
Only you

Your POV:
Why? Why did he sit next to me? What is this feeling in my stomach? I swear I feel like I could fly any second. Of all the people, why did he choose to sit next to me? Does he......no. Why am I even thinking about this? Oh god, _______! Why are you so dumb? Okay , breathe slowly. OH NO! My ceecks burn! My god!!! I must be blushing!
Our eyes suddenly met.



My heart is beating like crazy.

What's happening to me?

I felt electrisity...... and looked away.

I am blushing like crazy!

Kris' POV:

My heart is beating so fast. What's happening? I like this feeling, but
....it's so strange.
Wow. What was that? I mean, I felt so wired when our eyes met. Ok nevermind that, she looks so cute when she is blushing. Hahaha, I wonder if she felt the same way. Maybe she.....no, probably no. Kris? What is wrong with you? Ofc. she doesn't like you. I mean, you just met her. Don't be so stupid...... But, I still felt so good. Is this, what they call, love? _______, why do you make me feel this way? Well , looks like I like you. Hehehe, you remind me of someone, actually, you look just like her. Same smile, same eyes, cute face..... Well, ________, you're gonna be mine.
'_______! Do you hear us?! _______!!!',hahhaahah, you're friends are crazy, just like you. I think this year is gonna be interesting.

Your POV:

I heard someone yelling.
'_______! Do you hear us?!_______!!!, I shook my head and stopped thinking about what had hapened with YiFan a few seconds ago. I looked an V who was yelling, and now grining like an idiot.
"Umm......y...y-yes?", I cleared my troath and spoke. Everyone was looking at me funny, even Chen and D.O. Minzy finaly spoke:
"Ya know, you look really cute when you blush~", everyone started laughing.....I 'mentaly slapped' myself.....
'Nice. Everyone is gonna think that I am an idiot now. Well done.... I hope that YiFan didn't see me.' I thought while looking at the floor and hiding behind my long curly hair. Oh god! This is so embarasing! What do I do now?
"Hey , do you guys wanna eat some sweets? I have some muffins-", D.O asked and I replied as fast as I could.
"I do!",just on time,"I do!",hahahh , to late V, I was first!
Kris chuckled, he is so handsome!
"Here you go, you get this chocolate muffin.", D.O said and gave me a muffin,"And, V, you get this coconut muffin. V started wining , cause he wanted the chocolate one. I just smiled and stuck my toung out at him. Just when I was about to eat my muffin, and hand appeared and grabbed it. Soon , V started laughing:
"Serves you right!", V yelled. I turned around and faced the 'muffin stealer'. I gave him a death glare, he's dead. That litle brat! NO! ONE ! STEALS! MY ! FOOOOOOD!

Baekhyuns POV:

