The painful past

Only you


What's wrong with her? She is acting strange all of a sudden. At first, she was happy, but after what Mrs. Boom said about her mom, she became so said. Maybe CL knows what this is all about. Let's ask her:
"Hey! HEY......CL!!!", she turned around to face me. How can she be so beautifull. Blonde, straight hair. Small ,brown eyes. Beautifull smile. Yeah, I don't like her.......I LOVE HER. CL is such a nice and badass person. She is totaly my tipe. She's not just pretty, but smart too. I melt every time she smiles. My friends know that I like her since the 1st time I met her. It was in the cafeteria, our 1st year of high-school. I accidentally pushed her and she said 'Hey! Watch where you're going fish face!'. I totaly fell in love with her that day. I will find a way to make her mine.
"V? Are you done with staring?", she said a bit anoyed.
"Oh, yeah.", she rolled her eyes.
"You really are a fish face. Now, what do you want?",I cleared my throat. We were whispering, since Mrs. Boom was talking.
"Well, do you know why _______ was sad?", her face got serious.
"No, I just thought she wanted to go to the ladies room. I was not really paying atention, you know.....", yeah, I know. CL broke up with her boyfriend a week ago. She is still not fully over him. Well I am glad that she is not with that er anymore. Taeyang was her boyfriend. She loved him, although he is a playboy. He hurt her, so I hurted him. But she doesn't know about that, and I hope that she won't find out. Anyway, I should check on _________. She doesn't seem happy. Here comes the limpet V.
"Excuse me Mrs. Boom, may I go to the toilet?", Mrs. Boom stopped talking and looked at me.
"Yes you can. And check on ________ please.", I already got out of the classroom. Okay. Let's find out what's wrong. I made my way to the ladies room. I breathed in and pushed the door.  This is the first time I am entering girls toilet, and I can get in trouble if any teacher sees me. Well, not that I care.

There she was. Washing her face. I can bet she was crying, alone. I really feel bad when I see people crying. But there's nothing that a warm hug can't fix. I leaned on the wall and crossed arms over my chest. She got her head up, and saw my reflection at the mirror.
"What are you doing here?! This is the ladies room?", she asked really loud. When she spun around, I reached her, and pull her into a warm hug. Her head was in my chest, and I rested my head on top of hers. She smelled really nice and sweet, like vanila. She hugged me back, and I could hear her sobbing a bit.
"Why are you crying, alone? You can tell me what is bugging you, you know.", she didn't say a thing. So i continued.
"You know, they don't call me limpet V for no reason. I am gonna find out what's bugging you.", she just started sobbing more. Urgh, I don't know what to do. This is the first time I don't have and idea how to make someone smile.
"Why are you here?", she asked all of a sudden, and got her head up from my chest.
"Well I'm here to find out what's bugging you, duh.", really? That's your question.
"I mean, why did you come into the ladies room, you could get yourself into tro-", I cut her in the middle.
"I don't care, You are my best friend, and I care about you more than about that stupid detention. Listen. You are a really nice person. Yeah, you may be a new friend for all of us, but that doesn't mean that we don't care about you. Everyone is worried, cause you started acting strange all of a sudden. So please, just tell us what's bugging you, we will understand.", she looked a bit happier, but started crying again.
"Urghhh, why are you crying now?", she started laughing while wiping her tears off.
"I am just so happy. I never knew you care about me.", awwww, she's so cute.
"Stupid", I patted her head gently,"ofc. we do. You are our friend. Now, lets get back to class, so Mrs. Boom doesn't het mad. You're going to tell me what's bugging you later.", she just smiled and nodded, so we got back to our classroom.


The clock seemed to tick slower, and slower every second. We were all tired, and wanted to go home. Everyone was in their own world. Chanyeol was poking Kris, who was sleeping, with a pencil. Tao was playing with his hands and staring at ________. Suga was trying not to fall asleep and ________ was looking out of the window. She was just looking at the sky. Her eyes looked so deep. She was probably thinking about something, I wonder what.
"Finally!", I threw my stuff into my backpack, and got out of the school. I will just wait for ________ here. She is probably with Minzy and CL.

Ypur POV:

The class came to an end. Now it's time to go home. I went to the school garden and leaned on a wall. The day was sunny and beautiful. It was warm outside, and the sky looked really pretty. Light blue,deep, with white dots. I love the color blue. I wish I could stare at the shy forever.
"Hey.", I heard a familiar voice and looked at the guy with black styled hair. He is so tall and handsome.
"Hey YiFan.", I replied.
"What are you doing here, alone?", I looked back to the sky.
"Not much, stuff.", he leaned on the wall next to me and looked at the sky too.
"Well, I guess you won't mind me joining you.", I nodded, and we continued doing nothing. I was really amased. He, the cool guy, was just standing there with me, doing nothing. I looked at him, he is really handsome and tall. He realised that I was looking at him, so our eyes met. We were standing like that for a bit.
"_________!", I heard someone calling me.
Well, that's all. I promise that the party will be in the next chapter. I really was tired today, so I wrote a little bit less than usual. But I promise that the next chapter will be an EXTRA one. Soooooo, see you! And thanks for subscribing! I really means A LOT to me guys! Saranghae, snd see ya tomorrow!

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Hey guys, tnx for reading this. It really tok me long to write this. I hope you like it.


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bazohai #1
can you do a request fro me about chen?^^ i rally like your fanfictions
This is written in a form of a diary,hope you don't mind. ^^