the line to the window 3rd desc. Suga sat in front of me in 2nd desc, and we sat in the middle line next to me. I saw a bag behind me at 4th desc. It was the same fancy bag Tao had in the subway.OMG! He is sitting behind me. That's so....NO!Wait, that was not nice! I won't be able to focus!What am i going to do? WHAT IF I BLUSH AGAIN?!NO, that can't happened! I must stay clam, MUST STAY CLAM! Ok, breathe. Don't get nervous.
"AH!", I jumped.
"Oh,hahaha, sorry for scaring you. Am I bugging you?", a pretty blonde girl was talking to me.
"NO,no. Not at all. I was just thinking about something.", she had a warm smile on her face. She was so pretty.
"Anyways, I am CL", she putted a hand out for me.
"Oh, hi CL, I am ________.",I shaked her hand, " Nice to meet you", she said.I saw a girl walking to us. She was so cute! She had a small puffy face, just like kawaii dolls!
"CL!", she said.
"Huh?", the girl reached us:"Guess we are in the same class again", CL looked surprised and happy.
"Really?",she jumped.
"Really!",they hugged eachother. I was a bit confused.
"Hey, listen. This is my new friend...",she pointed at me."....her name is ________.", I smiled and waved.
"Oh, hi _______, my name is Minzy.",awwwwww, I whanted to fangirl! SO DAMN CUTE!

"Nice to meet you Minzy, glad we are in the same classes!", I tried to send a warm smile to her.We talked a bit about each other. I found out that CL likes playing valleyball, and Minzy likes dancing, just like me. It was so fun. CL was so nice and cute , while Minzy was so cool and funny. She really surprised me, in a good way ofc. Guess moving to China, Shangai, was not such a bad thing. I gotta say I like my class here better then my past class.V and Suga vere also hanging out with us. It was so cool.
To bell for the beginning of the 1st class rang. Everyone got on their places. Oh no, Tao is behind me! What am i going to do?! I am getting so nervous! SOMEONE HELP ME!

Tao's POV:

That girl from the train was sitting in front of me.Hahahahah , she was so cute when she blushed back then, when i caught her. She is so pretty and cute. Her brown curly hair looks so nice and classy. And her small eyes shine like stars under her black eyelashes. She has such a small beautifull face. With puffy cheecks. I relly want to hug her every time I see her. She smelles so sweet and fancy. And when she smiles, I DIE! Not to mention that she looks so fine. I think YiFan likes her, just like I do. But it is obvious that she likes ME.
'Well welcome to the 4th grade of high-school.This year you will be learning lots of new stuff, that you will need on coledge too, so you should give your best.....', BLAH,BLAH,BLAH..... I couldn't pay atention on classes, cause _________was on my mind. She is just so perfect. I will win her!

Kris's POV:

UGH! That Tao. He likes her! I can't believe him! She is mine! I won't let him have her. But I don't get why is she so special? WHY DO I LIKE HER?! Well maybe it's because she is not like other girls, I mean, she was playing basketball with V, Lay and Suga. She is not tall, so I would never think she could play so good. She looked so y and beautifull. I never saw a girl playing like that. She amazed me. And, yeah I heard her talking to CL and Minzy. She is so funny, cute, nice and shy. Also has great sense of humor. Not to mention that she looks like an angel, with curly brown hair. I am going to have her! Anyways, I can tell that se likes ME. I am going to win her!
Your POV:

The school bell rang. UGH! It was so borning, tho our teacher is nice. Her name is Dara, and she looks so nice. She is in her early 30. and still looks like she is seventeen. I am glad that she is our teacher, cause she is so nice to us all. She talks so sweet , and is so skinny.
It was time for us to grab lunch, since the two lessons are finished. I sat at the table with CL, Minzy ,V and Suga. We started talking and joking again. It was so nice. Soon i felt somene put a hand on my sholder. It was YiFan.
"May I join?",he said with a warm smile. I could feel my cheeks getting warm so I didn't turn my head to him, but i looked at my plate with food on it.
"Ummm, well......if the others don't mind", I was so embarassed for some reason. He sat next to me.
Well guys, that was all for today. I hope it is interesting, cause I am giving my best. Sorry for some mistakes. It took me some time to write this. Well if you like it, please subscribe and coment. I am open for advices and questions.
See you tomorow!!!I will upload more !  [|^'.^|] Bye!!! :3

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Hey guys, tnx for reading this. It really tok me long to write this. I hope you like it.


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bazohai #1
can you do a request fro me about chen?^^ i rally like your fanfictions
This is written in a form of a diary,hope you don't mind. ^^