Saw the girl from the buss sitting next to YiFan. She is a hottie. Time to mess with her! Oh, I'm gonna steal her muffin,hehehhe. I'm So briliant. One, two, three! I took it! Haahahha! Now let's eat it. Oh, she is spining around. WTF?! That glare. Well, whatever. I will ea-
"Give.....it....back!", that glare...again... I chuckled.
"Or else?", I smiled and looked at her. Everyone was now looking at us.
"Or you will pay.", this girl. I grined "This was my last warning!",Is she...crazy?
"Hahahhaahhahh! Baby, don't make me laugh.",she stood up,"UUUuuu, now I'm scar-",I tried to rufle her hair, but she caught my hand. Before I even knew what was hapening, I was on the ground. What?! I was laying on my stomach, while she was sitting on me and holding my arm behind my back. She started turning my had on teh oposite way from usual. Everyone was 'Uing' and laughing.
"Owwww! Let me go!!!", I yelled feeling the pain.
"Are you gonna steal food from me again?!", she replied.
"Yes!", I yelled again and she turnd my hand even more, "ok!OK! PLEASE STOP! OW! I won't steal food from you again! I promise!", I am so embarased.....She turned my hand a bit more, and it hurted so bad!
"Are you shure?", she asked again.
"Yes, just let me go! PLEASE!!!", she let go of me and stood up. UUUH! I can finally feel my arm again. Tho, everyone is laughing at me....
"Next time, I will break your arm. And if anyone tries to steal my food, I will break him/her." She said and sat down. The muffin was on the floor, but guess she didn't care. Tao helped me to get up.. He was grining like a retard , and the others were mocking me. I was really surprised when I saw that YiFan was laughing.
"Crazy", i gasped.
"Awww, Baeki, does it hurt?", Chanyeol mocked me.
"No", I lied.
"Did she go too hard on you?", YiFan asked, and I was pissed off. She was just sitting there. NOT GIVING A ! SHE DIDN'T EVEN SAY SORRY!!! Urgh. I walked out of the cafeteria and went to the nurse. My hand really hurted, and I couldn'r really move it.
"You just twisted your hand. I will put some bandage arround your hand, so it would stay in place. And since you twisted your right hand, you won't be able to write, go home after I finish with you.",the nurse said. Her name is Jessica, and she is really hot. She is aroung 20 years old. Such a nice woman. I am really surprised that she is single. I mean, she is so caring, smart, nice and gentle. Not to mention how pretty she is.
"Umm, yes?"
"How did this hapened anyways?", I looked at the floor because I was embarased, but i decided to tell her.
"Well there is one new girl in school. Her name is ______, and she is a hottie, but looks can bluff you, cause SHE IS CRAZY!", She just looked at me and cuckled.
"Well, I guess I know the rest of the story. You flirted with her an-", I had to interrupt her, cause she was wrong.
"No, I didn't flirt with her. I stole her muffin, and she went crazy when I didn't want to give it back! She threw me on the ground and twisted my hand!!! I can't believe that such a small girl can do something like that. I mean, she is like , i don't know, 1.55cm tall ,or something like that.",Jessica now had a serious look on her face.
"Baekhyun,deary. You shouldn't judge people by their looks or height. I am 1.59, and I also trained AiKido, just like her. And , btw. what you did was bulying. She served you right. Girls are not weak , like most of you guys think. We are more gentle than  you, but we are smarter at some point. And just cause she is hot, doesn't mean that she is a , like others. I bet that she is a good person, and that she can be a good friend. You should listen to me and apologize to her. Get to meet her, and you will see.", she gave me an eye smile and I just nodded. When I walked out I saw CL and Minzy. I know them cause we went to same class in our 2nd year. They ean twoards me:
"Baekhyun, are you ok?",CL asked and I nodded.
"Did she really twist your hand that hard? I mean, is it bad?", Minzy was worried. She is so nice. I shook my head and grabed my stuff.
"It's not so bad. The nurse said that I should go home and rest a bit.", they both sighted.
"Well, it was not nice to bulyi her like that, sorry for saying.", I looked at CL and smirked.
"I know. Where is she? I wanna say sorry to her."
"She is at PE class with the rest of the class.",Minzy said and smiled.
"Kay", I started walking twoards the sport hall. There she was.

Your POV:
Itrew him on the ground,yeah. He is such a bully. I made things clear to him, and to everyone else - thay bully me, I fight back. I sat next to YiFan again. He was so cute while smiling, but he wasn't cuter than Tao. I felt my ceecks getting hot again. I was blushing....... Baekhyun went out of the cafeteria and Tao and his friends joined us at lunch.
"That was amazing!",Suga said, and I blushed even more.
"Yeah, the way you threw him on the floor. WOW! You have to teach me how to do that! I nodded, still not looking up. It was so embarasing. Me, beating up a guy.....
Someone pinched my ceeck. I looked up and saw a beautifull smile face. It was Tao. I was screaming in my mind.
"You know, you're so cute when you blush", he said and did an aegyo. My face was red like a tomato. He sat net to me, to the right, and YiFan was on my left side. I was i haven. Suddenly, the bell rang. It was time for PE. We took our stuff and changed at our locker room. The sport hall was so big! And our teacher was y. His name is Zhoumi. He gave us to play what we want. Girls decided to play valleyball, and guys were playing football. It was so good. Unlike my past school, girls here were good at sports. I really liked it. I saw a familiar figure at the door. It was Baekhyun. He had a bandage on his hand, the one i twisted. I went out of the circle and came twoards him.

Baekhyuns POV:

She came twoards me.....
Well, hope you like it! Sorry for uploading after such a long time. I was spending holidays with my family, and I didn't have much time to upload. Anyways if you guys like it, then fell free to subscribe. Also coment please! 
Anyways, see you guys! Lve ya all! XOXO *3*

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Hey guys, tnx for reading this. It really tok me long to write this. I hope you like it.


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bazohai #1
can you do a request fro me about chen?^^ i rally like your fanfictions
This is written in a form of a diary,hope you don't mind. ^^